
Monday, December 31, 2012


Those who educate children are more to be honored than they who produce them;  for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.  Aristole

Today, the last day of the year 2012, I would like to wish all the very best in the coming new year of 2013!
In recent weeks passed, I have been in the astral world only briefly, but "The Whisperers" as always, continued to send their messages during my waking days. about a seemingly tragic and devastating incident that happened in an area nearby.
Many pre-teen school children and several adults were destroyed by a teenager, who then destroyed himself in the end.
MORE Children Of The New Millennium having come to help awaken us all from our un-loving ways towards our fellow human beings. 
So many human beings residing on our planet seemed to still miss out on the significance of this human tragedy!
All of the symbolic rituals, tears, moaning and groaning, screaming and blaming it all on a God that most yelled, that they no longer wanted to believe in and would not find forgiveness in their hearts for this horrendous act!

Every single thing that happens on this earth we reside on, happens without a doubt for a REASON!  We are and chose to come to this planet (Some have said, "The most difficult school one could choose!)  Earth is a school that has us all learning lessons that are so very difficult.  But it has been said, if we can pass the many tests given, we will be very pleased with how much we evolve!
All that we do here is that which we have "chosen" to do.  Each lesson we pre-planned in order to learn particular lessons.  If only we all knew, that each time we choose to "blame God" or any other entities for our pains endured, we need only do so, while standing in front of a mirror and pointing our finger at our own self.
I was told, whenever something significant happens to us, that we need to stop, think and listen as we say, WHAT AM I BEING TOLD?
And accept the first answer that comes into your mind, your gut answer, do not attempt to form it into something you want to hear, but rather listen to what you NEED to hear:)
That which Carl Jung, the renowned Psychologist and Spiritualist, stated was the following:
"My thesis then, is as follows:  in addition to our immediate consciousness
which is of a thoroughly personal nature and which we believe to be the only empirical psyche (even if we tack on the personal unconscious as an appendix), there exists a second psychic system of a collective, universal and impersonal nature which is identical in all individuals.  This collective unconscious does not develop individually but its inherited.  It consists of pre-existent forms, the archetypes, which can only become conscious secondarily and which give definite form to certain psychic contents."
More later...........


Monday, December 24, 2012


" I AM THE LIGHT!"    Jesus Christ  (St. James Version/HOLY BIBLE)

Merry Christmas to all of you and yours who continue to read my blogs and send me such beautiful and inspirational comments=)  As I have said several times in previous blogs, my metaphysical experiences and beliefs do not in any way change or weaken my belief in GOD and The Christ!  Neither have any of my thoughts become elaborated by my earthly imagination to view these Entities as non-spiritual ones and remain in my mind as to be similar if not equal to our own non-physical selves in appearances.
I do hope that the coming year 2013 continues to be (for those that did not "blow themselves away" from the stress of the many impending thoughts they acquired thinking of the controversial catastrophic interpretations of what The Mayans might have pre-dicted or suggested for a certain date this month, Aahhahhahaha, just joking you folks!=) another giant step in our shifting energies into a much more LOVING AND HIGHER INVOLVEMENT!
I have not had an OBE to report to you in the past few days.  (By the way, FYI, I am still just as you continuing to live in a physical plane in a physical vehicle and do believe if that which you might have read in books and various humans have led you to believe, that IT IS IS HAPPENING EVERY SINGLE DAY! lol:)  If that were possible or happening, we both do not need to be geniuses to ask ourselves, "Then what was the purpose of coming here in the first place???" Ahahahahahha:)

The on-coming year I believe will bring to you when you share my OBEs and my thoughts, the same "little 'ole ME!:)"  Hopefully, I will not be suggesting anybody start to wear robes, gowns, crowns, huge symbolic jewelry, etc.  By the way, I do admit I wear a small Crucifix given to me as a gift decades ago during one of my many visits to Brasil.  (It seems to have become a part of my very being?)
By the way, even my saying that to you, does not come with any intentions of "your" doing or continuing to do whatever you need in order to advance your own possibilities of achieving OBEs!
As I mentioned in past blogs, we all are traveling on our own indivi-dual paths and journeys!
In closing this particular blog, I would like to leave you all with a line, for the coming new year,  said by a renowned Actress from the far past in one of her classic films.  Her name was, BETTE DAVIS, she said in the movie....... GET READY (FOR TONIGHT) IT'S 
GOING TO BE A BUMPY RIDE!!!    Aahahahahah:)  More Later.....


Sunday, December 9, 2012


"Each choice that you make, to dwell in negativity or to take up residence in your heart, serves perfectly the evolution of your soul.  All roads lead to home."  Gary Zukav

This morning I heard no vibrations and no introduction for my leaving my physical body when waking up.  I simply felt the smooth
exit of my astral body lift off and glide across the air and space and it seemed that my astral eyes opened without effort and the clarity of that which I saw was vivid.
I seemed to glide down an unknown but magnificently beautiful and peaceful street?  The silence was astounding!  I could actually "feel" the silence!  It felt wonderful...... there was a very light mist in the air, as if it had just stopped raining before my arrival.  It was magni-
ficent to me.  The words here could hardly describe that which I could see and that which I could feel.
My thoughts were blank.  I simply seemed to be resting, gliding and observing the view.  There were no people as I remember and no cars moving...... just silence!  (If there were people or any moving objects..... I could not see them?)
The entire experience lasted for what seemed like only a few short minutes.  When I returned to my physical body and found myself
staring at the ceiling above me from my bed.  I smiled to myself and my thoughts were, WOW, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL EXPERIENCE!
More later........

Love and Light!

Saturday, December 1, 2012


"For my part, had a book on immortality never been written, had a lecture on "survival" never been uttered, had I never witnessed a seance or visited a medium; in fact, had no one else in the whole world ever suspected "life after death", I should still believe implicitly that I am immortal--- for I have experienced the projection of the astral body."
                                                                                                         Sylvan Muldoon

"For my part, had a book on immortality never been written, had a lecture on "survival" never been uttered, had I never witnessed a seance or visited a medium; in fact, had no one else in the whole world ever suspected "life after death", I should still believe implicitly that I am immortal--- for I have experienced the projection of the astral body."

                                                                                                         Sylvan Muldoon
I would like to take this time before I begin relaying further information to you about the so called, Shift of our planet.  I want to clarify my thoughts to you.  The Shift is not something that is actu- ally going to happen all at once, it has already began.  Several years ago the shifting of the planet was happening.  Earlier during one of my blogs I told you about an OBE I had experienced where I "saw" as I seemed to walk away from the earth behind me, fall from its' axis as huge flames engulfed it.
To this day I have not made a firm statement of that which I saw as to if it were a "symbolic" vision of The Twin Towers/The World Trade Center, or a catastrophic event happening to our planet?
I did get the feeling that something destructive was happening in our atmosphere....  Today, I see as we all do, much turmoil occurring in our world.  The jealousy, the hatred, the movements of not only America, but the world becoming a Godless one.  The brutal wars, the various climate changes, the hurricanes, the virus and diseases, the anger and disrespect for various people who have religious beliefs that differ from others, the total abundances of sexual chaos, the destructions of family values and traditions, etc.  I always say now, one would have to be wearing Heavy Duty Blinders and Ear-
plugs not to be aware of the many misguided and over-the-top things that are happening on our planet today!  (These would be those considered in "complete denial".)
These are our thoughts and our feelings.  And as we who travel du-ring the out of body experiences, we know very well that all that which we "manifest within our minds" are manifested into physical
We are consumed with our physicalities and egos and completely obsessed with the ideas of being bigger, better, richer, correct, and have isolated ourselves from those that do not "fit into our programs" as we see them to be.....
In other words, too many are no longer stopping to give thought to the true reasons for our journeys here on this planet....... ALL, will notice, if by being still and quiet and permitted our higher selves to come to the surface would ask the question:  WHERE IS THE LOVE?
When we distant our spirits from LOVE, we start to move closer to The Darkness.  And when we move closer to the Darkness, we distant ourselves from The Light!
At this time, the world as we once knew it has moved closer to Entities that have dark feelings and very dark intentions toward both we and the planet we live on.....  At this time, our world of existence is in total chaos! 
At the present time, there is an Entity running across this planet, with its' Followers that is so negative and dark, unlike anything we humans have known on this planet!  One of the saddest things about this situation is that not all can "see" or "recognize" it. 
BUT, there are many who can, and they are the ones that will help to rescue so many lost souls floundering around aimlessly without clear direction. 
I will close here for now, but next time I will share my most recent projections of my astral body!                                      More later......

Love and Light!