
Friday, August 5, 2011


"Optimism," said Candide, "is a mania for maintaining that all is well when things are going badly."

As I had mentioned earlier in my blogs, in spite of our attempts to advance our spirituality to higher thoughts, we still remain physical while on this planet. Sometimes when events happen to us, we find ourselves feeling fragile as human beings.   I chose not to write for awhile, when having thoughts about Artie Dash departing from this plane of existence.
In the past, I have struggled through the spiritual pains of such events and then my soul seemed to mellow out once more and face up to my own so called, on-going physical/human journey.
The following events usually begin to occur for me...... I become mellow once again, face up to the material obstacles life throws my way, begin focused meditations and do what I have learned, STOP...... LOOK....BE QUIET.... LISTEN!
I have learned that "contact" with those that have crossed-over will ONLY be presented to you by PERMISSION!  Permissions from The Other Side of existence.  We can make "request," but no demands.
Also I have come to learn that we must also be "open" to so called, "visitations" when those that have departed wish to do so for various reasons unknown to us?
There are also "time frames" involved.  Days, Weeks, Months, Years......... I suppose depending on necessities, urgency's, etc.
During my OBEs I also believe that there are possibilities that have happened where certain individuals might have made visitations without acknowledgements.  As I have mentioned before, in many of my OBEs I have been unable, or not permitted to actually "see" even with my astral eyes, "who" was in my presence?
There are also those whom have crossed-over that are not available due to various reasons such as, trauma, disorientation, more pressing personal issues, etc.
I truly believe this theory I have developed due to those whom have appeared to me and those whom have not, also I have been very much aware of the various time frames involved.
By the way, we will be surprised by actually WHO visits us!  We all have our own expectations, BUT, I have been several times very surprised by those who have actually had a "meeting"  with me and I was tremendously surprised!  I believe these encounters are sometimes to present the opportunities to me in order to relay a verification to others that they are just FINE AND DANDY!  And sometimes, in addition, they have presented me some very important information in reference to MYSELF!
I believe I have also come to learn that there are those who, just as we all do, have very pressing issues to resolve immediately within the dimension that they are residing at the time, before attempting to address us.
But, I will repeat this, WE MUST BE INVITED IN ORDER TO VISIT THEM!   This give me reason to continue to believe that so called, TELEVISION PSYCHICS that profess to be demonstrating to audiences their abilities to "contact" their loved ones, etc. are practicing not only quackery, BUT, being cruel to individuals in mourning/pain due to the physical lost of their loved ones.  I believe that primarily our departed loved ones are in great shape and busily adapting and preparing for future endeavors.  For some living physical being to profess to be able to, "interrupt" these souls/spirits in other dimensions without being invited, to me seems ridiculous???  (Imagine, just like that, on the spot, this person is doing a television show or a personal reading and they have the ability or rights to just "demand" their presence?  Do you believe that our loved ones whom had crossed-over to another realm of existence spends all of their time just "sitting there" waiting for our phone calls??? AAHahahahah!)  I discovered that and I spoke of that earlier in my blog.  I "saw" that there are various dimensions of existence.  Different levels I suppose.  I have learned that during my OBEs that there are dimensions that maybe, just maybe, are "restricted areas."  Why?  Due to the possible fact that according to our development spiritually/metaphysically we might not be able to sustain the electromagnetic environments.  *(Please permit me here to take a moment to just repeat to you once again something I said earlier in my blog:  IN MY OPINION, NONE OF THESE EVENTS ARE ANYTHING LIKE WHAT HAS BEEN SHOWN IN THE MOVIES OR ON TELEVISION.  ALL OF THE EVENTS THAT HAVE HAPPENED DURING MY OBES ARE "VERY, VERY NATURAL AND REALISTIC.  THEY HAVE SEEMED EVEN "MORE REAL" TO ME THAN PHYSICAL REALITY"!  If I were to point out anything that was "unusual to me", it would be the SILENCE? It's a different kind of silence.  It seems somewhat "alive" and "relaxing/comforting".  And all conversations are done telepathically, yet I would still be able to "hear" their voices?)
As we know, we are within an electromagnetic field of existence.  (Our real selves are LIGHT!)  Just as radio stations have bands of contact, so do the realms of existence for us.  They range in LOW to HIGH.
I might have mentioned in a past blog that some of us are very, very in and out or outside of our magnetic fields of existence.  I have often laughed at the jokes by my close friends about the amount of telephones and watches that have been broken or stopped operating during my lifetime!  Especially the frustrations through the years of having major Telephone Technicians and Electricians just about freaking out in frustrations over the fact that they were devastated at the unusual problems happening when in my presence!
Getting back to my discussion about visitations, etc. with various individuals whom have supposedly crossed-over.
An interesting event occurred when "seeing" or having a "visitation" with my Father.  I had not "seen" him since he departed over 30 years ago?  BUT.......I did have several visits, eventually.  Why so long?  As I mentioned above....... Now, my Mother has crossed-over very RECENTLY and something interesting has occurred when "seeing" her..... SHE DID NOT REALLY ACKNOWLEDGE MY PRESENCE? She was in deep conversation with my Grandmother (Her Mother.....During their physical existence, they had MAJOR issues between themselves).  Maybe, just maybe, this is more pressing at this time to resolve?
I have already spoken of my aunt, Ruby, whom I was very close to earlier in my blogs.  There I gave my belief of possible reasons for her situation presently.

In conclusion, I will emphasize that even without the "visionary" abilities on our parts, there are many "individuals" as well as "groups" of spiritual entities that have crossed-over and those that have chosen not to visit this dimension, that are constantly in our presence for various reasons of LOVE and PROTECTION. 
Those who wish to "open" or "develop" their inborn "spiritual gifts" through the development of astral projection or other means, can all do so.  YOU will be given the opportunity to SEE them and converse with them ........ It is my belief, that even when we wish not to do so.............THEY ARE LOVING US AND PROTECTING US!
More later...........


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