
Friday, November 20, 2009


During the Spring of 1995, I woke up early one morning and remained in bed meditating. Soon, I found myself experiencing the preliminary procedures of an OBE. I anxiously went with the "flow". Soon I found myself out of my body and walking up a country road that seemed very familiar to me. Within seconds, I knew exactly where I headed in my walk. I was carrying a small suitcase and walking up the road in Danville, Virginia. A place I had been many times in my childhood to visit my sister (Mini-Mom) who lived with Auntie and her husband, Uncle Harding. (As a child, my brother and myself had been sent to live with my Mother's Mother and my sister was sent to live with Auntie and Uncle Harding.
(Mother and Daddy had to arrange this kind of living situation for us, due to the difficulties of their work in New York City ).
Both Auntie and Uncle Harding were the most beautiful and loving and spiritual persons imaginable! (Mini-Mom was lucky to have been living with them).
They both had passed on several years before I had this OBE. As I walked up the road, I suddenly recognized the huge white house they had lived in... A young girl was standing behind the white fence and smiled at me. I wasn't too sure who she actually was??? I asked her if she knew Auntie and Uncle Harding. She said they were inside the house. I seemed to find myself immediately at the front door of the house. The door opened and I was greeted by Auntie. She was so happy to see me and invited me inside. I found myself inside the house in the kitchen (a place I remember very well.....The huge kitchen where all of the amazing foods were prepared during our visits to them as a child) But, in the kitchen there was only she and Uncle Harding sitting at a small table having what seemed to be tea or coffee. They were together and very content to be so. I sat with them and felt their love and concern for my being there with them on this visit.
As quickly as all of this was over. I sat up in my bed and reflected on my experience with them....... Later I told my sister about the experience and asked who the girl who greeted me outside might be? She gave me several scenarios, once of which was, it might have been their adopted daughter, Thelma, who was someone I knew very well also. She lived with them and was a beautiful person also. But, she too had passed on from an illness. Were they all sharing some time together in this very familiar place before moving on? I do not know? But I do know.....for me, this was one of the truly beautiful gifts I was honored to have been bestowed upon me in one of my OBEs.

Love and Light!

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