
Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Several years ago, one morning upon waking up, I felt very relaxed and within seconds found myself making the transition into my astral body.
Being comfortable with it, I found that I was able to walk or float easily.  I moved forward in the direction of which I determined was "Westward" from Brooklyn, and "upwards" towards a higher area, as if moving towards the sky.  For some reason, there was no unusual concern on my part as to where I was headed.  (If I had to speculate, I would say in the direction of New Jersey, but in an upwards flight).
Suddenly, I turned to look behind me, and I saw, the entire world, as if I was looking at an Atlas in the distance.  I seemed to be high above the earth?  When I took that glance behind me and saw the planet earth, it had flames shooting up from one side of the entire planet?  I seemed to have no feelings of distress?  I simply, thought or said to myself, MMMMMMMMMM???
I then seemed to turn around and continue on my "unknown designational journey".  BUT...I quickly turned back around to take another look for some reason?  This is what I could see:  The entire planet suddenly seemed to fall sideways as the huge explosion occurred and the flames were now a huge, massive fire!  My reaction was very strange when I think back.  I simply seemed to speak out and say, OOOPPPSSS!!!  And then I turned around and continued moving forward and within seconds found myself back in my bed sitting up?
I wrote the experience down in my journal and had no idea what it was all about?  But, it remained in my mind for a long time very vividly.
Several months later, I had the opportunity of meeting several reputable Metaphysicians and the subject came up, due to the fact that I was curious to know if anyone had a " take " on this incident?  I thought I was being casual when I asked, BUT, Wow!  They all seemed to light up with concern and the question to me from them was, MARSHALL, DID YOU SEE THE EARTH GO OFF OF IT'S AXIS???  I was in shock!  First of all due to the fact that they were able to put into words that which I was not able to do for several months!
The other rather disturbing revelation was that some of them had also witnessed the same experience recently.
More later..........

Love and Light!

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