
Friday, October 2, 2009


I would like to take this opportunity to present you with some information that might be of interest to those who have much interest in The Out of Body Experience.  (Later I will continue with my experiences that I will share with you who read this Blog).
I am convinced of the fact that if a person is tremendously traumatized at some point in one's life, they will become an excellent candidate for OBEs.  Why?  Due to the fact that he spiritual body will attempt to escape from the physical when under great stress or FEAR!
As a child, a very young boy, I was both sexually and mentally/emotionally abused by several adults.  This enabled me to escape from my physical body in frightful moments.  This is a part of what I said about DESIRE.  In my case, The Desire to Escape from Danger!  This Blog is for all of those wishing to experience OBEs and various other types of Metaphysical Experiences.  I am not here to present any of a particular part of my experience with you, due to the fact that I really do not believe that this part of what I wish to present to you is a nescessity to anyone reading what I write here........ I want to leave that part of my personal experiences private due to the fact that in order for me to present that information I would have to give personal details such as names, etc.  Information would be revealed as to "who" were the persons who committed these acts that were in my opinion, not right for a child to experience.
I only tell you the surface of this in order that I make a point to you that , trauma can and probably will escalate the introduction to the OBEs to many of us.  Not only the particular types of incidents that I experienced, but also, trauma can also come with various other things, such as violence, sudden accidents, illnesses, etc.
Having given you this background about myself here..... I would like to tell you what I find so amazing about the OBE and how you can find so many answers to deep rooted questions you might have suppressed deep within your soul.
I always "knew" something had happened to me to make my life not go exactly the way I would have like it to go as a person.  BUT.........I could not really put my finger on it since it was being pushed deep and securely to the back of my existence.  One morning after most of my life having lived on this planet, I actually "asked the big question" during the beginning of an OBE.  Wow!  Not only was the question answered for me by the "unseen companions" who sometimes seem to come and guide me through my experiences........BUT!!!  HE OR SHE, ACTUALLY SHOWED ME "IN PERSON" WHAT HAD HAPPENED TO ME TO CAUSE ME TO BE EMOTIONALLY IN SO MUCH PAIN FOR SO MUCH OF MY LIFE!"  It was all so very simple!  I yelled out the question mentally in what seemed like a shout out in desperation and I was shown the answers in less than seconds.  I was actually taken to the scene of the crime so to speak and it was re-inacted all over again in vivid detail in order that I might see it very clearly...........  It was like seeing a movie, BUT, I was walking around in it and being as close to the scene as possible.
After great thought about it these days, I have decided that it was some what of a "gift" that it took so long to be revealed to me.  I believed now that I understood.  Now I could handle it and understand it and deal with it with a great deal of knowledge of what actually goes on in this existence I have lived until now.  You see as you advance spiritually your awareness opens very wide and you "see" things a lot clearer and a lot differently than one might have seen them before developing one's knowledge of Metaphysical things.  In other words, we can work things out better at the correct time.  When is the correct time?  Whenever it happens.  I am beginning to believe or learn that whenever or wherever we are at a particular time, is the correct time we should be in this place...........
More later......

Love and Light,

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