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Anderson Hill "I WILL DIE WHEN I AM YOUNG" |
She told me that she was 100% sure that Anderson, my son, whom had crossed over had come to greet her for the first time since she had visited my apartment after his departure from life as we know it.
She was also totally convinced since every day that she was there at 11:30 a.m. an indoor intercom system, which had been used for anyone down stairs, primarily him, to communicate with me when he worked for me in my workshop as one of my assistants. It was very interesting since the entire intercom system had been dismantled and had no electricity as we know of to power it any longer? Part of the system was originally downstairs below the first floor in the workshop and the other half, which I used was upstairs on the main floor where I would, the majority of the times working alone, have access to myself. It was very interesting, since the part that had been in the workshop downstairs had been "thrown out completely?" and the only part left of the half that I used remained upstairs, still plugged in the wall. At first I told Mother that it goes off like that every morning..... So, I decided to check the time and see if it might be going off, "randomly". I had discovered a week before she arrived by doing so investigation, that it went off at "11:30 A.M." every single day. Actually, I was rather surprised when she was visiting that it continued to go off, since I had already told her about it and assumed that like all "ghostly happening" that it was not going to happen while she was there! AAahahahhaha, it happened the very first morning she was there and continued to do so until Mother simple and casually said one morning, "I think you should disconnect that at this time". I did not question her a reason and did as she instructed. We never discussed it again. (There were times when my Mother spoke to me about things such as that, that would silence me for reasons I do not know to this day. I just seemed to "feel" deep inside of myself, that it was not to be discussed beyond that point with her, when she spoke to me with a very strange and "knowing" tone of voice). Besides, I did not wish to bring up the fears she had inside of "her paranormal feelings" sometimes. The expressions on her face spoke a thousand words!
I remember that evening after dinner sitting down to talk with her and asked her a question about something that had been bothering me for several weeks. I told her about an OBE that I had had recently and Anderson had appeared in front of me with a giant grin on his face while telling me something that I could not understand clearly? She looked at me without missing a beat and said, "Don't worry about it, if you did not understand what he was trying to tell you, he will come back at a later date and tell you and make it clear to you".
He did. But before we reveal this information, permit me to tell more about Anderson.
His Mother whom I was never married to, was experiencing psychic and devastating occurrences since she had been 17 years old. She was Turkish and was born and raised in Brasil. At 18 her Father had her committed into an institution for mentally unbalanced individuals due to her unstable behaviour. She was there for one full month before the head of the institution discovered detailed information about her......He was a very established Psychiatrist. One day she became upset about being there and also had a paranormal experience that disturbed her tremendously. The doctors attempted to sedate her with medications and also they locked her in a so called, Strait Jacket (restraints) to keep her calm and still. This was a woman whose weight was 135 pounds and 5'8" tall. The medications had absolutely no affect on her and she released herself from the restraints within minutes and also, broke a locked door open and ran to the head of the institution's main office and begged him to help her and also to release her from this institution. He was in shock, not by her abilities to release herself and run to him, but that she was still being kept as a patient in the institution after having met and examined her weeks ago! He got in touch with her family and spoke to her Father and told him, if he did not take her home and take care of her, he would have him arrested. The Doctor told her Father that there was no explanation that he or any of his colleagues that he had consulted could find wrong with her and that in spite of her unexplainable behaviour, she was definitely not mentally ill or physically ill.
With time she settled down emotionally. She had 11 sisters and 1 brother. 8 of them had died with time of aneurysms in the back of their heads. A solution could not be found. The brother did not die, but was paralyzed from the neck down and confined to a wheelchair. The remaining sisters, including herself almost took this odd condition as a "joke". They only teased each other as to the question, WHO WOULD BE NEXT?
I visited Brasil at one time and remained with them for approximately 6 months and then decided to return to The United States. Anderson at that point was a teenager and wanted to come also....... She and the rest of the family encouraged his decision. I was rather hesitant about it........ I did not know why at the time, but got over my feelings about the situation. He was here in New York for exactly one year when a phone call came in one evening that was strange as hell? His Mother was on the phone. She wanted to speak to me. Her English was very bad and she was in a panic. I gave the phone back to Anderson. They talked and he repeated as they went along what was going on...... She wanted me to make sure that Anderson never came back to Brasil and that she wanted to send his half-sister to New York to live with us and that I would know how to handle the situation. I told her it was out of the question, because she was a teenager and that would be difficult for me to deal with at this point in my life. I told her I would discuss it with my Mother and we would talk about it another time. At the same time, I knew something was very wrong! Later that evening my son looked at me and said, "You know and I know, there is something very wrong". I said, "Yup, there is something very wrong with your Mother and she is going to die!" In a few weeks she died, suddenly!
A month later he told me repeatedly about a "large white ball of light" that would appear in a corner of his bedroom each night at approximately the same time each night. It would appear, and glow for a few minutes and then disappear.
One beautiful summer day in the early afternoon, I had lunch with Anderson and we took a walk at Central Park. The mood was very upbeat and then suddenly he looked me straight on in the face and said, I AM NOT GOING TO LIVE TOO LONG. I WILL DIE WHEN I AM YOUNG. I stopped suddenly and was in shock.......I said, "What the hell are you talking about? Why are you saying that to me???" He smiled, and said, "Please do not be upset, it is not going to happen now". I said, "Then when? Where did you get this shit from you are saying to me now???" He laughed and said, "Listen, I know you are just like her....You know things!" I said, "Ondina, right?" (His Mother) . "I just wanted to tell you, because you should hear those kinds of things, you need to "GET REAL AND ACCEPT THE THINGS THAT YOU KNOW AND STOP BEING IN DENIAL!" I was silent. He went on, "You must not be like Grandma!" (He was referring to my Mother). I braced myself and firmly asked questions, "How do you know? How do you know this???" He went on, "I just know. I have always known. I knew the moment I was able to think, or know I was a boy, a human being..... I knew then that I was going to die very young. And you know too, because the time you yelled at me about acting stupid and not eating properly and taking vitamins, etc. You had "looked at me at that moment" and it freaked you out, because you "saw" me in a "dark and gray" state of being for a brief and sudden moment! I remember that time very clearly. You almost became hysterical and got all bent outta shape and started yelling at me and I left your apartment abruptly because there was going to be a big fight." I was silent. Dead silent. He grinned and we continue to walk and we immediately changed the subject.
His last words at that point were probably an attempt to comfort me, "Don't worry, it's not going to happen right away......just relax."
More later,
Love and Light,
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