
Sunday, October 18, 2009


Before leaving the last time, I told you I would discuss where I had discovered the LIGHT was originating from during our OBEs. Well, here I shall begin to tell you. One evening Gerard and his girlfriend had invited me over for dinner. We had a great meal that Gerard had prepared and we had wine. After dinner we watch television and drank more wine. The comedy shows were very funny and we had lots to laugh about during the shows. As always, we filled Gerard's girlfriend in on some of our OBEs.
When I got home I went immediately to bed and to sleep. I suppose due to the intake of wine that evening, at some point I woke up and wanted very much to go to the bathroom. BUT, I was just soooooo sleepy and tired, probably due to the wine that I was feeling rather lazy about getting up to go. Several times, I stalled. Finally, I was in the bathroom and about to relieve myself and thought, "Damn, it's just "not enough light", I gotta turn the light on to see the toilet bowl. I reached over to the switch and took my finger and quickly hit the pertruding wall switch and YIKES! My finger went right through the switch without turning the light on!!! (During the OBE you are on a different frequency than the one we live on in the physical body. The physical frequency we exist on is a much heavier, dense, one. Out of body we move to a higher, much lighter frequency. Therefore, this enables us to move quickly and more easily. We are able to pass through walls, doors, etc. without effort. I do no believe that this information is any kind of far out mystery. By speaking to a Physicist/Scientist, it can be explain much more clearly than I would be able to do here for you.) "False awakening", I thought immediately! I was out of my body getting ready to relieve myself. The surprise of it all jerked me back into my physical body in bed. I then sat up and did things the right way. I got out of the bed, went to the bathroom and turned the light switch on and did what I had to do.
Several weeks later, it dawned on me. I thought to myself one day while resting on my bed, "That night there was some light in that bathroom, but not quite enough? I had not turned on the light?" I was very intrigued now. I stood up and said to myself, as I looked around the apartment and at the clock on the mantle and said to myself, "It is 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon and this apartment is very well lit". And this incident happened at night. No lights were on. The bathroom was right next to my bedroom and I turned no light on to go there, since I could see how to get there easily without doing so in the dark. I immediately walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind me as I supposedly had done that night. It was pitched black. I thought I would try this agin that night. That night I did the same proceedure that I had done in the daytime. Both with the bathroom door open and then closed. Totally black ..... the bathroom was very small, no windows. I stood there for a few minutes and then the thought came to me.......... "The light was coming from YOU!" Now, I will just tell you what thoughts went through my mind? "I was only dimly putting out light because I was still alive. Whenever I encountered people in the OBE that had died, they seemed to be lit up from INSIDE, like bright florescent light bulbs. They seemed to glow with light. Maybe all of their light was with them due to the fact that they were no longer physical beings. Now they were LIGHT! Or OF THE LIGHT! or IN THE LIGHT! I had not taken my entire essence with me to the bathroom that night, only some of me, that is why it was not bright enough for me to view the toilet? Or maybe it was the wine? Too much wine? Because sometimes, I now remember that entire rooms were lit up when I was out of body. I also now remember that everything in a room in the out of body seemed to have a "glow around it". I remembered now when Mother had told me she had seen my apartment "differently" when she was high towards the ceiling looking down at it. She said, "everything seemed to glow" and it was beautiful!" I started to think about religious things like The Bible and when Christ mentioned, "................those of the Light!" Or when Moses came back to his people after having visited God...his face was so brightly lit that he had to wear a covering over it for a few days. I thought of all of the classical artists whom had painted religious figures, such as Saints, Angels, etc. with Halos over their heads. Why??? I believed more than ever when Sylvan Muldoon said, that faith in believing things no longer has to be so difficult when you start to "see" things with one's own eyes. All of this started to give me the incentive to find out more about what was going on here that I am missing out on. There is lots to be found out about ME/US. What are we? Who are we? Why are we here? WHAT IS GOING ON?
FEAR! That is the enemy. We FEAR what we cannot see. We FEAR what we cannot hear. We FEAR the unknown. (Why must we assume the UNKNOWN is BAD?) We mostly seem to FEAR all that is "seen" immediately by the human eye. We grow up to become fearful adults. Children are not afraid of anything much unless we teach them to be...... Unless we permit a child to taste ice cream, they could very easily "fear it". Believe it or not, children only become fearful of the dark because they spend most of their time in the LIGHT. I discovered during the OBEs, there is another kind of so called, DARK. It is what I have come to know as, DARKER THAN DARK. BLACKER THAN BLACK. I would not be able to really discribe this to you, but I will try a little. There is this darkness and blackness that is, deep, rich and soft. It is a velvet black like nothing I have ever seen before. It is silent and rich in texture. You can "feel" it. It is thick and you can feel it or touch it. It is alive! It does not seem to produce FEAR. It is almost comforting. It seems to have great depth. Maybe you can imagine it.....but I realized it when I was having an OBE or in some states of Meditation. More later......

Love and Light,

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