
Sunday, October 7, 2012


Several years ago, I became so obsessed with my Astral Projections/Out of Body Experiences, that I had gotten to the point of having difficulties attempting find out more.
Much more about the subject... seems the same answer was given to me at the time, no matter which person gave it to me..... YOU WILL NEED TO INVESTIGATE THE STUDY OF QUANTUM MECHANICS/QUANTUM PHYSICS!  I did so.  I had never become  so lost in my life during my investigations and studies. Yikes!!! The information was coming to me and I was absorbing it as if I were a "solid concrete brick!"  In my case, I went back to continuing to follow my road seeking more with my OBEs.  BUT.... I wish to say to those whom have followed my writings here to "check it out!"  It just might come in handy for some...... Marshall Hill

In my next blog coming up, I will inform you about the out of body experience I had this morning early, that prompted me to give you the above information.                     More later...............

Love and Light!

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