
Tuesday, February 1, 2011


"We cannot visualize another world ruled by quite other laws, the reason being that we live in a specific world which has helped to shape our minds and etablish our basic psychic conditions.  We are strictly limited by our innate structure and therefore bound by our whole being and thinking to this world of ours."  C. G. Jung
Memories, Dreams, Reflections

I am going to take this opportunity to share my thoughts and experiences with something that I will first explain its' definition and then attempt to convey to you how this has become a part of my life.
The concept of synchronicity was first described by CARL GUSTAV JUNG.  The renowned Swiss psychologist in the 1920's coined the term "synchronicity" to describe what he referred to as the accusal connection principle that links mind and matter.
I read once that skeptics believe , selective perception and the law of averages playing itself out????  Jung believed it to be a glimpse into the underlying order of the universe.  He said this underlying connectedness manifests itself through meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained by cause and effect.  These synchronicities occur, he theorized, when a strong need arises in the psyche of an individual.  He describes three types that he had observed:  the coinciding of a thought or feeling with an outside event;  a dream, vision or premonition of something that then happens in the future;  and a dream or vision that coincides with an event occurring at a distance.  No one has come up with a definition that has superseded his, although there has been debate on whether events linked to precognition and clairvoyance should be included as synchronicity. (It would also be interesting to take note that JUNG had a very vivid and profound NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE during his lifetime, which is presented in his book mentioned at the beginning of this blog.)

In my opinion, all of these thoughts give me so much to consider about how we as human beings exist on this planet.  Of course, there are so many of us on the earth who wish not to even think for a moment that we could possess these abilities or thoughts due to the fact that these are individuals whom are so attached to the physical and the thousands of limiting thoughts embedded into the mind by our parents, relatives, friends, etc.  I have been in the presence of those whom have almost jumped out of their bodies when I have even suggested we think about these things.  Their fears dominate their life so much that it would be unthinkable to even listen to what they have come to believe are outrageous ideas and beliefs by many people. 
They have become so frightened at the world around them, that to move even slightly outside of their inbred beliefs, taught to them by those just as fearful as they themselves.....but without being aware of this fact!
You see, to grab a material artifacts or book they they have been trained to believe is sacred and will protect them from evil is sad to me. 
Yet, more and more during this present NEW AGE approaching us, there are those who beginning to release their FEARS!  Once again I would like to quote the words of GARY ZUKAV.  "HUMAN BEINGS CREATED MORALITY, THE UNIVERSE IS NOT JUDGEMENTAL".
The first time I read those words, my mind seemed to light up like a lighbulb!  It immediately brought many messages into my thoughts/my mind.  Such as, so many religions in the world, so many control freaks, so much turmoil in the world, so much conflict amongst one another due to whose ideas or words held the most power!  This enormous planet with so many spirits living and breathing on it, but controlled by those who considered themselves in charge.  I came to realize that whomever had created us was not reaching down to punished or control us, BUT, it was those who had decided or were chosen by other more weaker souls to guide them and protect them from evil.

As we approach the year 2012, is the world beginning to WAKE UP to the realization that we are spiritual beings?  Free spirits?  Who really have control of our destines on this planet?  Is it really our parents, our relatives, our friends, our so called world leaders???  I again remembered that our parents did not "bring us here", but instead were vehicles/methods of entry.  (Just as their parents were for themselves)  Why were so many not being given the opportunities to CHOOSE?  The innocent and fragile children arriving on the planet, (all of us were children, babies....even our parents!) were being controlled.  Told what to eat, when to eat, how to eat, where to eat, what to believe and what not to believe, etc. and unfortunately, the time is approaching for us all to WAKE UP and SEE that all is not well with all of those methods of teaching.  The thoughts and ideas also seemed to be "whispered in my ears or my head" when I asked these questions.  These messages began to clearly state that we were ALL individual entities/spirits here for reasons that we had all chosen long before arriving on this planet.  Are they or were they being thwarted by other individuals that have and are attempting to control and embed into our souls that we MUST do or travel the exact same journey as they are traveling?  The messages came softly and objectively to my mind, if this were true, why has the planet after so long in existence, continued to remain in such a dismal and tumultuous condition?
And most of all, why is there so much FEAR by so many of us on this planet, not only in reference to our surroundings, BUT, also the tremendous FEAR or the future of our existence?  Why is it that so many of us have still not been able to come to the true realization that we are ETERNAL BEINGS?  Nothing and no one can actually destroy the essence of our true selves.  And what has for so many centuries happened to the LOVE?
More later........

Love and Light!

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