
Sunday, October 11, 2009


                                           KIM AND ARRON
During our journey on this planet I believe that we all travel within a circle of people whom we have known for  uncountable times during our past incarnations.                                                                                                                                                                                          
Why have I come to believe this with time came as a surprise to me during my OBEs.
In Metaphysics, I always seemed to move away from "Reincarnation" whenever the subject was presented to me. Why? At the time, I just did not accept it as being something "real" to me or my ideas. Due to my many OBEs I began to accept it as something "very real". I started to investigated it more and more. Just as I had with Astral Projection. There are many, many books and siminars on the subject and many are very informative. One of my favorites is, Dr. Brian Weiss's book, MANY LIVES, MANY MASTERS. Also, any of the research or writing of Ian Stevenson, who is considered one of the really outstanding authorities on the subject. I will attempt while writing this Blog to share many experiences with you that I have to come to discover about "Other Livestimes". Permit me to start with this one:
I had my art gallery for a number of years when I first met two people who worked at another store in the same complex. They were brother and sister. First I met Aaron. This was a truly gifted young man, both artistically and intellectually. I should tell you why I was given the opportunity to meet so many people in various areas of life. I was an established and very well known Artist at the time and it gave me the previledge of having people of interest approach me all the time. There were some that I considered myself "lucky" to know. Aaron and Kim were two of them. Aaron and I became friends due to the fact that we had so much in common, in spite of the fact that there was a tremendous age difference between us. I was the "Old Man", and he was the "Kid". We met in the store he was working in one day when I came to visit my friend who owned and employed Aaron in the store. My friend was not there. I was ready to leave after finding this out, but Aaron, obviously knew who I was and had seen my work and was very complimentary and wished to chat. We did. This was the beginning of a very good relationship. We had so much in common. Metaphysics was definitely one of them. I also discovered that for a person so young, he had a whole lot more going about the knowledge of spiritualism than I really had acquired at that time. Also, we were both "totally crazy" (in a good way). Always laughing, always joking, always being outrageous! BUT.......I noticed something else, in spite of this, he was very respectful to me due to my seniority and I definitely noticed it.
Much time passed and one day I was making my usual trip past the store hoping to catch my friend who was the Owner and when I arrived, there was a teen aged girl working behind the counter. After she told me that my friend was not there on this day, I looked at her and said, "And who are you? Do you know Aaron?" She said, "Yes, I am his sister. My name is Kim". (She was Aaron's younger sister) Well, another person makes a major impact on me. She was beautiful and sweet as honey! We too became friends. But we had a different type of friendship. It was close, but less of the silliness and craziness her Brother had with me. Kim seemed to draw me to always be very protective and watchful about her welfare in her day to day adventures that she would always tell me about. With time, no matter how reclusive I was with my life, I was drawn or pulled into their life by them... They very rarely would accept a "No, sorry I cannot go or come" when invited by them to their home for various events. With time I met the entire family. Mother and Father and two more sisters. (They did get me to start to come out of my shell of saddness a lot.) I started to visit their home when invited and they shared many happy times with me in my home. There was a part of our life that I enjoyed.... (By the way, sorry, I am not speaking of them as if they are gone...out of my life now, Aahahahahha! They are still very much a part of my life)
What I appreciated was whenever we had a gathering, a party, dinner, etc. EVERYBODY was welcome to be there! Family and Friends. And Kim and Aaron never failed to treat me very special. I could "feel" their love for me and I hope they could "feel" how much I loved them as well. You always "know" when you are loved whenever you feel very comfortable and relaxed in those times of sharing each others company.
Aaron continues to establish himself as a distinguished Photographer/Artist and Kim has grown from a young teenage to a young married lady. Kim has done amazing work as a Sales Associates in my gallery throught the years.
I will bring this together now in relationship to OBEs (and possibly the subject of Reincarnation).
Several years ago having an OBE in the morning and the scene was absolutely clear to me. I was standing in a very conservatively decorated house. I knew it was ME. But it was not ME physically as I see myself presently. I was a rather middle-aged, very conservative (I could "feel" this attitude) man. I could "see" myself, physically. I was standing in a living room. It looked very familiar and the entire decor was as clear as day! I felt I had just arrived from work. I was wearing a full suit and tie. I noticed something very interesting, I was Asian. (That is not my present race.) I was in no way surprised. I just was ME. I knew I was "another person", but I was still ME. Behind me standing and speaking to me was a boy about 12 or 13, and behind him was a little girl playfully jumping around the carpeted floor. I could "see" them both without seeming to turn my head in their direction. I said, "Calm down. Prepare for dinner". I "knew" I was a strict, yet calm Father to them. Within seconds, the two children and another person, a woman, whom I "knew" was my wife and the mother of the boy and girl, they all stood almost at attention in front of me. The woman whom I assumed was my wife had her head bowed towards the floor. I could not see her face? I could only see that she was wearing a flowered dress and black mid-heels. I immediately came out of the catalyptic state of paralysis and sat up in bed. My first thoughts and words to myself were....... WAS THAT AARON? WAS THAT LITTLE GIRL PLAYING, KIM??? (By the way, Kim and Aaron are Asian) And then a feeling of slight fear, as I thought, WHO WAS THAT WOMAN? WHY WAS I NOT PERMITTED TO SEE HER FACE???
Well, I certainly remember important notes made by persons such as Shakti Gawain and other Metaphysical leaders. "Trust your gut thoughts! Your first thoughts or opinions!" Do not take the time and start to attempt to "analyze them, because that is when you will start to think and consider things with your "lower self"....the part of you that attempts to MAKE THINGS THE WAY YOU WANT THEM TO BE, NOT THE WAY THEY REALLY ARE! Well, those thoughts and words came to my mind without even me giving the OBE scene a second thought. AND.....the part of the scene that concerned me was the woman whose face I could not "see?"
Now, my higher self has told me that my dear friend, when we discussed this experience, was telling me the absolute truth when she responded to my question of her as to "Why?" I could not see this woman's face??? These are her words:
"Marshall, you could not see this woman's face, due to the fact that in all probability, you would not have been able to handle that part of the scene in the OBE." My friend had made it very clear to me, that as with anything else in our evolment and development in our spiritual awakening, we will be given all that is desired at the time appropriate for us to "handle it".
More later.........

Love and Light!

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