Yup, that is how I felt the other morning when I completed an OBE. The day before I had chose to contemplate the act of suicide, based on the fact that there was no hope to my dismal feelings of despair.
I am revealing one of my personal thoughts that have often visited me in my darkness times. Even though I know very well that the actual act would be a HUGE mistake.....but, then I too, am only human.
It seems that in the process of these most negative and dark thoughts, 100% of the times, "unseen" entities come and either
"whisper" thoughts into my mind or I find myself, having an OBE that changes my entire state of being. Such was that which hap-
pened the other morning.
I permitted my head to rest on my pillow and closed my eyes and soon found myself "moving" almost as a human camera across an unknown place. (The picture above only gives an idea of how beautiful it was to see as I floated down onto a wooden deck which seemed to be situated outdoors in a public place.)
I found myself standing on the deck which had rails, resting my hands and looking at a most "vivid and ultra-clear" vista similar to the picture above...... there was only one difference: To the right of that scenic and beautiful place was a huge cemetery! As I gazed upon it slowly, I saw FLAGS that had been planted on hundreds of graves........ Flags that I recognized from every country in the world.
A very colorful and peaceful sight. No.....not depressing or sad at all. I stared at them for only that which seemed like seconds and then very casually turned back to look to my left at that beautiful and peaceful scene. Suddenly, there seemed to be another deck extended from what appeared as a country storefront? A woman was casually standing with her arms folded leaning on the rails looking out at the country side.
A thought went very quickly into my mind....... I wanted to ask her if I would be able to work for her in the store she had walk outside from behind where she was standing. My thought was, I would want to stay in this beautiful and unfamiliar place, but I would need a job=)
Behind me I suddenly could hear people strolling up the wooden stairs behind me and very softly engaged in conversation. I thought how peaceful and calm all was in this unfamiliar place and smiled to myself within.
The OBE ended abruptly! I felt energized and happy as I sat up in my bed and prepared to give Harry his breakfast and take both he and myself for our morning walk.
I felt very, very happy! It was as if I had been given a medicine to change my feelings of depression. I felt very happy and very energized. I found myself very busy and with too many positive thoughts that day to permit myself to return to such dismal thinking the day before........ I had been once again given a "Spiritual Treatment" and I had also been given "messages" just as in the past. That day would be filled with various errands and little things to do to keep busy...BUT, it would also be important that I "discern and meditate" on that "huge graveyard with all the flags of many counties representing our physical world of existence??? More later...........
Love and Light!
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