
Friday, September 28, 2012


"I believe as physical human beings our Egos prevent us from seeing total reality.  But when we let go of our Egos only a little bit, we begin to actually see with our spiritual eyes the true reality created by both we and The Universal Mind."  Marshall Hill

The unseen entities/spiritual beings that provide guidance and messages, which as I have mentioned previously, were always there with me during my OBEs, it's just that I needed to become more developed in order to be totally aware of them...... I would like to share with you some thoughts I have about my experience on once visiting a place that was very interesting when I years ago discovered that I was plagued with a medical condition that was both chronic and very disturbing.  I was never person who appreciated taking any kinds of drugs/medications, so during this time I remember that it might be to my advantage to seek some kinds of help during one of my OBEs.
I prepared myself to open up and really be willing to "ask" on my very next OBE. 
One morning very early I could feel the familiar vibrations begin to happen to my body and I heard the loud thumping in my head.  Within what seemed like seconds I was standing at the foot of a small hill..... I just without much thought began to walk or float up the hill..... when I arrived at the top, it was misty and there seemed to be a fog on a huge stone or rock formation..... I moved closer and I immediately got the strong feeling within me that I was being led to information about healing my condition.... I moved closer to the mound in front of me and noticed a very large opened book with pages seeming to flip in some kinds of gentle breeze.  Each page was turned by what I thought was the breeze, very slowly and precisely...... as if I was suppose to be reading each page.  I know very well that I stared at each page as if I was reading them, BUT, I could not read anything???
This was very interesting to me, because the person who was my most knowledgeable confidant in comparing notes about our OBEs, whom I mentioned earlier in my blogs, Gerard had been the first to tell me about one of his experiences where he once found himself during an OBE at what appeared as a large school.  He said there were many people that appeared as students walking past him (and they could see him) and that they were carrying what appeared as folders with papers.  The folders had titles, etc.  BUT, HE COULD NOT READ ANYTHING???  All of the words seemed jumbled..... later during some of my own OBEs, I came to discover the same thing (I believe I might have also mentioned this in past blogs) I could see these things, license plates, street signs, papers, books, store fronts, houses with numbers or addresses, etc.  BUT, they all appeared jumbled to me...... I COULD NOT READ THEM?  Well, getting back to this large opened book with pages turning slowly, I could not read anything?  BUT......FOR SOME REASON, I KNEW VERY WELL THAT I WAS BEING GIVEN INFORMATION ABOUT MY QUESTIONS ABOUT HEALING MYSELF............    More later............

Love and Light!

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