
Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Hi, today I was blown away by an article I read on the internet about a Film Producer named, Tyler Perry. Wow! I could have written that open letter myself......I was very surprised. BUT, it seems that with all of my OBEs, I have become very much aware when information is being given to me that seems to explain my questions! Please check out the article on the internet and then you might come back to read my "new" take on what I "feel" has been channeled to me by some of the thoughts or voices that wish to advance my knowledge here on earth with pointing me in the right direction.
This is a very delicate subject to tackle, but I really believe this article opened my eyes to some thoughts........
Tyler Perry was a victim, just as myself of child abuse, both mentally and sexually... I have come this far and I have chose to keep on going...... Why? I ask the same question of Mr. Perry. Because it seems that his final reaction to it all is the same as it is with my own. Neither of us chose to drown ourselves in drugs or some substance that would keep us from moving forward. We just kept on going and did whatever we had the urgency to do........we seemed to attempt to "push" these horrible situations to the back of our minds, until one day.......We stood still and had an awakening at to "something was not right about something that happned to us as children!"
Now I will present you with my thoughts that have come to me, from unknown sources.
WAS WHAT HAPPENED TO MR. PERRY, ME AND PROBABLY SO MANY OTHERS ON THIS PLANET, A PART OF OUR "SACRED CONTRACTS" before coming here to the physical??? Today I ran this past my beloved friend, Musician/Actress, Olga. I said to her, "Did it ever occur to you.......and I have said this before on several occasions. That if we think about it.....and all of those that will go wild screeching out in horror with their definitive opinions, HOW COULD YOU THINK SUCH A THING??? I said to her, what about where it says in The Bible, that GOD said, MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS, MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS!!!
She said, remembers me saying this on several occasions and she BELIEVES it's true!
Now to all of you beautiful people reading this Blog.....Think about it.........Are there some of us who CHOSE as a part of our "contracts" before coming here to include such horrendous acts being committed against us? Oh, we did not plan or choose that we would have millions of material things of value to contribute to our fellow human beings, maybe we chose to possibly a more difficult method of giving/contributing.....maybe we thought we would have the strength and power to survive displaying these lessons in our classes here on this planet. By the way, I do wish that I could have a meeting or talk with Tyler Perry to ask him, if during his lifetime he has been called by many, a SURVIVOR??? I laugh because, so many have called me this for so long and I am beginning to wonder at this point how much truth is in that in relationship to myself? (I never really thought of myself as one?)
More later..........

Love and Light!

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