
Saturday, November 24, 2012


Harboring JEALOUSY is one of the most devastatingly destructive energies a human being can possess. 
As a Spiritualist/Metaphysician, it has come to be my belief, that many of the various diseases, especially the ones that "eat away"
at our vital organs are a result of these feelings!
Having worked hard to develop my abilities to "see", I am thankful
to at first sight "see" it, as if written on the face of just about any-
I have met for the first time or those I have known for decades.
(By even viewing a photo of just about any person known or un-
known to me... I am able to "know!")
These energies not only work to destroy individual beings, BUT,
collectively, they can destroy an entire planet!
The above was in response to a question presented to me by a Univer-
sity Student living in Sierra Leone, Africa.
Unfortunately, most all those that one might come in contact with, will without a doubt, be in denial of this in reference to themselves.
So many of we human beings have the misguided belief that being
jealous only relates to one's romantic/sexual relationships, material gains, personal
achievements, etc.  But, this is far from the truth.  It goes much deeper. In true reality, it involves our EGO.  It is a major part of our envolvement as spiritual beings.  (Our true selves).  Beware!  The more powerful the energy of jealousies, the more lowly evolved.  Be assured that this will distance us from The Universal Mind.
The shifting of our planet has already began to do so...  BUT, the 
major completion is about to happen shortly!
During my many OBEs, those that I am aware of that are familiar to my physical life that harbor jealousies, take on a very "different"
appearance.  All frightfully negative and distorted in appearances.
They usually take on forms of one's most feared entities in physical
Not only are there such entities within our own close circles, but there are many World Figures that will soon "reveal" their true selves.
Many such as myself, have already identified many of them, yet there are those that will be as Deer in front of headlights when they
make themselves known to the world.                      More later.........

Love and Light!

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