
Sunday, October 18, 2020


During recent months, I have encountered so very many grieving, innocent, fragile human beings/souls, in the various metaphysical groups that I have joined on the internet and those also in person, that have lost loved ones.......Especially those that have lost "Children".  It has inspired me to share only one of the many OBES that I have had...... 

Before moving forward with my most recent non-physical experiences, I wish to share one in particular with all of those in the hopes that it will soften and give you some inspiration in knowing that.........."We continue to exist!"๐Ÿ’“As the late, renowned, Albert Einstein once said, "Energy cannot be destroyed.  It can only change from one form to another!"๐Ÿ˜ I will re-print the details and as I do so, I will indicate that which needs clarification.

More than ten years ago during the night as morning approached, I suddenly realized that I was floating out of my physical body.  I knew instantly that I was beginning to have an unprovoked out of body experience!  (OBE)  I realized that my astral body was floating gently into the living room of an unfamiliar house?  The walls were all bright white...... I found myself with my 17 year old son that had pass over to the other side, 5 months previously.  He had a very familiar huge smile on his face as he looked at me.  We telepathically communicated with each other......He told me that someone was coming to join us and take us for a ride?  "Okay" I said.  A sudden thought entered my mind.....I thought to myself...."Hey, I could make anything anyway I wanted it to be here???  Adjust the designs of this house that seemed to be owned by him and make his garden in front of this house better!"  (Me, the "control freak!"๐Ÿ˜€)

He suddenly said anxiously, "It is time to go!  Our ride is here!"  I replied, "Okay!"  I was so very happy being with him......I walked outside with him to a vehicle (I have no idea what kind of vehicle.  But as my OBE knowledge advanced with time when in my physical body, I discovered that due to my continuing to be alive, that we must make sense out of everything via, "the material world within our minds".  Besides, I did not actually "see" a vehicle, I "felt it".  

Next we seemed to be moving at lightening speed forward, ...... Arthur seemed to be driving  (Artie was my brother-in-law that had crossed over very shortly before my son)...... My son, Anderson was smiling.  Arthur (Artie) seemed to be laughing out loud.  I could not see him clearly, but there was no doubt in my mind that it was him!!!  His teeth, his familiar overwhelming laughing!!!  I suddenly became upset, because he always drove very fast, yet safely!  AND, as usual, as in physical life, I seemed to yell out loud (telepathically), "You are driving too fast.  I do not like this......take me back!"  Both he and my son were laughing really hard, but instantly said, "Okay!๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

I suddenly found myself and my son walking back into his house......I said to him, "I have to go back to my body now."  He replied, "Okay".  I seemed to get down on my back on the floor and instantly opened my physical eyes to find myself back in my physical body in my bed.

In closing, I wish to explain something to those I want to think deeply about this particular experience.  Myself being a pretty advanced astral traveler learned something about my out of body experiences after so many years, something ONLY a recently.  I mastered having OBES "provoked" via myself, but have only realized the clarifications of the "unprovoked" OBES that I have experienced.  THEY SEEM TO GIVES ME MESSAGE FROM UNSEEN SPIRITUAL ENTITIES THAT WISH TO WEAKEN MY "DOUBTS" about my non-physical experiences.  That which I am about to present to you happened several months later.

My sister, and I respect her feelings is totally unbelieving and fearful of such metaphysical experiences and is also strong in her traditional religious indoctrinated beliefs.  (By the way, she is the president of a university)  I did not even realize she was attempting to "test" my reality of my non-physical OBES, etc. until one day she said to me, "Have you ever "seen/encountered" anybody else besides Anderson during your experiences???"  INSTANTLY, I replied, "YES!  Your husband Artie, my brother-in-law!".  She looked at me like, a Deer in front of headlights and walked away!๐Ÿ˜…

More later,

LOVE AND LIGHT,                                                                                                                         Marshall๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’› 


Monday, August 17, 2020



THIS MORNING AS I AWAKENED......I suddenly heard a soft buzzing sound coming from the back of my head?  It took me a few minutes to realize that I was beginning to have an "unprovoked" OBE.  (I might have mentioned in the past that having "unprovoked" OBES would usually happen for me unexpected and without my having any input in to bring them on......They also usually seemed to be a presentation given to me via unseen entities providing me with information/messages?)

The OBE experience this morning was very similar to another OBE in the recent past that seemed to give me the impression that my entire physical life was that of a "dream".  I could feel my entire body go into The Cataleptic State in my bed....(Of course, as always, I welcomed all of the sensations involved, knowing very well that this was the onset of a projection of my astral body.....My "real body/soul/self/spirit".

Quickly and gently, I rose above my physical body in bed, as my astral body moved and slid forward and then turned downwards as my feet touched the floor of my bedroom.  When they did so, my astral eyes opened wide and I, as always when this happened, and my vision became 360 and the clarity was unlike any clarity experienced when in my physical body.  I was facing my bedroom windows and I could see outside the bright sunlight (which was far brighter than anything I had seen with my physical eyes).  I could see the street I lived on and far beyond!๐Ÿ˜Ž  There were a tremendous amount of Feral Cats roaming outside...... Otherwise, the streets were empty.  I knew very well, as I decided to move outside that there was no need for me to open the window first, but simply glide effortlessly through the closed window onto the outside street.

When doing so, the first thing I encountered without warning was a speeding car coming down the street as I moved slowly off of the sidewalk and on to the street, finding myself directly in front of it....... Startled at first, but instantly also realizing that it would go right through my astral body without even the slightest concern.....Which it did.  At that moment, I really had no definitely thoughts of where or what I wanted to experience?  I suddenly looked up in front of me between two houses and saw a familiar mountain top and the thought went through my mind, that I had not taken my Dog there for quite a long time now and as I remembered/envisioned the greenery of it and the Deer I had always encountered roaming when being there, in less than a second it seemed to me, I found myself standing on the mountain taking in the view around me๐Ÿ˜ŠOf course, as always, the feelings of content and peacefulness came over me......At the same instant, I could also feel myself being drawn back into my sleeping physical body in bed.  As quickly as this occurred,  I found myself back!!!

I realized very clearly without any frustrations of attempting to interpret the reasons for this unprovoked, brief OBE..... That the message being given was very simple......"Marshall, LET GO of your doubts that continue to flow through your mind about your non-physical experiences for so many years on this planet... Move forward without continuing to carry this baggage ("Doubt!").  All that you have and will discover outside of the physical.......IS REAL!"๐Ÿ’›

More later,  LOVE AND LIGHT!


Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Hi Everybody!๐Ÿ’“ I wish to take this opportunity to express to you some thoughts on the projection of the astral body........  That which I learned long ago was that every single human being on this planet (And our beloved Pets also) have the instilled abilities within to provoke having our real true bodies exit from our physical vehicles that we travel in while visiting this , "Earth School" that we have chosen to attend in order to learn and evolve before returning HOME!
Unfortunately, many of we human beings have done so under very traumatic situations occurred during our physical lifetimes without actually realizing the experience was real?
These are considered, "unconsciously unprovoked" OBES........  There is another non-physical experience we might have that is primarily the same, and that is referred to as, NDES/NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES.  These are the only differences known at the present time....... A human being can have a limited amount of NDES.  That amount presently established has been "5".  Also, one must die physically in order to do so.  OBES can be experienced, both unprovoked and provoked without limitations during one's physical lifetime!
Many of those having experienced NDES/OBES have informed me of the isolation they have endured due to having withdrawn from revealing their experiences with others that are unaware of such non-physical experiences. 
If I were asked to give any advice on this issue, I will simply say the following:  Do not concern yourselves with that which others say or believe......Focus on YOURSELVES๐Ÿ˜Hopefully, you will come to discern that we are all traveling on different paths of enlightenment.....Let's face it, we all appear to arrive here on this physical/material world, SOLO!  Realize that when our physical journey is complete here, that we will depart, SOLO!  
During our OBES, we come to realize that we enter into another dimension that seems unfamiliar at first, but with time we begin to realize that there is something very comfortable about it all.....Sometimes, even more comfortable and "desired" than the physical existence that we had become accustomed to being in on a daily basis?  We observe that instantly, we can totally exist without others that we had come to relate to as somewhat like, "crutches?"  We are far more powerful, far more awesome than ever imagined when previously traveling in the physical vehicles we were enclosed in while attempting to learn various lessons in order to evolve higher before returning HOME๐Ÿ’—
During the out of body experience we discover how we left behind so many material things that we misinterpreted as being our "life lines".  We begin to discover that all that we thought we did not know.......We always did, but only were too busy wanting to be a member of "the herd" to accept our own individuality!  Have you ever noticed how many became outcasts for not doing so?
I have encountered quite a few people asking me to please assist them in learning how to have astral projections......FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS!๐Ÿ˜‚
By the way, here is something one will discover when investigating the subject of astral projection.  MOST all books/research done on the subject of the out of body experience (astral projection) throughout history, have been done by MEN???
I wish to present to all before completion of my thoughts to you here, something said by a person from the past that I wholeheartedly admire and honor..... SYLVAN MULDOON, a person that lived on this planet before I arrived here.......  He said:
"For my part, had a book on immortality never been written, had a lecture on immortality never been written, had a lecture on "survival" never been uttered, had I never witnessed a seance or visited a medium; in fact, had no one else in the whole world ever suspected "life after death", I should still believe implicitly that I am immortal-- for I have experienced the projection of the astral body."๐Ÿ’›

More later......

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Hi, To all of the wonderful, beautiful people that have chosen to share my ongoing blogs:)
I have always said to you that if "nothing" happened out of body for me, that I would refrain from coming to present fairy tale presentations here on my journal/blogs.  Only if I wished to share some honest, real out of body experiences for me.
Guess what?  I was very frustrated with my sister's "doubts" about the realities of my from time to time telling her about my OBES.  Therefore, I decided maybe I would surprise her by our planning a "verification".
I told her that I would come to her house via one of my astral projections and view her bedroom in the house as she slept.  I was very familiar with the interior of her house having been there on many occasions when visiting for various reasons/gatherings.
I told her that I would randomly choose a night in the future to go there and  would later tell her what I "saw".  She agreed.
Some time in the future I decided to do so....... One night as I requested/demanded/desired to do so as I had a provoked OBE, I immediately found myself flying through the air.......With the feelings of some unknown/unseen entity guiding me through the air.  I was really happy and enjoying the view........The view was very familiar.  I knew exactly where I was flying...... East towards Long Island.  That was where my sister resided and I , at the time, in Brooklyn, New York.  Suddenly, I found myself standing in my sister's bedroom.  The first thing I saw was my sister under covers to her neck sleeping soundly.  She was wearing some covering over her head .....Maybe some kind of hair coverings?  I calmly moved towards a dresser table......I recognized it.......I browsed that which was spread on top of it........A booklet/folder somewhat yellow in color with writing/print (I could not read the writing?)  I seemed to be determined to read it, but at the time, I did not realize that usually, any kinds of print, signage, etc.  is considered private information.  BUT....I certainly did see the color and it was very, very , very familiar.  Yellow and the print was black.  There were two other objects also on the top of the dresser table that I could see clearly.
Deciding that I had enough information to relay to her later when in the physical , I slowly turned to my right and then to a full-length mirror behind me that was something she never had in her room whenever I had visited?
THAT WAS NOT THE BIG SURPRISE!!!๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜€Looking into the mirror and expecting to see my reflection , was something I had never done before during the thousands of OBES that I have had starting as a small boy......I must admit the truth!  It was the major thing that I was timid about seeing during an OBE.....(Looking in a mirror!)
Above I have posted the first picture that I have ever found on the internet that is definitely, the closest thing to the reflection of myself that I have ever seen looking in that mirror.
I was instantly slammed back into my physical body back in my bed at home.  This is common of what happens when one gets' too excited during an OBE.  I opened my eyes in my bed and smiled and thought to myself..........."Whoa!"
By the way, the booklet I saw on my sister's dresser table was a "Playbill" of a play that she had gone to see some time ago.......She said it was, "Yellow and the print was Black"
She told me this AFTER, I described it in detail to her.....Also I was correct about her hair having a scarf  type covering over it to keep it in place.
Did she believe me now???  ๐Ÿ˜I do not know?  She became silent and never mentioned it again. LMAO:)                                             Love and Light to all,

More later,