I believe I said earlier that we all project at some time or another we just cannot remember or are aware when it happens. (Usually during sleep) These are called Unconscious projections. I had been inspired to work hard at becoming a Conscious Projector. It took a lot of hard work and also there were very frustrating moments as with anything we attempt to practice and learn.
I discovered with time that FEAR was the biggest drawback of attempting to learn Conscious Astral Projections. Yes, that was a part of the program and it was important to get over it. I will give you an example of one of my earlier projections.
One night early, I decided to rest on my bed and begin practicing. Usually when I did this nothing really happened except, I fell asleep. This particular evening I lay on my bed calmly resting and clearing my mind and then conscentrating on becoming completely relaxed and doing the exercises that I wished to practice in order to project. (If you wish any information of my practices, etc. please write to me and I will attempt to help you with different techniques you might use for this purpose.)
As I rested there on the bed in silence, I suddenly thought to myself, "Why is the sanitation department collecting the garbage at this hour of night???" I could hear the loud banging of, what I thought were tin garbage cans. The sounds got louder and then suddenly, disappeared and I could hear soft guitar music from upstairs above my head. The Periodontists who lived above me was practicing his hobby of playing guitar. The music got louder and louder. As if I were getting closer and closer to the music........."Wait!!!" I thought to myself, "My face is on the ceiling!!!" Not only did the guitar music get louder, the garbage cans got louder and I freaked out! I became fearful and panicky! My fingers were tingling with electricity and I could not move my body, (I was in the Catalyptic state of paralysis) Suddenly, I sat up on the bed and thought........ "I was out of my body!" I had moved to the ceiling and back. Apon analyzing everything later, I realized I had had an OBE. The Madula Oblogata was the sound I heard of my heart beat that I interpreted as loud garbage cans outside. The paralysis was the state one goes into when projecting from the body. I DID IT! YES! I had made a small step in consciously projecting from my body! Of course, unfortunately, all of this scared the hell out of me at first and I immediately returned to my body.
More later.............
Love and Light,
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
When Anderson crossed over to the other side of existence, I felt as if my entire world had been destroyed for some unknown cruel reasons. I felt abandoned, isolated and afraid to continue my journey here on this planet. By the way... I had always had this strange feeling within me, that I was ALONE, isolated and very fearful of something or someone, BUT, I never could figure it out? Why? I was considered the most popular kid in school always, either because of my artistic talents or my athletic abilities as a Runner, etc. I had lots and lots of so called friends and all the girls were crazy about me... BUT, at the same time, why did I feel so "lonely" and "isolated?" Most of my time was cherished when I could be "alone" in "dreaming and living in a complete world of fantasy unto myself?" Anderson had helped to open my eyes to the parts of life that I had for so long ignored in the persuits of having fun. He had helped me to gain some independance that I was ignorant of and avoided as both a child and an adult. He helped to show me that I and all of us are INDIVIDUALS who have to survive and move on with our journeys without fear and hesitations. He helped me to realize that life was actually more simple in a way than I had ever imagined. He supported me in coming to understand that I was not 100% at fault for my many shortcomings or the things that had held me back in this life. He also embedded into me the importance of not being selfish and to increase my compassion for others living on this planet. Being a part of my family he also made an impact apon them also. Besides Mother, his grandmother, most of my family and friends were devastated by his sudden departure.
In the beginning of my new journey I had feelings of anger and outrage towards God. I yelled out to God about how unfair it was to do such a thing to me. Was this suppose to be some kind of punishment for wrong doings in my past? How dare God do this to me..... I will not believe in you anymore, I will not trust you....... I was hysterical with my pain and grief. I could not eat, sleep or function properly. I wanted to just not exist anymore. For some reason, I continued my work. Very determined. There was a part of me that was there that I overlooked......They say, I am a survivor? Maybe. For some reason in spite of my outrage, I continued to move along...... Maybe in a new direction?
Mini-Mom was like a mountain of strength! Patricia was now dealing heavily with Mother and Me. She supported me with great concern by attempting to be sure that I kept up with things. She took an interest in my new Metaphysical studies and often referred new materials or information she might come across to help me with my search.
I had something new on my agenda. MAKE CONTACT WITH ANDERSON. But how??? Waiting, looking, hoping, searching, etc. Something or someone spoke to me in my head.......PRAY and something new for you, MEDITATION. (I discovered Meditation was somewhat the same as Praying). I also discovered little by little information about The Out of Body Experience. Voices or thoughts came into my head from day to day........ Those strange dreams you had as a boy, were they really "dreams" or what? Investigate. Find out. How? I knew, just ask. Ask my brother, ask my sister, ask them........ Did this or that ever happen to you when you were a little boy or girl? Their answers were the same, NO. Why me and not them? Why did they not have these strange experiences? One time while inquiring about these strange things with my brother he interrupted and said, LISTEN, IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THOSE KINDS OF THINGS YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, I SUGGEST YOU ASK MOTHER. I did. She knew. Only problem. She was horrified about all of it. Did not wish to speak of it at that time. Too scared. Okay, I had become determined at that point. I am going to find Anderson and I am going to find out about a lot of things that I have questions about....... My first book, THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY by Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington absolutely got me fascinated and more determined. Shakti Gawain and Kelly Howell's meditation became like food and water to me. WORK , WORK, WORK..........that was the key, it was not easy. Why? Because I was out of practice that is why.......it was like going to the gym for the mind , but not the gym for the body. I found the gym for the mind. MEDITATION.
Only one problem. Nothing was happening that was "different" to me that was giving me the impression that I was going to have a contact with Anderson. Nothing, absolutely, nothing was happening? But, I must say, sometimes I got frightened when I would meditate. Seems I started to get that feeling that something or someone might appear in my apartment out of nowhere and I was alone. Yikes! I did not like that feeling. (By the way......in the future I realized, that was one of the reasons, NOTHING HAPPENED! I was not ready for something happening, Aahahahhaha....It would probably have scared the shit outta me if Anderson who was suppose to be "dead" suddenly walked into a room, Aahahhahaha! And to believe, this was what I really was suppose to want to happen. BUT.......yes, it would have scared the hell outta me when I thought about it later when I became more advanced with my awareness of what was going on.)
However, one day after several months had passed.....I was sitting in my most comfortable chair in the living room, not thinking about anything. My mind was totally clear and calm and I was just sitting there for no apparent reason whatsoever.......Suddenly, I thought I saw a shadow or something move upwards off of the right arm-rest of the chair I was sitting in...... I did not have to move my head, because for some strange reason, I could "see" on either side of me and even behind my head very clearly??? Then I saw my right hand and arm move upwards from the arm-rest. It was not my physical hand and arm, it was like a "negative or high-grain copy of my own hand and arm coming out of my physical hand and arm......But, it felt more "real" than my physical hand and arm....It was floating upwards like air and I was sitting there starting to grin......I felt like this was so very funny! I could not understand? The more it floated upwards into the air out of my physical hand and arm, the more I was beginning to laugh. Suddenly, without thought, I could hear myself yell out without actually physically speaking, IT'S TRUE! IT'S REALLY TRUE WHAT THEY SAID IN CHURCH! YOU LIVE FOREVER!!! I have no idea why I was so elated and yelling this in my mind, but I was saying those exact words......And at the same time I believe I was thinking.......WOW, THIS IS NOT ME, THAT'S ME! This all happened within seconds or less if there is such a thing, but I was feeling like the happiest person in the world. This was the happiest moment of my life! It was over in seconds and I was laughing my ass off............. I could not remember having ever seen anything like this in my entire life, except maybe in movies or something. This was just AMAZING!!!!!!!!
More later...............
Love and Light!
In the beginning of my new journey I had feelings of anger and outrage towards God. I yelled out to God about how unfair it was to do such a thing to me. Was this suppose to be some kind of punishment for wrong doings in my past? How dare God do this to me..... I will not believe in you anymore, I will not trust you....... I was hysterical with my pain and grief. I could not eat, sleep or function properly. I wanted to just not exist anymore. For some reason, I continued my work. Very determined. There was a part of me that was there that I overlooked......They say, I am a survivor? Maybe. For some reason in spite of my outrage, I continued to move along...... Maybe in a new direction?
Mini-Mom was like a mountain of strength! Patricia was now dealing heavily with Mother and Me. She supported me with great concern by attempting to be sure that I kept up with things. She took an interest in my new Metaphysical studies and often referred new materials or information she might come across to help me with my search.
I had something new on my agenda. MAKE CONTACT WITH ANDERSON. But how??? Waiting, looking, hoping, searching, etc. Something or someone spoke to me in my head.......PRAY and something new for you, MEDITATION. (I discovered Meditation was somewhat the same as Praying). I also discovered little by little information about The Out of Body Experience. Voices or thoughts came into my head from day to day........ Those strange dreams you had as a boy, were they really "dreams" or what? Investigate. Find out. How? I knew, just ask. Ask my brother, ask my sister, ask them........ Did this or that ever happen to you when you were a little boy or girl? Their answers were the same, NO. Why me and not them? Why did they not have these strange experiences? One time while inquiring about these strange things with my brother he interrupted and said, LISTEN, IF YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THOSE KINDS OF THINGS YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT, I SUGGEST YOU ASK MOTHER. I did. She knew. Only problem. She was horrified about all of it. Did not wish to speak of it at that time. Too scared. Okay, I had become determined at that point. I am going to find Anderson and I am going to find out about a lot of things that I have questions about....... My first book, THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY by Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carrington absolutely got me fascinated and more determined. Shakti Gawain and Kelly Howell's meditation became like food and water to me. WORK , WORK, WORK..........that was the key, it was not easy. Why? Because I was out of practice that is why.......it was like going to the gym for the mind , but not the gym for the body. I found the gym for the mind. MEDITATION.
Only one problem. Nothing was happening that was "different" to me that was giving me the impression that I was going to have a contact with Anderson. Nothing, absolutely, nothing was happening? But, I must say, sometimes I got frightened when I would meditate. Seems I started to get that feeling that something or someone might appear in my apartment out of nowhere and I was alone. Yikes! I did not like that feeling. (By the way......in the future I realized, that was one of the reasons, NOTHING HAPPENED! I was not ready for something happening, Aahahahhaha....It would probably have scared the shit outta me if Anderson who was suppose to be "dead" suddenly walked into a room, Aahahhahaha! And to believe, this was what I really was suppose to want to happen. BUT.......yes, it would have scared the hell outta me when I thought about it later when I became more advanced with my awareness of what was going on.)
However, one day after several months had passed.....I was sitting in my most comfortable chair in the living room, not thinking about anything. My mind was totally clear and calm and I was just sitting there for no apparent reason whatsoever.......Suddenly, I thought I saw a shadow or something move upwards off of the right arm-rest of the chair I was sitting in...... I did not have to move my head, because for some strange reason, I could "see" on either side of me and even behind my head very clearly??? Then I saw my right hand and arm move upwards from the arm-rest. It was not my physical hand and arm, it was like a "negative or high-grain copy of my own hand and arm coming out of my physical hand and arm......But, it felt more "real" than my physical hand and arm....It was floating upwards like air and I was sitting there starting to grin......I felt like this was so very funny! I could not understand? The more it floated upwards into the air out of my physical hand and arm, the more I was beginning to laugh. Suddenly, without thought, I could hear myself yell out without actually physically speaking, IT'S TRUE! IT'S REALLY TRUE WHAT THEY SAID IN CHURCH! YOU LIVE FOREVER!!! I have no idea why I was so elated and yelling this in my mind, but I was saying those exact words......And at the same time I believe I was thinking.......WOW, THIS IS NOT ME, THAT'S ME! This all happened within seconds or less if there is such a thing, but I was feeling like the happiest person in the world. This was the happiest moment of my life! It was over in seconds and I was laughing my ass off............. I could not remember having ever seen anything like this in my entire life, except maybe in movies or something. This was just AMAZING!!!!!!!!
More later...............
Love and Light!
Friday, September 25, 2009
I believe that in my journeys of projecting from my physical body and studying as much as I could possibly get my hands on has promoted my abilities far beyond anything I had ever imagined! Sylvan Muldoon considered The Father of Astral Projection once said that when achieving the abilities to project from your physical body, you will no longer have the questions constantly sitting in your mind about whether or not the many things we wish to "know" about is fact or fiction. The facts will be presented to you when you start your journey of the projection of the astral body.
It is my sincere belief that in order to achieve these goals, one must MEDITATE, MEDITATE AND MEDITATE! It is similar to going to "the gym to develop the mind rather than the physical body". REINCARNATION is something I had very little interest in, either because I did not want to accept it, or it was against what I had been taught in Sunday School at Church, or I was just in denial to believe such a thing?
If you wish, we can use the term, REINCARNATION, but whatever you or I wish to name it.........I am 99% believing at this point of my studies about myself as a human being, soul or spirit, that we all have been here numerous times on this earth and we have known to some degree, every single family member, friend, associate, etc. OR we have been in contact with them at some time during our journeys to this or any other planet of existence. All of our contacts have portrayed "roles" in our performances during our former or present existence. Many of us have switched roles or planned scenarios as to what or how we would learn the many things we are required to study during our evolment.
In the following blogs I will give you information about myself and how I was able to actually "bare witness" to some of the various lives I have had to endure in order to attend the many "classes" of education when I came to exist on this earth.
There is nothing better than actually experiencing these situations yourself in order to believe and accept them....... That is why I do believe that no matter how much scientific proof is attempted to verify these things, it will never come to fruition, due to the fact that EVERY SINGLE PERSON MUST FIND THIS INFORMATION OUT AT ONE'S OWN PACE AND DEGREE OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN SOUL. Spending much of my time in life subjected to racial prejudices personally, I always had no problem accepting the old saying, when I heard a person say, HOW CAN A PERSON HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY, THAT THEY KNOW WHAT IT MUST FEEL LIKE TO BE BLACK??? I laugh. "Really?" My answer is, NO, YOU HAVE TO FIRST BE BLACK TO KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE.....OR A JEW OR ANY OTHER PERSECUTED INDIVIDUAL. You have to "feel" it being in their body, skin, soul. Just as in a "Life Review" during a Near Death Experience..... I will always remember when Anderson said to me. "Hey, there is ONE THING I will not look forward to when I die and I have to have another one of those things!" I said, "What things???" He smiled and looked at me and said, "When I had to go through EVERYTHING I ever said or did to someone, good or bad, from the moment I was a child and had to FEEL, what they were FEELING when I said or did it to them! Wow! I did not like that part of the experience at all......It was awful" I said, "But you told me that you had also experienced feelings and things you had done that were good too?" He smiled again and said, "Yes. But the other part, the bad things.... I just don't look forward to experiencing that part again....... I just still really remember how that feeling was.......it was awful, really awful how they felt!" Interesting because I am concerned about it in reference to myself........ What about you. Any of you that might be reading this now?
Much more to come............
Love and Light!
It is my sincere belief that in order to achieve these goals, one must MEDITATE, MEDITATE AND MEDITATE! It is similar to going to "the gym to develop the mind rather than the physical body". REINCARNATION is something I had very little interest in, either because I did not want to accept it, or it was against what I had been taught in Sunday School at Church, or I was just in denial to believe such a thing?
If you wish, we can use the term, REINCARNATION, but whatever you or I wish to name it.........I am 99% believing at this point of my studies about myself as a human being, soul or spirit, that we all have been here numerous times on this earth and we have known to some degree, every single family member, friend, associate, etc. OR we have been in contact with them at some time during our journeys to this or any other planet of existence. All of our contacts have portrayed "roles" in our performances during our former or present existence. Many of us have switched roles or planned scenarios as to what or how we would learn the many things we are required to study during our evolment.
In the following blogs I will give you information about myself and how I was able to actually "bare witness" to some of the various lives I have had to endure in order to attend the many "classes" of education when I came to exist on this earth.
There is nothing better than actually experiencing these situations yourself in order to believe and accept them....... That is why I do believe that no matter how much scientific proof is attempted to verify these things, it will never come to fruition, due to the fact that EVERY SINGLE PERSON MUST FIND THIS INFORMATION OUT AT ONE'S OWN PACE AND DEGREE OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN SOUL. Spending much of my time in life subjected to racial prejudices personally, I always had no problem accepting the old saying, when I heard a person say, HOW CAN A PERSON HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY, THAT THEY KNOW WHAT IT MUST FEEL LIKE TO BE BLACK??? I laugh. "Really?" My answer is, NO, YOU HAVE TO FIRST BE BLACK TO KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE.....OR A JEW OR ANY OTHER PERSECUTED INDIVIDUAL. You have to "feel" it being in their body, skin, soul. Just as in a "Life Review" during a Near Death Experience..... I will always remember when Anderson said to me. "Hey, there is ONE THING I will not look forward to when I die and I have to have another one of those things!" I said, "What things???" He smiled and looked at me and said, "When I had to go through EVERYTHING I ever said or did to someone, good or bad, from the moment I was a child and had to FEEL, what they were FEELING when I said or did it to them! Wow! I did not like that part of the experience at all......It was awful" I said, "But you told me that you had also experienced feelings and things you had done that were good too?" He smiled again and said, "Yes. But the other part, the bad things.... I just don't look forward to experiencing that part again....... I just still really remember how that feeling was.......it was awful, really awful how they felt!" Interesting because I am concerned about it in reference to myself........ What about you. Any of you that might be reading this now?
Much more to come............
Love and Light!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
I soon discovered that after Anderson's departure that for me to achieve tremendously damaging things to my physical body became very simple if you just decided to "let go!" My weight at the time was 165 pounds. I lost 55 pounds without even thinking about it. I had an ongoing low-grade temperature. At first Mother came to stay with me and (Oh, we mustn't forget her "friend".....Top Shelf Vodka! Aahahahaha) When she was lucid she was powerful, but she just could not really cope with the idea of loosing Anderson and her bottle was a comfort to her most of the time) For me, NOTHING could give me any kinds of escape from the reality of this sudden loss. Shortly, I had to be put into the hospital.
Patricia, my sister, immediately took over this overwhelming situation. She attempted to guide Mother and at the same time, her own life and become a Mini-Mom in action of my life! She was involved in much at a University where she held a top position at the same time. She would run in from Long Island to Manhattan to the hospital and get immediate information from my doctor. Always, what is his condition? What is wrong with him, etc.? And she would get the same answers, which she would relay to me: "MARSHALL DOESN'T EAT ANYTHING AND HE DOESN'T SEEM TO EVEN CARE ABOUT LIVING?" "THERE IS NOTHING AFTER 100'S OF TESTS TO SHOW EXCEPT HE IS LOOSING WEIGHT FROM NOT EATING AND STAYS IN A DARK HOSPITAL ROOM STARING OUT OF THE WINDOW?"
Soon I was back home after a few weeks and in my bedroom with Mother attending to me as best she could do. One early evening, Patricia arrives with her daughter and announces, "Mother will be leaving tonight". I of course went wild.......YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE A DYING MAN HERE ALONE WITHOUT HIS MOTHER??? NO! SHE HAS TO STAY HERE WITH ME! Patricia, calmly looked at me and said, "We have just stacked your refrigerator and pantry shelves with food and you are all set. Mother is all packed and ready to go with us." I was outraged. "No. She cannot leave. Mother you are not leaving with them......" Mother was finishing up a "cocktail" and said, "They want me to go now......So, I have to go now. You will be fine." I cannot even remember what happened after that scene, except, I suddenly found myself alone in my apartment??? They had all left.
Holding on to the walls and preparing myself to be alone now, I walked to the kitchen for a glass of water. It was difficult to stand. I looked at myself in the mirror and said out loud, "You don't look too good. Maybe you should figure out what you are going to do about things".
I almost crawled to the bathroom and turned the light on and looked in the mirror. Again I said, "You don't look too good". Then I cried. I looked down at the floor as I cried and then looked back up in the mirror at myself, BUT.............I was not there? It was Anderson, laughing and looking at me. He said, "Mr. Hill (He always would call me, "Mr. Hill when attempting to tease me.") calm down, it's not that serious! You have to get well again." And then he was gone............ It was all so natural and casual the way it happened. I simply said... "Yeah, I do". I went to my room and turned the television on and watched the BBC show, "Are You Being Served" and laughed before going to sleep.
More later..........
Love and Light,
Patricia, my sister, immediately took over this overwhelming situation. She attempted to guide Mother and at the same time, her own life and become a Mini-Mom in action of my life! She was involved in much at a University where she held a top position at the same time. She would run in from Long Island to Manhattan to the hospital and get immediate information from my doctor. Always, what is his condition? What is wrong with him, etc.? And she would get the same answers, which she would relay to me: "MARSHALL DOESN'T EAT ANYTHING AND HE DOESN'T SEEM TO EVEN CARE ABOUT LIVING?" "THERE IS NOTHING AFTER 100'S OF TESTS TO SHOW EXCEPT HE IS LOOSING WEIGHT FROM NOT EATING AND STAYS IN A DARK HOSPITAL ROOM STARING OUT OF THE WINDOW?"
Soon I was back home after a few weeks and in my bedroom with Mother attending to me as best she could do. One early evening, Patricia arrives with her daughter and announces, "Mother will be leaving tonight". I of course went wild.......YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE A DYING MAN HERE ALONE WITHOUT HIS MOTHER??? NO! SHE HAS TO STAY HERE WITH ME! Patricia, calmly looked at me and said, "We have just stacked your refrigerator and pantry shelves with food and you are all set. Mother is all packed and ready to go with us." I was outraged. "No. She cannot leave. Mother you are not leaving with them......" Mother was finishing up a "cocktail" and said, "They want me to go now......So, I have to go now. You will be fine." I cannot even remember what happened after that scene, except, I suddenly found myself alone in my apartment??? They had all left.
Holding on to the walls and preparing myself to be alone now, I walked to the kitchen for a glass of water. It was difficult to stand. I looked at myself in the mirror and said out loud, "You don't look too good. Maybe you should figure out what you are going to do about things".
I almost crawled to the bathroom and turned the light on and looked in the mirror. Again I said, "You don't look too good". Then I cried. I looked down at the floor as I cried and then looked back up in the mirror at myself, BUT.............I was not there? It was Anderson, laughing and looking at me. He said, "Mr. Hill (He always would call me, "Mr. Hill when attempting to tease me.") calm down, it's not that serious! You have to get well again." And then he was gone............ It was all so natural and casual the way it happened. I simply said... "Yeah, I do". I went to my room and turned the television on and watched the BBC show, "Are You Being Served" and laughed before going to sleep.
More later..........
Love and Light,
As time goes by, I am discovering various things about life due to many of the experiences I have had and am continuing to have in connection with the "things we cannot see with the physical eyes!"
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.....this is the ideal world to live in, but we do not as most of us are aware of by now during your journey in this dimension. I think everybody should have a DOG. At least one. You will learn the exact meaning of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. First of all, in my opinion, there are only 3 entities that give you Unconditional Love on this earth....... and in the following order of preference: GOD, YOUR DOG AND YOUR MOTHER! (Of course we all know by this time in life, that "DOG" SPELLED BACKWARDS IS "GOD")
I believe in Same Sex Marriages only if the two sexes are Women. Every child needs a MOTHER. Yup, and the next best thing for a child to have if he is a Male is a Sister. The sister is your "Mini-Mom". My sister was always my "Mini-Mom". They are an extension of your Mother and always will be throughout your lifetime. This information I am presenting to you in my opinion, needs further study on the part of our so called Scientists......they seem to want to dissect everything and everybody. I also believe very firmly in the idea that GOD is neither a MAN or a WOMAN. Why? Because it seems like illogical thinking to me since all you have to do is observe MEN on this planet and you will notice that we are not displaying the kinds of characteristics a Woman displays. (Besides, GOD is not a human being in the first place). In the book called THE BIBLE it is very clearly stated, by GOD, "MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS, MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS!" Interesting, so we have organized many different Religions and custom designed them to our ways of thinking OR our interpretations of what we have read?)
I was raised in a Methodist Church. They repeated the same things over and over again primarily. "If you are good you go to Heaven. If you are bad you go to Hell and burn in fire!" It scared the shit out of me. Oh, and of course The Minister was the closest person to God that one could ever meet. MMmmmmmmm? Interesting! BUT....I discovered that there were some very interesting things that were said in Church that were very, very true later in life. I will reveal those items later when I go on to speak more about OBEs and Metaphysical things! As you know, Religion is based on FAITH, not FACT......... BUT.....guess what? I discovered that FAITH is not as major as one would be pushed into believing for the benefit of others who wished to have control over others in this physical life of existence. FACTS RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES THAT ASTOUNDED ME WERE REVEALED!!!
Hopefully, I will not get too side-tracked in presenting to you such things as Religious Beliefs, etc. during the times I write here, but rather sometimes put some of my discoveries up next to what I was taught and eventually came to "question". Please remember something during one's interest in what I write here.......ONCE THE MIND IS EXPANDED, IT CAN NEVER GO BACK TO IT'S ORIGINAL SIZE! I believe a renown Physician made that statement, after many years of research dealing with the human brain.)
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.....this is the ideal world to live in, but we do not as most of us are aware of by now during your journey in this dimension. I think everybody should have a DOG. At least one. You will learn the exact meaning of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. First of all, in my opinion, there are only 3 entities that give you Unconditional Love on this earth....... and in the following order of preference: GOD, YOUR DOG AND YOUR MOTHER! (Of course we all know by this time in life, that "DOG" SPELLED BACKWARDS IS "GOD")
I believe in Same Sex Marriages only if the two sexes are Women. Every child needs a MOTHER. Yup, and the next best thing for a child to have if he is a Male is a Sister. The sister is your "Mini-Mom". My sister was always my "Mini-Mom". They are an extension of your Mother and always will be throughout your lifetime. This information I am presenting to you in my opinion, needs further study on the part of our so called Scientists......they seem to want to dissect everything and everybody. I also believe very firmly in the idea that GOD is neither a MAN or a WOMAN. Why? Because it seems like illogical thinking to me since all you have to do is observe MEN on this planet and you will notice that we are not displaying the kinds of characteristics a Woman displays. (Besides, GOD is not a human being in the first place). In the book called THE BIBLE it is very clearly stated, by GOD, "MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS, MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS!" Interesting, so we have organized many different Religions and custom designed them to our ways of thinking OR our interpretations of what we have read?)
I was raised in a Methodist Church. They repeated the same things over and over again primarily. "If you are good you go to Heaven. If you are bad you go to Hell and burn in fire!" It scared the shit out of me. Oh, and of course The Minister was the closest person to God that one could ever meet. MMmmmmmmm? Interesting! BUT....I discovered that there were some very interesting things that were said in Church that were very, very true later in life. I will reveal those items later when I go on to speak more about OBEs and Metaphysical things! As you know, Religion is based on FAITH, not FACT......... BUT.....guess what? I discovered that FAITH is not as major as one would be pushed into believing for the benefit of others who wished to have control over others in this physical life of existence. FACTS RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES THAT ASTOUNDED ME WERE REVEALED!!!
Hopefully, I will not get too side-tracked in presenting to you such things as Religious Beliefs, etc. during the times I write here, but rather sometimes put some of my discoveries up next to what I was taught and eventually came to "question". Please remember something during one's interest in what I write here.......ONCE THE MIND IS EXPANDED, IT CAN NEVER GO BACK TO IT'S ORIGINAL SIZE! I believe a renown Physician made that statement, after many years of research dealing with the human brain.)
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Anderson primarily loved New York City, BUT......during his time in the city and traveling to various cities, he preferred Boston! During his 10 years living in New York, he traveled 17 times back and forth to Boston. I always believed it was due to the fact that Boston was somewhat more "laid-back" in every way.
He did often mention to me, that whether in Boston or any of the various other cities he visited, that the people in general, "needed to love one another more!" The disturbing thing he would say from time to time was, "I do not really like it here". When questioned, I would find out that he was referring to this planet Earth.
He brought much to my attention about my mystical thoughts in general and that I needed to pay closer attention to them and develope them more. He was very respectful to me and asked me many questions about things that I would feel arkward about answering, since I so many times had this " feeling" he already knew the answers himself?
In the middle of May of 1993, he suddenly became ill and he had to be put into the hospital. I had spent 24/7 with him and his doctors attempting to find out the answers to many medical questions. At one point I looked at Anderson and said, "Listen, if you should die, will you attempt to get in touch with me?" He very calmly looked at me and said, "If that is permitted, YES!" The very next day during a quiet conversation about his past, he suddenly changed the subject and looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Do you want me to get in touch with you?" I responded, "Yes, of course!" He quickly said, "Then I will".
On June 1, 1993 at 7:30 a.m. in the morning, he died. Of course, I freaked out for many reasons......Why? And why him and not me? , etc. I spoke to his Physician and demanded to know why he just suddenly died??? The doctor said they would have to do an autopsy. I promptly said, "No." "You cannot do that......he did not want that done". He looked at me in shock and then calmed down and his next question was, "Would you like me to take you to see him now?" I said, "No." End of conversation. I walked away. The doctor ran after me, he was anxious and said, "Are you sure???" I said, "Yes. He and I spoke of that before he died. We agreed never to view the other when he was dead. The last impression of a human being will be, the last time you saw him.........and the last time I saw him, he was ALIVE!" Thank you, you have been amazing with your concern for both he and myself from the very beginning. Thank You". The days and weeks to follow were very unusual. Nurses, Doctors and other Staff members would visit me at home or at work, without notice to give their support. Most would tell me very surprising personal things about themselves. Such as, recent deaths in their families, serious illnesses that they had themselves and were fighting and most of all, they all showed so much love and understanding. I found this all very interesting. Seeing these various people appear before me in public at home or work gave me feelings that were unexpected? They all seemed so loving and "kinda different" in their approaches to me. Maybe I had not paid close enough attention at the hospital, but they were like, yeah........They were like "Angels" gathering around me and holding me up and giving me energy to not fall down in what I considered the most devastating time of my life!
More later..............
Love and Light,
He did often mention to me, that whether in Boston or any of the various other cities he visited, that the people in general, "needed to love one another more!" The disturbing thing he would say from time to time was, "I do not really like it here". When questioned, I would find out that he was referring to this planet Earth.
He brought much to my attention about my mystical thoughts in general and that I needed to pay closer attention to them and develope them more. He was very respectful to me and asked me many questions about things that I would feel arkward about answering, since I so many times had this " feeling" he already knew the answers himself?
In the middle of May of 1993, he suddenly became ill and he had to be put into the hospital. I had spent 24/7 with him and his doctors attempting to find out the answers to many medical questions. At one point I looked at Anderson and said, "Listen, if you should die, will you attempt to get in touch with me?" He very calmly looked at me and said, "If that is permitted, YES!" The very next day during a quiet conversation about his past, he suddenly changed the subject and looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Do you want me to get in touch with you?" I responded, "Yes, of course!" He quickly said, "Then I will".
On June 1, 1993 at 7:30 a.m. in the morning, he died. Of course, I freaked out for many reasons......Why? And why him and not me? , etc. I spoke to his Physician and demanded to know why he just suddenly died??? The doctor said they would have to do an autopsy. I promptly said, "No." "You cannot do that......he did not want that done". He looked at me in shock and then calmed down and his next question was, "Would you like me to take you to see him now?" I said, "No." End of conversation. I walked away. The doctor ran after me, he was anxious and said, "Are you sure???" I said, "Yes. He and I spoke of that before he died. We agreed never to view the other when he was dead. The last impression of a human being will be, the last time you saw him.........and the last time I saw him, he was ALIVE!" Thank you, you have been amazing with your concern for both he and myself from the very beginning. Thank You". The days and weeks to follow were very unusual. Nurses, Doctors and other Staff members would visit me at home or at work, without notice to give their support. Most would tell me very surprising personal things about themselves. Such as, recent deaths in their families, serious illnesses that they had themselves and were fighting and most of all, they all showed so much love and understanding. I found this all very interesting. Seeing these various people appear before me in public at home or work gave me feelings that were unexpected? They all seemed so loving and "kinda different" in their approaches to me. Maybe I had not paid close enough attention at the hospital, but they were like, yeah........They were like "Angels" gathering around me and holding me up and giving me energy to not fall down in what I considered the most devastating time of my life!
More later..............
Love and Light,
Monday, September 21, 2009
I remember during the years I performed as a Singer and Actor in the Broadway Theater and in various Hotels and Nightclubs, I encounter a very prominent club owner on Long Island New York who became very fond of me as both a performer and person. One night after doing a show, he had a major heart attack. I had already left the club for the night. I got the report the following week during my days off and was of course very upset. My Manager and I rushed to the hospital and during our visit with he and his wife was the first time I encountered a "real person" who had had a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE! He looked different and acted differently. All he could say during our visit was how he was going to have an appointment the next day with the hospital psychiatrist on duty. His wife was perplexed and my manager was silent and without comprehension of what this was all about........ I looked at my friend the patient and said......."What happened?" He said, "I am soooo confused... You know they said, I died when I had my heart attack and the paramedics resusitated me??? I said, "Yes, I heard something to that affect.... What happened to you?" He looked at me and said, "Marshall, I saw this, LIGHT? I was going in it's direction and there seemed to be a tunnel I was going down and it was just awesome!!! " His wife looked at me and said, "He will see the psychiatrist tomorrow". My manager was silent. I chose to be silent at that time, even though I was elated!!! For the first time after all of my interest in mystical and paranormal things.....I had a "real" person repeating to me what I had read about in case histories of this kind in hundreds of books! My friend had a NDE and this made me believe that I needed to stop doubting any of my research on this subject.
Years later, Anderson, came to observe that when I was not working with any of my money making business matters, I was avidly reading and trying to find out all I could about mystical and paranormal things. He realized that I was obsessed with Metaphysics.
One evening before dinner at my apartment he had taken a nap while I was performing one of my most loved hobbies: COOKING! He suddenly appeared in the kitchen and without hesitation began to tell me something....... Before I begin repeating what he told me, I want to say that I was in such shock, that I immediately said to him, WHY DID YOU NOT EVER TELL ME THIS??? He simply and calmly said, "I forgot. I realized that I should tell you this because you are interested in these things and besides, you told me a few days ago about your friend whom you worked for who had a heart attack in the past and I guess it brought this all back to me???
He went on........ "Years ago when I was in Brasil and about 17 (lol....he was only 20 now:) I believe, I was constantly being watched and treated like I was 3 years old by Mom. She always was so protective and telling me not to do this and not to go here and not to stay out too late and.......it was to the point of where I started to be so rebellious and angry with her all the time. Once I wanted to go with some buddies to a famous resort at the beach for the weekend. She said, no way! I just ignore her command and left with the guys that weekend and went anyway. While there one day, we were all on the beach and acting silly at the water. As you know, I cannot swim. And you always joked about that since you could not imagine a person living in South America not being able to swim. Anyway, suddenly without warning, I was all the way out in the ocean far from shore. I was in shock! I had been hit by a wave and the undercurrent must have taken me out. The people on the beach looked "very small" in the distance, that is why I knew I was far away from shore and I panicked....... I could see them screaming and yelling at me.... I went underwater. I swallowed lots of water. I was so scared, I could not keep my head above water.........Suddenly, I was too tired. I gave up. I went under. The strangest thing happened..... It was only dark for a second and then......it was sooooooo bright! It was like the sun was under the water or huge light bulbs in a stadium.....it was soooooo bright and CALM. I relaxed. I was not scared anymore. Then there was like a movie.....this movie was all around my head it seemed. I see everything in front of me and the side of me and the back of my head. It was like panoramic vision. It was all about ME! My life since I had been a little boy. I saw everybody I had ever known and I saw or felt what they were thinking.......good things and bad things, but what was really, really awful was the part where if I had been abusive to anybody with words or actions, I could "feel" how they felt about it. It was like I could be them and me at the same time. Then.....suddenly the movie or whatever it was changed.......I saw a coffin and I knew immediately I was in it, even though it was closed. And, I saw Mom. Oh my God! She felt soooooooooo bad. Suddenly, I felt pain. Terrible pain in chest. I was being hit so hard by someone........My eyes opened. It was a young man trying to make me breath and he was screaming at me loud. I was on my back and suddenly my whole body contracted and my head came up from the sand and blood came rushing out of my mouth! I was on the beach and I could see clearly, people all around me and this guy was obviously someone who had rescued me from the sea. I was alive!"
I was almost speechless....but I spoke, "What happened after that?" He said, "The main thing is that I never from that time on disobeyed her or what she told me to do. No matter how much I did not agree with her, I did whatever she wanted me to do or felt was the right thing for me to do". I asked, "Why?" He said, "I always seemed to understand how she was "feeling" about things in life after that..... Just how I understand "why" YOU act the way you do, no matter how angry or crazy you act sometimes about things......I understand "why". After listening to what Anderson had said to me.... I was silent. Very silent. (Anderson smiled at me and then walked away.
More later,
Love and Light,
Years later, Anderson, came to observe that when I was not working with any of my money making business matters, I was avidly reading and trying to find out all I could about mystical and paranormal things. He realized that I was obsessed with Metaphysics.
One evening before dinner at my apartment he had taken a nap while I was performing one of my most loved hobbies: COOKING! He suddenly appeared in the kitchen and without hesitation began to tell me something....... Before I begin repeating what he told me, I want to say that I was in such shock, that I immediately said to him, WHY DID YOU NOT EVER TELL ME THIS??? He simply and calmly said, "I forgot. I realized that I should tell you this because you are interested in these things and besides, you told me a few days ago about your friend whom you worked for who had a heart attack in the past and I guess it brought this all back to me???
He went on........ "Years ago when I was in Brasil and about 17 (lol....he was only 20 now:) I believe, I was constantly being watched and treated like I was 3 years old by Mom. She always was so protective and telling me not to do this and not to go here and not to stay out too late and.......it was to the point of where I started to be so rebellious and angry with her all the time. Once I wanted to go with some buddies to a famous resort at the beach for the weekend. She said, no way! I just ignore her command and left with the guys that weekend and went anyway. While there one day, we were all on the beach and acting silly at the water. As you know, I cannot swim. And you always joked about that since you could not imagine a person living in South America not being able to swim. Anyway, suddenly without warning, I was all the way out in the ocean far from shore. I was in shock! I had been hit by a wave and the undercurrent must have taken me out. The people on the beach looked "very small" in the distance, that is why I knew I was far away from shore and I panicked....... I could see them screaming and yelling at me.... I went underwater. I swallowed lots of water. I was so scared, I could not keep my head above water.........Suddenly, I was too tired. I gave up. I went under. The strangest thing happened..... It was only dark for a second and then......it was sooooooo bright! It was like the sun was under the water or huge light bulbs in a stadium.....it was soooooo bright and CALM. I relaxed. I was not scared anymore. Then there was like a movie.....this movie was all around my head it seemed. I see everything in front of me and the side of me and the back of my head. It was like panoramic vision. It was all about ME! My life since I had been a little boy. I saw everybody I had ever known and I saw or felt what they were thinking.......good things and bad things, but what was really, really awful was the part where if I had been abusive to anybody with words or actions, I could "feel" how they felt about it. It was like I could be them and me at the same time. Then.....suddenly the movie or whatever it was changed.......I saw a coffin and I knew immediately I was in it, even though it was closed. And, I saw Mom. Oh my God! She felt soooooooooo bad. Suddenly, I felt pain. Terrible pain in chest. I was being hit so hard by someone........My eyes opened. It was a young man trying to make me breath and he was screaming at me loud. I was on my back and suddenly my whole body contracted and my head came up from the sand and blood came rushing out of my mouth! I was on the beach and I could see clearly, people all around me and this guy was obviously someone who had rescued me from the sea. I was alive!"
I was almost speechless....but I spoke, "What happened after that?" He said, "The main thing is that I never from that time on disobeyed her or what she told me to do. No matter how much I did not agree with her, I did whatever she wanted me to do or felt was the right thing for me to do". I asked, "Why?" He said, "I always seemed to understand how she was "feeling" about things in life after that..... Just how I understand "why" YOU act the way you do, no matter how angry or crazy you act sometimes about things......I understand "why". After listening to what Anderson had said to me.... I was silent. Very silent. (Anderson smiled at me and then walked away.
More later,
Love and Light,
Saturday, September 19, 2009
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Anderson Hill "I WILL DIE WHEN I AM YOUNG" |
She told me that she was 100% sure that Anderson, my son, whom had crossed over had come to greet her for the first time since she had visited my apartment after his departure from life as we know it.
She was also totally convinced since every day that she was there at 11:30 a.m. an indoor intercom system, which had been used for anyone down stairs, primarily him, to communicate with me when he worked for me in my workshop as one of my assistants. It was very interesting since the entire intercom system had been dismantled and had no electricity as we know of to power it any longer? Part of the system was originally downstairs below the first floor in the workshop and the other half, which I used was upstairs on the main floor where I would, the majority of the times working alone, have access to myself. It was very interesting, since the part that had been in the workshop downstairs had been "thrown out completely?" and the only part left of the half that I used remained upstairs, still plugged in the wall. At first I told Mother that it goes off like that every morning..... So, I decided to check the time and see if it might be going off, "randomly". I had discovered a week before she arrived by doing so investigation, that it went off at "11:30 A.M." every single day. Actually, I was rather surprised when she was visiting that it continued to go off, since I had already told her about it and assumed that like all "ghostly happening" that it was not going to happen while she was there! AAahahahhaha, it happened the very first morning she was there and continued to do so until Mother simple and casually said one morning, "I think you should disconnect that at this time". I did not question her a reason and did as she instructed. We never discussed it again. (There were times when my Mother spoke to me about things such as that, that would silence me for reasons I do not know to this day. I just seemed to "feel" deep inside of myself, that it was not to be discussed beyond that point with her, when she spoke to me with a very strange and "knowing" tone of voice). Besides, I did not wish to bring up the fears she had inside of "her paranormal feelings" sometimes. The expressions on her face spoke a thousand words!
I remember that evening after dinner sitting down to talk with her and asked her a question about something that had been bothering me for several weeks. I told her about an OBE that I had had recently and Anderson had appeared in front of me with a giant grin on his face while telling me something that I could not understand clearly? She looked at me without missing a beat and said, "Don't worry about it, if you did not understand what he was trying to tell you, he will come back at a later date and tell you and make it clear to you".
He did. But before we reveal this information, permit me to tell more about Anderson.
His Mother whom I was never married to, was experiencing psychic and devastating occurrences since she had been 17 years old. She was Turkish and was born and raised in Brasil. At 18 her Father had her committed into an institution for mentally unbalanced individuals due to her unstable behaviour. She was there for one full month before the head of the institution discovered detailed information about her......He was a very established Psychiatrist. One day she became upset about being there and also had a paranormal experience that disturbed her tremendously. The doctors attempted to sedate her with medications and also they locked her in a so called, Strait Jacket (restraints) to keep her calm and still. This was a woman whose weight was 135 pounds and 5'8" tall. The medications had absolutely no affect on her and she released herself from the restraints within minutes and also, broke a locked door open and ran to the head of the institution's main office and begged him to help her and also to release her from this institution. He was in shock, not by her abilities to release herself and run to him, but that she was still being kept as a patient in the institution after having met and examined her weeks ago! He got in touch with her family and spoke to her Father and told him, if he did not take her home and take care of her, he would have him arrested. The Doctor told her Father that there was no explanation that he or any of his colleagues that he had consulted could find wrong with her and that in spite of her unexplainable behaviour, she was definitely not mentally ill or physically ill.
With time she settled down emotionally. She had 11 sisters and 1 brother. 8 of them had died with time of aneurysms in the back of their heads. A solution could not be found. The brother did not die, but was paralyzed from the neck down and confined to a wheelchair. The remaining sisters, including herself almost took this odd condition as a "joke". They only teased each other as to the question, WHO WOULD BE NEXT?
I visited Brasil at one time and remained with them for approximately 6 months and then decided to return to The United States. Anderson at that point was a teenager and wanted to come also....... She and the rest of the family encouraged his decision. I was rather hesitant about it........ I did not know why at the time, but got over my feelings about the situation. He was here in New York for exactly one year when a phone call came in one evening that was strange as hell? His Mother was on the phone. She wanted to speak to me. Her English was very bad and she was in a panic. I gave the phone back to Anderson. They talked and he repeated as they went along what was going on...... She wanted me to make sure that Anderson never came back to Brasil and that she wanted to send his half-sister to New York to live with us and that I would know how to handle the situation. I told her it was out of the question, because she was a teenager and that would be difficult for me to deal with at this point in my life. I told her I would discuss it with my Mother and we would talk about it another time. At the same time, I knew something was very wrong! Later that evening my son looked at me and said, "You know and I know, there is something very wrong". I said, "Yup, there is something very wrong with your Mother and she is going to die!" In a few weeks she died, suddenly!
A month later he told me repeatedly about a "large white ball of light" that would appear in a corner of his bedroom each night at approximately the same time each night. It would appear, and glow for a few minutes and then disappear.
One beautiful summer day in the early afternoon, I had lunch with Anderson and we took a walk at Central Park. The mood was very upbeat and then suddenly he looked me straight on in the face and said, I AM NOT GOING TO LIVE TOO LONG. I WILL DIE WHEN I AM YOUNG. I stopped suddenly and was in shock.......I said, "What the hell are you talking about? Why are you saying that to me???" He smiled, and said, "Please do not be upset, it is not going to happen now". I said, "Then when? Where did you get this shit from you are saying to me now???" He laughed and said, "Listen, I know you are just like her....You know things!" I said, "Ondina, right?" (His Mother) . "I just wanted to tell you, because you should hear those kinds of things, you need to "GET REAL AND ACCEPT THE THINGS THAT YOU KNOW AND STOP BEING IN DENIAL!" I was silent. He went on, "You must not be like Grandma!" (He was referring to my Mother). I braced myself and firmly asked questions, "How do you know? How do you know this???" He went on, "I just know. I have always known. I knew the moment I was able to think, or know I was a boy, a human being..... I knew then that I was going to die very young. And you know too, because the time you yelled at me about acting stupid and not eating properly and taking vitamins, etc. You had "looked at me at that moment" and it freaked you out, because you "saw" me in a "dark and gray" state of being for a brief and sudden moment! I remember that time very clearly. You almost became hysterical and got all bent outta shape and started yelling at me and I left your apartment abruptly because there was going to be a big fight." I was silent. Dead silent. He grinned and we continue to walk and we immediately changed the subject.
His last words at that point were probably an attempt to comfort me, "Don't worry, it's not going to happen right away......just relax."
More later,
Love and Light,
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Virginia Nell O'Brien-Hill
Saturday, September 12, 2009
This morning 1:35 A.M. the vibrations, suddenly began, I went with the flow hoping to have an unexpected out of body experience. The paralysis began and I knew it was happening. I had been resting on my stomach. After the usual procedures, followed my body being lifted upwards and "gently turned around onto my back". Then I slowly began to move forward, feet first out of the foot of the bed. I knew I was "being assisted by unseen and unknown entities as always". I spoke with my mind and requested that they help me to gain my balance as my astral body was lifted into a standing position on the floor. My astral eyes had not opened yet, I could only see darkness. I began to "demand clarity" immediately, since this was the command to be enable to view things clearly.
In a few seconds my astral eyes became focused and I could see clearly.......more than clear! I found myself in a very unfamiliar place. A park or a field. The first sounds that I heard were those of loud cannons going off? Then I saw only a few scattered human figures in the near distance moving about the fields in front of me. At first I assumed I was in the middle of a war/combat. Nope.......it was strange could not figure it all out. As I walk, there were many people picnicking in the park? A boy smiled and looked at me as he was eating something that he seemed to enjoy. I moved onwards.
As I moved I could see in passing, very large, what I guessed to be Mushrooms growing on the ground. A very large one appeared in a very smooth color of Red? I moved on and tried to hold my situation, since I had no real idea at this point of what exactly was going on here.........Except that I did know that I was wanting very much for this OBE (I will use the term in the future from time to time to mean: OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE) to last indefinitely enabling me to pursue this adventure further. BUT....unfortunately, NO. I could not hold on to it, I immediately returned to my physical body on the bed. It was over.
What was this all about? (I guess in my frustration, I could only be left with the possibilities of attempting to decipher the symbolic meanings of the various items I had seen in the experience).
Once in the past I had a discussion with my Beloved Mother, who has now "crossed over" about a confusing situation I such as this one. I said, "Mother, I am so upset and frustrated about this recent OBE I had because I just cannot figure out what it was all about? I cannot figure out what "they" were saying to me or attempting to show me??? She replied, "Don't worry about it. Just write it down or remember it. With time, it will be made clear to you". (God, I miss her so much!) Time proved her correct!
So, I pass this information along to others here that I am doing right this moment... I am writing it all down and from time to time I will think about it or it will flash before my eyes ......and the clarification will be presented to me.
More to come.................
Love and Light,
In a few seconds my astral eyes became focused and I could see clearly.......more than clear! I found myself in a very unfamiliar place. A park or a field. The first sounds that I heard were those of loud cannons going off? Then I saw only a few scattered human figures in the near distance moving about the fields in front of me. At first I assumed I was in the middle of a war/combat. Nope.......it was strange could not figure it all out. As I walk, there were many people picnicking in the park? A boy smiled and looked at me as he was eating something that he seemed to enjoy. I moved onwards.
As I moved I could see in passing, very large, what I guessed to be Mushrooms growing on the ground. A very large one appeared in a very smooth color of Red? I moved on and tried to hold my situation, since I had no real idea at this point of what exactly was going on here.........Except that I did know that I was wanting very much for this OBE (I will use the term in the future from time to time to mean: OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE) to last indefinitely enabling me to pursue this adventure further. BUT....unfortunately, NO. I could not hold on to it, I immediately returned to my physical body on the bed. It was over.
What was this all about? (I guess in my frustration, I could only be left with the possibilities of attempting to decipher the symbolic meanings of the various items I had seen in the experience).
Once in the past I had a discussion with my Beloved Mother, who has now "crossed over" about a confusing situation I such as this one. I said, "Mother, I am so upset and frustrated about this recent OBE I had because I just cannot figure out what it was all about? I cannot figure out what "they" were saying to me or attempting to show me??? She replied, "Don't worry about it. Just write it down or remember it. With time, it will be made clear to you". (God, I miss her so much!) Time proved her correct!
So, I pass this information along to others here that I am doing right this moment... I am writing it all down and from time to time I will think about it or it will flash before my eyes ......and the clarification will be presented to me.
More to come.................
Love and Light,
Friday, September 4, 2009
HI, DROPPING IN TO GIVE YOU SOME THOUGHTS=) When we dream we are being given messages from the other side! Oh yes! I discovered that some time ago. They are presented as "pictures" or "images" Now think about it. In the physical, whenever you say anything to another person, you "see" your thoughts in your head before releasing them into "words". In the non-physical world of existence we no longer have bodies, brains, etc. We communicate with "pictures" "images". And this is how our dreams work. Our messages are given with pictures. Some of us have learned to run to our Dream Books to seek the interpretations of these images. Remember what is said about the Spirit World.... Your thoughts are an open book!:) Be careful what you think!
(If you wish to be recommended a Dream Book, just feel free to ask me). Asking questions before going to sleep is a terrific method of being given answers before awakening. Always remember, those answers given are being given by another Spirit who loves you:) Once you start to fine tune your abilities to contact the spirit world you will also be given information "not asked for".... It was once very difficult for me to decide or clarify a message I was given years ago. I was once shown the planet Earth being engulfed in flames and falling sideways! Did this symbolize the "World" Trade Center or did this warn me of the future when the earth will slip off its axis??? When and if the Earth shifts off its axis, it will be a catastrophic event. An event that is definitely headed our way, since we live in such terrible turmoil presently. Man will not be permitted to continue indefinitely in his unloving and evil ways. All of us were created by something or someone who loved us all dearly..... We cannot destroy and hurt those that we did not create! It does not matter how we individually view the universe and human entities.....WE DID NOT CREATE THEM! Therefore, we have no right to DESTROY THEM! Our ways and our thoughts are definitely not the same!
In my visions I have been shown so much LOVE. Once during one of my Out of Body Experiences, a lovely lady looked at me and gently and lovingly said to me....OOOH MY, YOU HAVE BEEN A VERY NAUGHTY BOY:) I did not feel "judged" or in the process of being "punished". I immediately felt, LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING. I had feelings of being as a child not knowing that I had done "wrong". I had the feeling she cared about my actions as lacking knowledge of what I had done wrong, rather than right. That is why, earlier I wrote to you about how I felt about the book, THE BIBLE. I remember The Christ on the cross, dying and suffering in agony..... He said, FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO. Wow! Poor us..... I cried. Why??? Why is this person suffering in agony and requesting forgiveness for us to a Higher Power? Because I thought to myself: What was this guy saying??? The first time a person ever punched me in the face, all I could think of was, YOU FUCKING BASTARD, I AM GOING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO HURT YOU BACK SO BAD YOU WILL BEG FOR MERCY!!! Yup, I needed to figure out a lotta shit! What am I reading here and what is this all about for real??? I needed to have some PROOF! Religion is not making much sense to me as taught. Stop drilling this crap into my head. What is going on here? How could this person be saying something like this and they are telling me to believe this based on "faith!!!" Well, my paranormal experiences and my out of body experiences have afforded me the luxury of no longer having information being thrown in my head based on "faith". I have been fortunate enough to acquire information and able to be subjected to FACTS!
More later........
Love and Light to you=)
(If you wish to be recommended a Dream Book, just feel free to ask me). Asking questions before going to sleep is a terrific method of being given answers before awakening. Always remember, those answers given are being given by another Spirit who loves you:) Once you start to fine tune your abilities to contact the spirit world you will also be given information "not asked for".... It was once very difficult for me to decide or clarify a message I was given years ago. I was once shown the planet Earth being engulfed in flames and falling sideways! Did this symbolize the "World" Trade Center or did this warn me of the future when the earth will slip off its axis??? When and if the Earth shifts off its axis, it will be a catastrophic event. An event that is definitely headed our way, since we live in such terrible turmoil presently. Man will not be permitted to continue indefinitely in his unloving and evil ways. All of us were created by something or someone who loved us all dearly..... We cannot destroy and hurt those that we did not create! It does not matter how we individually view the universe and human entities.....WE DID NOT CREATE THEM! Therefore, we have no right to DESTROY THEM! Our ways and our thoughts are definitely not the same!
In my visions I have been shown so much LOVE. Once during one of my Out of Body Experiences, a lovely lady looked at me and gently and lovingly said to me....OOOH MY, YOU HAVE BEEN A VERY NAUGHTY BOY:) I did not feel "judged" or in the process of being "punished". I immediately felt, LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING. I had feelings of being as a child not knowing that I had done "wrong". I had the feeling she cared about my actions as lacking knowledge of what I had done wrong, rather than right. That is why, earlier I wrote to you about how I felt about the book, THE BIBLE. I remember The Christ on the cross, dying and suffering in agony..... He said, FATHER, FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO. Wow! Poor us..... I cried. Why??? Why is this person suffering in agony and requesting forgiveness for us to a Higher Power? Because I thought to myself: What was this guy saying??? The first time a person ever punched me in the face, all I could think of was, YOU FUCKING BASTARD, I AM GOING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO HURT YOU BACK SO BAD YOU WILL BEG FOR MERCY!!! Yup, I needed to figure out a lotta shit! What am I reading here and what is this all about for real??? I needed to have some PROOF! Religion is not making much sense to me as taught. Stop drilling this crap into my head. What is going on here? How could this person be saying something like this and they are telling me to believe this based on "faith!!!" Well, my paranormal experiences and my out of body experiences have afforded me the luxury of no longer having information being thrown in my head based on "faith". I have been fortunate enough to acquire information and able to be subjected to FACTS!
More later........
Love and Light to you=)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Hi ! Yesterday, included in my very first Blog, I used the word DESIRE within the text during my information to you about myself. At this time, it is very important for me to inform you that the most important thing that will be required of you to achieve anything and everything is the DESIRE! In Astral Projections and various other paranormal situations, it became very, very clear to me that DESIRE was the most important stepping stone one could have in order to make any kinds of progress. Permit me to give you some examples: First of all, we all do not really realize how important this DESIRE is giving us the energy and strength to achieve anything and everything we do in physical reality. Oh yes, DESIRE becomes very difficult when we are doing something that we are either casually experimenting with or we are not quite sure if it works? Examples: Drinking alcohol. Mmmmmm, great. One taste and some of us are hooked for life! Sex! Wow! Easy!!! and addictive. Money....yup, the desire is easily achieved. Gambling. IDOL- TRY !
In the Bible the word IDOLTRY is presented to us. The Bible? Oh yes, an incredibly written book. Forget about the "religious" aspects of it all.....Think about the thoughts, the words, the ideas! (The lessons) Nope, IDOLTY is not always a COW or a STATUE , etc. IDOLTY is anything that is WORSHIPPED or over indulged in to the point of uncontrolled behaviour. I use these things as an example because so many of us have found these desires so easy to acquire. BUT...........I am going to now give you an example of how to test your DESIRES.
Take a piece of paper. Draw a line down the center. On the left side of the paper write down all of your goals in life. Sylvan Muldoon the Father of Astral Projection wrote, "in order to achieve this, you must, SLEEP, EAT AND BREATH it". So, let us do this with hours of time during a week or month or a day.......Write on the left side how much time during your waking hours you dedicate to your goals in life. On the left hand side, write down how much time you dedicate to your IDOLTRIES. If you are sincerely honest with yourself, one of these sides of the paper will out number the other with time spent.........OR, you will notice that NOT ENOUGH TIME IS SPENT with your GOALS in life. You might discover something else if you really "think" about your day to day journeys. Which of these things are going to cause you to grow as a Spiritual Being......? Which of these things would you wish to follow on a spiritual journey to find out the answers to the major questions such as, WHERE AM I GOING? WHY AM I HERE? WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO REALLY DO WITH MY LIFE DURING THIS JOURNEY THAT WILL CAUSE ME TO "GROW" AS A SPIRITUAL BEING? WHO AND WHAT ARE MAKING CONTRIBUTIONS TO MY "GROWTH" DURING MY TIME HERE ON THIS PLANET? And this is most important: WHAT WILL BE MY ANSWER WHEN I COME FACE TO FACE WITH MY CREATOR, WHEN THEY SAY, "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SHOW ME?"
What I am saying here are things that I have become very much aware of during my various Out Of Body Experiences and psychic visions. Yes, the out of body experience will open up your intuition/psychic abilities that will amaze you! No longer will you have to have so many mysteries in your every day life........You will acquire the abilities to see a person for the first time and know soooooooo much about that person. You too will begin to "see" the past, present and the future! More later..........
Love and Light to you!
In the Bible the word IDOLTRY is presented to us. The Bible? Oh yes, an incredibly written book. Forget about the "religious" aspects of it all.....Think about the thoughts, the words, the ideas! (The lessons) Nope, IDOLTY is not always a COW or a STATUE , etc. IDOLTY is anything that is WORSHIPPED or over indulged in to the point of uncontrolled behaviour. I use these things as an example because so many of us have found these desires so easy to acquire. BUT...........I am going to now give you an example of how to test your DESIRES.
Take a piece of paper. Draw a line down the center. On the left side of the paper write down all of your goals in life. Sylvan Muldoon the Father of Astral Projection wrote, "in order to achieve this, you must, SLEEP, EAT AND BREATH it". So, let us do this with hours of time during a week or month or a day.......Write on the left side how much time during your waking hours you dedicate to your goals in life. On the left hand side, write down how much time you dedicate to your IDOLTRIES. If you are sincerely honest with yourself, one of these sides of the paper will out number the other with time spent.........OR, you will notice that NOT ENOUGH TIME IS SPENT with your GOALS in life. You might discover something else if you really "think" about your day to day journeys. Which of these things are going to cause you to grow as a Spiritual Being......? Which of these things would you wish to follow on a spiritual journey to find out the answers to the major questions such as, WHERE AM I GOING? WHY AM I HERE? WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO REALLY DO WITH MY LIFE DURING THIS JOURNEY THAT WILL CAUSE ME TO "GROW" AS A SPIRITUAL BEING? WHO AND WHAT ARE MAKING CONTRIBUTIONS TO MY "GROWTH" DURING MY TIME HERE ON THIS PLANET? And this is most important: WHAT WILL BE MY ANSWER WHEN I COME FACE TO FACE WITH MY CREATOR, WHEN THEY SAY, "WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SHOW ME?"
What I am saying here are things that I have become very much aware of during my various Out Of Body Experiences and psychic visions. Yes, the out of body experience will open up your intuition/psychic abilities that will amaze you! No longer will you have to have so many mysteries in your every day life........You will acquire the abilities to see a person for the first time and know soooooooo much about that person. You too will begin to "see" the past, present and the future! More later..........
Love and Light to you!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
September 2, 2009
Hi, this Blog is being created due to the fact that I was told that it would be a good thing if I would share many of the spiritual/paranormal information that I have been fortunate enough to have been given by "those that physical eyes cannot actually view".
Many decades ago, when I was between 6 and 8 years old, I was presented with information, and abilities that were at the time both shocking and horrifying at the same time. I quickly learned to never go to bed at night and sleep on my back!!! Why? Because there would always be some of the worst nightmares that would come to me that would hold me prisoner until somehow, someway, I would wake up.
The sounds, the vibrations, the electricity, the visions, the running, the flashes of light, and most of all the terrible darkness! Running in a panic throughout the room in which I slept attempting to turn on the lights. No matter how hard I tried to turn them on, they would always remain dim.....they would never get any brighter??? There was always "something" unseen chasing after me... Something unidentifiable. My only escape was to wake up. Which I always did at some point, shaking all over.
My Brother and I shared a bed as small boys, and later as we grew and moved to a better place, we were able to have our own beds. I remember originally, when we slept in the same bed, on awakening, I would move as close to my brother as possible without waking him....it made me feel safe again.
When we moved, and we had our own beds, usually after an incident such as this, (which occurred just about every night I slept on my back) upon awakening I would jump out of my bed and creep quietly into my brother's bed to be safe next to him......But usually, he would be awaken and kick me out of his bed....... but by then it was OK. I was safe and able to return to my own bed and sleep peacefully on my stomach, usually due to the fact that the morning light was flowing into our bedroom windows.
Approaching adulthood, I remember during family discussions, that we would mention "bed wetting". All said that my brother wet the bed during the nights. My brother suddenly turned to me and said.......YOU ALWAYS WET MY BED AND THEN RAN AND GOT INTO YOUR OWN BED AND THEY BLAMED IT ON ME. Due to sincere and honest disbelief on my part, I always laughed and denied it. I was positive that I never was a Bed Wetter! BUT.......I came to the realization that I could not be sure of that after I became an adult and discovered the truth about what had been happening to me for all of those years. It could have been very true what my brother was casually saying in defense of himself as an adult years later.
You see, this can very easily happen during an OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE! Something I had no ideas or knowledge of at all. Permit me to answer a question you might be thinking right this moment. When a person "leaves the physical body" the astral body, THE REAL YOU/ME is very, very, very REAL. MORE REAL THAN PHYSICAL LIFE ITSELF! If my physical body was having the need to relieve myself, my astral body will casually "walk" to the bathroom and do so without hesitation. This would be due to DESIRE, perform a task or function. BUT, here is the innocent mistake performed by "little ole me". My physical body would remain in the bed. All the functions would happen "physically" and the astral would only be performing the motions as if it were "awake". So.......was I the one wetting the bed??? I will discuss this again with you later when I tell you more about myself when I one day found out the "answer" to that situation. It will explain to you, as to "yes" "no" "maybe?"
Many years have passed and many projections of my astral body have occurred. They have definitely changed my life! Having astral projections are very similar to NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES. And I discovered something else, ONCE YOU START TO HAVE THESE EXPERIENCES, YOU WILL NEVER RETURN TO THE PERSON YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE BEFORE! Due to these mystical and spiritual experiences, I am now able to "SEE" things both of the PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. I have also discovered something that seems to be the most important fact of it all: WE ARE NOT WHAT OR WHO WE THINK WE ARE! We are all MORE than we could possibly imagine with our physical brain. We can do and see things that would astound most humans. In this Blog to come, I will attempt to tell you or show you things that you might always have questioned or wanted desperately to know about this physical existence on this planet Earth and The Universe! So many of us go from day to day, believing we are doing things that are making life so wonderful. Yet, there are many who have this knowing feeling inside that this life is not really what we think it is at all. We all might be just touching the surface of what we are really suppose to be doing here on this planet. This existence is not all about having a good time! It's about having a productive and great time contributing to the evol-
vement of humankind on this magnificent planet Earth!
I always thought that the key to living on this earth was to make jokes, do crazy, silly things, drink, get high, sex, drugs and rock and roll as the saying goes!!! Nope, I was wrong. Much has been shown to me to make clear to me that there is much, much, much more to it all. My life has been a struggle. This dimension is difficult. Very difficult. If you never stop to take the time to really be silent and listen to that inner voice, you will never accomplish much during this present lifetime you are living. Our egos are so powerful. Life is all about ME! We constantly think so much of our own gratifications. We want sex, we want money, we want power and we want .......Well, WE WANT IT ALL. So many of us loose our individuality due to the desperation of trying to be what we have been taught is WONDERFUL. We become so "needy" and "dependant" on others to justify our existence and we go to all extremes to obtain this goal. So many of us have come to the conclusions that we must be just like everybody else that we are told are "fabulous!" None of us want to suffer or feel emotional pains in any degree. Why is this??? Well, when you go "within" you will find out. And when you project from your physical body you will find the "true reasons for being here!" You are probably asking the question now, HOW DO I DO THIS? Well, here is my answer from years of traveling outside of the physical body...For those who are not "natural" Out of Body Projectors, IT TAKES WORK AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE METHODS OF OBTAINING THESE EXPERIENCES. Notice, I use the word, WORK. Yes, as with anything..........it takes WORK on our parts if we sincerely care to discover these abilities that we all have deep within ourselves. By the way, we ALL have had Out Of Body Experiences at some point in our life! Yes, many were "spontaneous" projections. Those were the kinds of projections I was having as a child. Some of us when we realize what has happened to us during those times, search and to our surprise find out at some time in our life that we can have CONTROLLED OUT OF BODY PROJECTIONS! (This takes hard work to achieve for most and barely any for those such as myself). I have to explain to you that many, many projections are common to those who have been "traumatized" during their lifetime. The reason is very simple: IF THE TRAUMA IS SO DEVASTATING, THE PERSON WILL SOMETIMES, AT SOME POINT, ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE FROM THE PHYSICAL BODY TO BE FREE OF THESE EMOTIONAL PAINS. I would like to take this opportunity with this Blog to give all of those that are interested in finding out this information my own experiences and answer any or all questions you might have concerning this subject or what I have learned about up until now in my own life. For several years now, I have been asked by various people to give them information about this situation that would help them to discover these amazing revelations. There were far more of those that asked ,that lost interest in the answers when they found out that it was not as easy as just continuing in their own lifestyles or having a good time and not dedicating much time to the work involved. So many only wanted to know, if they would find their true love or get the money they desired or the material gains, etc. So many wanted "immediate gratification". And too many were wanting things outside of themselves. AND........very little work should be involved. Sad. Also, I must warn you, once we start to have these projections, YOU WILL BE "STUCK" WITH HAVING THEM INDEFINITELY DURING YOUR LIFETIME.
For all of those that are truly interested in THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE and what changes it will make in your present life, feel free to visit this Blog and also feel free to ask questions and be prepared to find the answers to many of the questions you have been wondering about for such a long time.
More later........................... LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU=)
Hi, this Blog is being created due to the fact that I was told that it would be a good thing if I would share many of the spiritual/paranormal information that I have been fortunate enough to have been given by "those that physical eyes cannot actually view".
Many decades ago, when I was between 6 and 8 years old, I was presented with information, and abilities that were at the time both shocking and horrifying at the same time. I quickly learned to never go to bed at night and sleep on my back!!! Why? Because there would always be some of the worst nightmares that would come to me that would hold me prisoner until somehow, someway, I would wake up.
The sounds, the vibrations, the electricity, the visions, the running, the flashes of light, and most of all the terrible darkness! Running in a panic throughout the room in which I slept attempting to turn on the lights. No matter how hard I tried to turn them on, they would always remain dim.....they would never get any brighter??? There was always "something" unseen chasing after me... Something unidentifiable. My only escape was to wake up. Which I always did at some point, shaking all over.
My Brother and I shared a bed as small boys, and later as we grew and moved to a better place, we were able to have our own beds. I remember originally, when we slept in the same bed, on awakening, I would move as close to my brother as possible without waking him....it made me feel safe again.
When we moved, and we had our own beds, usually after an incident such as this, (which occurred just about every night I slept on my back) upon awakening I would jump out of my bed and creep quietly into my brother's bed to be safe next to him......But usually, he would be awaken and kick me out of his bed....... but by then it was OK. I was safe and able to return to my own bed and sleep peacefully on my stomach, usually due to the fact that the morning light was flowing into our bedroom windows.
Approaching adulthood, I remember during family discussions, that we would mention "bed wetting". All said that my brother wet the bed during the nights. My brother suddenly turned to me and said.......YOU ALWAYS WET MY BED AND THEN RAN AND GOT INTO YOUR OWN BED AND THEY BLAMED IT ON ME. Due to sincere and honest disbelief on my part, I always laughed and denied it. I was positive that I never was a Bed Wetter! BUT.......I came to the realization that I could not be sure of that after I became an adult and discovered the truth about what had been happening to me for all of those years. It could have been very true what my brother was casually saying in defense of himself as an adult years later.
You see, this can very easily happen during an OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE! Something I had no ideas or knowledge of at all. Permit me to answer a question you might be thinking right this moment. When a person "leaves the physical body" the astral body, THE REAL YOU/ME is very, very, very REAL. MORE REAL THAN PHYSICAL LIFE ITSELF! If my physical body was having the need to relieve myself, my astral body will casually "walk" to the bathroom and do so without hesitation. This would be due to DESIRE, perform a task or function. BUT, here is the innocent mistake performed by "little ole me". My physical body would remain in the bed. All the functions would happen "physically" and the astral would only be performing the motions as if it were "awake". So.......was I the one wetting the bed??? I will discuss this again with you later when I tell you more about myself when I one day found out the "answer" to that situation. It will explain to you, as to "yes" "no" "maybe?"
Many years have passed and many projections of my astral body have occurred. They have definitely changed my life! Having astral projections are very similar to NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES. And I discovered something else, ONCE YOU START TO HAVE THESE EXPERIENCES, YOU WILL NEVER RETURN TO THE PERSON YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE BEFORE! Due to these mystical and spiritual experiences, I am now able to "SEE" things both of the PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. I have also discovered something that seems to be the most important fact of it all: WE ARE NOT WHAT OR WHO WE THINK WE ARE! We are all MORE than we could possibly imagine with our physical brain. We can do and see things that would astound most humans. In this Blog to come, I will attempt to tell you or show you things that you might always have questioned or wanted desperately to know about this physical existence on this planet Earth and The Universe! So many of us go from day to day, believing we are doing things that are making life so wonderful. Yet, there are many who have this knowing feeling inside that this life is not really what we think it is at all. We all might be just touching the surface of what we are really suppose to be doing here on this planet. This existence is not all about having a good time! It's about having a productive and great time contributing to the evol-
vement of humankind on this magnificent planet Earth!
I always thought that the key to living on this earth was to make jokes, do crazy, silly things, drink, get high, sex, drugs and rock and roll as the saying goes!!! Nope, I was wrong. Much has been shown to me to make clear to me that there is much, much, much more to it all. My life has been a struggle. This dimension is difficult. Very difficult. If you never stop to take the time to really be silent and listen to that inner voice, you will never accomplish much during this present lifetime you are living. Our egos are so powerful. Life is all about ME! We constantly think so much of our own gratifications. We want sex, we want money, we want power and we want .......Well, WE WANT IT ALL. So many of us loose our individuality due to the desperation of trying to be what we have been taught is WONDERFUL. We become so "needy" and "dependant" on others to justify our existence and we go to all extremes to obtain this goal. So many of us have come to the conclusions that we must be just like everybody else that we are told are "fabulous!" None of us want to suffer or feel emotional pains in any degree. Why is this??? Well, when you go "within" you will find out. And when you project from your physical body you will find the "true reasons for being here!" You are probably asking the question now, HOW DO I DO THIS? Well, here is my answer from years of traveling outside of the physical body...For those who are not "natural" Out of Body Projectors, IT TAKES WORK AND KNOWLEDGE OF THE METHODS OF OBTAINING THESE EXPERIENCES. Notice, I use the word, WORK. Yes, as with anything..........it takes WORK on our parts if we sincerely care to discover these abilities that we all have deep within ourselves. By the way, we ALL have had Out Of Body Experiences at some point in our life! Yes, many were "spontaneous" projections. Those were the kinds of projections I was having as a child. Some of us when we realize what has happened to us during those times, search and to our surprise find out at some time in our life that we can have CONTROLLED OUT OF BODY PROJECTIONS! (This takes hard work to achieve for most and barely any for those such as myself). I have to explain to you that many, many projections are common to those who have been "traumatized" during their lifetime. The reason is very simple: IF THE TRAUMA IS SO DEVASTATING, THE PERSON WILL SOMETIMES, AT SOME POINT, ATTEMPT TO ESCAPE FROM THE PHYSICAL BODY TO BE FREE OF THESE EMOTIONAL PAINS. I would like to take this opportunity with this Blog to give all of those that are interested in finding out this information my own experiences and answer any or all questions you might have concerning this subject or what I have learned about up until now in my own life. For several years now, I have been asked by various people to give them information about this situation that would help them to discover these amazing revelations. There were far more of those that asked ,that lost interest in the answers when they found out that it was not as easy as just continuing in their own lifestyles or having a good time and not dedicating much time to the work involved. So many only wanted to know, if they would find their true love or get the money they desired or the material gains, etc. So many wanted "immediate gratification". And too many were wanting things outside of themselves. AND........very little work should be involved. Sad. Also, I must warn you, once we start to have these projections, YOU WILL BE "STUCK" WITH HAVING THEM INDEFINITELY DURING YOUR LIFETIME.
For all of those that are truly interested in THE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE and what changes it will make in your present life, feel free to visit this Blog and also feel free to ask questions and be prepared to find the answers to many of the questions you have been wondering about for such a long time.
More later........................... LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU=)
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