
Sunday, February 27, 2011


"None of us, acting alone, can achieve success"  (Nelson Mandela)

BULLY:  A person who hurts, frightens, tyrannizes over those who are smaller or weaker, or to intimidate and browbeat.  (New World Dictionary)

During my OBEs experiences I have so far never encountered a so called, BULLY.  100% of the times, there was so much love and compassion expressed under all circumstances.
Recently, the press has covered so very much about bullying towards young children, teenagers, and many adults have been prompted to reveal how they too have been bullied.
I want to express that bullying is definitely UNIVERSAL.  The entire planet has been subjected to some types of bullying, in some form or another.  Including, right in your own circle of family or friends.
To name a few, these bullys come to mind, HUSSEIN, GADDAFI, AHMADINEJAD, KIM II-SUNG, HITLER, etc.  It has come to my attention recently, that all bullys have so much in common.  They as humans have decided how and what they will do to protect themselves from what they consider in their eyes as negative energy against them as human beings.  They became experts at intimidating those that seemed weaker than themselves or found themselves in perilous situations.
They learned very quickly how and when to attack the most venerable humans, and also to surround themselves with only those that were in the position to be manipulated.  With time, like bees to honey, others would be attracted to them and their hideous ways of functioning on the planet.
With time, they form their own support group of so called, "flunkies" which are usually much more fragile and needy than themselves.  Always making sure that they were inferior in every way in comparison to themselves.  (This is such a natural habit that most are not even aware of their negative actions.)  Without knowing, these so called, bullys are repelled by either those on their own level or higher, due to the fact that they will be discovered and there will be tremendous conflict!
Most if not all of these bullys when found out, which as we all know, can take some time, their first act will be to compromise a bit.  BUT, in reality, this is usually very difficult to do. (We have to understand that another name for a bully is a CONTROL FREAK).  In the end these bullys usually run fast from the changed situation, just as they always did when confronted with this in the past in various incidents.  They run and when all else fails in their favor, they react just as The Scorpion does when faced with the reality of loosing the battle, THEY COMMIT SUICIDE!  Leaving those that have rebelled to search frantically for another leader.  Since this is done with such desperation, the next leader might possibly be equal to the last one.  But it would be good to believe that just as those who have been abused so poorly for so long have now evolved and so will the next focus of their attention.
More later.........  PART II 

Love and Light!

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