
Friday, April 9, 2010


Recently, there have been many Physicians and Scientists interested in finding "proof" of The Near Death Experience and OBES.  I would like to point out here that it is my belief that it would be a very good possibility of getting proof and lots of information on the OBES, but I was given "messages" that "proving the fact of NDES are just highly unlikely.  Here I will tell you what information I was given during these interesting messages I received.
There is a form of mind travel called, REMOTE VIEWING.  There are hundreds of books on the subject if you are interested in checking this subject out.  It enables the human being to achieve the ability to travel non-physically and actually "veiw" other places, and also to gather information and bring it back to the physical.  This method of travel was adopted by governments throughout the world.  You know very well what I am about to relay to you now.  AAAahahahahhahaha!  The governments could "spy" on one another and find out what their plans were for WAR!
Yup.  And with much time.  It failed.  To this day there are still those who believe that it is still a successful method of spying.  From my experiences with OBES and psychic messages given me, I was under the impression that invading on one's privacy was NOT going to be permitted.  By the way, even when I am having OBES I have found one thing really, really difficult to do, and that was to READ?  Always it seemed that papers, books, street signs, numbers etc. became so jumbled???  (I believe I discussed this earlier, but I will also be giving you more information on that also at a later time.)
Today, Physicians, Scientists, etc. have unanimously decided on placing TARGETS on ceilings of operating rooms in the hope that they would be able to investigate and get proof when a patient returned from an NDE during surgery.  Thus far, out of 100% of the patients that have had NDES during surgery, NONE have come back and reported having viewed the TARGETS that can only be seen from being above on the ceiling.
Recently while listening to a radio talk show about the paranormal, there was a "call-in" on the phone to state this fact that I have just given to  you.  The guest who was a Cardiologist and Oncologist who was presently doing a study on this particular subject of using TARGETS during NDES, responded to the call-ins' statement about there having been at present 100% reports by patients of never having seen them during their NDES...The Doctor responsed by saying that they were continuing to attempt to obtain this information in the future.
Okay, here is my take on this......Imagine yourself having life-threatening surgery and suddenly without warning or without any interest whatsoever in Life After Death, you suddenly realized you were DEAD!  Would you start looking for TARGETS??? Aahahahahhahah!  Even during my OBES and when discussing them with others I associate with who also experience OBES, we are so astounded by the unusual experience of finding ourselves outside of our physical bodies that we are rarely ever thinking about the fact of "proving" to anyone anything about the mind-blowing experience at the time.  It is so awesome and spiritual and overwhelming to us that we are immediately in the process of taking it all in and finding out what magnificent adventure does this experience hold before us!!! 
We are without knowing what to expect on this journey, that we are going into a state of being that will give us some of the answers to so many of our questions about, WHO ARE WE?  WHY ARE WE HERE? WHERE ARE WE GOING???
More later,

Love and Light!

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