
Friday, April 2, 2010


During my years of OBES, I have viewed so many times, events or situations, related to THE PAST, PRESENT and THE FUTURE!
When having conversations with those people I associate with who have had experiences such as myself, we often "compare notes". When they are similar or sometimes exact information as I myself have received, they become most "disturbing", "unsettling" when they are "negative" in content. When comparing notes, it always seems to be very, very rare that we have something "positive" to report about our world of existence. So far, no one has given a reason for these messages.
People have asked my opinion about 2012. The predictions, the controversy, etc.
My answer is always the same, ALL EVENTS ARE ALREADY HAPPENING LEADING UP TO 2012. Nothing will dramatically happen during one eventful year (2012). It has already begun and we all will need to make changes, decisions, etc. by the year 2012.
Recently, one of my OBES, found me running through the streets of the city (I do not know the particular city?) I was running and desperately attempting to avoid the people attempting to capture me. I felt I was in great danger. As I ran through the city trying to escape these people I had the feeling that this city was now a very "lawless city" full of anger and desperate individuals. I needed to escape them to find safety. They had dogs. Very vicious and snarling dogs running with them towards me. This city was in great turmoil. Everyone was a potential victim of crime!
I suddenly escaped. How? I had instantly returned to my physical body in the bed. I was safe. FOR NOW.
During my recent meditations and contemplations about life today as it happens, I have began to remember how long I have been on this earth and in this wonderful country that I was so fortunate to be born in, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
I had many, many sad times in this country as a minority , but the feelings of prejudices and hatred that I experienced long ago were not equal to the feelings I sometimes feel as a citizen of this country presently. Born and raised here had its most difficult times. BUT, I really do not believe I have ever felt the hatred, the jealousies, etc. of the people in this world both at home and in other countries towards we Americans. Recently, I could feel how "self-hating" so many Americans had become around me.
For me, it has become heartbreaking to speak to people who have entered this country and when asked by myself and others, IF YOU HATE US SO MUCH, WHY DID YOU COME HERE??? And then to hear their reply: FOR THE MONEY! THE FREEDOM!
Wow! They are sooooooo lucky. They did not have to endure the painful experiences of my ancestors, BLACKS AND THE AMERICAN INDIANS to live in this great country and fight for democracy. No riding on the backs of buses, no drinking from water fountains for NEGROES ONLY, no picking cotton, no segregation in the school system and housing, no rejections from public health care centers and hospitals, etc. etc. etc. Wow. Just handed to them all on a silver platter. Nice! Take the money and run. I think its all wonderful for them all and to GET IT ALL......... No fighting for it or anything too difficult. We have done all of the hard, blood, sweat and tears! BUT, WHY HAVE SO MUCH HATRED FOR THE PEOPLE ...THE AMERICAN?
Well, this is a part of the big talk of 2012. There is a change happening now and COMING!
What will and has caused this to happen? THE LACK OF "LOVE!" During the OBES, think negative thoughts, hating thoughts, angry thoughts and you will manifest negative images and situations promptly! I have "seen" it and "experienced" it, repeatedly during my OBES.
Humans existing in our world have finally manifested their most overpowering thoughts of anger and hatred into the world.......As a group, the thoughts have finally built up the energy to begin to create in this world we live in, the most devastating and catastrophic events known to us existing presently. The earthquakes and floods, the hurricanes, the fires all created by our thoughts!
This planet will not be destroyed. A Higher Being will not permit it. We cannot destroy that which we did not create. And we will soon find out. The world will be cleansed and purified .......refreshed and will again continue to exist, BUT, without negative energy. Without negative people. Without hatred and greed. BUT, with the LOVE that so many on this planet are hoping for to come to the rescue!
How do I know these things? Via a method I believe we ALL can learn and receive astounding and life changing messages: MEDITAIONS AND THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY!
Many of us will "cross over" and many will remain here to salvage the earth.
More later.........

Love and Light!

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