"When you speak, speak the truth; perform what you promise; discharge your trust ; be chaste in thoughts and actions". Prophet Muhammad
INDIGO CHILDREN was a term used to describe children who are believed to possess special, unusual and sometimes supernatural traits or abilities. The term is pseudo scientific. The idea was based on New Age concepts developed in the 1970s by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Jan Tober and Lee Carroll. The concept of indigo children aimed popular interest with the publication of a series of books in the late 1990s and the release of several films in the following decade.
The interpretations of these beliefs range from their being the next stage in human evolution, in some cases possessing paranormal abilities such as telepathy, to the belief that they are more empathic and creative than their peers.
Within the last decade or so, a growing number of children have been born that appear to be more intuitive and more creative than older generations were at that age, take to computers like fish takes to water, have natural understanding of technology in general that can border on the uncanny and, in some cases, may be natural healers. An understanding of the spiritual beyond their years and a matter-of-fact attitude toward the paranormal are often attributed to these youngsters.
These bright and gifted youngsters are dubbed MILLENNIUM CHILDREN during the year 1998.
However, as with many things, there is the other side of the same coin, a yin to the extraordinary yang of these Millennium Children, not yet discussed in books or New Age circles.
These others are the END-TIMES CHILDREN, living amongst us, just as their inspiring counterparts do, and also making their presence known in extraordinary ways. In towns like Pearl, Mississippi, Jonesboro, Arkansas, Springfield, Oregon, and perhaps most notably, in Colorado's Columbine High School.
In many cases, it is revealed the parents were fair and supportive. That sports and TV weren't big interests. The usual suspects don't ring true?
If a schism has occurred, that is spiritual in nature and may even be evolutionary in scope, giving us the enlightened MILLENNIUM CHILDREN
It goes without saying that quite the opposite could just as easily occur! And, if a cosmic balance is to remain, the opposite must be true.
Both once removed from the older generations, both not easily understood or accepted. One natural healers- whether it be spiritual
or, in some cases, physical level. The other bringing emotional or spiritual pain to those they touch and, in some cases, being natural destroyers.
As a Astral Projector myself, you might ask at this point, what do I believe from my OBEs??? I will present to you my thoughts:
Above you see a photograph of two children that I personally know and in my opinion/beliefs, they are DEFINITELY, two (Brother and Sister) of the beautiful and gifted, MILLENNIUM CHILDREN that are now and will continue their goals of "healing our planet!" They are two of thousands! They reside in THE LIGHT!
The others (END TIMERS) I refuse to look in their direction. They are in THE DARK! BUT.....guess what? I also believe that THE MILLENNIUM CHILDREN will eventually "rescue them!" It is my belief, that THE MILLENNIUM CHILDREN are THE MESSENGERS of THE UNIVERSAL MIND!!! More later..................
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hi Marshall :)
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