
Friday, August 31, 2012


Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4 (NIV)
This morning I found myself waking up to a buzzing sound that I had not heard for awhile now.  I knew immediately the familiar sound was that of the beginning of an OBE.
I could feel the soft easy smooth movement of my astral body begin to move slowly from my bed towards the windows in my bedroom.  But within what seemed like less than seconds I found myself sitting at a small table facing a woman in white looking curiously and knowingly at the palms of my hands..... She appeared wise and knowing without effort and her hair was long and white and she was smiling as she spoke to me.
YOU ARE FINE! YOU HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT, YOU ARE DOING GREAT.  She continued to move her fingers across the palms of my hands as she smiled and seemed to be attempting to comfort me.  I knew she resided in another place, another dimension.
I felt great respect for her and chose to be silent in my thoughts and only accept the thoughts that she transmitted into my mind.  I felt safe, I felt protected by her presence.
Without any of the usual processes that I had experienced in the past during my OBEs, I found myself sitting up in my bed and gazing out of the windows in front of my bed into the light that was present....... It was morning, it was peaceful.  It was silent.  And then,
Harry sat up and looked at me with his usual look of, I AM READY TO BE TAKEN OUT NOW, PLEASE GET UP!
More later.........  Please join with me in sending much LOVE AND LIGHT   this coming weekend to all of those Men and Women that are not home with us to observe the upcoming holiday.... But reside outside of The USA attempting to make sure that all of us are safe  and sound here at home.
Most of all, remember all of those who spent such short periods of time with us here on this planet, due to sacrificing their youth for us too soon...... much too soon!



Anonymous said...

I am happy that you had this experience and pray for more comforting thoughts and experiences to come your way. There are "others" who cannot be seen who watch you and are rooting for you and this is a sign that they felt you needed them and so they appeared. Know and feel safe in the feeling that you are cared for, you are being watched over, and you will get through this.


Thank you for your thoughts and I appreciate them very much! I send much Love and Light to you!