Five years ago, myself and several other businessmen (Primarily I am an Artist, but owning one's own business, one becomes, a so called, "businessman". Yikes!!!)
In any case, 5 years ago, we gathered together and decided it was time to bring a lawsuit for the sum of $80 Million Dollars against THE CORPORATIONS! WOW, what an ordeal. Having had to mingle with Attorneys, Judges, etc. and attend Civil Courts and now The Supreme Court has been an incredible journey. Is the system fair and good for all concerned? NOT REALLY, Aahahahah, I have acquired the opinion that guilty or innocent, whomever has the most toys (MONEY) to play with will have an advantage. How sad. Does anyone really believe that MONEY DOES NOT TALK???
How many innocent people have gone to prison or even been executed in prisons due to the fact that they did not have enough MONEY to prove themselves innocent!
In The Bible it is stated that one must not worship anyone over ME (GOD). Well, do you believe this has or is happening in this world??? Cesar questioned The Christ and said, "LOOK AT THIS MONEY. WHO OWNS IT?" The Christ replies, "YOUR PICTURE IS ON IT!"
We should always remember something: IDOLTRY, is the worshiping of anything!
We are practicing it when you "over indulge" in anything! (Ex. Sex, Gambling, Drinking, etc.)
In this world, The Corporations are in charge. We little guys are like Ants working hard to bring down the corporation in our favor. Believe me when I say that its not really about the "truth" but who can "twist" the truth by use of the most money.
I referred to us as Ants because we have stuck together for 5 years and in spite of the fact that by pooling our resources, it is a tremendous battle to go up against THE BIG GUYS WHO HAVE THE MOST MONEY. But, we fight and fight and keep at it and I have seen things that the money guys can do with that which they worship the most, MONEY! Oh, they have tons of it and they just go on and on.... It is a question of not proving themselves innocent (due to the fact that they are not) but to use their MONEY to do everything they can to cover their guilt.
During one of my OBES I was able to "see" the final outcome of this tremendous lawsuit against the corporation. But as much as both myself and the others involved wanted this to come to a closure, it has so much more to it than just the idea of who was to WIN in the end. I discovered how much learning was involved here in this tremendous "class of study". I call it a class of study due to the fact that what eventually began to evolve during the time spent living this most difficult part of my journey was inevitable as a part of my development on this planet. (This situation that I find myself involved in at the moment was absolutely, NO ACCIDENT.
It was no longer a question of money for me, but an awakening into what I was being shown both about myself and others in this situation and around me. It was far more complexed than I had ever imagined.
Learning about the court systems and researching and learning so much about things that never interested me before (such as LAW AND IT'S PROCEDURES) was astounding. Why did I find all of this so astounding? Because I became "interested" in how myself, the other men involved in my group, the attorneys, the corporations, those that made up the corporations, etc. were functioning as human spirits.
It has taken me on a journey to discover how so many other people in this world live from day to day without being involved in this situation or even a situation similar, but how so many spirits/souls are running across this planet with agendas that were ALL major to them, and might have seemed small to me in the past.
I knew before, that so many of us live each day without seeing anything or anybody that was not in front of them..... How so many of us are not "touched" by the sufferings and struggles of those all around us. My awareness opened even wider and I have become more and more touched by the people that are walking and running in the shadows of our everyday lives. I could see that there were so many who pretended to show concern for those less fortunate than themselves, BUT, displayed these concerns due to the fact that they could "afford to do so" without jeopardizing their own welfare. The world is much more complexed than imagined and also, the world is not existing and functioning as so many of us believe it is..... It is much, much more complexed.......BUT, AT THE SAME TIME, VERY, VERY "SIMPLE". This World/Universe was "designed". Everything was designed. I remember an old saying many, many, many years ago: SIMPLICITY IS THE ESSENCE OF DESIGN! My belief that "the way of the world" is much more simple than we make it, is being strengthened more and more as I develop my abilities to "see" beyond physical reality.
More later on this subject,
Love and Light!
Friday, April 30, 2010
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