
Sunday, August 14, 2011


"One way to stop judging others is to realize that most of our judgements are fallacies.  We judge something to be right or wrong, good or bad, when this distinction is actually an illusion....."  Author Unknown

With very open minds and without back-sliding into being judgemental, please permit me to continue to share my thoughts with you on the idea of our creating an illusionary physical existence here on planet Earth.
Maybe, just maybe, our desperate search for love and a partnership with another physical being could be feasible, BUT, misguided by our own egos?
Why is the divorce rate so tremendously high?  Why do so many of us fall in and out of love almost like eating popcorn?  Why do so many children growing up give so much time to the thought of getting "out of the house?"  Getting away from the so called, rules and regulations of the parents.  Preferring the company of friends and outside acquaintances rather than spending so much time with "family?"  Why does sexual encounters become so casual/transient and begin to have so little substance?  Why so much conflict between families?  On and on and on......But, let's pick this apart and determine what the possibilities might be?
I discovered years ago during the OBEs that during the process of being out of the physical body, I had the abilities to "create, pick and choose whatever I wanted to materialize........including the way I myself could choose to "look". 
Everything always seemed so much more "natural" to me when outside of the physical body.  I seemed to be able to both exist and travel within a more comfortable environment.  As I have mentioned previously, being outside of the physical body, I found that I could adjust anything I so desired to be exactly as I might wish it to be at the moment.  Also, it is important to note that when doing this, one must begin to realize that one must acquired the skill of "holding on to each creation" in order to maintain it.
We have the ability to change or alter how we might appear.  BUT....outside of the body, we do NOT look as we do here in the physical.  This brought me to the realization that all those around us on the physical plane can collectively decide, using their EGOS and JUDGEMENTS, to decide which people and things will be considered, what we call, attractive and unattractive.  Already this is what is called, a duality.  (Each of which gets its meaning from the other, as to what the other is not.  (Here is an example:  Day and Night, bad and good, wrong and right, happy and sad, fat and thin, etc.)  These are all illusions.  If one half of the duality is missing, then the other half has no meaning.
We use this method when being judgemental.  Should we come to the realization that all of these are actually an illusion?  (All dualities are illusions).  I suppose this would be a excellent method for all of us to discontinue judging others?
Here I will mention something Betty Eady experienced during her long and detailed Near Death Experience.  Someone at one of her talks stood up and presented what was a reality and a fact to themselves here on the physical plane, "I was once told by a Medium that if I were to die and go to Heaven that I would become more attractive".  Her response was, "Oh, we do not look like this in actual reality!  While having this experience I knelt down next to a beautiful stream of water and looked into it and suddenly realized that I was viewing a reflection of myself in the water and to my surprise, I DID NOT LOOK ANYTHING LIKE I HAD SEEN IN A MIRROR OR PHOTOGRAPH ON THIS EARTH!"
My thoughts, there are many, many important and determined decisions we all make before coming to this earth plane to advance ourselves, BUT, upon arriving we spend a tremendous amount of time here, attempting to "alter" those decisions due to the fact that many of our contractual plans have been "forgotten?"  Some examples:  How we will operate within our biological families, who our friends will be, who our Lovers/Wives/Husbands/Children will be... Which careers we will choose (Did you ever stop to think how bad someone was trying to sing when they had no voice???  Or a lousy Teacher, etc.  Hooking up with the wrong person or persons?  Finding it difficult to comprehend WHY? certain things do not work out for us?  And also, how some misguided souls just cannot let go of the mistakes they made and attempt to move forward and correcting the accidents? 
Repeating the same mistakes over and over and over!  Actually believing that "life is treating us poorly" when we might have chosen that life for a reason?  Unable to permit others to pursue their goals due to your judgement that it is the wrong path for them.  The possibilities of physical death being the "completion" of one's class or program chosen by that person.  The possibility that a baby can be born and die on the same day due to the fact that the soul's contract was completed at birth! 
Why do so many of us Thank God for the things we judge as good, and curse God for the things we judge as bad?  So many curse God for God's action that are not approved of by us, yet, never really stop to think, GOD'S THOUGHTS ARE NOT OUR THOUGHTS AND NEITHER ARE GOD'S WAYS?
Giving more thoughts to the idea of creating our own illusions of various situations in physical life.  What about the manifestations of diseases and illnesses that are professed by most Metaphysicians both today and during ancient times of human existence.  They are not "real", only illusions created by ourselves on the earth plane OR decided upon before arriving here to be a part of a situation that we will be subjected to in order to evolve.
Which once again brings me to this ongoing thought I have about so many of us when confronted with these situations, quickly turn and decide that God is an unloving, uncaring entity!
This limited thinking once again gives our EGOS the power to decide that which is good and that which is bad?  There are so many human beings on the planet that have via their EGOs decided that they have direct contact with a higher entity that only they can discern the idea or beliefs of this advanced and unseen entity.  They profess to be experts at making decisions of who shall be punished and who shall be rewarded or promoted to a very high and significant position of authority on the earth plane.  These individuals have already self assigned themselves as those who can destroy the physical beings existing on this planet for whatever reasons they deem unacceptable to their (EGO) ways of thinking.  They feel they are in the position to destroy that which they did not create.  Assuming themselves with so much power, most never once stop to think about an important fact that they lack during their power trips... THEY CAN DESTROY, BUT THEY CANNOT "CREATE" THAT WHICH THEY DESTROY?
If only these individuals could experience or believe in OBES and experience that which we cannot SEE with our physical eyes, but must step "outside" of the physical and into the astral body and view our TRUE REALITIES OF OUR SELVES!  The forgotten discovery of our SPIRITUAL SOULS WHICH ARE ETERNAL.  Unfortunately, we are only able to view a small part of reality when encased in our physical bodies, therefore we are restrained by limited thoughts.  Our minds are not expanding at all.  But fortunately, some of us are being allowed "glimpses" of more by the expansions of our minds when having the out of body experiences.  (These of course are my thoughts).  This is why I believe that most of us who are privileged to be able or allowed the gifts of astral travel willing to share the magnificent and forgotten things
with our fellow Brothers and Sisters residing on the earth plane........... More later

Love and Light!

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