
Monday, August 30, 2010


I was 21 years old and I lived in an apartment in a townhouse once owned by J.P. MORGAN.  It was very unusual with a huge fireplace and many stain glass windows.  It was directly across the street from Central Park.  It was my first apartment in Manhattan.  I also had acquired my first job in the big city.  The whole experience was both exciting and very, very lonely. 
With time at my new job I met a few nice friends.  The one I wish to speak of here is, KARL.  In the small group of people I became a part of, he was the most unusual person I had ever met, up to that point in my life.  He was over 6 feet tall.  He had piercing eyes that looked "into" you, not "at" you.  To me he physically appeared like all of the typical pictures that hung in churches of THE CHRIST.  (With time, I came to believe that Christ did not look anything like those pictures in churches. )
Anyway, Karl had experimented with just about every imaginable drug of the time.  He primarily smoked weed all the time and was always "high".  He was the first person to ever tell me that the world was "messed up" and that most people in the world were lowly evolved spiritually.  Of course I had no idea what he was talking about and did not really care..... BUT, Karl was a beautiful human being.  He never raised his voice and he never would lift a finger to harm anything or anybody.  I do not remember ever seeing him get angry.  He was so quiet and calm at all times.  AND.....he did not give the impression that he took drugs at all?  Our small group of friends to my knowledge and memory, did not take any kinds of drugs.  WE JUST DRANK WHISKEY! AAHahahahah!!! 
Karl and I shared a lot of time together and in spite of the fact that I did not really comprehend the many thoughts and ideas he had about humankind, I still enjoyed our times together.  (When I went away for a long period of time Karl sublet my apartment until I returned).
The first time I ever tried MARIJUANA was with Karl.  Its' result on me was that of laughing my ass off for hours!  It was so much fun.  Me repeatedly questioning Karl as to whether or not I was "high" or not was a riot.  He would smile and say, YES, MARSHALL, YOU ARE VERY STONED!  He would explain in detail how the Marijuana affected various individuals.  It was all very exciting and very interesting.
One day at work, I asked Karl about the drug, LSD.  He said we would talk about that at lunch.  We did.  He had taken it on several occasions.  I told him that I had heard very bad things about it.  I even knew of a few friends outside of our circle that had committed suicide while on this LSD.
He quickly comforted me in telling me that these people should never have been permitted to take the drug in the first place.  He told me that these particular persons had been unstable individuals to begin with and this had not been a good move on either their part or those involved.
Months passed and I continued to bring up the subject of LSD (also referred to as ACID).  Karl looked at me with that "Christ-Like" stare one time and said, MARSHALL, WOULD YOU LIKE TO EXPERIMENT WITH ACID?  I almost jumped out of my skin and replied, OH NO!!!  The subject was dropped.
Sometime later, I brought up the subject again with Karl while we were hanging out in Greenwich Village with several Artists and Musicians.  Karl once again said to me, MARSHALL WOULD YOU LIKE TO EXPERIMENT WITH ACID?  I practically yelled out, OH NO.  I WAS JUST ASKING!  He calmly smiled at me and changed the subject.  I would also like to mention that Karl was what one would consider a, PACIFIST.  I was so totally blind in those days.  I had no idea that he was just like all of those people I would see either on television or on in the newspapers that would "turn the other cheek" when struck or "sit-in" during protest for peace.  He was just KARL, my quiet, calm and compassionate friend.
I do remember some things about how he made me feel as a person when I was around him from time to time.  He always made me feel that no matter what I did or said about anything or anybody was alright.  He always made me feel comfortable when we were quiet and did not speak any words during our times together.  He seemed to laugh at my jokes even when they were bad.  When I was sad or angry, he would attempt to help me to find clarity in my feelings. 
Sitting here writing about KARL brings back so many memories that I had forgotten in my past.  (Remembering KARL has suddenly brought back the memory of someone that was so much like him in my life......KENNETH! (A great musician)  Wow!  "K"  two "Ks")  Until this day, I have NEVER known anybody like these two?)
For the moment, I am relaying to you my time shared with Karl.  He was my friend and guide at that time in my life.  I am suddenly remembering a person who actually showed me in physical reality what is called, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!
In my next blog, I will tell you all about THE TRIP!  (That is what it is called, when one takes LSD(ACID).  
More later,

Love and Light!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Since I have read and studied hundreds of books on OBES and NDES, I am always excited when something new is released that I have not read.  In my past blogs I have suggested books that I have found excellent for anyone interested in the subjects.
Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to recommend the newest book that I am in the process of reading now, and thus far I am very excited about its' contents, since I am always very selective about when choosing what to read.
I would like to highly suggest, CONSCIOUSNESS BEYOND LIFE, The Science of the Near-Death Experience.  It is written by, PIM VAN LOMMEL, M.D.  This is a book written by Dr. Van Lommel, a renowned cardiologist from The Netherlands.  The doctor was so inspired by the stories his patients told of their NDES that he became the first medical practitioner to risk his reputation with a full, systematic clinical trial into the phenomenon.  He has been Internationally acclaimed for his research on the subject.
To quote one of the many praises for his book:
THE WASHINGTON POST:  "The evidence supports the validity of "near-death" experiences and suggests that scientists should rethink theories on one of the ultimate medical mysteries:  the nature of human consciousness."

More later,

Love and Light!

Friday, August 20, 2010


It seems now, "Long ago and far away" (Aahahahahah=) I was 17 and about to get my first job performing on The Broadway Stage, in a play written by Kittie Frings, whose husband was the manager of Elizabeth Taylor and what a thrill this was for me since I got to meet them all.  I still remember how shy I was about meeting Elizabeth Taylor and trying to hide behind other cast members to be un-noticed by her, specifically greeting each and every one personally.  BUT....since I was always small for my age, and appeared even smaller on stage, I was not able to hide.  She called out loud and clear, IS THAT "LITTLE MARSHALL OVER THERE BEHIND YOU???" Aahahahahahhaahah=) 
I remember being very anxious and concentrating at my acting workshop sessions with my Mentor/Instructor who was very, very strict!
One evening during class, we were to do scenes for a small "Invited Audience".  It was exciting and lots of energy was created by all the students, as well as myself, being one.  I was both happy to know that I had gotten the part in a Broadway play as well as knowing that not only a couple of my relatives would attend, but also my dear friend Richard Castellanos, who was eventually to be one of the stars of the film, THE GODFATHER.  Richard was a tremendous influence on me because he was not only a great artist, but a great human being.  (He has since "crossed-over")
Richard at that particular moment was already appearing in a Broadway play with Jon Voight.  Jon was about to make his big film with Dustin Hoffman, THE MIDNIGHT COWBOY.  Shortly in the future Jon Voight would become the father of, Angelina Jolie, who became another major motion picture star.
On completion of our performances that night at the workshop.  I was thrilled to get incredible compliments from ALL who attended.  BUT, the next evening at class, my Instructor looked me in the eye and said.....NICE, BUT YOU CONTINUE TO "HOLD BACK" WITH YOUR SKILLS AND EXECUTION WHEN PRESENTING YOUR CHARACTERIZATION ON STAGE.   Yikes!  Once again, I was outraged by his critique on my performance.  He had told me this on previous occasions and I always swelled up with anger inside because I just could not accept or understand why he felt that way about me?  I knew without a doubt that he was very, very impressed with my performances in class, BUT, he always seemed to be indifferent when it came to speaking with me and giving me criticisms about my work.  I knew this in the past because others had told me that he thought I was excellent and he would give me high scores on my ratings, BUT, when he spoke to me privately, it seemed he would ALWAYS, say the same thing:  YOU ARE HOLDING BACK!   And boy, did I always have EXCUSES and reasons for what he said, not being the truth.  And he always, gently and calmly, REPEATED HIMSELF TO ME!  He would never, ever buy any of my excuses or explanations.
I always respected him and never became arrogant or resentful towards him......for some strange reason, I ALWAYS CAME BACK FOR MORE!
I have learned with time and the opening of my awareness and finding out so much more about myself and how how spirits needs to grow, that this man was one of the persons in my life, that when I look back on parts of my journey, I presently feel the greatest and most loving respect for being a person in my life, THAT CARED ABOUT ME AND WANTED TO HAVE ME BE THE "BEST!"  I was DEAD to what was being given to me at that time, BUT, I know very well that there was a part of my spirit that would always come back for more from him and that there was a much greater reason for doing so than I could comprehend at the time.
I  have "seen" so clearly during some of my OBES when my astral eyes have opened wide, what I could not "see" before in my physical travels.  But I am thankful, because I am able to see and know what I was missing during my lessons in this dimension.  They always say, IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!  Well, good because I am now able to "see" and "know" what these beautiful persons  were attempting to present to me, for me to learn and I ALWAYS TAKE TIME IN MY CONTINUING PHYSICAL LIFE TO SEND "LOVE" TO THESE BEAUTIFUL AND POWERFUL BEINGS, who took their time and never gave up on me to encourage me to find it within myself to open up and be spiritually alive, rather than DEAD!

More later,
Love and Light!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I mentioned sometime ago about having an OBE and sensing but not "seeing" the person that was with me.  If you recall, I was about to say to the person, ARE YOU DEAD? and before the words or the thoughts could jump from my mind, the unseen entity replied, NO.  BUT YOU ARE!  With time I believe I have come to a understanding or clarity of what lesson was being presented to me.
I have sense not only witnessed this situation with MYSELF, with some of those around me whom, from observation have made it very clear to me that, THEY WERE TOTALLY DEAD AND HAD FORGOTTEN TO GO TO THE CEMETERY!
Please permit me to explain my coming to this conclusion about what was said to me.  I had been having quite a few OBES and had so much information being given to me, but had unknowingly or unwillingly, been able to accept and comprehend what lessons were being given to me about my physical journey.  I suppose we all have various reason, but I believe mine was a form of DENIAL.
At the time, I had not been able to comprehend that no matter how much I wanted to know or learn about myself and my faults or blocks that prevented me from advancing, I was unable to accept and see that I needed to look very closely at myself and myself ALONE and not to always blame others for my shortcomings.  Always, it seemed, I had blamed someone or something for reasons for my emotional aches and pains in life.  It was always the fault of those around me which caused me to be held back in advancing my soul development/journey. 
I learned that no matter how much I wanted to find fault with others, that they too had their difficult problems to overcome during their stay on this Earth plane of existence.  I soon began to see not only myself, but those around me who would always blame other for their aches and pains.
I began to "see" that no matter how good or bad in my eyes a person was either to me or themselves, that they too were struggling to become whole.
All of us are searching and wanting so much to be loved and comforted.  We can become so selfish when we strike out and blame others for not being exactly the way we want them to be for us.  This can be very difficult to comprehend, because we have to "feel" and understand their pain when addressing these situations.  ALL HUMANS HAVE A RIGHT TO TRAVEL ON THIS PLANE AS THEY CHOOSE TOO.  No one has the right to push them to be the way we want them to be for US.  To share or honor that which we do.  They are individual souls.  They have rights and choices and those things must be respected.  If we do not respect them, we are nothing but CONTROL FREAKS!  Attempting to make other do and act and operate how we determine or decide which is right for both them and ourselves. 
I began to "see" many of my close people practice very destructive habits when it came to dealing with others.  Either friends or families.  By the way, FAMILIES have choices.  Just because they chose to enter into your circle when coming here to be a part of your group or family, does not mean that THEY NEGATED THEIR RIGHTS TO BE FREE SPIRITS! 
I have seen and been in the company of many who are defiant when it comes to family affairs.  They are so dead to opening their spiritual eyes, that they are totally controlling about attempting to make those around them, whether they be family or friends, do or think exactly as they do.  They will not in any way attempt to open their eyes and minds to opposing thoughts.  They will create whenever they have to in order to make things the way they want or believe they should be in their eyes.  
THESE PEOPLE ARE ALREADY DEAD!  THEY ARE SPIRITUALLY DEAD!  They are stubborn and some will never, never change in physical existence.  These are those that will repeat this existence over and over again until they get it right!  This is why it is so important for ALL of us to attempt to open our hearts and our minds and try to "see" things with our spiritual eyes in order to bring about "change" if headed in the wrong direction, in order to move forward.  
BUT, look around and also you might want to do as I did, LOOK IN THE MIRROR and really interrogate the person you see and say, (As I have and still do on occasion, DID I DIE AND FORGET TO GO TO THE CEMETERY? AHAHAahahahhahah=)
Guess what?  I would like to share this with whomever wishes to partake:  It's not easy!  We have to really, really, look hard and really LET GO of our egos and control of outside forces.  We must send LOVE and a whole lot of compassion to our souls.  We have to go INWARDS and gently massage our own Spirits/Souls and LET GO of the outside world and those around us.  We must really try to understand...... No matter what WE believe or what WE want, there are a whole lot of human souls surrounding us that might want something quite different OR just as we are doing.....ATTEMPTING TO FIND THEIR WAY during this most difficult journey called, PHYSICAL LIFE ON THIS DIMENSION OR PLANE NAMED, "EARTH!"
More later,

Love and Light!

Monday, August 16, 2010


At this time I would just like to take a brief moment to present to you some thoughts that have been on my mind for a short while now.
Recently, I got an email from someone asking me the question, HOW DO I KNOW WHEN I AM HAVING MYSTICAL EXPERIENCES OR GETTING ANYWHERE WITH MY SEARCH?
Guess what?  We who are interested in this subject will ALWAYS stop and question ourselves from time to time about whether or not the experiences we are having are real or productive!
It made so much sense to me because all around me there were so many individuals that NEVER questioned anything, only showed "skepticism, fear or shallow thoughts".  Why?  Because most are attached very tightly to physical and material beliefs and desires.  They cannot comprehend there being anything more to life than what they can touch, smell, feel or SEE with physical resources.
There will always be those who tell you that they CAN "see" or experience these things and as you develop your abilities you will be able to "know" THE TRUTH.  (It has been said, ALWAYS TRUST YOUR FIRST GUT FEELINGS!  Do not attempt to alter or design them to fit your after thoughts.  By doing this, we will mold them into THE WAY WE "WANT" THEM TO BE, ACCORDING TO OUR DESIRES TO "CONTROL" THAT WHICH WE FEEL WILL SIT WELL WITHIN OUR CONFORT ZONE!  Loose that way of thinking, we only fool ourselves and take our spirits into deeper realms of confusion and misconceptions).
So many believe so strongly, that this is it.  This is everything and never even want to give a thought to the possibility, that this is only a small, minuscule part of the whole picture of who we are and where we are going!
They do not and usually, never, see in physical reality the great and endless Universe that we are in and will continue to evolve in through eons of time!
As a young person, I feared more than anything to ask or seek what was beyond the physical.  Just as many others did.......... I FELT IT WAS SAFER TO NEVER THINK OR MENTION ANYTHING BEYOND THE PHYSICAL WORLD I LIVED IN......
In the more recent years of my life I have admired and honored the young people who questioned so much about this physical life.  When a younger person informs me of their interest in Metaphysics, I am in awe of them....... Why?  BECAUSE I WISH SO MUCH THAT I HAD BEEN SO INQUISITIVE ABOUT THIS SAME SUBJECT YEARS AGO IN THE PAST.  I always feel as if I would have been so much further ahead at this point in my life.  BUT.....always a "voice" whispers in my ears, MARSHALL, EVERYTHING HAS IT'S CORRECT TIME.  BE STILL, YOU ARE FINE=)
In closing my thoughts to you here, I REPEAT the most powerful words I remember from the words in the Bible when God says, MY THOUGHTS ARE "NOT" YOUR THOUGHTS AND MY WAYS ARE "NOT" YOUR WAYS!
I will write more later.......

Love and Light!