
Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Just by accident, while watching THE HISTORY CHANNEL last night a program was featured that brought back memories of a book/subject  that I have in my collection, THE BIBLE CODE written by a renowned American journalist, MICHAEL DROSNIN. (Published by SIMON & SCHUSTER)  When this book was published in 1997, it immediately found itself on THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER list!  First, THE #1 NATIONAL BESTSELLER followed by THE #1 BESTSELLER IN THE WORLD!
Of course many found this book very controversial, but in spite of its' controversy, here is the statement made by THE BALTIMORE SUN:
I would like to take this opportunity to recommend it to all who read my blog.  I truly believe that this book will make your head spin to the point of having to take time to catch your breath!
More later.........

Love and Light!

Monday, January 24, 2011


There are been many people that have asked me the question, HOW DO YOU KNOW OR WILL I KNOW WHEN I AM HAVING AN OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE? 
I will take this opportunity to answer the questions here as best as I know how..... These answers are NOT the ultimate indications of OBES happening.  They are only my personal experiences (some verified by others who have had the same occur with themselves) .

(These are times when we are about to fall asleep and the astral, non-physical body is about to travel out into the astral plane of existence!  The astral body cannot release does not move outside of the physical until we are completely asleep.  When you jump or jerk back suddenly during this time, the astral body jumps back inside the physical).  The feeling can sometimes be equal to that of two items crashing into each other!  Sometimes there are those who even feel imaginary pain in their head when this occurs.

2.  The frightening feeling of suddenly being unable to move one's physical body.  The feeling of paralysis!

3.  The brief moments of having the abilities to "see" with your physical eyes, BUT, unable to move your physical body.

4.  The sounds of loud thumping (which is usually the beat of the medulla obbligato at the back of one's neck).

5.  Loud indescribable sounds coming from around one's head.

6.  Vibrations so strong that you are terrified.  (Funny, having become accustomed to these vibrations myself, I once experience the real physical sensations as a result of an earthquake and within seconds realized I was NOT about to have an OBE!!!)

7.  Sounds of music, chimes, wind chimes, wind, unknown voices speaking or singing beautifully, thumping sounds, drum sounds, crashing sounds, etc.

8.  Very clearly hearing or seeing people whom we know have died some time ago.

9.  The feeling of sinking or falling through the bed in which we are lying on top of...... 

10.  Suddenly feeling what one conceives of as hands, or fingers, touching our bodies or voices whispering into our ears!

And many, many more.  FEAR NOT!  Always believe when these things begin to happen, you are about to experience a part of yourself that is a awesome part of your being that you have totally forgotten.  Attempt to keep in mind that you are about to realize that you are much, much more than flesh and blood.  This will be the true indications of who and what we really are on this planet.  Our true selves are not what we have for so long come to believe we were or were taught by others to believe we were, BUT, we are much more powerful and incredible entities that are traveling in vehicles that are appropriate for this dimension or this earth plane.  Fear nothing at this time, because  you are suddenly realizing that you and I are spiritual beings that are eternal and indestructible universal spirits!  These have always been for me the beginnings of THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY!
More later.............

Love and Light!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


It is not possible to understand your soul or your higher self or your intuition without coming to terms with the existence of nonphysical reality.   GARY ZUKAV

It was quite amazing to travel so far in my journey of life to discover the possibilities of "Why?" I had been the boy who was a so called, Bed Wetter!
As a matured adult a scenario occurred that brought this to my attention.  One evening, Gerard and his girlfriend at that time had invited me over to have dinner with them and spend most of the evening watching television concerts.  That night we had a great deal of wine and laughing and talking together, I am sure it went un-noticible as to how much wine was consumed.
Later that night when I was sleeping in my bed at home, I woke up and discovered that I was compelled to visit the bathroom to relieve my bladder.  At first when I woke up, I felt very drowsy and comfortable and trying to refrain from getting up to make the trip.
My mind whispered to me, GO LATER.  REST A BIT MORE.  I did so.  But time must have passed and I woke up again and decided, I could hold it no longer and should make the trip to the bathroom right away.  I got up and walked to the bathroom quickly and arrived inside and looked down at the toilet, but thought to myself that I was going to need to switch on the light to see the toilet more clearly.  As I did so, my finger went right through the light switch on the wall and I could feel myself giggle in surprise and put out the thought, FALSE AWAKENING!  At the same time, due to my excitement, I was pulled quickly back to my bed and into my physical body.  I opened my eyes and sat up in bed and stood up immediately and walked to the bathroom to relieve myself.  As I stood there doing so, I laughed out loud and said, MARSHALL, YOU ALMOST PEED IN THE BED!!!
Is it possible that several times in the past as a child, that I had done so?  Having not been developed with my Astral Projections, it is very possible.  How many young people throughout the world are having these experiences? 
By the way, this was a false awakening, but I do know that we are also able to project even while sleeping and having no consciousness of the OBE.
I believe that I mentioned earlier that there are CONSCIOUS PROJECTIONS and UNCONSCIOUS PROJECTIONS.  Primarily, when one wishes to have Conscious Projections, one must do some work.  You must train yourself to have Conscious Projections.  As Sylvan Muldoon stated in his journals, he believed that we ALL project during our sleep at night.  The Astral Body projects from the physical and performs many tasks and adventures.  Also, there are those who sometimes, for reasons unknown to me, that unknowingly, find themselves in the HYPNAGOGIC STATE.  This is called, SLEEP WALKING.  These people seem to "stick" with the astral body upon projection and follow with it.  (I have my own little joke to myself about that...... These people are NOT letting go of ANYTHING!)  Some walk to completion and eventually end up back in bed and asleep and then there are those who wake up before returning to bed and have no idea how they got to this new location?
More later..........

Love and Light!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I mentioned very briefly some time ago in my blog, where BED WETTING could play a significant part during OBES.
NIGHTTIME INCONTINENCE or NOCTURNAL ENURESIS is the medical term used when this occurs.  It is possible that around the age of 6 or 7 would not be of great concern, since bladder control might not yet be established in the individual.
Since I have mentioned that I did encounter this experience and was clueless as a young boy, BUT, as an adult after many ASTRAL PROJECTIONS, I came to the realization of what the possibilities might be for this happening or continuing to happen to young people.  I also would like to address additional information to those children and parents who are perplexed by these events within their families.
Most medical professionals attribute this to child development or various psychological problems within the home, BUT, without being "specific".
Having witnessed what other children have been subjected to during these difficult times and being able to totally understand how they must have felt, I will give you some thoughts on this subject in relationship to OBES.
First of all, I remember very clearly how various methods of humiliation were put upon children due to this situation, which was truly no fault of the child.  Ignorance on the part of the parent was devastating to the child. 
I will give you a few examples of how this was handled by many parents.   I remember very well, one of my playmates next door to where my brother and I lived in Virginia.  There were three brothers and they were considered our "best friends".  Their mother would very angrily run into the backyard and hang on the clothesline one of the boys' sheets that he had slept on the night before and had soiled.  She would yell out loud and clear to any who would listen, that he had wet the bed again the night before.  Of course, all of us preparing to leave for school would be witness to this terrible performance!
Later I found out that this was something very commonly done by parents who could not stop their child from bed wetting and would ignorantly use this demonstration as a form of embarrassment to the child, in the hopes that it would stop his or hers accidents in bed.  (It was an extremely cruel and vicious action on the parent's part, since the child was innocent). 
If you have read  much of my blog you will know that being a bed wetter could also be the result of a much more complexed and painful experience on the part of the individual.
I am suspecting that not all children would have to experience trauma in addition to just being "gifted" or "still attached to the astral" more strongly than the general population.
Once again I say to you, that metaphysical awareness is an important part of our being and it needs to be more within the thoughts of our fellow human brothers and sisters in order to understand and be more loving to one another.
Being so attached to the "physical" has made so many of us tremendously materialistic and detached from the much greater picture! 
During our physical existence on this planet, so many speak primarily in terms of both "physical and material " possessions.  I have often stopped to listen closely to hear how we refer to so many things:  MY CHILD, MY SON, MY WIFE, MY MONEY, MY JOB, MY GRANDCHILD, MY DAUGHTER, MY, MY, MY, MY, ETC.  And I noticed that one of the most surprising events happen when one day, all of a sudden, all of the  "MY"s look at us in the eye and say, I HATE YOU. GO AWAY.  I WANT TO BE ON MY OWN.  I CANNOT STAND YOU.  I WANT MY SPACE.  I WANT MY FREEDOM.  STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO.  I AM GOING TO RUN AWAY.  I AM GOING TO MOVE OUT.  I AM GOING TO DO WHAT I WANT TO DO, LEAVE ME ALONE.........Go ahead, think about it.  Add your own experiences etc.  This "perfect" baby/child is no longer remembered as such.  It is no longer the center of yours existence.  It is now the unexpected TERROR in your life.   (And by the way, also keep in mind something else when thinking about these statements, WE, YOU, ME, HAVE ALL SAID THE SAME THINGS OURSELVES at one time or another during our life!)  Why?  Because we must all come to realize, that we do not OWN anything on this planet. )  What we have been doing all of this time is giving ourselves the illusion that we OWN reflections of ourselves.  When in reality, all of us have our OWN journeys to fulfill and would be better done without interferences on the parts of those who wish to "mold them into images that we have manifested in our minds" that we wish to bring into the material plane of existence.
Bed wetting is a much greater concern by humans than we might imagine.  The reason is, that such as with all things we would prefer to not discuss, it is pushed into the background.  In my opinion, just as with all of the other events we all have to live with, there are answers to resolving these situations.  That is why since recently I read as a headline event on several periodicals the problems or concerns with BED WETTING, that I will discuss with you, my thoughts and ideas of what might be of great help in addressing this issue, rather than violently pushing it into the realms of darkness and causing so many despair.  More later..........

Love and Light!