Those who educate children are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well. Aristole
Today, the last day of the year 2012, I would like to wish all the very best in the coming new year of 2013!
In recent weeks passed, I have been in the astral world only briefly, but "The Whisperers" as always, continued to send their messages during my waking days. about a seemingly tragic and devastating incident that happened in an area nearby.
Many pre-teen school children and several adults were destroyed by a teenager, who then destroyed himself in the end.
MORE Children Of The New Millennium having come to help awaken us all from our un-loving ways towards our fellow human beings.
So many human beings residing on our planet seemed to still miss out on the significance of this human tragedy!
All of the symbolic rituals, tears, moaning and groaning, screaming and blaming it all on a God that most yelled, that they no longer wanted to believe in and would not find forgiveness in their hearts for this horrendous act!
Every single thing that happens on this earth we reside on, happens without a doubt for a REASON! We are and chose to come to this planet (Some have said, "The most difficult school one could choose!) Earth is a school that has us all learning lessons that are so very difficult. But it has been said, if we can pass the many tests given, we will be very pleased with how much we evolve!
All that we do here is that which we have "chosen" to do. Each lesson we pre-planned in order to learn particular lessons. If only we all knew, that each time we choose to "blame God" or any other entities for our pains endured, we need only do so, while standing in front of a mirror and pointing our finger at our own self.
I was told, whenever something significant happens to us, that we need to stop, think and listen as we say, WHAT AM I BEING TOLD?
And accept the first answer that comes into your mind, your gut answer, do not attempt to form it into something you want to hear, but rather listen to what you NEED to hear:)
That which Carl Jung, the renowned Psychologist and Spiritualist, stated was the following:
"My thesis then, is as follows: in addition to our immediate consciousness
which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals. This collective unconscious does not develop individually but its inherited. It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents."
More later...........
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
" I AM THE LIGHT!" Jesus Christ (St. James Version/HOLY BIBLE)
Merry Christmas to all of you and yours who continue to read my blogs and send me such beautiful and inspirational comments=) As I have said several times in previous blogs, my metaphysical experiences and beliefs do not in any way change or weaken my belief in GOD and The Christ! Neither have any of my thoughts become elaborated by my earthly imagination to view these Entities as non-spiritual ones and remain in my mind as to be similar if not equal to our own non-physical selves in appearances.
I do hope that the coming year 2013 continues to be (for those that did not "blow themselves away" from the stress of the many impending thoughts they acquired thinking of the controversial catastrophic interpretations of what The Mayans might have pre-dicted or suggested for a certain date this month, Aahhahhahaha, just joking you folks!=) another giant step in our shifting energies into a much more LOVING AND HIGHER INVOLVEMENT!
I have not had an OBE to report to you in the past few days. (By the way, FYI, I am still just as you continuing to live in a physical plane in a physical vehicle and do believe if that which you might have read in books and various humans have led you to believe, that IT IS IS HAPPENING EVERY SINGLE DAY! lol:) If that were possible or happening, we both do not need to be geniuses to ask ourselves, "Then what was the purpose of coming here in the first place???" Ahahahahahha:)
The on-coming year I believe will bring to you when you share my OBEs and my thoughts, the same "little 'ole ME!:)" Hopefully, I will not be suggesting anybody start to wear robes, gowns, crowns, huge symbolic jewelry, etc. By the way, I do admit I wear a small Crucifix given to me as a gift decades ago during one of my many visits to Brasil. (It seems to have become a part of my very being?)
By the way, even my saying that to you, does not come with any intentions of "your" doing or continuing to do whatever you need in order to advance your own possibilities of achieving OBEs!
As I mentioned in past blogs, we all are traveling on our own indivi-dual paths and journeys!
In closing this particular blog, I would like to leave you all with a line, for the coming new year, said by a renowned Actress from the far past in one of her classic films. Her name was, BETTE DAVIS, she said in the movie....... GET READY (FOR TONIGHT) IT'S
GOING TO BE A BUMPY RIDE!!! Aahahahahah:) More Later.....
Merry Christmas to all of you and yours who continue to read my blogs and send me such beautiful and inspirational comments=) As I have said several times in previous blogs, my metaphysical experiences and beliefs do not in any way change or weaken my belief in GOD and The Christ! Neither have any of my thoughts become elaborated by my earthly imagination to view these Entities as non-spiritual ones and remain in my mind as to be similar if not equal to our own non-physical selves in appearances.
I do hope that the coming year 2013 continues to be (for those that did not "blow themselves away" from the stress of the many impending thoughts they acquired thinking of the controversial catastrophic interpretations of what The Mayans might have pre-dicted or suggested for a certain date this month, Aahhahhahaha, just joking you folks!=) another giant step in our shifting energies into a much more LOVING AND HIGHER INVOLVEMENT!
I have not had an OBE to report to you in the past few days. (By the way, FYI, I am still just as you continuing to live in a physical plane in a physical vehicle and do believe if that which you might have read in books and various humans have led you to believe, that IT IS IS HAPPENING EVERY SINGLE DAY! lol:) If that were possible or happening, we both do not need to be geniuses to ask ourselves, "Then what was the purpose of coming here in the first place???" Ahahahahahha:)
The on-coming year I believe will bring to you when you share my OBEs and my thoughts, the same "little 'ole ME!:)" Hopefully, I will not be suggesting anybody start to wear robes, gowns, crowns, huge symbolic jewelry, etc. By the way, I do admit I wear a small Crucifix given to me as a gift decades ago during one of my many visits to Brasil. (It seems to have become a part of my very being?)
By the way, even my saying that to you, does not come with any intentions of "your" doing or continuing to do whatever you need in order to advance your own possibilities of achieving OBEs!
As I mentioned in past blogs, we all are traveling on our own indivi-dual paths and journeys!
In closing this particular blog, I would like to leave you all with a line, for the coming new year, said by a renowned Actress from the far past in one of her classic films. Her name was, BETTE DAVIS, she said in the movie....... GET READY (FOR TONIGHT) IT'S
GOING TO BE A BUMPY RIDE!!! Aahahahahah:) More Later.....
Sunday, December 9, 2012
"Each choice that you make, to dwell in negativity or to take up residence in your heart, serves perfectly the evolution of your soul. All roads lead to home." Gary Zukav
This morning I heard no vibrations and no introduction for my leaving my physical body when waking up. I simply felt the smooth
exit of my astral body lift off and glide across the air and space and it seemed that my astral eyes opened without effort and the clarity of that which I saw was vivid.
I seemed to glide down an unknown but magnificently beautiful and peaceful street? The silence was astounding! I could actually "feel" the silence! It felt wonderful...... there was a very light mist in the air, as if it had just stopped raining before my arrival. It was magni-
ficent to me. The words here could hardly describe that which I could see and that which I could feel.
My thoughts were blank. I simply seemed to be resting, gliding and observing the view. There were no people as I remember and no cars moving...... just silence! (If there were people or any moving objects..... I could not see them?)
The entire experience lasted for what seemed like only a few short minutes. When I returned to my physical body and found myself
staring at the ceiling above me from my bed. I smiled to myself and my thoughts were, WOW, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE!
More later........
Love and Light!
This morning I heard no vibrations and no introduction for my leaving my physical body when waking up. I simply felt the smooth
exit of my astral body lift off and glide across the air and space and it seemed that my astral eyes opened without effort and the clarity of that which I saw was vivid.
I seemed to glide down an unknown but magnificently beautiful and peaceful street? The silence was astounding! I could actually "feel" the silence! It felt wonderful...... there was a very light mist in the air, as if it had just stopped raining before my arrival. It was magni-
ficent to me. The words here could hardly describe that which I could see and that which I could feel.
My thoughts were blank. I simply seemed to be resting, gliding and observing the view. There were no people as I remember and no cars moving...... just silence! (If there were people or any moving objects..... I could not see them?)
The entire experience lasted for what seemed like only a few short minutes. When I returned to my physical body and found myself
staring at the ceiling above me from my bed. I smiled to myself and my thoughts were, WOW, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE!
More later........
Love and Light!
Saturday, December 1, 2012
"For my part, had a book on immortality never been written, had a lecture on "survival" never been uttered, had I never witnessed a seance or visited a medium; in fact, had no one else in the whole world ever suspected "life after death", I should still believe implicitly that I am immortal--- for I have experienced the projection of the astral body."
Sylvan Muldoon
"For my part, had a book on immortality never been written, had a lecture on "survival" never been uttered, had I never witnessed a seance or visited a medium; in fact, had no one else in the whole world ever suspected "life after death", I should still believe implicitly that I am immortal--- for I have experienced the projection of the astral body."
To this day I have not made a firm statement of that which I saw as to if it were a "symbolic" vision of The Twin Towers/The World Trade Center, or a catastrophic event happening to our planet?
I did get the feeling that something destructive was happening in our atmosphere.... Today, I see as we all do, much turmoil occurring in our world. The jealousy, the hatred, the movements of not only America, but the world becoming a Godless one. The brutal wars, the various climate changes, the hurricanes, the virus and diseases, the anger and disrespect for various people who have religious beliefs that differ from others, the total abundances of sexual chaos, the destructions of family values and traditions, etc. I always say now, one would have to be wearing Heavy Duty Blinders and Ear-
plugs not to be aware of the many misguided and over-the-top things that are happening on our planet today! (These would be those considered in "complete denial".)
These are our thoughts and our feelings. And as we who travel du-ring the out of body experiences, we know very well that all that which we "manifest within our minds" are manifested into physical
We are consumed with our physicalities and egos and completely obsessed with the ideas of being bigger, better, richer, correct, and have isolated ourselves from those that do not "fit into our programs" as we see them to be.....
In other words, too many are no longer stopping to give thought to the true reasons for our journeys here on this planet....... ALL, will notice, if by being still and quiet and permitted our higher selves to come to the surface would ask the question: WHERE IS THE LOVE?
When we distant our spirits from LOVE, we start to move closer to The Darkness. And when we move closer to the Darkness, we distant ourselves from The Light!
At this time, the world as we once knew it has moved closer to Entities that have dark feelings and very dark intentions toward both we and the planet we live on..... At this time, our world of existence is in total chaos!
At the present time, there is an Entity running across this planet, with its' Followers that is so negative and dark, unlike anything we humans have known on this planet! One of the saddest things about this situation is that not all can "see" or "recognize" it.
BUT, there are many who can, and they are the ones that will help to rescue so many lost souls floundering around aimlessly without clear direction.
I will close here for now, but next time I will share my most recent projections of my astral body! More later......
Love and Light!
Sylvan Muldoon
"For my part, had a book on immortality never been written, had a lecture on "survival" never been uttered, had I never witnessed a seance or visited a medium; in fact, had no one else in the whole world ever suspected "life after death", I should still believe implicitly that I am immortal--- for I have experienced the projection of the astral body."
Sylvan Muldoon
I would like to take this time before I begin relaying further information to you about the so called, Shift of our planet. I want to clarify my thoughts to you. The Shift is not something that is actu- ally going to happen all at once, it has already began. Several years ago the shifting of the planet was happening. Earlier during one of my blogs I told you about an OBE I had experienced where I "saw" as I seemed to walk away from the earth behind me, fall from its' axis as huge flames engulfed it.To this day I have not made a firm statement of that which I saw as to if it were a "symbolic" vision of The Twin Towers/The World Trade Center, or a catastrophic event happening to our planet?
I did get the feeling that something destructive was happening in our atmosphere.... Today, I see as we all do, much turmoil occurring in our world. The jealousy, the hatred, the movements of not only America, but the world becoming a Godless one. The brutal wars, the various climate changes, the hurricanes, the virus and diseases, the anger and disrespect for various people who have religious beliefs that differ from others, the total abundances of sexual chaos, the destructions of family values and traditions, etc. I always say now, one would have to be wearing Heavy Duty Blinders and Ear-
plugs not to be aware of the many misguided and over-the-top things that are happening on our planet today! (These would be those considered in "complete denial".)
These are our thoughts and our feelings. And as we who travel du-ring the out of body experiences, we know very well that all that which we "manifest within our minds" are manifested into physical
We are consumed with our physicalities and egos and completely obsessed with the ideas of being bigger, better, richer, correct, and have isolated ourselves from those that do not "fit into our programs" as we see them to be.....
In other words, too many are no longer stopping to give thought to the true reasons for our journeys here on this planet....... ALL, will notice, if by being still and quiet and permitted our higher selves to come to the surface would ask the question: WHERE IS THE LOVE?
When we distant our spirits from LOVE, we start to move closer to The Darkness. And when we move closer to the Darkness, we distant ourselves from The Light!
At this time, the world as we once knew it has moved closer to Entities that have dark feelings and very dark intentions toward both we and the planet we live on..... At this time, our world of existence is in total chaos!
At the present time, there is an Entity running across this planet, with its' Followers that is so negative and dark, unlike anything we humans have known on this planet! One of the saddest things about this situation is that not all can "see" or "recognize" it.
BUT, there are many who can, and they are the ones that will help to rescue so many lost souls floundering around aimlessly without clear direction.
I will close here for now, but next time I will share my most recent projections of my astral body! More later......
Love and Light!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Harboring JEALOUSY is one of the most devastatingly destructive energies a human being can possess.
As a Spiritualist/Metaphysician, it has come to be my belief, that many of the various diseases, especially the ones that "eat away"
at our vital organs are a result of these feelings!
Having worked hard to develop my abilities to "see", I am thankful
to at first sight "see" it, as if written on the face of just about any-
I have met for the first time or those I have known for decades.
(By even viewing a photo of just about any person known or un-
known to me... I am able to "know!")
These energies not only work to destroy individual beings, BUT,
collectively, they can destroy an entire planet!
The above was in response to a question presented to me by a Univer-
sity Student living in Sierra Leone, Africa.
Unfortunately, most all those that one might come in contact with, will without a doubt, be in denial of this in reference to themselves.
So many of we human beings have the misguided belief that being
jealous only relates to one's romantic/sexual relationships, material gains, personal
achievements, etc. But, this is far from the truth. It goes much deeper. In true reality, it involves our EGO. It is a major part of our envolvement as spiritual beings. (Our true selves). Beware! The more powerful the energy of jealousies, the more lowly evolved. Be assured that this will distance us from The Universal Mind.
The shifting of our planet has already began to do so... BUT, the
major completion is about to happen shortly!
During my many OBEs, those that I am aware of that are familiar to my physical life that harbor jealousies, take on a very "different"
appearance. All frightfully negative and distorted in appearances.
They usually take on forms of one's most feared entities in physical
Not only are there such entities within our own close circles, but there are many World Figures that will soon "reveal" their true selves.
Many such as myself, have already identified many of them, yet there are those that will be as Deer in front of headlights when they
make themselves known to the world. More later.........
Love and Light!
As a Spiritualist/Metaphysician, it has come to be my belief, that many of the various diseases, especially the ones that "eat away"
at our vital organs are a result of these feelings!
Having worked hard to develop my abilities to "see", I am thankful
to at first sight "see" it, as if written on the face of just about any-
I have met for the first time or those I have known for decades.
(By even viewing a photo of just about any person known or un-
known to me... I am able to "know!")
These energies not only work to destroy individual beings, BUT,
collectively, they can destroy an entire planet!
The above was in response to a question presented to me by a Univer-
sity Student living in Sierra Leone, Africa.
Unfortunately, most all those that one might come in contact with, will without a doubt, be in denial of this in reference to themselves.
So many of we human beings have the misguided belief that being
jealous only relates to one's romantic/sexual relationships, material gains, personal
achievements, etc. But, this is far from the truth. It goes much deeper. In true reality, it involves our EGO. It is a major part of our envolvement as spiritual beings. (Our true selves). Beware! The more powerful the energy of jealousies, the more lowly evolved. Be assured that this will distance us from The Universal Mind.
The shifting of our planet has already began to do so... BUT, the
major completion is about to happen shortly!
During my many OBEs, those that I am aware of that are familiar to my physical life that harbor jealousies, take on a very "different"
appearance. All frightfully negative and distorted in appearances.
They usually take on forms of one's most feared entities in physical
Not only are there such entities within our own close circles, but there are many World Figures that will soon "reveal" their true selves.
Many such as myself, have already identified many of them, yet there are those that will be as Deer in front of headlights when they
make themselves known to the world. More later.........
Love and Light!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Friday night just as the previous nights had been, was freezing cold as I decided to go to bed. Outside the bedroom windows the streets were pitch black and having no heat or electricity was miserable!
I went under two comforters with all of my clothes on including my sneakers and socks. (I chose to not disturb Harry sleeping in the huge chair in the living room, right next to my closed bedroom door, for a change, hoping he would not awaken and pester me to get on my bed). I carefully closed my bedroom door as to not disturb him and cause him to get up and follow me.
I was so miserable for a few hours while attempting to sleep and already antiscipating another freezing, dismal day ahead. Without expecting to do so, I was suddenly out of my body and (it was a very
smooth transition. No noises, no electrical vibrations, etc.) I found myself walking or floating along a very beautiful and green field with Harry. As usual, it seemed that Harry was jerking me and pul-
ling to move me forward and it made me more furious than ever!!!
I decided to release him from the leash and as I did he flew fast ac-
cross the green field of grass and scattered wild flowers. I became very upset and thought, OH NO, HE WILL RUN AWAY NOW AND I WILL NOT FIND HIM..... Before I could become any more alarmed by his actions, in front of me I was distracted by what I saw.... the most beautiful puppy running very fast and clumsily around the meadow
in front of me.... It was so very cute. Adorable! I thought to myself, I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE SEEN SUCH A BEAUTIFUL GERMAN SHEPARD??? His markings were very, very unusual...... I ran and
grabbed the puppy in my arms. It was very chubby and full bodied.
Somewhat like a small bear. The puppy was so lovable. I hugged him and sat down on the grass. Just as I sat down on the grass to my right appeared Harry! He sat very obediently next to me, very close.
Thoughts ran through my head immediately, OH MY GOD! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITH TWO DOGS??? AND THIS IS A PUPPY AND MY HANDS WILL BE FULL.... HOW WILL I MANAGE THIS??? Another thought went through my mind also, HARRY IS GOING TO GO WILD AND THEY WILL FIGHT....BUT, as quickly as I had this thought, I noticed Harry was very contently sitting quietly next to my right arm and looking at both myself and the dog "approvingly?"
The moment this information went through my thoughts, at the same time I noticed this puppy being so big and the markings and once again I thought, I HAVE NEVER SEEN A GERMAN SHEPPARD WITH THESE MARKINGS BEFORE??? THIS PUPPY I CAN ALREADY TELL IS GOING TO BE HUGE IS SIZE........ Just as these thoughts went through my mind, I had a revelation!!! THIS IS NOT A GERMAN SHEPPARD! THIS IS AN "AKITA!" THIS IS SAMBO! HE IS AS HE WAS WHEN HE WAS YOUNGER! OH MY GOD! And when this happened, a loud "click!" sound went through my head and I sat up in bed in the physical and saw, all of the street lights came on instantly! I heard a few voice outside the window cheerfully speaking and all that was electrical in the apartment came on!!! I jumped out of my bed and opened my bedroom door to run and turn the heat on, and as I did so, I immediately saw Harry wake and raise his head and look very calmly up at me! WOW! It was Sambo. And just as the various human being close to me that had "crossed over" in the past and I had "seen" them during an OBE, in the first OBEs they appeared as they were when they first departed. But then with later "visitations" experienced, they would appear "far more younger, more youthful? And as with them, during my later "meetings" with them, I at first would not promptly recognize them due to their "changed" appearances... They would look much more youthful. More later............
Love and Light!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Before moving forward with my present blogs. I wish to mention a 15 Year Old Girl who has been in the news media for a few weeks now. I am taking for granted that most all know about this young girl and those who do not need only check the Internet for information about her plight.
I would like to share with all of you who continue to share my thoughts, a reference to several previous blogs I wrote about THE CHILDREN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM . PAST BLOGS:
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Saturday, August 11, 2012
More later...........
Love and Light!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
"We should not pretend to understand the world only by the intellect. The judgement of the intellect is only part of the truth." Carl Jung
For many decades now, I have often "listened and had very subtle
conversations" within my head/mind that were during the silence of my times of being alone.
They always occurred so smoothly and calmly without any prepara-
tions that I have come to take them for granted. Many of the various
thoughts I have presented here in my blogs have come during my many conversations with whom I have come to name, THE WHIS-PERERS!
I believe that many such as myself that are privy to these times have referred to this as, Channeling, Automatic Writing, etc. I have never really given it much thought but rather observed very closely those who presented such ideas. In the meantime, I was not totally aware of giving a "name" to that which had and continues to happen to myself in relationship to having what suspect are "higher entities" or those that have moved to a higher energy level than myself. I do know without a doubt, that these Whisperers are highly evolved and gently and with bias seem to present much information to my many questioning thoughts.
As an aside, which I find rather humorous when I look back on the thousands of times these Whisperers have spoken to me, they began in the distant past whenever I was standing in the kitchen washing something such as a dish or glass in the sink=) Those became the most noticeable times for me when I realized that du-
ring those periods of time, I performed my tasks as if "in a trance like state?"
Now that "Marshall has awakened to these moments in time" I have decided to be very attentive and share with all of those who are reading my blogs, the various dialogues between us.
More later................
Love and Light!
For many decades now, I have often "listened and had very subtle
conversations" within my head/mind that were during the silence of my times of being alone.
They always occurred so smoothly and calmly without any prepara-
tions that I have come to take them for granted. Many of the various
thoughts I have presented here in my blogs have come during my many conversations with whom I have come to name, THE WHIS-PERERS!
I believe that many such as myself that are privy to these times have referred to this as, Channeling, Automatic Writing, etc. I have never really given it much thought but rather observed very closely those who presented such ideas. In the meantime, I was not totally aware of giving a "name" to that which had and continues to happen to myself in relationship to having what suspect are "higher entities" or those that have moved to a higher energy level than myself. I do know without a doubt, that these Whisperers are highly evolved and gently and with bias seem to present much information to my many questioning thoughts.
As an aside, which I find rather humorous when I look back on the thousands of times these Whisperers have spoken to me, they began in the distant past whenever I was standing in the kitchen washing something such as a dish or glass in the sink=) Those became the most noticeable times for me when I realized that du-
ring those periods of time, I performed my tasks as if "in a trance like state?"
Now that "Marshall has awakened to these moments in time" I have decided to be very attentive and share with all of those who are reading my blogs, the various dialogues between us.
More later................
Love and Light!
Monday, October 8, 2012
I will now reveal to you the information about my experience the morning I introduced to you the subject of the above title.
I have always said, that if you write your "dreams" down (a dream journal) you will be able to recollect them easily. BUT, you will completely forget them if not..... What you will remember vividly, will be ALL of your Out of Body Experiences with or without keeping a log! I do!=) Even the ones when I was a small boy!
What I wish to reveal to you now is what happened early morning yesterday.
I did not have any of the usual astral introductions to the experienc. I supposedly did what I call, an astraljump directly into the situation.
I found myself in very high spirits, walk or skipping down an unknown street, while laughing with two boys that were walking along side me that seemed to "notice" my appearance and very cheerfully and lovingly began chatting with me. I "knew" they were brothers. One older, about 16 and the other younger, about 12 or 13 years old. They both were carrying what seemed like folders or books. (The thought entered my mind that they were headed for school).
The younger one with such a happy face said to me, "We heard your dog passed on..... Before I could respond, he said, But we heard you have another one now and he makes you happy!"
Everything was very clear and vivid. And most of all, our communications seemed to be highly charged... The two boys and the surroundings were bright and clear! This was to me "another place". NOT here in my own physical dimension, but another dimension similar but different from where I presently reside?
The whole experience lasted which seemed like seconds, but I comprehended everything..... Even a vehicle that passed by close to the sidewalk on which we seemed to be walking. (By the way, the car passing by might have been, as I have mentioned in the past to you, that of a "representation" of my traveling out of the physical body or just a passing car. ) Actually, THEY seemed to be walking.... I seemed to be "observing" or "looking into" another time and place.
I sat up in my bed, wanting to be there, I sense the atmosphere of a loving and peaceful existence? More later....................
Love and Light!
I have always said, that if you write your "dreams" down (a dream journal) you will be able to recollect them easily. BUT, you will completely forget them if not..... What you will remember vividly, will be ALL of your Out of Body Experiences with or without keeping a log! I do!=) Even the ones when I was a small boy!
What I wish to reveal to you now is what happened early morning yesterday.
I did not have any of the usual astral introductions to the experienc. I supposedly did what I call, an astraljump directly into the situation.
I found myself in very high spirits, walk or skipping down an unknown street, while laughing with two boys that were walking along side me that seemed to "notice" my appearance and very cheerfully and lovingly began chatting with me. I "knew" they were brothers. One older, about 16 and the other younger, about 12 or 13 years old. They both were carrying what seemed like folders or books. (The thought entered my mind that they were headed for school).
The younger one with such a happy face said to me, "We heard your dog passed on..... Before I could respond, he said, But we heard you have another one now and he makes you happy!"
Everything was very clear and vivid. And most of all, our communications seemed to be highly charged... The two boys and the surroundings were bright and clear! This was to me "another place". NOT here in my own physical dimension, but another dimension similar but different from where I presently reside?
The whole experience lasted which seemed like seconds, but I comprehended everything..... Even a vehicle that passed by close to the sidewalk on which we seemed to be walking. (By the way, the car passing by might have been, as I have mentioned in the past to you, that of a "representation" of my traveling out of the physical body or just a passing car. ) Actually, THEY seemed to be walking.... I seemed to be "observing" or "looking into" another time and place.
I sat up in my bed, wanting to be there, I sense the atmosphere of a loving and peaceful existence? More later....................
Love and Light!
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Several years ago, I became so obsessed with my Astral Projections/Out of Body Experiences, that I had gotten to the point of having difficulties attempting find out more.
Much more about the subject... seems the same answer was given to me at the time, no matter which person gave it to me..... YOU WILL NEED TO INVESTIGATE THE STUDY OF QUANTUM MECHANICS/QUANTUM PHYSICS! I did so. I had never become so lost in my life during my investigations and studies. Yikes!!! The information was coming to me and I was absorbing it as if I were a "solid concrete brick!" In my case, I went back to continuing to follow my road seeking more with my OBEs. BUT.... I wish to say to those whom have followed my writings here to "check it out!" It just might come in handy for some...... Marshall Hill
In my next blog coming up, I will inform you about the out of body experience I had this morning early, that prompted me to give you the above information. More later...............
Love and Light!
Much more about the subject... seems the same answer was given to me at the time, no matter which person gave it to me..... YOU WILL NEED TO INVESTIGATE THE STUDY OF QUANTUM MECHANICS/QUANTUM PHYSICS! I did so. I had never become so lost in my life during my investigations and studies. Yikes!!! The information was coming to me and I was absorbing it as if I were a "solid concrete brick!" In my case, I went back to continuing to follow my road seeking more with my OBEs. BUT.... I wish to say to those whom have followed my writings here to "check it out!" It just might come in handy for some...... Marshall Hill
In my next blog coming up, I will inform you about the out of body experience I had this morning early, that prompted me to give you the above information. More later...............
Love and Light!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Mural I did for the actress, Scarlette Johannson several years ago. Marshall Hill
During this period of my physical life, the condition I had was in my Sinuses. The pain would come on sometimes and last for several days. (Excruciating sometimes). Of course this was holding me back from time to time when attempting to function.
The Specialist I finally decided to visit said it was something deep within my bone cavities in my skull and it could be treated with medications and possibly surgery. (He was one of the most famous Specialist in the field and he said something to me that was disturbing... He said he had seen this before and that surgery would be the best route to pursue) I was desperate, I took the meds. They only calmed the condition when there was a flare-up. The months and years were passing and it did not change. I was told the surgery might have an affect on my sense of "taste!" (I might even loose it?)
So, I continued with the meds for months and then a few years....... The Specialist continued to treat me and it only calmed the condition "sometimes".
Okay, where am I leading you the reader with this information?=) I shall begin now that I have given you the background.
One day, I suddenly without warning noticed something out of the blue...... I had not had an attack of this condition for several months? I continued to visit the specialist and he continued to treat me...... And then one day, he said something to me that shocked me.
He said, YOU ARE MY STAR PATIENT! I looked at him and said, "What are you talking about???" He said, the meds never work on a patient like they have with you, I do not even believe it is the medications that are doing this.... Is there something you have done? I was silent. He just stared at me... Shortly, he discontinued suggesting I take the medications. That was 20 years ago and it has not returned.
I always remembered something when this incident happened....... It was within short period after having experienced the OBE.
For years having contemplated exactly what had transpired due to it, I believe the "whisperings in my head" gave me some answers.
Due to the fact that other things have transpired also in relationship to these kinds of OBEs.
When the astral body moves from the physical, it is the real you/me.
It is, as I have said in the past, the part of us that actually has the capacity to control our physical vehicle. No, I could not "read" in physical, but I was having "thoughts/words" transported into my spirit..... There is no need to read or speak in the astral, we are not dealing with the physical at that time. We have thoughts, images, ideas, etc. transferred into our astral brains/spirits. They are retained deep into the sub-conscious mind..... By the way, this is what happens during deep meditations and affirmations. (Try it sometimes and discover for yourself the parts of ourselves that are more amazing than anything we could possibly imagine by not being "in touch" with the none-physical parts of ourselves!
"When you align yourself with your personality, you give power to external circumstances and objects. You disempower yourself. As you grow aware of your spiritual self and your origin, your immortalness, and you choose according to that first and the physical second, you close the gap that exists between the personality and the soul. You begin to experience authentic power." Gary Zukaw
He says it so much better than I could express it in words=)
More later...........
Love and Light!
Friday, September 28, 2012
"I believe as physical human beings our Egos prevent us from seeing total reality. But when we let go of our Egos only a little bit, we begin to actually see with our spiritual eyes the true reality created by both we and The Universal Mind." Marshall Hill
The unseen entities/spiritual beings that provide guidance and messages, which as I have mentioned previously, were always there with me during my OBEs, it's just that I needed to become more developed in order to be totally aware of them...... I would like to share with you some thoughts I have about my experience on once visiting a place that was very interesting when I years ago discovered that I was plagued with a medical condition that was both chronic and very disturbing. I was never person who appreciated taking any kinds of drugs/medications, so during this time I remember that it might be to my advantage to seek some kinds of help during one of my OBEs.
I prepared myself to open up and really be willing to "ask" on my very next OBE.
One morning very early I could feel the familiar vibrations begin to happen to my body and I heard the loud thumping in my head. Within what seemed like seconds I was standing at the foot of a small hill..... I just without much thought began to walk or float up the hill..... when I arrived at the top, it was misty and there seemed to be a fog on a huge stone or rock formation..... I moved closer and I immediately got the strong feeling within me that I was being led to information about healing my condition.... I moved closer to the mound in front of me and noticed a very large opened book with pages seeming to flip in some kinds of gentle breeze. Each page was turned by what I thought was the breeze, very slowly and precisely...... as if I was suppose to be reading each page. I know very well that I stared at each page as if I was reading them, BUT, I could not read anything???
This was very interesting to me, because the person who was my most knowledgeable confidant in comparing notes about our OBEs, whom I mentioned earlier in my blogs, Gerard had been the first to tell me about one of his experiences where he once found himself during an OBE at what appeared as a large school. He said there were many people that appeared as students walking past him (and they could see him) and that they were carrying what appeared as folders with papers. The folders had titles, etc. BUT, HE COULD NOT READ ANYTHING??? All of the words seemed jumbled..... later during some of my own OBEs, I came to discover the same thing (I believe I might have also mentioned this in past blogs) I could see these things, license plates, street signs, papers, books, store fronts, houses with numbers or addresses, etc. BUT, they all appeared jumbled to me...... I COULD NOT READ THEM? Well, getting back to this large opened book with pages turning slowly, I could not read anything? BUT......FOR SOME REASON, I KNEW VERY WELL THAT I WAS BEING GIVEN INFORMATION ABOUT MY QUESTIONS ABOUT HEALING MYSELF............ More later............
Love and Light!
The unseen entities/spiritual beings that provide guidance and messages, which as I have mentioned previously, were always there with me during my OBEs, it's just that I needed to become more developed in order to be totally aware of them...... I would like to share with you some thoughts I have about my experience on once visiting a place that was very interesting when I years ago discovered that I was plagued with a medical condition that was both chronic and very disturbing. I was never person who appreciated taking any kinds of drugs/medications, so during this time I remember that it might be to my advantage to seek some kinds of help during one of my OBEs.
I prepared myself to open up and really be willing to "ask" on my very next OBE.
One morning very early I could feel the familiar vibrations begin to happen to my body and I heard the loud thumping in my head. Within what seemed like seconds I was standing at the foot of a small hill..... I just without much thought began to walk or float up the hill..... when I arrived at the top, it was misty and there seemed to be a fog on a huge stone or rock formation..... I moved closer and I immediately got the strong feeling within me that I was being led to information about healing my condition.... I moved closer to the mound in front of me and noticed a very large opened book with pages seeming to flip in some kinds of gentle breeze. Each page was turned by what I thought was the breeze, very slowly and precisely...... as if I was suppose to be reading each page. I know very well that I stared at each page as if I was reading them, BUT, I could not read anything???
This was very interesting to me, because the person who was my most knowledgeable confidant in comparing notes about our OBEs, whom I mentioned earlier in my blogs, Gerard had been the first to tell me about one of his experiences where he once found himself during an OBE at what appeared as a large school. He said there were many people that appeared as students walking past him (and they could see him) and that they were carrying what appeared as folders with papers. The folders had titles, etc. BUT, HE COULD NOT READ ANYTHING??? All of the words seemed jumbled..... later during some of my own OBEs, I came to discover the same thing (I believe I might have also mentioned this in past blogs) I could see these things, license plates, street signs, papers, books, store fronts, houses with numbers or addresses, etc. BUT, they all appeared jumbled to me...... I COULD NOT READ THEM? Well, getting back to this large opened book with pages turning slowly, I could not read anything? BUT......FOR SOME REASON, I KNEW VERY WELL THAT I WAS BEING GIVEN INFORMATION ABOUT MY QUESTIONS ABOUT HEALING MYSELF............ More later............
Love and Light!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
"If you desire to know your soul, the first step is to recognize that you have a soul. The next step is to allow yourself to consider, "If I have a soul, what is my soul? What does my soul want? What is the relationship between my soul and me? How does my soul affect my life?" Gary Zukav
First of all, I wish to once again thank all of those whom have contacted me with either "Thank Yous" or asking so many questions and having such insightful contacts with each and all during the continuous writing of my blogs on OBEs.
My main response to many in reference to the frustrations and constant attempts to succeed in having your own OBEs. I say to you all as always, DO NOT GIVE UP! YOU WILL SUCCEED WITH HARD WORK. I personally promise you all that you will be more than happy with the final outcome of your dedicated, hard works.
Always try to remember what I told you...... it will happen so casually and without warning that you will jump out of your seat and say loud and clear, OH MY GOD! IT'S TRUE! IT'S TRUE! THIS IS WONDERFUL!!!=)
Of course we all will have amazing things happen that we both expect and do not expect. AND... as we develop our abilities to do so, they will be "advanced".
Recently, I have come to discover or be presented with the "gifts" of actual "unseen" so called, Messengers! They whisper many, many answers to questions and information concerning so many of the thoughts I have had whirling inside my head for so many years.
In the upcoming blogs I will be revealing/sharing the various and many messages being given to me during the present time.
More later.....
Love and Light!
First of all, I wish to once again thank all of those whom have contacted me with either "Thank Yous" or asking so many questions and having such insightful contacts with each and all during the continuous writing of my blogs on OBEs.
My main response to many in reference to the frustrations and constant attempts to succeed in having your own OBEs. I say to you all as always, DO NOT GIVE UP! YOU WILL SUCCEED WITH HARD WORK. I personally promise you all that you will be more than happy with the final outcome of your dedicated, hard works.
Always try to remember what I told you...... it will happen so casually and without warning that you will jump out of your seat and say loud and clear, OH MY GOD! IT'S TRUE! IT'S TRUE! THIS IS WONDERFUL!!!=)
Of course we all will have amazing things happen that we both expect and do not expect. AND... as we develop our abilities to do so, they will be "advanced".
Recently, I have come to discover or be presented with the "gifts" of actual "unseen" so called, Messengers! They whisper many, many answers to questions and information concerning so many of the thoughts I have had whirling inside my head for so many years.
In the upcoming blogs I will be revealing/sharing the various and many messages being given to me during the present time.
More later.....
Love and Light!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
"Ruth Montgomery's last book before her death, to me, was definitely, both spellbinding and chilling for those of us who see and believe in a "non-physical" reality!"
Marshall Hill
For those of you who wish to look inside this book, you cannot do it from my site here, you must "Google" it.
Love and Light!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Light is not recognized except through darkness. A Yiddish proverb
Those planes were hitting The Twin Towers on September 11th, the very morning after having spent the day before, September 10th, which was my date of birth having feelings of impending danger. What kinds of danger? I had no idea... just a very quiet and calm feeling all day like the ones I had once experienced as a small boy in Virginia before an impending Tornado!
I sat up in bed and clicked on the television and looked out of the bedroom windows at the same time. On the television screen a plane struck one of the towers and out of my windows I could see smoke rising up into the heavens. I was calm.... just as when having one of my OBEs. BUT, there was a noticeable difference.... I was very much still inside my physical body.
The rest of the world knows now very well the entire story about that unforgettable morning around 9 A.M. New York time.
Today, September 11, 2012 I sit here and "see" so many of the faces of those American Citizens that I remembered and knew as friends inside my minds' eyes. By the way, I found something for some reason that was even more disturbing to me.... I still think to myself that there were a tremendous amount of young people in their 20's and 30's that perished that day! Walking through my neighborhood in the days to come to see so many pictures posted of those that would no longer be neighbors was heartbreaking. As well as having so many people at work come in and smile at me and hand me a photograph of a loved one and say, "I was wondering if I could have something created by you in memory of __________" And then myself sitting in silence and staring at a very familiar face of someone who visited my gallery frequently. Eventually with time, I found them to be "my mini-blessings". I could have a part in dedicating something to those who has crossed over leaving us behind for now.
MORE LATER...........
Those planes were hitting The Twin Towers on September 11th, the very morning after having spent the day before, September 10th, which was my date of birth having feelings of impending danger. What kinds of danger? I had no idea... just a very quiet and calm feeling all day like the ones I had once experienced as a small boy in Virginia before an impending Tornado!
I sat up in bed and clicked on the television and looked out of the bedroom windows at the same time. On the television screen a plane struck one of the towers and out of my windows I could see smoke rising up into the heavens. I was calm.... just as when having one of my OBEs. BUT, there was a noticeable difference.... I was very much still inside my physical body.
The rest of the world knows now very well the entire story about that unforgettable morning around 9 A.M. New York time.
Today, September 11, 2012 I sit here and "see" so many of the faces of those American Citizens that I remembered and knew as friends inside my minds' eyes. By the way, I found something for some reason that was even more disturbing to me.... I still think to myself that there were a tremendous amount of young people in their 20's and 30's that perished that day! Walking through my neighborhood in the days to come to see so many pictures posted of those that would no longer be neighbors was heartbreaking. As well as having so many people at work come in and smile at me and hand me a photograph of a loved one and say, "I was wondering if I could have something created by you in memory of __________" And then myself sitting in silence and staring at a very familiar face of someone who visited my gallery frequently. Eventually with time, I found them to be "my mini-blessings". I could have a part in dedicating something to those who has crossed over leaving us behind for now.
MORE LATER...........
Friday, August 31, 2012
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)
This morning I found myself waking up to a buzzing sound that I had not heard for awhile now. I knew immediately the familiar sound was that of the beginning of an OBE.
I could feel the soft easy smooth movement of my astral body begin to move slowly from my bed towards the windows in my bedroom. But within what seemed like less than seconds I found myself sitting at a small table facing a woman in white looking curiously and knowingly at the palms of my hands..... She appeared wise and knowing without effort and her hair was long and white and she was smiling as she spoke to me.
YOU ARE FINE! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, YOU ARE DOING GREAT. She continued to move her fingers across the palms of my hands as she smiled and seemed to be attempting to comfort me. I knew she resided in another place, another dimension.
I felt great respect for her and chose to be silent in my thoughts and only accept the thoughts that she transmitted into my mind. I felt safe, I felt protected by her presence.
Without any of the usual processes that I had experienced in the past during my OBEs, I found myself sitting up in my bed and gazing out of the windows in front of my bed into the light that was present....... It was morning, it was peaceful. It was silent. And then,
Harry sat up and looked at me with his usual look of, I AM READY TO BE TAKEN OUT NOW, PLEASE GET UP!
More later......... Please join with me in sending much LOVE AND LIGHT this coming weekend to all of those Men and Women that are not home with us to observe the upcoming holiday.... But reside outside of The USA attempting to make sure that all of us are safe and sound here at home.
Most of all, remember all of those who spent such short periods of time with us here on this planet, due to sacrificing their youth for us too soon...... much too soon!
Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)
This morning I found myself waking up to a buzzing sound that I had not heard for awhile now. I knew immediately the familiar sound was that of the beginning of an OBE.
I could feel the soft easy smooth movement of my astral body begin to move slowly from my bed towards the windows in my bedroom. But within what seemed like less than seconds I found myself sitting at a small table facing a woman in white looking curiously and knowingly at the palms of my hands..... She appeared wise and knowing without effort and her hair was long and white and she was smiling as she spoke to me.
YOU ARE FINE! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, YOU ARE DOING GREAT. She continued to move her fingers across the palms of my hands as she smiled and seemed to be attempting to comfort me. I knew she resided in another place, another dimension.
I felt great respect for her and chose to be silent in my thoughts and only accept the thoughts that she transmitted into my mind. I felt safe, I felt protected by her presence.
Without any of the usual processes that I had experienced in the past during my OBEs, I found myself sitting up in my bed and gazing out of the windows in front of my bed into the light that was present....... It was morning, it was peaceful. It was silent. And then,
Harry sat up and looked at me with his usual look of, I AM READY TO BE TAKEN OUT NOW, PLEASE GET UP!
More later......... Please join with me in sending much LOVE AND LIGHT this coming weekend to all of those Men and Women that are not home with us to observe the upcoming holiday.... But reside outside of The USA attempting to make sure that all of us are safe and sound here at home.
Most of all, remember all of those who spent such short periods of time with us here on this planet, due to sacrificing their youth for us too soon...... much too soon!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
I wish to share more about THE CHILDREN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM that have and will make their presence known by their honorable and brave deeds performed in the coming times!
You may wish to refer back to the previous blogs I wrote about THE CHILDREN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM that I know presently.
Keep in mind..... Not ALL will be as these children, but "different".
I give that information in the previous blogs.
More later...................
Love and Light!
You may wish to refer back to the previous blogs I wrote about THE CHILDREN OF THE NEW MILLENNIUM that I know presently.
Keep in mind..... Not ALL will be as these children, but "different".
I give that information in the previous blogs.
More later...................
Love and Light!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

After having given much thought and meditations about the cemetery scene I saw during the OBE to the right side of a most beautiful and peaceful setting, the messages discerned were to the best of that which I could understand a very clear and specific picture of where I might be and what had transpired in the past.
The photo above show to you an idea of the many colorful flags that I saw during the experience. As I have said in the previous blog, they were ALL placed on graves in a cemetery.
I would like for those reading this blog now, to take a moment and clear your minds of all other thoughts and open your spiritual or inner eyes wide and travel with my own mind as we together go into a trance mode of travel.
Slowly, smoothly, first look at the photograph above and then imagine having seen them all on individual graves, one sunny day on graves in a cemetery.
As we look at the beautiful and colorful flags displayed on each grave we see various countries represented. We imagine that these countries are all now buried in graves and at peace. Each and every one is now able to "start over" with a clean slate and believe that this time, all will go well. All will be different this time around. Wars, anger, hate, etc. will no longer exist. Rather this time around, we will find peace, grace and LOVE!
The wars are over...... we have ALL lost! There were no winners. That was only an illusion created in our thoughts.
The Universal Mind was watching us with great compassion and when we could no longer stop the chaos that we had created, The Universal Mind stepped in and gave us all a very helping hand. We had all become so misguided, that we had discovered that we no longer had a place to build or to run. We had eaten ourselves away with tremendous hatred and our huge egos!
STOP! Now come back to physical reality. Take into consideration these thoughts presented and shared and when the time is right, go into your own silent and still mode and "stop, look, and listen!" You will definitely "see" and "hear" for yourself, your very own message of all that you have shared with me about these two blogs.
More later............
Love and Light!
Friday, July 27, 2012
"There are times when I feel like I am going to die from an overdose of satifaction."Salvador Dali
Yup, that is how I felt the other morning when I completed an OBE. The day before I had chose to contemplate the act of suicide, based on the fact that there was no hope to my dismal feelings of despair.
I am revealing one of my personal thoughts that have often visited me in my darkness times. Even though I know very well that the actual act would be a HUGE mistake.....but, then I too, am only human.
It seems that in the process of these most negative and dark thoughts, 100% of the times, "unseen" entities come and either
"whisper" thoughts into my mind or I find myself, having an OBE that changes my entire state of being. Such was that which hap-
pened the other morning.
I permitted my head to rest on my pillow and closed my eyes and soon found myself "moving" almost as a human camera across an unknown place. (The picture above only gives an idea of how beautiful it was to see as I floated down onto a wooden deck which seemed to be situated outdoors in a public place.)
I found myself standing on the deck which had rails, resting my hands and looking at a most "vivid and ultra-clear" vista similar to the picture above...... there was only one difference: To the right of that scenic and beautiful place was a huge cemetery! As I gazed upon it slowly, I saw FLAGS that had been planted on hundreds of graves........ Flags that I recognized from every country in the world.
A very colorful and peaceful sight. No.....not depressing or sad at all. I stared at them for only that which seemed like seconds and then very casually turned back to look to my left at that beautiful and peaceful scene. Suddenly, there seemed to be another deck extended from what appeared as a country storefront? A woman was casually standing with her arms folded leaning on the rails looking out at the country side.
A thought went very quickly into my mind....... I wanted to ask her if I would be able to work for her in the store she had walk outside from behind where she was standing. My thought was, I would want to stay in this beautiful and unfamiliar place, but I would need a job=)
Behind me I suddenly could hear people strolling up the wooden stairs behind me and very softly engaged in conversation. I thought how peaceful and calm all was in this unfamiliar place and smiled to myself within.
The OBE ended abruptly! I felt energized and happy as I sat up in my bed and prepared to give Harry his breakfast and take both he and myself for our morning walk.
I felt very, very happy! It was as if I had been given a medicine to change my feelings of depression. I felt very happy and very energized. I found myself very busy and with too many positive thoughts that day to permit myself to return to such dismal thinking the day before........ I had been once again given a "Spiritual Treatment" and I had also been given "messages" just as in the past. That day would be filled with various errands and little things to do to keep busy...BUT, it would also be important that I "discern and meditate" on that "huge graveyard with all the flags of many counties representing our physical world of existence??? More later...........
Love and Light!
Yup, that is how I felt the other morning when I completed an OBE. The day before I had chose to contemplate the act of suicide, based on the fact that there was no hope to my dismal feelings of despair.
I am revealing one of my personal thoughts that have often visited me in my darkness times. Even though I know very well that the actual act would be a HUGE mistake.....but, then I too, am only human.
It seems that in the process of these most negative and dark thoughts, 100% of the times, "unseen" entities come and either
"whisper" thoughts into my mind or I find myself, having an OBE that changes my entire state of being. Such was that which hap-
pened the other morning.
I permitted my head to rest on my pillow and closed my eyes and soon found myself "moving" almost as a human camera across an unknown place. (The picture above only gives an idea of how beautiful it was to see as I floated down onto a wooden deck which seemed to be situated outdoors in a public place.)
I found myself standing on the deck which had rails, resting my hands and looking at a most "vivid and ultra-clear" vista similar to the picture above...... there was only one difference: To the right of that scenic and beautiful place was a huge cemetery! As I gazed upon it slowly, I saw FLAGS that had been planted on hundreds of graves........ Flags that I recognized from every country in the world.
A very colorful and peaceful sight. No.....not depressing or sad at all. I stared at them for only that which seemed like seconds and then very casually turned back to look to my left at that beautiful and peaceful scene. Suddenly, there seemed to be another deck extended from what appeared as a country storefront? A woman was casually standing with her arms folded leaning on the rails looking out at the country side.
A thought went very quickly into my mind....... I wanted to ask her if I would be able to work for her in the store she had walk outside from behind where she was standing. My thought was, I would want to stay in this beautiful and unfamiliar place, but I would need a job=)
Behind me I suddenly could hear people strolling up the wooden stairs behind me and very softly engaged in conversation. I thought how peaceful and calm all was in this unfamiliar place and smiled to myself within.
The OBE ended abruptly! I felt energized and happy as I sat up in my bed and prepared to give Harry his breakfast and take both he and myself for our morning walk.
I felt very, very happy! It was as if I had been given a medicine to change my feelings of depression. I felt very happy and very energized. I found myself very busy and with too many positive thoughts that day to permit myself to return to such dismal thinking the day before........ I had been once again given a "Spiritual Treatment" and I had also been given "messages" just as in the past. That day would be filled with various errands and little things to do to keep busy...BUT, it would also be important that I "discern and meditate" on that "huge graveyard with all the flags of many counties representing our physical world of existence??? More later...........
Love and Light!
Monday, July 23, 2012
The Medulla oblongata has one function amongst several that is a major one and that is, in the human body as pictured above, that of the autonomic nervous system, which includes, THE HEART!
I later confirmed with my doctor that the steady and consistent thumping that I had experienced was that of my physical heart beating within my body back on my bed.
Wow! What a fascinating and amazing experience. Through all of the thick and magnificent silence, I felt as if my entire surroundings that morning before daybreak was similar to that of a huge kettle drum being played in an orchestra.
I would only imagine at this time that when we make our final exit from our physical bodies, that this sound would no longer be heard.
Instead, there would be this magnificent silence, unlike any experi-
enced during an astral projection! More later...............
Love and Light
I later confirmed with my doctor that the steady and consistent thumping that I had experienced was that of my physical heart beating within my body back on my bed.
Wow! What a fascinating and amazing experience. Through all of the thick and magnificent silence, I felt as if my entire surroundings that morning before daybreak was similar to that of a huge kettle drum being played in an orchestra.
I would only imagine at this time that when we make our final exit from our physical bodies, that this sound would no longer be heard.
Instead, there would be this magnificent silence, unlike any experi-
enced during an astral projection! More later...............
Love and Light
Saturday, July 21, 2012
"The most beautiful thing you can experience is the mysterious." Albert Einstein
This morning as I opened my eyes, I wondered as I have at various time, "how much more time will I have before I depart from this earth as a physical being???"
I put my head back on the pillow and within a short amount of time I found myself slowing going into the hynogagic state. Within seconds I could feel the paralysis within my body and the soft buzzing sounds throughout.
I felt myself gently being lifted from both my physical body and the bed. I could feel the familiar route of travel when I seemed to rise high above my physical body and then floating slightly away from the bed still on my back yet able to float....... and then I could feel my entire astral body being turned upright bringing me to a standing position.
The moment my non-physical feet touched the floor, I felt my astral eyes open wide. At first there was no clarity to that which I could "see" in my room. I promptly demanded, "Clarity now!" several times with my mind/will. My room became very clear.
I cautiously moved outside of my room to the living room and then I moved towards the kitchen and slowly outside the back door. I was on the step that led down to the backyard outside.
I sat down on the step and moved my attention towards the sky. I could "see" it clearly. Black with beautiful lights/stars sprinkled all over as far as I could see.
I focused in on the moon and the light it was giving off to the night time sky. It appeared "Blue" in color for some reason? It was absolutely beautiful.
During this time, there had been a constant thumping in my ears that was strange to me? THUMP... THUMP... THUMP....THUMP.......... at a steady beat? It seemed to be gentle, yet strong and all around me?
I continued to sit peacefully there on the step and gaze at the night sky above me. The only thing that continue, consistently to be a part of the experience was the on-going "thumping!"
I had never before experienced such silence that was so "alive" that it was actually beautiful to me. There was no other physical feelings, because it was neither cold or hot sitting there....... it was perfect! BUT, the thumping began to cause me to be uneasy....... and as soon as I began to feel uneasy....... I WAS WITHIN LESS THAN SECONDS BACK IN MY BED AND INSIDE MY PHYSICAL BODY!
I immediately sat up in bed and thought to myself, WHAT WAS THAT THUMPING???
I decided then and there, that I would have to go back to my research books and my journals kept, in an attempt to find the answer to my question. The only thing to seem to exist within all of that beautiful silence was........ the thumping? More later..
Love and Light!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Nonphysical reality is your home. You came from nonphysical reality, you will return to nonphysical reality, and the larger part of you currently resides in, and evolves in, nonphysical reality. GARY ZUKAV
I woke up this morning. Looked up out of the window in front of my bed and saw that it seemed, cloudy. Put my head back on my pillow and dozed off...... Suddenly realized the beginning of a projection! The electrical ringing sound in my ears grew very strong... I had difficulty turning over onto my stomach. I became cataleptic. The process that has happened on occasion began..... My feet and legs began to slide out... But nothing else???
They floated easily upwards.....I waited....... then it happened. This time unlike before when there was kneading of my arches..... Nope, this time I really felt TWO HANDS embrace my feet..... I felt the hands let go and then embrace my feet a second time..... This time I swore to myself that these were hands, I COULD FEEL THEM VERY CLEARLY ON MY FEET! I had the desire to will myself to slide out feet first..... I slid quickly it seemed down and out through my feet........ Everything stopped..... I was back .... I do not know why??? It was just over...... discontinued? More later..........
Love and Light!
I woke up this morning. Looked up out of the window in front of my bed and saw that it seemed, cloudy. Put my head back on my pillow and dozed off...... Suddenly realized the beginning of a projection! The electrical ringing sound in my ears grew very strong... I had difficulty turning over onto my stomach. I became cataleptic. The process that has happened on occasion began..... My feet and legs began to slide out... But nothing else???
They floated easily upwards.....I waited....... then it happened. This time unlike before when there was kneading of my arches..... Nope, this time I really felt TWO HANDS embrace my feet..... I felt the hands let go and then embrace my feet a second time..... This time I swore to myself that these were hands, I COULD FEEL THEM VERY CLEARLY ON MY FEET! I had the desire to will myself to slide out feet first..... I slid quickly it seemed down and out through my feet........ Everything stopped..... I was back .... I do not know why??? It was just over...... discontinued? More later..........
Love and Light!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Harry is now 7 months old and an impossible "Teenager" now:) He learned, due to being highly intelligent, to be housebroken quickly! There was just one other thing I forgot! The present stage will be to teach him to not "leave a "present" for Daddy whenever he goes out of the apartment to run an errand or for any reason, WITHOUT TAKING HIM WITH ME!!! (Yikes!!! I cannot take him 24/7 with me whenever I do anything...)
Anyway, the spankings for being spiteful and the treats for being "good" becomes the new job for me in this phase of the game!
After repeatedly trying to succeed with this new training, and believe me it can be extremely frustrating. The scenario usually goes like this when all goes wrong....... I leave the apartment, (without Harry) after some time passes, I return AND the usual happy greeting for me is nowhere to be found...... Harry is hiding somewhere, because instead of him happily wagging his tail and jumping up and down, happy for my return..... THERE IS A HUGE FLOOD ON THE FLOOR AND A PILE RESEMBLING A SMALL
BUT.......too my pleasant surprise the other day, I returned and very, very close to the door, waking up suddenly from what seemed to be a deep sleep....... Harry, looked up at me as I walked in with a "very strange look? His eyes were piercing into my own as I greeted first he just stared at me and then as if coming out of a trance he jumped up gleefully to greet me! (I was very happy, he was learning......) BUT......he had been sleeping very, very close to the front door and of course I got the impression he was "waiting" for me to return.
For some reason, as much as I appreciated it, my psychic intuition was dancing in my thoughts??? (I let it go......)
The following morning....................
I found myself OUT OF MY PHYSICAL BODY repeating the previous scene that I am sharing with you here....... Exactly as before, I opened the front door, but it seemed this time it was within seconds before I had actually, physically enter the afternoon before? I could sense it in my thoughts...the timing. And I saw something very clearly. On the floor very close to the door... very close to the door, sleeping, were "two dogs", side by side, HARRY AND SAMBO!
Sambo was not the size or age when he passed on..... instead he appeared, younger and smaller? The two of them were peacefully sleeping side by side as if, both waiting for me to return. BUT, the "messages" that seemed to be whispered in my astral mind was, SAMBO IS TEACHING HARRY TO RELAX AND WAIT FOR MARSHALL TO RETURN.... BE A GOOD BOY, IT'S OK, HE WILL BE BACK!:)
For those of you who have shared my previous blogs about the after-life of crossing over...... both human beings and animals with time of having passed on, as physical time passes, they begin to appear much younger. I recognized Sambo immediately. And what was also interesting was the fact that Sambo had never lived in this apartment when he was the age he appeared to me in this scene!
My beloved Sambo........ More later...........
Love and Light!
Harry is now 7 months old and an impossible "Teenager" now:) He learned, due to being highly intelligent, to be housebroken quickly! There was just one other thing I forgot! The present stage will be to teach him to not "leave a "present" for Daddy whenever he goes out of the apartment to run an errand or for any reason, WITHOUT TAKING HIM WITH ME!!! (Yikes!!! I cannot take him 24/7 with me whenever I do anything...)
Anyway, the spankings for being spiteful and the treats for being "good" becomes the new job for me in this phase of the game!
After repeatedly trying to succeed with this new training, and believe me it can be extremely frustrating. The scenario usually goes like this when all goes wrong....... I leave the apartment, (without Harry) after some time passes, I return AND the usual happy greeting for me is nowhere to be found...... Harry is hiding somewhere, because instead of him happily wagging his tail and jumping up and down, happy for my return..... THERE IS A HUGE FLOOD ON THE FLOOR AND A PILE RESEMBLING A SMALL
BUT.......too my pleasant surprise the other day, I returned and very, very close to the door, waking up suddenly from what seemed to be a deep sleep....... Harry, looked up at me as I walked in with a "very strange look? His eyes were piercing into my own as I greeted first he just stared at me and then as if coming out of a trance he jumped up gleefully to greet me! (I was very happy, he was learning......) BUT......he had been sleeping very, very close to the front door and of course I got the impression he was "waiting" for me to return.
For some reason, as much as I appreciated it, my psychic intuition was dancing in my thoughts??? (I let it go......)
The following morning....................
I found myself OUT OF MY PHYSICAL BODY repeating the previous scene that I am sharing with you here....... Exactly as before, I opened the front door, but it seemed this time it was within seconds before I had actually, physically enter the afternoon before? I could sense it in my thoughts...the timing. And I saw something very clearly. On the floor very close to the door... very close to the door, sleeping, were "two dogs", side by side, HARRY AND SAMBO!
Sambo was not the size or age when he passed on..... instead he appeared, younger and smaller? The two of them were peacefully sleeping side by side as if, both waiting for me to return. BUT, the "messages" that seemed to be whispered in my astral mind was, SAMBO IS TEACHING HARRY TO RELAX AND WAIT FOR MARSHALL TO RETURN.... BE A GOOD BOY, IT'S OK, HE WILL BE BACK!:)
For those of you who have shared my previous blogs about the after-life of crossing over...... both human beings and animals with time of having passed on, as physical time passes, they begin to appear much younger. I recognized Sambo immediately. And what was also interesting was the fact that Sambo had never lived in this apartment when he was the age he appeared to me in this scene!
My beloved Sambo........ More later...........
Love and Light!
Monday, May 28, 2012
"If you wish the world to become loving and compassionate, become loving and compassionate yourself. If you wish to diminish fear in the world, diminish your own. These are the gifts that you can give." GARY ZUKAV
Today I wish all would join in with my thoughts that go to all of the men and women who chose on their journey here on planet earth to be a part of many teams that go into most dangerous areas in order to defend and protect all of us Americans here at home who reside in safe surroundings.
Thus far, there has not been a day during my entire life residing here on earth that there was not some kinds of war between human beings in progress.
And during all of these times there has always been those entities whom have chose to go forth in order to protect the citizens of The USA.
To all of you, I send much Love and Light! And to all of you both still living in the physical and those whom have "crossed-over", I say from deep within my soul, THANK YOU!
More later...........
Love and Light!
Today I wish all would join in with my thoughts that go to all of the men and women who chose on their journey here on planet earth to be a part of many teams that go into most dangerous areas in order to defend and protect all of us Americans here at home who reside in safe surroundings.
Thus far, there has not been a day during my entire life residing here on earth that there was not some kinds of war between human beings in progress.
And during all of these times there has always been those entities whom have chose to go forth in order to protect the citizens of The USA.
To all of you, I send much Love and Light! And to all of you both still living in the physical and those whom have "crossed-over", I say from deep within my soul, THANK YOU!
More later...........
Love and Light!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
"When you speak, speak the truth; perform what you promise; discharge your trust ; be chaste in thoughts and actions". Prophet Muhammad
INDIGO CHILDREN was a term used to describe children who are believed to possess special, unusual and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities. The term is pseudo scientific. The idea was based on New Age concepts developed in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Jan Tober and Lee Carroll. The concept of indigo children aimed popular interest with the publication of a series of books in the late 1990s and the release of several films in the following decade.
The interpretations of these beliefs range from their being the next stage in human evolution, in some cases possessing paranormal abilities such as telepathy, to the belief that they are more empathic and creative than their peers.
Within the last decade or so, a growing number of children have been born that appear to be more intuitive and more creative than older generations were at that age, take to computers like fish takes to water, have natural understanding of technology in general that can border on the uncanny and, in some cases, may be natural healers. An understanding of the spiritual beyond their years and a matter-of-fact attitude toward the paranormal are often attributed to these youngsters.
These bright and gifted youngsters are dubbed MILLENNIUM CHILDREN during the year 1998.
However, as with many things, there is the other side of the same coin, a yin to the extraordinary yang of these Millennium Children, not yet discussed in books or New Age circles.
These others are the END-TIMES CHILDREN, living amongst us, just as their inspiring counterparts do, and also making their presence known in extraordinary ways. In towns like Pearl, Mississippi, Jonesboro, Arkansas, Springfield, Oregon, and perhaps most notably, in Colorado's Columbine High School.
In many cases, it is revealed the parents were fair and supportive. That sports and TV weren't big interests. The usual suspects don't ring true?
If a schism has occurred, that is spiritual in nature and may even be evolutionary in scope, giving us the enlightened MILLENNIUM CHILDREN
It goes without saying that quite the opposite could just as easily occur! And, if a cosmic balance is to remain, the opposite must be true.
Both once removed from the older generations, both not easily understood or accepted. One natural healers- whether it be spiritual
or, in some cases, physical level. The other bringing emotional or spiritual pain to those they touch and, in some cases, being natural destroyers.
As a Astral Projector myself, you might ask at this point, what do I believe from my OBEs??? I will present to you my thoughts:
Above you see a photograph of two children that I personally know and in my opinion/beliefs, they are DEFINITELY, two (Brother and Sister) of the beautiful and gifted, MILLENNIUM CHILDREN that are now and will continue their goals of "healing our planet!" They are two of thousands! They reside in THE LIGHT!
The others (END TIMERS) I refuse to look in their direction. They are in THE DARK! BUT.....guess what? I also believe that THE MILLENNIUM CHILDREN will eventually "rescue them!" It is my belief, that THE MILLENNIUM CHILDREN are THE MESSENGERS of THE UNIVERSAL MIND!!! More later..................
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