
Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The information given to me during some of my OBES seemed to confirm many of the words discovered in The Bible, sending the words  and thoughts of God.  Such as, MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS, MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS!  These words become clearer in meaning when we discover our true nature/spirit/soul.
The clarity of my coming here to this Earth/School to learn and advance spiritually begins to make sense.  What did I come here to "learn?"  What did I come here to "correct" or to truly understand in a clear and precise way?
Being a victim is a major mistake.  We cannot move forward and continue to make very good use of our journey here to this planet.  We need to get answers or correct mistakes we have made in a very unusual way.  "Unusual?"  Yes.  We cannot remember our motivations for experiencing this particular incarnation.  Were we the "perpetrators" of foolish and harmful acts during our last visit?  Did we "choose" to return and get a true feeling of what it felt like to be on the opposite end of the act???  I have come to the conclusion about this possibility.  Did I harm or injure another in another life?  Did I agree to return in order to learn and develop my soul in association with unacceptable acts performed during my last journey?  OR........was it correct for me to come here to experience the performance of "actually portraying" those acts and being subjected to that particular experience?
When I began to "see" the acts that I considered inappropriate by the other persons from a different point of view, I began to "open my eyes wider!"  Rather than be the "forever victim", I chose to truly want to know WHY this person performed these acts.  I was already experiencing what it was like to be the victim of these acts, but what was this person "thinking?"  Why were they compelled to commit these things?
Living an entire lifetime only thinking that I was a victim would go nowhere in the end.  There was a reason for both myself and the person I considered at fault.  This is what we need to think about when we decide to play the victim and only waddle in self-pity and the sympathy given by those around us.
ARE THESE HUMANS VICTIMS ALSO?  Is this all a part of the thoughts or ways of God when He said:  MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS, MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS?  We definitely know how we feel inside mentally.  BUT....why?  why me?
During my research on the Near Death Experiencers, I noticed a situation that was very consistent and common amongst them all.  When questioned about viewing Wars, Catastrophic events, babies dying of diseases and various other things.  Poverty, and so much what we call, SUFFERING, their responses were rather consistence.....I SAW IT ALL AND IT ALL MADE VERY GOOD SENSE.  IT WAS NO BIG THING.  IT WAS ALL VERY, VERY SIMPLE!  I FELT DIFFERENT SEEING AND SENSING THE ANSWERS, I DID NOT FEEL DEVASTATED AT ALL?  IT WAS ALL VERY, VERY SIMPLE AND IT SEEMED AS IF I HAD JUST REGAINED SOME LOST MEMORY ABOUT ALL OF THESE THINGS.   When asked to explain and give the answers to what they had found out about these situations that made them feel this way, all responses were equal:  I CANNOT REMEMBER NOW?
I always suggest to people who discuss these things with me to really try hard to get a different perspective on things.  I say this because I really do feel we are primarily wearing some kind of "blinders" such as horses wear when pulling carriages in city traffic.  They are deprived of observing any activities going on around them on the streets.  In order for we humans to witness that which is going on not only around us, but within us, we must remove our veils and blinders.  We will need to use "other eyes".  Our Spiritual Eyes, our Astral Eyes!  These are the eyes that see EVERYTHING!
I have learned and am still learning, that by closing our eyes or viewing ONLY that which we choose to "see", causes us to miss out on so much more that is going on within our world of existence.  This dreamlike state that we live in from day to day prevents so many magnificent adventures! 
This also brings up the subject of "judging".  Being judgemental about people and things.  If only I could take away the times I have been both JUDGE AND JURY.  I do feel as I have developed that it can also be one of the cruelest acts we perform.  In spite of these things, I have ALWAYS been against the act of Capital Punishment.  No matter how horrible the crime the punishment of execution has always made my heart break into a million parts.  Besides my emotions, I have always questioned, HOW CAN YOU DESTROY THE MOST MAGNIFICENT ENTITY ON THE PLANET AND CONTINUE TO LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT "YOU" DID NOT CREATE IT??? I have always had the feeling that this act of execution was destroying the property of an entity that was far superior to anything or anybody as we know of....... and yet, taking this momentous act of revenge is unspeakable.  I have often wondered to myself, what would be the response to the question when asked by the creator of the property, WHY DID YOU TAKE IT UPON YOURSELF TO DESTROY MY PROPERTY?  Especially since one might find ones' self at a lost for an explanation knowing that our way of thinking is not the same as the one that created us!  
Most of us have decided that truly believe that what we cannot SEE, TOUCH of FEEL does not exist.  It become a choice.  And we have the free will to choose.  Many of us have been trained during most of our lifetime, both by teachers, parents, relatives, etc. to only believe and "see" that which they have decided is traditional and acceptable.  And these thoughts have become cycles!  The Ripple Effect of generations of physical beings.  So many do not have any concept that we travel in human vehicle's.  So many do not stop to realize that our physical vehicles of travel are not the "real us!"
This fact gave me a better understanding of my OBES.  Having the abilities to travel outside of my physical vehicle has given me the factual information, that WE ARE MUCH MORE THAN WE THINK WE ARE IN THIS UNIVERSE!
More later.......

Love and Light!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010



Some will not appreciate my "viewpoint" on a childs' being sexually and emotionally abused.  (Then you should not read this! Aahhahahah!)  A little humor to give you some peace and relaxation of mind.
Anyway, on The Internet, on the radio, on the television, etc.  presently there is so much about a person, a Minister, who is being accused of sexually abusing young boys in his congregation.  Every time information such as this comes out to the public, it seems to me, lots of public figures come out and reveal that they too were abused.  (Is this for publicity to further their careers, or what???)
Here is my take on this subject as related to the OBES I have encountered.  Like most I have read or heard about, we reveal this information as adults or only to the most intimate friends as a young person. 
Earlier in my writings, I believe I mentioned that after many, many years, as a full grown adult, I once "asked" during an OBE to reveal to me, the "why" I had always carried this "sadness" deep inside my soul and could not really put my finger on or was pretending that other things were causing these feelings.
I was both sexually and mentally abused by male members of my immediate family as a very young boy......around 6 or 7 years old.  Unfortunately, I was so traumatized by the events that I suppressed deep in my soul those horrible feelings.  As I developed into adulthood, I carried very sad and melancholy feelings.  Most of the times I chose to live in a fantasy world that made me very happy and not really realizing that I was continuing to suppress these horrible feelings.
During my OBES I was always caught up with the Adventures of Astral Travels without really thinking about anything that troubled my soul in my past.  By the way, I have also discovered as an adult when revealing my experiences with abuse recently, there are many others around me who have presented me with their "secrets" that were similar.  It's was a little surprising to hear my dear friend say to me the other day during the onset of the conversation on the subject when she blurted out to me, very sarcastically,  WHO HASN'T BEEN ABUSED AS A SMALL CHILD???
Having gathered so much information on this subject now and having given so much thought, prayer and  meditations to it.  I believe I have recieved "messages" about the situations that have happened both to myself and others and my intuition or psychical thoughts have brought  me some clarity.  Contemplating these messages have made me come to realize some surprising if not disturbing news!  But... as always, I know it is just another part of understanding the reasons for these "lessons" during this course we are experiencing on this particular dimension, EARTH.
Next......I will be presenting to you the information I have recieved.  There will be those who will suddenly "wake up" just as I did, to the facts that everything in our lifes have a "season" and a "reason" .  Of course there will be those of you that will be furious by the information I will reveal to you!  Why?  Because we have been asleep and living in a dreamlike state that gave different "rules" and "regulations" that were only misguided. I have presented to you in all of the things that I tell you...... These are "answers" that have been given to me and I am only wanting to "share" them with those of you who are interested in viewing them with a very, very open mind.  If only for a few moments while reading these revalations that I wish to share with you, you will put aside all other thoughts and beliefs and open your mind/spirit wide and view them without any prejudices, you will at lease have some, FOOD FOR THOUGHT!  Sometimes, all might be more simple than we have made things out to be.....As in the song Peggy Lee wrote years ago,  " that all there is?  is that all there is?  If that's all there is, then let's keep dancing!"
More later......

Love and Light!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I woke up in my bed and it was not yet daybreak.  I suddenly felt myself rest my head on my pillow and as I did so, I very quickly could feel my entire astral body rise up out of my physical body and  glide smoothly over to my bedroom windows.  I simply floated outside the window and down to the the front of the brownstone I lived in with ease.
I found myself standing in front of the house and looking at the flowers that were in front of me in the small area at my feet.  They seemed like giants in appearance!  I could see every petal, every single part of them, as I had never seen before.
Suddenly, without even knowing why...... I looked upwards and yelled out to the dark sky, WHY AM I LIKE THIS?  WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE THIS SAD FEELING INSIDE ME SO DEEP???
Within seconds, I seemed to be airborne in the sky and moving very rapidly across the area towards the south....... I could "sense" but not "see" that there was someone behind me guiding or assisting my body to a very specific destination?
Quickly, I saw the buildings and parks and The Brooklyn Bridge below as I seemed to be flown smoothly!
Within what seemed like seconds, I could see myself approaching a house..... I could see two windows in front of me.  One was "open" and one was "closed".  (I knew sometime later after this experience, that I was being given a choice, go through the open window or "know that you can also go through the closed one!"  YES, I played it safe and chose the "opened window" ahahhhahahahh:)
I found myself inside the house.  I knew this place looked both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time?  I also could see that the decor was from the past, not from the present date?
I immediately saw a small boy reclining on a sofa ...... his head, his face was looking away from my direction.  I moved very slowly towards him....... he turned his head and looked directly at me..... He was crying.  He was crying a lot and he seemed to have only his underwear on...... I was confused and nervous.  Who was this kid???  He stared at me as he cried. 
Suddenly, I looked up past him and saw a room with glass doors behind him and there were several people inside that room at a table.  An adult male walked out and looked as if to check out what was happening in the room the boy was in and then he turned and closed the glass door and went away back into the room.
At this point, the small boy jumped and sat up and yelled at me, HELP ME!  He was hysterical and frightened.  I stepped back away from him....... who was this kid???  Just as the thought went through my mind....... A very small white light seemed to focus directly on his forehead...... I saw a small bump on his head..... THE SAME BUMP THAT I HAD IN THE SAME PLACE TO THIS DAY, FROM FALLING OUT OF AN APPLE TREE.  I jumped back away from him as he jump onto me with his arms and hand clutching my body and screaming to me, HELP ME! GET ME OUT OF HERE! PLEASE GET ME OUT OF HERE! PLEASE!!!  There was saliva foaming at his mouth due to hysteria........ I seemed to yell back at him, GET AWAY FROM ME!  LET GO OF ME! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!!! 
Within less than a second it seemed, I was sitting up in my bed in my own bedroom in sheer horror and shock!  I could hear myself say out loud and clear........OH DEAR GOD!  THAT WAS "ME"  THAT BOY WAS "ME!"
I knew very well at that moment that I had been "taken" and "shown" exactly the answer to my question asked..... "Why do I feel this way now...... This sadness?  Why?"  I had been taken back to when I was a boy in Virginia in the house I lived in and shown that which had happened to me.
That day, I recorded on a recorder my entire experience and I went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art and sat around viewing paintings and listening to the playback of my recorded information about the experience...... I was calm.  I was peaceful.  I was feeling that I had been privileged to "see" deeper into this life I was living more than I had ever imagined possible.  This to me had been one of the most profound experiences of THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY!                                                          More later...........

Love and Light!

Monday, September 13, 2010


Back at my apartment, I was "coming down" quickly.  The results of having taken the LSD were wearing off after approximately 24 hours.
There is not much to tell you at this point, that would be of tremendous interest.  BUT, it was horrible.  I still remember the feelings of slowly and gently returning to a world of grey matter and morbid thoughts.  Physical reality was heavy and totally different than the one I had experienced during my trip.  I was calmly being guided into this reality by Karl.  He told me that the things I was experiencing now were that of "the world that I had always known it to be".  Primarily, HEAVY AND GREY.
He said that I would soon have to go to sleep for many hours in order to adjust to my return.  He asked me questions about how I felt about things.  My reply was negative.
I did not like accepting the fact that the world was so different when I returned.  I wondered how other people would feel about experiencing the trip I had just had while experimenting with LSD.
He looked into my eyes and I saw the sadness.  He said, MARSHALL, HOW DO YOU THINK WORLD LEADERS WOULD FEEL HAVING EXPERIENCING WHAT YOU JUST ...... Before he could complete his sentence, I blurted out loud and clear, THEY WOULD NEVER, EVER CONSIDER A WAR!  THEY WOULD DEFINITELY STEP DOWN FROM OFFICE.  Karl immediately agreed with me.  We both agreed that it would be a very dangerous thing for these people to have ingested this drug. (We also had a long discussion about the possibilities of "why?" this drug was considered highly illegal.  Was it due to the fact that is "opened ones' mind" this way?  Or the definite possibilities of fatal outcomes with various individuals???) 
When I look back at this experience in my life, I can very easily compare it to all of my OBES!  Without drugs I have been able to experience THE TRIP many times and without any ill or depressing side affects.  (This is probably why I personally, will not in any way experiment with hallucinagenic drugs to this day.)  ALL of my OBES have been without any kinds of drugs.  
My feelings about my OBES when it comes to the use of drugs is as follows:  I believe and know very well, that any drugs associated with my OBES would cause distortion in my journeys.  This I believe is because I still remember the "lack of control" I had with the usage of LSD.  Of course it was a very good idea to have Karl with me during this trip.  There seems to be no real control of your journey during the trip.  It controls YOU.  During my OBES, my thoughts are always clear and sometimes seem even more precise and well organized than in physical reality.  I feel safe and I believe that astral traveling is best done "alone from the physical into the astral world" at which time you will be able to control any known or unknowned encounters.
I do believe in the saying, TO EACH HIS OWN!  We can decide whatever we wish to do when it comes to experimenting, without judgement by others.  But, it is only my opinion and my past observations during my many years of OBES, etc.  Whenever I encounter personal information about those who take drugs, the report has been "bad".  I feel blessed in that I was able to survive this most interesting trip.  BUT, I do not consider experimenting with various drugs to induce trips.  (I would only say here to all those that would consider such a thing, to be sure to THINK about it with all of your heart and soul before attempting doing so).
Why this occurred in my life?  I DO NOT KNOW?  I would only be guessing if I tried to explain it.
In closing, in spite of it all, I did want to share with you another unusual incident in my life.
More later,

Love and Light!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I remember very well repeatedly going back to the mirror hanging from the ceiling in the hallway of my apartment to take another look at "the guy in the mirror".  It was so amazing that this person was really ME=)
Soon, I heard Karl's voice, MARSHALL, WOULD YOU LIKE TO GO OUTDOORS AND SEE HOW THE OUTSIDE WORLD APPEARS TO YOU NOW?  At first I was apprehensive and then once again I relaxed and said, YES, OF COURSE!  LET'S GO!
We put on our coats (it was Winter) and headed out the door.  I suddenly realized that it was early morning.  We had been in the apartment for the entire night and I had no idea that so much time had passed.
When I first stepped outside, the silence was totally awesome.  I heard nothing.  No cars or buses or anything, just silence?  We walked up the block towards Central Park West, which was half a block from my apartment.  When we arrived at the the street directly across from the park, I stopped and looked around at the sidewalks, and the trees and the buildings.  I looked to my right at The Dakota apartment building.
(This is the building where John Lennon once lived.)  It was a landmark building and it was like a huge castle!  We crossed the street and headed into Central Park West.  I noticed many things.  It appeared as if it were a huge forest.  The paths and the lake were amazingly beautiful.  I yelled out to Karl, THIS IS MAGNIFICENT!!!
Soon we were deep inside the park.  Walking down its' many paths.  I suddenly stopped and was somewhat startled.  WHAT IS THIS???  Karl replied to my question, WHAT IS WHAT?  I looked at him as I held my hands out permitting these huge white particles to fall gently on my hands, THESE THINGS!  THEY KEEP FALLING ON ME AND THERE ARE SO MANY OF THEM AND WHEN THEY FALL ON ME THEY SEEM TO FADE AWAY???  KARL, I GOING CRAZY!!!  I promptly heard a gentle and calming voice say to me, MARSHALL, IT IS BEGINNING TO SHOW.  THOSE ARE SNOWFLAKES.  I was in shock.  I began to laugh out loud unable to restrain my glee.  They were so incredible.  They were just like crystals that had been especially designed.  I was able to observed each one which touched my hands.  They were like "living creatures".  Quiet, gentle and careful as they seemed to individually sit on my hands for seconds and then slowly dissolved and disappear.  Oh my God! This was truly beautiful.  We stood there for what seems like an eternity just permitting them to land on my hands and then my face and eyes and mouth, etc.  The silence and the beauty was beyond anything I had ever really experienced before......... AND, I had seen snow all of my life in the past and yet this was a different experience!  What a beautiful gift! This seemed like I had never really seen snowflakes fall before in my life!
Soon we continued to walk through the park.  I do not remember too much more while in the park at this moment.   But I do remember that our next experience was for me to go head outside of the park to Central Park West and take a bus ride.  Which we did.  
The world seemed to be moving in slow motion and the people and things around me were very, very quiet.  I remember getting on the bus and sensing that the Bus Driver was appearing to me like a "Robot".  He did not look at any of the passengers that got on to pay their fare, he just sat and was like this mechanical robot gathering the fares and looking straight ahead and driving the bus.
We sat up front on the bus.  I could see each passenger enter and sit down.  As I observed them I could "see" into their minds and know all there was to know about them....... I could "feel" their thoughts.  I could sense their fears and worries about their personal lives.  Most people seemed to find the world a very unsettling place to be in.   And then suddenly, THE CHILDREN climbing up the stairs at the entrance to the bus.  The children were ALL fragile, innocent and seemed to be looking out at a very mysterious world.  What I remember the most was their "fragility!"  They were truly experiencing THE UNKNOWN!  These children were maybe 10 and 11 years old in age, yet they seemed like the smallest creatures I had ever seen.  A little girl sat next to me and she seemed to sit very close to me, almost as if she was seeking protection.  I could sense her thoughts.  They are were "pure" and "innocent".  As I observed the adults around the bus, I felt that they were very determined and powerful entities in comparison to the children.  These adults had many, many issues.  Their purity and innocents had dissipated long ago.  I suddenly felt both sad and frightened.  I turned to Karl and whispered, CAN WE GO BACK TO MY APARTMENT NOW?  He replied, YES, OF COURSE.  He immediately escorted me off of the bus and we prepared to make the return back to my apartment.  I remember Karl looking at me and saying, DON'T WORRY MARSHALL.  IT'S OKAY.  (I knew he could sense my present feelings of uneasiness) JUST RELAX, EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE.

More later,
Love and Light!

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Before continuing to write information about my various mystical experiences, please permit me to present to all who may read about myself.....

Love and Light!

Saturday, September 4, 2010


As I have told you, I had not been very aware of my mystical gifts at the time I was about to experiment with a new adventure.  The adventure of taking Lysergic acid diethylamide, also know as LSD or ACID.
When I decided to do it,  I was both nervous and excited.  But, for some reason that I had no idea of, I was anxious to attempt this with Karl having told me that he would be at my side for the entire trip.  I trusted him very much.  He did everything to make me feel "safe".  First of all, he told me that he would not be taking it himself.  He wanted to be very clear headed and able to protect me from any mishaps during the trip, if anything went wrong.  He also assured me that nothing would go wrong and to try to relax and just enjoy this journey. 
It was early on a Friday evening.  (No work the next day)  Karl arrived we had dinner and then chatted a bit about the trip.  All was set.  We both sat on the floor in front of the big burning fireplace.  The room was silent and so were we.  He handed me a very small item that appeared like a tiny portion of sugar or crystal?  He told me to put it on my tongue, which I did....... I was still nervous and Karl told me to relax.  In a few minutes, I told Karl, NOTHING IS HAPPENING?  He told me to relax.  I did so once more and started to feel very relaxed.  Suddenly!  I said, KARL, WHERE ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?  I heard his voice say, MARSHALL, I AM RIGHT HERE, BEHIND YOU, I AM JUST LOOKING AT THE FLAMES IN THE FIRE.  I said, OKAY.  I turned my eyes back to the fireplace and saw beautiful, sparkling flames or color rising out of the fireplace.....they became huge!  They were amazingly beautiful.  I attempted to move closer to the fireplace.  I felt a hand clasp my arm and Karl's voice say, MARSHALL, JUST SIT FOR AWHILE.  DO NOT MOVE CLOSER TO THE FLAMES.  YOU ARE CLOSE ENOUGH.  I obeyed his command.  I looked down at my hands.  I lifted one hand up to my face and stared at it.  OH MY GOD!  MY HAND IS SO AMAZING.  IT HAS SOOOOO MANY PORES AND CREVICES AND TEXTURES AND MY FINGERS ARE SO INTRICATELY DESIGNED.  WOW!  THIS IS MY HAND AND IT IS SO COMPLEXED IN DESIGN?  I WAS SPEECHLESS.  I heard Karl's voice, YES, OUR PHYSICAL BODIES ARE AMAZING!  I must have studied my hands for a long time.  Then I turned my head to my left very slowly and I immediately started to laugh so loud!  I kept on laughing and giggling like a child seeing a new toy.  I saw a boy, he was so cute and cuddly looking.  I wanted to hug him and tell him how adorable he was and that he looked like such a happy and alive little boy!  First, I turned to find Karl and I said, KARL?  WHO IS THAT BOY?  Karl said, MARSHALL, LOOK AGAIN OVER THERE AT HIM....  I did.  He was laughing at me and he seemed to like seeing me.  As I stared at him, I once again asked the question, KARL, WHO IS HE?  Karl replied, MARSHALL YOU ARE LOOKING INTO THE HALL INTO THE HUGE MIRROR HUNG THERE ON THE WALL, FLOOR TO CEILING.  MARSHALL, YOU ARE LOOKING AT YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR!
I was in shock!  I said, BUT HE IS SO NICE AND HAPPY.  I LIKE HIM.  HE IS A GOOD PERSON, NOT BAD AT ALL.  AND THAT IS ME???  Karl replied, YUP, THAT IS YOU MARSHALL.  I sat looking at that mirror for a long time, amazed!
Soon, I stood up and looked around the room and asked Karl if he thought I was "tripping?"  Karl laughed and replied, YUP.  I began to check out the entire room.  Interestingly for me, the room in my apartment was studied by me for the first time.  I realized how tall my ceilings were, 15 feet high.  The ornate walls and furniture that were in the apartment were like that of a museum.  The stained glass windows were "alive!"  Everything I looked at was breath-taking.  All of the ornate figures embedded into the furniture and walls and doors were beautiful works of art.  The mahogany walls were beautiful and displayed "history" that I had never realized before. 
From time to time I would hear Karl's voice.  MARSHALL ARE YOU ALRIGHT?  I would laugh and say, YES KARL, I AM FINE.  THIS IS WONDERFUL.  THIS IS AWESOME!  Sometimes I would see Karl standing next to me and I would look at him..... My best description of him would be, HE APPEARED TO BE THE MOST FRAGILE HUMAN BEING I HAD EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!  Even though he was over 6 feet tall, he appeared even taller to me at that moment.  His face was crystal clear and honest. His eyes and expression was, PROTECTIVE. 
Today, I can say with confidence.....Karl was a "gift" on loan to me from God.  This so called, "gift" would show me things that I had never seen before up until this time in my life.  I had been truly blessed.
Later, I will tell you about the rest of my trip.  Our adventure "outside" of my apartment, into the "outside" world.

Love and Light!