
Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I, after living to this time in my life have discovered something during my OBES and Spiritual Visions.  ( Actually, not only in reference to myself, but several of those close to me).  It has been brought to my attention that the strong feelings that are so confusing and sad are only natural feelings of "homesickness!"  Some of us are experiencing what many medical professionals have labeled as "depression" and "detachment", nothing more than unexplainable feelings of being away from our natural and comforting place called HOME.
So many believe that the right person or the right husband or wife or lover or companion would make us whole.  Yet the divorce rate is so tremendous.  There is a song, BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO, but inspite of that termination of a relationship, so many still "insist" on the separation in the hopes that there is someone or something else that will give us what we feel is lacking at a certain point in our life.  When I sometimes see my close friends so depressed and sad and I ask the question, WHY?  I am told.......I DON'T KNOW? I JUST CANNOT FIND MYSELF.  I KEEP SEARCHING AND WONDERING WHERE AM I GOING? WHAT AM I SEARCHING FOR THAT WILL MAKE ME COMPLETE AND WITHOUT THESE EMPTY AND PAINFUL FEELING DEEP INSIDE ME???
I truly believe that so many of the medications given to some are so useless in giving these persons real and lasting comfort.  They usually only alter one's state of being.
I myself remember times when I asked my physician to please assist me with my constant feelings of depression and feelings of isolation.  I recall the time I was given my first prescription for a anti-depressant.  I was excited to believe that upon taking these pills that I would be suddenly a whole new person.  No longer depressed or sad.  To my surprise.......I WAS MORE DEPRESSED THAN EVER!  I remember laughing to myself at that moment and hearing my voice inside my head say, THIS IS REDICULOUS!  I FEEL WORST???  Immediately, I stopped taking the drugs and decided to look elsewhere for relief.  This was one of my major breakthroughs into venturing on my metaphysical path of studies.  The problems were not "outside" of myself, but "within" myself.  I had to go within to find out the truth about why I had these uncomfortable feelings.  What I discovered surprised me.  I found out that I was definitely HOMESICK!  I was away from home on a long journey and was beginning to have very strong feelings about missing being in my natural place of existence.  I seemed to soon wake up and realize that my true place of existence was that of another dimension.
I believe I have said this earlier.  This is not always the best for one to experience.  This is due to the fact that once we have this amazing awakening, WE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN.
Everything you ever believed and thought was a reality will be suddenly pulled from under your feet like a rug.  You will loose your balance and waiver back and forth.  You will attempt to not accept these discoveries as being "stable".  In other words, as the saying goes, IT WILL ROCK YOUR you "thought" you knew it.
It becomes a very delicate way to balance your day to day life from that moment on.  You will have to be willing to make tremendous changes in your life as you once knew it.  The difficulty will be based on your dedication to your new discoveries and the decisions you choose to make these life changes.
There will be many people around you who will become "different" in your eyes when you begain to observe their actions towards you.  Most will offend you and cause you to find yourself isolating them from your circle of associates.  Most are given the impression that it would be easier to just attempt to keep all things the way they are familiar.  
Those that take on this very difficult task of action will find that the deeper one ventures into this journey, the more difficult it is to turn backwards.  It is usually very difficult to turn back and try to return to where we felt "safe."  Why?  Because we will suddenly realize that we were not safe.  We were "asleep" and now at this point, we have suddenly woke up!  And what do we SEE?  WE SEE THAT WE ARE NOT AT HOME.  WE ARE HOMESICK!
More later........................

Love and Light!

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