
Saturday, September 29, 2012


Mural I did for the actress, Scarlette Johannson several years ago.  Marshall Hill

During this period of my physical life, the condition I had was in my Sinuses.  The pain would come on sometimes and last for several days.  (Excruciating sometimes).  Of course this was holding me back from time to time when attempting to function.
The Specialist I finally decided to visit said it was something deep within my bone cavities in my skull and it could be treated with medications and possibly surgery.  (He was one of the most famous Specialist in the field and he said something to me that was disturbing... He said he had seen this before and that surgery would be the best route to pursue)  I was desperate, I took the meds.  They only calmed the condition when there was a flare-up.  The months and years were passing and it did not change.  I was told the surgery might have an affect on my sense of "taste!"  (I might even loose it?)
So, I continued with the meds for months and then a few years....... The Specialist continued to treat me and it only calmed the condition "sometimes".
Okay, where am I leading you the reader with this information?=)  I shall begin now that I have given you the background. 
One day, I suddenly without warning noticed something out of the blue...... I had not had an attack of this condition for several months?  I continued to visit the specialist and he continued to treat me...... And then one day, he said something to me that shocked me.
He said, YOU ARE MY STAR PATIENT!  I looked at him and said, "What are you talking about???"  He said, the meds never work on a patient like they have with you, I do not even believe it is the medications that are doing this.... Is there something you have done? I was silent.  He just stared at me...  Shortly, he discontinued suggesting I take the medications.  That was 20 years ago and it has not returned.
I always remembered something when this incident happened....... It was within short period after having experienced the OBE.
For years having contemplated exactly what had transpired due to it, I believe the "whisperings in my head" gave me some answers.
Due to the fact that other things have transpired also in relationship to these kinds of OBEs.
When the astral body moves from the physical, it is the real you/me.
It is, as I have said in the past, the part of us that actually has the capacity to control our physical vehicle.  No, I could not "read" in physical, but I was having "thoughts/words" transported into my spirit..... There is no need to read or speak in the astral, we are not dealing with the physical at that time.  We have thoughts, images, ideas, etc. transferred into our astral brains/spirits.  They are retained deep into the sub-conscious mind..... By the way, this is what happens during deep meditations and affirmations.  (Try it sometimes and discover for yourself the parts of ourselves that are more amazing than anything we could possibly imagine by not being "in touch" with the none-physical parts of ourselves!
"When you align yourself with your personality, you give power to external circumstances and objects.  You disempower yourself.  As you grow aware of your spiritual self and your origin, your immortalness, and you choose according to that first and the physical second, you close the gap that exists between the personality and the soul.  You begin to experience authentic power."  Gary Zukaw
He says it so much better than I could express it in words=)
More later...........

Love and Light!


Friday, September 28, 2012


"I believe as physical human beings our Egos prevent us from seeing total reality.  But when we let go of our Egos only a little bit, we begin to actually see with our spiritual eyes the true reality created by both we and The Universal Mind."  Marshall Hill

The unseen entities/spiritual beings that provide guidance and messages, which as I have mentioned previously, were always there with me during my OBEs, it's just that I needed to become more developed in order to be totally aware of them...... I would like to share with you some thoughts I have about my experience on once visiting a place that was very interesting when I years ago discovered that I was plagued with a medical condition that was both chronic and very disturbing.  I was never person who appreciated taking any kinds of drugs/medications, so during this time I remember that it might be to my advantage to seek some kinds of help during one of my OBEs.
I prepared myself to open up and really be willing to "ask" on my very next OBE. 
One morning very early I could feel the familiar vibrations begin to happen to my body and I heard the loud thumping in my head.  Within what seemed like seconds I was standing at the foot of a small hill..... I just without much thought began to walk or float up the hill..... when I arrived at the top, it was misty and there seemed to be a fog on a huge stone or rock formation..... I moved closer and I immediately got the strong feeling within me that I was being led to information about healing my condition.... I moved closer to the mound in front of me and noticed a very large opened book with pages seeming to flip in some kinds of gentle breeze.  Each page was turned by what I thought was the breeze, very slowly and precisely...... as if I was suppose to be reading each page.  I know very well that I stared at each page as if I was reading them, BUT, I could not read anything???
This was very interesting to me, because the person who was my most knowledgeable confidant in comparing notes about our OBEs, whom I mentioned earlier in my blogs, Gerard had been the first to tell me about one of his experiences where he once found himself during an OBE at what appeared as a large school.  He said there were many people that appeared as students walking past him (and they could see him) and that they were carrying what appeared as folders with papers.  The folders had titles, etc.  BUT, HE COULD NOT READ ANYTHING???  All of the words seemed jumbled..... later during some of my own OBEs, I came to discover the same thing (I believe I might have also mentioned this in past blogs) I could see these things, license plates, street signs, papers, books, store fronts, houses with numbers or addresses, etc.  BUT, they all appeared jumbled to me...... I COULD NOT READ THEM?  Well, getting back to this large opened book with pages turning slowly, I could not read anything?  BUT......FOR SOME REASON, I KNEW VERY WELL THAT I WAS BEING GIVEN INFORMATION ABOUT MY QUESTIONS ABOUT HEALING MYSELF............    More later............

Love and Light!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


"If you desire to know your soul, the first step is to recognize that you have a soul.  The next step is to allow yourself to consider, "If I have a soul, what is my soul? What does my soul want?  What is the relationship between my soul and me? How does my soul affect my life?"         Gary Zukav

First of all, I wish to once again thank all of those whom have contacted me with either "Thank Yous" or asking so many questions and having such insightful contacts with each and all during the continuous writing of my blogs on OBEs.
My main response to many in reference to the frustrations and constant attempts to succeed in having your own OBEs.  I say to you all as always, DO NOT GIVE UP!  YOU WILL SUCCEED WITH HARD WORK. I personally promise you all that you will be more than happy with the final outcome of your dedicated, hard works.
Always try to remember what I told you...... it will happen so casually and without warning that you will jump out of your seat and say loud and clear, OH MY GOD!  IT'S TRUE! IT'S TRUE! THIS IS WONDERFUL!!!=)
Of course we all will have amazing things happen that we both expect and do not expect. AND... as we develop our abilities to do so, they will be "advanced".
Recently, I have come to discover or be presented with the "gifts" of actual "unseen" so called, Messengers!  They whisper many, many answers to questions and information concerning so many of the thoughts I have had whirling inside my head for so many years. 
In the upcoming blogs I will be revealing/sharing the various and many messages being given to me during the present time.
More later.....

Love and Light!

Sunday, September 16, 2012


"Ruth Montgomery's last book before her death, to me, was definitely, both spellbinding and chilling for those of us who see and believe in a "non-physical" reality!"
Marshall Hill
For those of you who wish to look inside this book, you cannot do it from my site here, you must "Google" it.

Love and Light!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


             Light is not recognized except through darkness.    A Yiddish proverb

Those planes were hitting The Twin Towers on September 11th, the very morning after having spent the day before, September 10th, which was my date of birth having feelings of impending danger.  What kinds of danger?  I had no idea... just a very quiet and calm feeling all day like the ones I had once experienced as a small boy in Virginia before an impending Tornado!
I sat up in bed and clicked on the television and looked out of the bedroom windows at the same time.  On the television screen a plane struck one of the towers and out of my windows I could see smoke rising up into the heavens.  I was calm.... just as when having one of my OBEs.  BUT, there was a noticeable difference.... I was very much still inside my physical body.
The rest of the world knows now very well the entire story about that unforgettable morning around 9 A.M. New York time. 
Today, September 11, 2012  I sit here and "see" so many of the faces of those American Citizens that I remembered and knew as friends inside my minds' eyes.  By the way, I found something for some reason that was even more disturbing to me.... I still think to myself that there were a tremendous amount of young people in their 20's and 30's that perished that day!  Walking through my neighborhood in the days to come to see so many pictures posted of those that would no longer be neighbors was heartbreaking.  As well as having so many people at work come in and smile at me and hand me a photograph of a loved one and say, "I was wondering if I could have something created by you in memory of __________"  And then myself sitting in silence and staring at a very familiar face of someone who visited my gallery frequently.  Eventually with time, I found them to be "my mini-blessings".  I could have a part in dedicating something to those who has crossed over leaving us behind for now.
MORE LATER...........