
Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hi, I have not written anything in the past several weeks, but you can be assured that I will be adding much to my ongoing Blog here in relationship to OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES, MYSTICAL, PARANORMAL, ETC. EXPERIENCES THAT I HAVE HAD DURING MY LIFETIME AND THAT ARE ON-GOING.
I have appreciated the many emails that people have been sending to me asking various questions, etc. ( But I would like to once again be very clear here when I tell you that I do not do "Psychic Readings" and also to inform those who ask me the question about NDE'S (Near Death Experiences) that my site is not about NDE'S.
Out of Body Experiences are similar and during NDE'S one might experience an OBE during the experience. To my knowledge, I have never had a Near Death Experience and to be quite honest with you, I am not looking forward to experiencing one these days..... Aahahahahhhahha! That is another subject that is being widely investigated.
For those who are interested in the subject, I would like to recommend a book on the subject that was recently on The New York Times Best Sellers' List. The title is, EVIDENCE OF THE AFTERLIFE/THE SCIENCE OF NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCES, written by Jeffrey Long, MD A Radiation Oncologist. It is considered the largest NDE study ever conducted which reveals proof of Life After Death. I recently read the book and found it to be a very good book for those interested in the subject.
There many others also, just to mention a few more, LIFE AFTER LIFE, by Dr. Raymond Moody, HEADING TOWARDS THE OMEGA, by Dr. Kenneth Ring, and an extroidinary book about the NDE of Betty Eadie called, EMBRACED BY THE LIGHT! (I would like to mention that it was a highlight in my life having met Betty Eadie in person years ago.)

Love and Light!