
Friday, August 19, 2011


It is up to each of us to develop our own spiritual qualities through meditation, prayer, and the extension of a helping hand.  No one else can forge the path for us.  We must each find the way.  And let us remember that the hardships and challenges of our lives help us to grow strong.  We cannot always hope to have the wind at our backs.  Ruth Montgomery

The 11 year old boy's sister, who is 5 years old has a calm and loving way of expressing all of her thoughts when speaking.  Even at 5 years old she seems to have the ability to "take charge" when things seem as if they are going astray.  She seems to me like somewhat of a "peace maker" when there is unrest amongst her group of playmates.  When speaking to me it is always with such amazing insight for a child so young?
At this point, I wish to present to you some rather disturbing information I discovered during my research on these young children.  They may be coined, The Millennium Children, but I was surprised to discover that there is something that brings validity to my information about the subject of duality.
There seems to be other children that seem the opposite of The Millennium Children.  They have been identified as the END-TIMES CHILDREN.
If their counterparts are inspiring, these children seem to represent our fears, our uneasiness, as we human beings begin to face a spiritual turning point on the planet.
The END-TIMERS are primarily, intelligent and creative.  Their interests seem to focus upon the technology of destruction.  They are interested in explosives, weapons, etc.
These might be the so called young gifted hackers who infiltrate government files and such and ending up creating upheaval.  They are more inward type personalities and are difficult to discern until they explode with outrageous behavior.
The Millennium Children and The End-Timers are not usually understood by the older generations, or accepted. 
Have I been able to recognized these individuals also?  (The End-Timers) YES!  By intuition, before and after meeting The Millennium Children, I came in contact with children that when we came "eye to eye", I became unsettled by their faces, their eyes.
Before further investigation, I was not cognizant of "why?" I felt uncomfortable when seeing them, but with time, such as now, it all makes sense.  There has been a clarification given to me recently by coming in contact with The Millennium Children.
Having now been able to be in the presence of so many of them now, I have been given clarity.  I attribute all of my discoveries to my Meditations and Out of Body Experiences.  It has now been presented to me that the "astral eyes" open more than I had suspected.  Because when they do so, as I have said in the past, we can get a glimpse of "how things really are in reality".  We "see" beyond any illusions that might have been created by our physical senses.  In other words, WE VIEW THE TRUTH!
Please when reading this, continue to accept the fact, that these are MY thoughts.  We all create or see that which we either "create to see" or that which is REAL.
Have I seen beautiful and loving, smiling, laughing children?  YES.  Have I "seen" hateful, evil and insensitive children?  YES.  All of them are here now and have been for some time.  I continue to believe that evil children grow up to be evil adults!  I also continue to believe that we can ONLY see any of what I am saying when we OPEN our spiritual eyes and leave are EGOS behind us.  Then and only then will any of us be able to "see" the true possibilities available to us on this planet.  By not doing so, we will all continue to live within a world of our own ILLUSIONS!  The ones that we create with the assistance of our EGOS.
More later...........

Love and Light!

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