
Monday, December 24, 2012


" I AM THE LIGHT!"    Jesus Christ  (St. James Version/HOLY BIBLE)

Merry Christmas to all of you and yours who continue to read my blogs and send me such beautiful and inspirational comments=)  As I have said several times in previous blogs, my metaphysical experiences and beliefs do not in any way change or weaken my belief in GOD and The Christ!  Neither have any of my thoughts become elaborated by my earthly imagination to view these Entities as non-spiritual ones and remain in my mind as to be similar if not equal to our own non-physical selves in appearances.
I do hope that the coming year 2013 continues to be (for those that did not "blow themselves away" from the stress of the many impending thoughts they acquired thinking of the controversial catastrophic interpretations of what The Mayans might have pre-dicted or suggested for a certain date this month, Aahhahhahaha, just joking you folks!=) another giant step in our shifting energies into a much more LOVING AND HIGHER INVOLVEMENT!
I have not had an OBE to report to you in the past few days.  (By the way, FYI, I am still just as you continuing to live in a physical plane in a physical vehicle and do believe if that which you might have read in books and various humans have led you to believe, that IT IS IS HAPPENING EVERY SINGLE DAY! lol:)  If that were possible or happening, we both do not need to be geniuses to ask ourselves, "Then what was the purpose of coming here in the first place???" Ahahahahahha:)

The on-coming year I believe will bring to you when you share my OBEs and my thoughts, the same "little 'ole ME!:)"  Hopefully, I will not be suggesting anybody start to wear robes, gowns, crowns, huge symbolic jewelry, etc.  By the way, I do admit I wear a small Crucifix given to me as a gift decades ago during one of my many visits to Brasil.  (It seems to have become a part of my very being?)
By the way, even my saying that to you, does not come with any intentions of "your" doing or continuing to do whatever you need in order to advance your own possibilities of achieving OBEs!
As I mentioned in past blogs, we all are traveling on our own indivi-dual paths and journeys!
In closing this particular blog, I would like to leave you all with a line, for the coming new year,  said by a renowned Actress from the far past in one of her classic films.  Her name was, BETTE DAVIS, she said in the movie....... GET READY (FOR TONIGHT) IT'S 
GOING TO BE A BUMPY RIDE!!!    Aahahahahah:)  More Later.....


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