
Monday, August 8, 2011


e' go  1.the self:  the individual as aware of himself.   judg-ment... the ability to come to opinions about things;  power of comparing and deciding;   New World Dictionary

I have discovered during my studies of Metaphysics and my OBEs that anyone wishing to achieve the practice of OBEs will have to ask one's EGO to take a break!  We should also start pushing our tendencies to be JUDGEMENTAL way down.  AND...the most important thing of all, if this has not already been addressed, CHANGE OUR BELIEF SYSTEMS!
There is no half and half ways of thinking at this point, it is either we believe or we do not believe.  Standing in the middle will only hold you back from your achievements.
It has been totally awesome the things that I have discovered during my adventures.  Which brings me to something that happened to me the other night after and during very deep meditations.  "Messages" came to me about the possibilities of my being on this earth plane and that EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY I was subject to during my physical lifetime to date was created by ILLUSIONS that I had personally created?
I had to think very deeply and seriously about the feelings that suddenly came over me about my physical life to date.  Have I been creating all that was happening to me during my physical life?  My parents, all of my relatives, my friends, my associates, my surroundings, my skills, etc. ???
I slid deeper into my thoughts and suddenly found myself wondering about all of the people I encountered in physical reality as being illusions that I had created for purposes of spiritual development. 
I began to think about Sacred Contracts and how they might have been decided by both myself and others before arriving here on the earth plane.  I begin to "feel" that ALL of the human beings that I had been involved with were those whom I had already known before coming to this planet.  We know very well the term used so often, WE ARE ALL CONNECTED.  But how?  From another time and place?  I am already convinced that none of us are in true reality, "physical beings" but rather, "spiritual beings of LIGHT!" 
I once read a description of a young woman's Near Death Experience that seemed to relate to my thoughts now.  She said that when the doctors had proclaimed her clinically dead, she felt very much ALIVE!  She said, she seemed glide and float into a much different and peaceful dimension.  She said, she had the feelings of peacefulness and content.  She also stated that she continued to feel very, very much "herself" still, in spite of getting the impression that she was "outside" of her body.
Thoughts came into her mind about her life on this planet and how disappointed she was with her life of having bad parents and so much unhappiness.
Suddenly, she could "hear" the sounds of giggling and chatter, at which time she felt her vision look upwards and saw a group of the most beautiful "balls of LIGHT" floating very slowly pass.  She heard a very familiar female voice speak in her direction, OH, LOOK!  IT'S SALLY!!!  She immediately felt herself call out to the group that she had a very strong feeling that she knew very well.  OOH, I HATE MY LIFE.  MY MOTHER AND FATHER ARE AWFUL AND NOTHING IS GOING WELL.  One of the balls of beautiful LIGHT replied, OH SALLY, DON'T BE SO SAD.  IT WILL BE FINE.  YOU JUST MADE SOMEWHAT OF A MISTAKE IN CHOICES THIS TIME AROUND, BUT IT WILL WORK OUT, DON'T WORRY........They seemed to radiate so much LOVE in her direction and continued to glide onwards........ The woman returned to her physical body with a jolt as several doctors were in the process of resuscitating her back to life.
CHOICES.  Interesting.  In the theater there is an expression, ALL THE WORLDS A STAGE AND WE ARE MERE ACTORS UPON IT.
Have we chosen scripts to perform in order to advance in our evolments? Are we all truly connected to one another?  This gives so much for thought......... During a past time and another place of existence did I say, "Okay, let's get ready.  You have chosen to play my Mother and I will be your Son this time around and what about Brothers and Sisters?  What about Friends?  What about?  What about?  What about? on and on........and this is what I will experience and learn.  And you will experience and learn this and that......AND THIS WILL ENABLE US TO ADVANCE SPIRITUALLY.
I remember the best selling author, Betty Eady saying during one of her talks,  "The Earth plane is the most difficult one to go to....."  She also said, that, " it would entail various levels of difficulties according to the times we chose to be born." 
I will continue with MORE LATER............


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