
Wednesday, January 21, 2015


"I had also traveled abroad to interview heads of states, and covered the State Department and Congress in their Washington activities.  Like most newspaper reporters, I had little awareness of psychic happenings, and no belief in them whatsoever." Ruth Montgomery

Once again as in the past when presenting my blogs to you loyal readers/followers, I wish to remind you of an amazing lady that I came to really feel inspired and truly respect as a "Metaphysical Seer of the most respected kind"  RUTH MONTGOMERY.
I wish to bring once more to your attention her final book before she crossed-over.
I would just like to inspire you to obtain a copy of this final book and for you to take  your time with an opened-mind to read her final words.
I believe that you will give great thought to that which she stated about THE WORLD TO COME and that which we might actually be witnessing PRESENTLY?

Many have been in touch with me to discuss this final book.  (Please forgive me if I have not responded to all yet, BUT, will do my best to catch up with each and every one of you).                                                                                         More later...............


Monday, January 19, 2015

                    DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.

Today is a very special day.  We honor and remember, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  The thought continues to travel through my mind.... This was a human being dedicating his life to preaching to us all, TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER!
After having resided on this planet for many decades now, today I continue to ask myself the same question....... WHY? As have others that attempted to do the same thing....Begin with THE CHRIST, (we need not equate him with "Religion") and go forward in time.  They were "murdered???"
Yet, it seems to me that when I think very deeply about this, those that promoted anger, hatred, chaos, etc. seemed to thrive without harm???
Today, heavy thoughts have entered my mind about how so many of those such as he have come to be destroyed? 
Seems to me that they who have come to promote LOVE to this dismal dimension find themselves eventually in perilous situations???
Hopefully, during an Out of Body Experience for me..... I wish to ask this very question?  That which troubles me the most is what someone once said...... "TO ANOTHER PLANET, THIS PLANET/DIMENSION COULD BE ANOTHER'S "HELL!"                More later.............
