After having given much thought and meditations about the cemetery scene I saw during the OBE to the right side of a most beautiful and peaceful setting, the messages discerned were to the best of that which I could understand a very clear and specific picture of where I might be and what had transpired in the past.
The photo above show to you an idea of the many colorful flags that I saw during the experience. As I have said in the previous blog, they were ALL placed on graves in a cemetery.
I would like for those reading this blog now, to take a moment and clear your minds of all other thoughts and open your spiritual or inner eyes wide and travel with my own mind as we together go into a trance mode of travel.
Slowly, smoothly, first look at the photograph above and then imagine having seen them all on individual graves, one sunny day on graves in a cemetery.
As we look at the beautiful and colorful flags displayed on each grave we see various countries represented. We imagine that these countries are all now buried in graves and at peace. Each and every one is now able to "start over" with a clean slate and believe that this time, all will go well. All will be different this time around. Wars, anger, hate, etc. will no longer exist. Rather this time around, we will find peace, grace and LOVE!
The wars are over...... we have ALL lost! There were no winners. That was only an illusion created in our thoughts.
The Universal Mind was watching us with great compassion and when we could no longer stop the chaos that we had created, The Universal Mind stepped in and gave us all a very helping hand. We had all become so misguided, that we had discovered that we no longer had a place to build or to run. We had eaten ourselves away with tremendous hatred and our huge egos!
STOP! Now come back to physical reality. Take into consideration these thoughts presented and shared and when the time is right, go into your own silent and still mode and "stop, look, and listen!" You will definitely "see" and "hear" for yourself, your very own message of all that you have shared with me about these two blogs.
More later............
Love and Light!
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