
Monday, July 23, 2012


The Medulla oblongata has one function amongst several that is a major one and that is, in the human body as pictured above, that of the autonomic nervous system, which includes, THE HEART!

I later confirmed with my doctor that the steady and consistent thumping that I had experienced was that of my physical heart beating within my body back on my bed.
Wow!  What a fascinating and amazing experience.  Through all of the thick and magnificent silence, I felt as if my entire surroundings that morning before daybreak was similar to that of a huge kettle drum being played in an orchestra.
I would only imagine at this time that when we make our final exit from our physical bodies, that this sound would no longer be heard.
Instead, there would be this magnificent silence, unlike any experi-
enced during an astral projection!                        More later...............

Love and Light

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