
Thursday, July 22, 2010


Calling Ruby the most vain person I had ever known in my entire life is not an over-statement!  In spite of it, I loved her very much.  To her, the make-up, hair, clothes, exercise machines, etc. could be compared to the need for drinking water in order to sustain life.
She could also be a very, very spiteful and hateful woman when you crossed her or even when she "imagined" you might have done something negative towards her as a person.  During our long and close relationship, I fell out of grace with her many times.  This was all due to the fact that I had either said something that she did not like or she had imagined it?
With time, we always came back together as if nothing had happened.  One of the things she found objectionable was my studies and Strong beliefs in the paranormal and how I studied The Holy Bible differently than she did... (For a long time, I would join she and my Uncle Bob on Sundays and attend their church).  She was literally outraged with some of my beliefs and impressions about human life.  When she became very angry and we were about to not communicate with each other for some time, she would depart by calling me THE DEVIL IN DISGUISE!  (I was never really upset with her nasty words towards me.  I just found them rather child-like and silly and remained silent until we came back together again).
Many times in spite of her disapproval, she would listen very closely to my ideas and beliefs in spiritual matters.  She would even admit to finding my thoughts fascinating sometimes.
Once she called me on the phone very anxious to tell me something that had happened to her one day during her travels.  She told me that she had gotten off of a subway train and began walking on the platform when she suddenly realize that someone was walking beside her... I asked who?  She blurted out to me, MYSELF!  IT WAS ME.  A DUPLICATE OF ME WALKING RIGHT NEXT TO ME!  AND AS QUICKLY AS IT OCCURRED, IT VANISHED?
As long as I had known her that was the only time she had ever mentioned to me anything of that nature to me.  She never again mentioned anything similar for the rest of her life to me.
It seems that Ruby had Breast Cancer early in her life and it was treated and she became cancer free for most of her life.
During the final couple of  years of her life, she once again had a tremendous falling out with me and did not speak to me for some time.  During that period of time, I was having many OBES.  One morning I floated in front of her apartment house and glided to the main entrance.  Coming out of the doors was Ruby.  She was dressed in black.  She was very distraught and appeared very confused.  She was being comforted and guided out of the building by my deceased grandmother, her Mother who had crossed-over many years before.  My Grandmother, had a very bright white glow around her and  looked beautiful and had the most wonderful smile on her face as she noticed my appearance.  She did not speak, she was silent.  Ruby seemed surprised to see me and called out my name.  I returned immediately to my body.  I sat on my bed for a long time confused and wondering what was happening?
Then another morning sometime later, I had another OBE and found myself at the house I lived in when I was a young teenager.  I was very, very upset, because I found my entire family there and was not pleased about having been at this event.  I saw my sister, Mini-Mom, and accused her of tricking me into being present at this event.  I ran to the pantry to hide and be alone until I could escape and leave the house without being noticed.  When my big chance came I ran to the front door and was about to open it to leave when suddenly, out of nowhere appeared, Ruby!  My whole attitude changed.  I was mesmerized by her sudden appearance.  I was suddenly very, very happy.  She had that huge crystal clear smile on her face and she was wearing a beautiful dress and she had a "yellow and white glow" around her whole body.  She greeted me with much excitement  and I suddenly found myself back in my physical body.  Again, this time, confused and wondering what this was all about?
Months later, Ruby finally made contact with me on the phone and we began speaking on a regular basis again.  But this time things were different.  She told me she had cancer and she was not doing well with it.  But she had her good days and her bad days.  I told her nothing about my OBES.
My sister informed me of the seriousness of her condition.  I felt very sad and tried to continue to communicate with her via the phone.  Before I ever got to see her in person she had another one of her "Diva moments" and we did not speak for awhile again during her illness. 
I decided at that point, in spite of her illness, there was absolutely no hope dealing with her...  I just could not bear the thought of these incidents starting to happen again between us.  So......I decided to stay clear.
Eventually, she began to call me on the phone again.  I always let the answering machine pick-up.  She left many messages.  She even spoke to a friend or two of mine that she knew and ask them to relay a message, that I should call her.......
Her last call before giving up calling me I believe was asking me to call her because she wanted very much for me to tell her all of the thoughts and things I once told her about my paranormal spiritual beliefs.  That phone call message stuck in my mind, but I could not bring myself to return her call because I feared being tricked once again by her to start over again where we left off with our relationship.
Soon my sister told me that she was alright but mostly at home and going to the doctors.  During this time, I asked my sister to do me a favor and keep a promise for me.  I would send money to her every week and she would send it to Ruby, since she was having a difficult time at this point financially.  Ruby was never to know that it was from me.  Reluctantly, my sister agreed.  So, I faithfully sent the money every week to my sister who would send it to Ruby.  My sister refused to say it was from herself, so I agreed and permitted her to send it to Ruby from an anonymous person.  Ruby I believe never found out it was from me.
Eventually, she was admitted into a Hospice near her home, at which time I went to see her for the first time.  I was devastated by her appearance and at first was not able to enter her room until the nurses helped me to stop crying.  (It must be realized that Ruby was a woman at this time  the age of 94 who had very easily appeared physically that of a woman about 60.  And a good-looking 60 at that!)  She was very happy to see me, but during my visit, she became the "little monster bitch" I had remembered.  She wanted me to go immediately to her apartment and get her make-up.  Specifically eye-liner.  She wanted all of her wigs....she had hundreds!  I tried to calm her and offered to help her to eat her lunch because she was so weak.  She literally yelled at me and said, I DO NOT WANT ANYONE TO SEE YOU FEEDING ME!
When her nurse came into the room to do various chores, Ruby was totally nasty to her and would not even speak or look at her at all.  So I chatted with the nurse.  Later I asked Ruby the question as to why she was so hateful to the nurse.  She angrily told me as she pointed at a picture on the wall of herself in rehearsal on the Broadway stage many years ago. She said, THEY ARE ALL JEALOUS OF ME!  AND IF YOU DO NOT SHUT UP AND BE QUIET ABOUT THAT, YOU CAN JUST LEAVE RIGHT NOW!
I laughed to myself inside my head and was very quiet and remained there for another hour or so before I decided to leave.  Just before I left, she asked me, WHEN WILL YOU BE COMING BACK TO SEE ME?  I said, very soon.  She died 3 days later.
I always thought that I would see her during an OBE because, in spite of everything, we were always so close?  Once I did have an OBE when I found myself floating around a very elaborate estate and not "seeing" her, but for some reason, "feeling" her presence.  I just seemed to sense that she lived in this place?  It was a very brief experience.  As of today.....I still have not "seen" her?

Ruby Hill
More later,
Love and Light!



Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Ruby crossed over about 2 years ago now.  She was a very big musical star starting in the late 40's.  She was 94 years old when she left.  She always looked amazing for her age... I mean "really" amazing!  She was also a true DIVA!  What a bitch she could be, ahahahahhaah!  She was also my Aunt, my Father's only living sister since his other sister had died of tuberculosis at a very young age.  (She supposedly was more of an intellectual and was about to begin teaching at a University).  I do not remember her, but they say I took my first steps as a baby to her open arms.
Ruby started out as a radio personality singing with big bands.  From there she traveled with a big band and arrived in New York City from Virginia.  She was a stunningly beautiful young woman and soon became the comparison to a famous star named, LENA HORNE. 
I remember walking with my Mother is various department stores and continuously asking the question, every time I saw an ad displayed for a product especially for women, IS THAT RUBY?  Sometimes my Mother would say, NO, THAT IS LENA HORNE.  I was always thrilled when she replied, OH YES, THAT ONE IS RUBY!  In a very short time, Ruby soon was chosen over hundreds of other women to take a part in a new Broadway musical that Lena Horne had turned down.  Appearing in this musical play, ST. LOUIS WOMAN, she became an overnight sensation.  It was produced by the motion picture company, MGM, so therefore her next step was on to Hollywood to be considered for various motion pictures.... none of which she actually ended up getting due to various technical reasons etc.  She seemed unbothered by it, due to the fact that she was most interested in continuing to appear in major nightclubs throughout the world.  During that era, Nightclubs were not only in Las Vegas, but in New York City and all over the world.
Ruby was a very funny woman to me as I grew extremely close to her and wanted to know everything about her career and travels.  She was totally a riot when it came to her personality.  Only I in our family could really relate to her well and understand and love her life!  (Most of my family was not really nice to her in that they just did not understand her ways).
She was so funny.  She would have meetings with Bud Abbott and Lou Costello the famous comedians and actors and not know who they were, Aahahahhahaha!  I remember her telling me about meeting Judy Garland and finding her to be a strange person.  She told me about her encounters with Frank Sanatra and Tony Bennett and refer to them as very "naughty men".  She was sooooo innocent and sheltered in spite of the fact that she was so difficult and impossible.  Many opportunities presented to her were lost due to the fact that the many producers' sexual advances towards her were never tolerated. (I would laugh for hours when she described to me in graphic detail their sexual overtures!)  She married my Uncle Bob as a teenager and he was considered the the only man in her life, for his entire life and hers.... He died shortly before she did.
As I grew up I became incredibly close to her.... we talked for hours daily.  Either on the phone or in person.  She had an amazing figure and never went out of the house without tons of make-up and over-the-top clothes.
As an adult I remember telling a friend from England who was a motion picture costume designer about her and he demanded to meet her in person.  I arranged it and myself and he and several other friends met she and my Uncle Bob at a club one evening for drinks.  (Oh, by the way, Ruby did not smoke, drink or use profanity and was very, very, overly, RELIGIOUS!)  Anyway, we were all at a table talking when suddenly Ruby asked my friend from England, how did he "see" her as a personality and some advice on dressing etc.  
I immediately wanted to crawl under the table as he very clearly blurted out to her face to face, I SEE YOU AS A COMPLETE SLUT!!!  THE VISION OF A PERFECT PROSTITUTE!!! 
I could not believe Ruby's reaction to his comments.  She seemed to be as a child who had just been told she was going to be given an ice cream cone!  She just kept replying, YES, YES, YES, I LOVE IT!  THAT IS WONDERFUL FOR ME! YES, YES, YES!
Ruby was such an amazing woman without really knowing it.  Her personality seemed to just jump out at people and they would be in awe of her.......I remember just about every friend, especially males, going crazy over being in her presence.  I remember various producers and celebrities that she would introduce me to that would appear mesmerize by her personality.
Sometimes I would think that young people would act very unimpressed by her, but I was always wrong.  Young people were just fascinated by her and I really did see men of all ages, make over her as if she were a Goddess!  Some men would act like they had just seen a ghost when they met her and walked passed.  To this day, I still laughed to myself when I think about her and my past together.  I always had the strangest feelings about her existence..... I always would question to myself, is Ruby supernatural or something?  She often said to me that she wanted to live in the physical forever!  And what was really strange to me is that I seemed to start to wonder to myself sometimes, CAN RUBY REALLY DIE LIKE ALL HUMANS?  I was beginning to believe more and more that she had some secret about life that I just could not put my finger on???
Next I will relay how I "saw" her crossing over during an OBE. 

More later,
Love and Light!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010


It occurred to me recently that many people are very concerned about their pets in an After Life.  I was rather surprised to discover that so many people were very, very despondent about their pets dying and not existing beyond this physical life.  I suppose I had never given it much thought since I took it for granted that they too passed into another dimension.
I was recently asked my opinion by several about this situation and as much as I have come to believe that we human are eternal with our own individuality, I "know" that our pets will be there in our presence at some point just as they had been in physical life.
How and why do I know or believe this?  Very simple, I have "seen" and come in contact with most of my pets whom have crossed over.  During my OBES I have come in contact with my dog from years ago, Yuri.  He was so happy and jumping around me and attempting to play with me.  (He had died many years ago of Cancer after having lived for about 10 years).  I also remember his appearance when he became ill.  It was beginning to fade and he no longer looked himself anymore.  I was very sad.
When he appeared to me during an OBE, he was his old self again.  A happy and running dog full of life and very excited to be with me for those brief moments we shared.
I also remember my two cats Maxwell and Lily running very quickly in front of me during an experience I had once.  I still believe that the two of them had remained for some time in my apartment after having passed over.
I also remember my dog, Teddy, that I had as a boy of 8 years old and how he came running to me happily during another of my experiences.
Yes, why would we ever believe that they too as faithful companions always showing us unconditional love would not continue to exist?  Just as in life they continue to know and love us. 
I would suggest that any who might be interested in more information on the subject of our pets as to what happens when they expired, that you investigate the various information given in many books on the Internet.  (There happens to be many choices).
In closing, there is something I almost forgot to mention about "seeing" my departed pets during my OBES....... ALL of them appeared to me much, much younger than when they had crossed over?  They all, in addition to looking very whole and healthy, appeared to be about 5 or more years younger than they had been when physically alive.
Lily, the youngest to have departed, appeared almost as a KITTEN?  (That was interesting due to the fact that Lily was almost 2 years old when I took her home with me).

More later,
Love and Light!


Friday, July 16, 2010


I have not made any entries into this blog for awhile due to the fact that OBES for me have been just about "terminated?"
I am still able to be very much aware of my psychic abilities, BUT, I seemed to have had my OBES "cut short?"  I had one moving from my bed one early morning to the floor and being able to stand for only seconds before returning to my physical body.  (No unknown information was given to me at that time).
I have noticed an increase in "psychic dreams!"  I have had some views into the future of things to come but very complicated ones and all necessary to do work on deciphering them.....even though most have come to fruition so far.
Thus far, my only answers have come from my very close friend who is a natural Medium in the raw.  She adamantly reprimanded me with this statement:  LISTEN MARSHALL.  "THEY" DO NOT WANT YOU TO "SEE" ANYTHING AT THIS TIME.  IT SEEMS THAT YOU MUST CONTINUE OR COMPLETE MORE OF WHAT YOU ARE DOING WITH YOUR BLOG AND REVEAL MUCH THAT YOU HAVE DETERMINED IS OF NO IMPORTANCE.  BUT THAT IS AN ERROR IN YOUR THINKING!'
Of course I was both annoyed and frustrated being told this since I felt that I was relaying sufficient information in my blog about my experiences.  She told me that what I felt "unimportant" or personal not to reveal was also in error on my part.
I would like to say that it is true that one does not need to at all times have an OBE to make use of one's psychic abilities once they are becoming more evident from development during past ones experienced.
Giving this some thought and starting to become more observant I have discovered this to be true.  I suppose in the past when "entities" and "messages" were presented to me during my waking hours, I was being either careless or beginning to act like Mother....... ignoring them or believing that I was hallucinating!
The so called "voices" whispering in my ears from day to day are not always a sign that I am going crazy I suppose.  Especially when they continue to give bits of information about my present life.  The feelings of being in limbo from time to time can be very unsettling.  "Seeing" those that I know that are about to "cross-over" or "crossed over" is also very unsettling.  But there are reasons for these visions and I am being gently nudged to address these issues.
Example:  Recently I had a vision of a very dear friend of mine from my past whom I had not seen or spoken to for some years now.  This is what occurred... I was above floating into a room.  In front of me I could see very clearly my friend.  Not only was I surprised to see her since I had not seen her in years, but the actions were strange.  There she was a beautiful woman, half naked admiring her breasts.  Now this was very uncomfortable for me since I was viewing a MARRIED HALF-NAKED MUSLIM WOMAN?  I seemed to glide closer and closer to her and felt somewhat embarrassed and wanted very much not to surprise her by my sudden appearance.  But gently it was made clear to me that she could not see me.  I looked at her closely and thought to myself, "Wow!  I have not seen her in so long.  She looks beautiful.....but why is she so pre-occuppied with admiring her breasts???  The vision was over suddenly.
I thought about it for the whole day.  Then very quickly into my head the thought came to me...... SHE HAS CROSSED OVER.  SHE WAS PLEASE WITH HER BODY NOW.
A few days passed.  I called a mutual friend on the phone.  Someone that I had been speaking to from time to time recently.  I point  blank asked him the question, how was she and her family doing?  He replied, "I will call you back later.  When I get off from work".  I knew then, he would have nothing good to report.
He called as promised and he told me she had Breast Cancer.  He seemed to also be very concerned about wanting to know "Why?" I had called to ask at that particular time.  I did not give a reason, but took her telephone number and called her a few days later.  Our conversation was a loving and long one.  All about her husband, her children, the whole family, which I had also known well for many years in the past. I mentioned nothing about what I knew or had experienced.  She offered this information at the end of the conversation.  She had Breast Cancer and it had spread.  And she also found herself in pain a great deal of the time in spite of the fact that she was suppose to be doing well.
I knew very well that I was "seeing" her during this vision AFTER she had crossed over to the other side.  I told her nothing about my vision or why it was important that I had to get in touch with her at that particular time after so long.
I have had visions of this nature many times before.  I suppose I should relay them to you during some of my upcoming blogs.  There are those who wish to have some ideas or information of what might be our "afterlife" and maybe, just maybe it would be useful to those who fear our so called "afterlife".  It might be possible to "jump-start" thoughts for some of those who would be interested.  I might be one of those who have been able to "see" that this life we live at this moment is......ETERNAL!
More later,
Love and Light!
