
Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Hi Everybody!💓 I wish to take this opportunity to express to you some thoughts on the projection of the astral body........  That which I learned long ago was that every single human being on this planet (And our beloved Pets also) have the instilled abilities within to provoke having our real true bodies exit from our physical vehicles that we travel in while visiting this , "Earth School" that we have chosen to attend in order to learn and evolve before returning HOME!
Unfortunately, many of we human beings have done so under very traumatic situations occurred during our physical lifetimes without actually realizing the experience was real?
These are considered, "unconsciously unprovoked" OBES........  There is another non-physical experience we might have that is primarily the same, and that is referred to as, NDES/NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES.  These are the only differences known at the present time....... A human being can have a limited amount of NDES.  That amount presently established has been "5".  Also, one must die physically in order to do so.  OBES can be experienced, both unprovoked and provoked without limitations during one's physical lifetime!
Many of those having experienced NDES/OBES have informed me of the isolation they have endured due to having withdrawn from revealing their experiences with others that are unaware of such non-physical experiences. 
If I were asked to give any advice on this issue, I will simply say the following:  Do not concern yourselves with that which others say or believe......Focus on YOURSELVES😍Hopefully, you will come to discern that we are all traveling on different paths of enlightenment.....Let's face it, we all appear to arrive here on this physical/material world, SOLO!  Realize that when our physical journey is complete here, that we will depart, SOLO!  
During our OBES, we come to realize that we enter into another dimension that seems unfamiliar at first, but with time we begin to realize that there is something very comfortable about it all.....Sometimes, even more comfortable and "desired" than the physical existence that we had become accustomed to being in on a daily basis?  We observe that instantly, we can totally exist without others that we had come to relate to as somewhat like, "crutches?"  We are far more powerful, far more awesome than ever imagined when previously traveling in the physical vehicles we were enclosed in while attempting to learn various lessons in order to evolve higher before returning HOME💗
During the out of body experience we discover how we left behind so many material things that we misinterpreted as being our "life lines".  We begin to discover that all that we thought we did not know.......We always did, but only were too busy wanting to be a member of "the herd" to accept our own individuality!  Have you ever noticed how many became outcasts for not doing so?
I have encountered quite a few people asking me to please assist them in learning how to have astral projections......FOR ALL THE WRONG REASONS!😂
By the way, here is something one will discover when investigating the subject of astral projection.  MOST all books/research done on the subject of the out of body experience (astral projection) throughout history, have been done by MEN???
I wish to present to all before completion of my thoughts to you here, something said by a person from the past that I wholeheartedly admire and honor..... SYLVAN MULDOON, a person that lived on this planet before I arrived here.......  He said:
"For my part, had a book on immortality never been written, had a lecture on immortality never been written, had a lecture on "survival" never been uttered, had I never witnessed a seance or visited a medium; in fact, had no one else in the whole world ever suspected "life after death", I should still believe implicitly that I am immortal-- for I have experienced the projection of the astral body."💛

More later......