
Monday, August 22, 2011


The most terrifying thing is to accept one's self completely...
Carl Jung
During one of my OBEs I was presented with something that I was aware of but not a knowing practitioner of before this event.
In past times I was overcome with both a physical and emotional illness, I eventually was given the realization that they both were connected.  With time I found out all medical illnesses both physical and emotional are a part of our creating illusions to suit our physical needs.  As I have mentioned earlier, there is nothing that we do not manifest into our material realities that we do not first visualize within our minds.  It seems that all of the great Metaphysicians that I have studied agree that this is a fact.
I am not about to have a discussion here about religion, but I would like to insert here that the person considered "The Greatest Metaphysician" that ever walked the earth by many is, THE CHRIST.
My many thoughts have given me the belief that as Christ walked the earth as a human being, it was believed that he was The Son of God.  I have taken into consideration that even thought many consider him to have been the son of God, he never the less, chose to take on the form of a human being and many soon discovered that he had many various supernatural powers.  (BUT, I continue to remember from readings about his life, that he did say, YOU TOO WILL HAVE SUCH POWERS SUCH AS THIS, EVEN MORE SO.)  I must point out that this is a Christian belief or discernment....Even though I consider myself a member of this religion, I do respect other religions and beliefs also.
By the way, I wish to mention here, that those of the Jewish religion believe in The Christ, BUT.......he has not come yet.  (In all due respect, I hope I got that statement correct.)
Moving along, I have always been fascinated by those who call themselves, HEALERS.
Many of those whom have professed to be Healers have absolutely created chaos and pure deception for innocent human beings on this planet.  The Entertainment business has presented various presentations in movies, television, etc. that I would consider totally outrageous.  All blatant scams and fakes!  Primarily for personal financial gains.
I believed that I mentioned earlier in my blogs that I had not really felt good about ever asking or trying to find assistance or gifts for myself.  I was always thinking that the right thing to do when attempting to acquire assistance was to ask for others that I cared about in my life.  For some unknown reason, I seemed to feel it would be inappropriate/selfish to be always ME first?
Once during one of my lowest moments of despair, being both physically and emotionally headed for complete annihilation, I had a very powerful and awesome OBE where I found myself focusing in on myself.
I found myself moving briskly into an open space without recognizing anything that was in front of my astral eyes.  Suddenly, everything came into focus and I found myself on a very small meadow.  I seemed to be standing and then began to walk forward as I could hear the sound of my voice from within say, PLEASE HELP ME.  HOW CAN I BE HEALED FROM MY PRESENT STATE OF BEING?  I suddenly felt myself move forward and up a small hill to the top of this meadow.  When I arrived at the top, I could actually "feel" the wind moving around my astral body.  For some reason, I looked downwards at something sitting on the top of this meadow in front of my feet.  It was a small mound, and on top of it sat, what appeared as a huge opened book.  As I approached it and stood in front of it, it seemed to turn pages without my touching it.  I was attempting to read each page, but the pages turned very rapidly, as if I was suppose to be reading each page at lightening speed?  Maybe I was?  The thoughts came to me at a later time in the future that maybe the information was being absorbed by my brain rapidly, just as everything else that would happen when out of the physical body.
During future experiences, both physical and emotional things transpired with my physical body that physicians had no explanations for....there was even one time when a physician found himself in a very uncomfortable predicament with my insurance company when attempting to give them reasons for my having been admitted into a hospital for two weeks and to only be released without any findings that would constitute the charges incurred?  During my two weeks I saw a very large number of doctors visiting my room with perplexed expressions on their faces when I would ask the question, WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?  Before leaving I also was aware of the fact that I had a small stack of business cards for various specialist who were inviting me to be their permanent patient on release. 
Eventually, it was determined that I was having an allergic reaction to a sinus drug?  BUT, during my stay they were all very dismayed by the fact that no matter how many other drugs they gave me......I had an allergic reaction to them and with time on no drugs, I was healed?
(Please do not misinterpret what I say here, because I do continue to believe in medical drugs.  Always remember, it is not always the drug that is the culprit but the entity behind the drug. )
During my many meditations I have discovered that when permitting the mind to travel outside of the body, it can become as a physician and examine your problem and also correct it.  We must always remember that when healing ourselves or someone else, we are healing both the mind and the body.  First our thoughts and beliefs are strengthened and then in connection we take care of the physical aspects of our existence.
My thoughts are that we are LIGHT and when we travel astrally, we are able to join a much more powerful LIGHT and jointly we are able to discern and heal any and all dark or broken threads within our physical and mental bodies.
Unfortunately, most of us do not really realize how powerful we all really are as human beings.  We control all that exist and happens within our world of existence.  As I have mentioned before, we control the weather conditions, the atmospheric pressures, etc.  We control famine and poverty.  We control and create war and peace.  It is all a part of the collective consciousness of mankind.
Whenever I am able to "look" at a person's face and eyes and discern the medical condition or approximate life span of that individual, it is my higher (LIGHT) self presenting me with that information.  This also enables me to "see" with clarity if this is a person with "good intentions or bad/evil intentions".  This LIGHT enables me to discern the past, the present and the future of an individual......this information seems primarily to present itself to me via the person's "eyes and face". 
Someone once asked me how I was able to "see" various things such as these about MYSELF?  I laughed when they asked me if I would look into a mirror?  I thought that was both funny and charming.  Actually, my response was that information about myself when presented is usually sent via, dreams, visions, "whispers in my head" and OBEs.  And of course, through Meditations.  Meditations are always my main "key" to how I SEE DEAD PEOPLE!  And I request that you trust me when I tell you that, they are NOT dead!  I wish to refresh your memory when I wrote much earlier in one of my blogs, the OBE I had when I was in the presence of someone whom we would consider DEAD and before I could get the question or thought from my head,  the response was, NO.  BUT YOU ARE!   (You would need to think about that one....I know I have for a long time now).                                     More later.............

Love and Light!

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