
Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The information given to me during some of my OBES seemed to confirm many of the words discovered in The Bible, sending the words  and thoughts of God.  Such as, MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS, MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS!  These words become clearer in meaning when we discover our true nature/spirit/soul.
The clarity of my coming here to this Earth/School to learn and advance spiritually begins to make sense.  What did I come here to "learn?"  What did I come here to "correct" or to truly understand in a clear and precise way?
Being a victim is a major mistake.  We cannot move forward and continue to make very good use of our journey here to this planet.  We need to get answers or correct mistakes we have made in a very unusual way.  "Unusual?"  Yes.  We cannot remember our motivations for experiencing this particular incarnation.  Were we the "perpetrators" of foolish and harmful acts during our last visit?  Did we "choose" to return and get a true feeling of what it felt like to be on the opposite end of the act???  I have come to the conclusion about this possibility.  Did I harm or injure another in another life?  Did I agree to return in order to learn and develop my soul in association with unacceptable acts performed during my last journey?  OR........was it correct for me to come here to experience the performance of "actually portraying" those acts and being subjected to that particular experience?
When I began to "see" the acts that I considered inappropriate by the other persons from a different point of view, I began to "open my eyes wider!"  Rather than be the "forever victim", I chose to truly want to know WHY this person performed these acts.  I was already experiencing what it was like to be the victim of these acts, but what was this person "thinking?"  Why were they compelled to commit these things?
Living an entire lifetime only thinking that I was a victim would go nowhere in the end.  There was a reason for both myself and the person I considered at fault.  This is what we need to think about when we decide to play the victim and only waddle in self-pity and the sympathy given by those around us.
ARE THESE HUMANS VICTIMS ALSO?  Is this all a part of the thoughts or ways of God when He said:  MY WAYS ARE NOT YOUR WAYS, MY THOUGHTS ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS?  We definitely know how we feel inside mentally.  BUT....why?  why me?
During my research on the Near Death Experiencers, I noticed a situation that was very consistent and common amongst them all.  When questioned about viewing Wars, Catastrophic events, babies dying of diseases and various other things.  Poverty, and so much what we call, SUFFERING, their responses were rather consistence.....I SAW IT ALL AND IT ALL MADE VERY GOOD SENSE.  IT WAS NO BIG THING.  IT WAS ALL VERY, VERY SIMPLE!  I FELT DIFFERENT SEEING AND SENSING THE ANSWERS, I DID NOT FEEL DEVASTATED AT ALL?  IT WAS ALL VERY, VERY SIMPLE AND IT SEEMED AS IF I HAD JUST REGAINED SOME LOST MEMORY ABOUT ALL OF THESE THINGS.   When asked to explain and give the answers to what they had found out about these situations that made them feel this way, all responses were equal:  I CANNOT REMEMBER NOW?
I always suggest to people who discuss these things with me to really try hard to get a different perspective on things.  I say this because I really do feel we are primarily wearing some kind of "blinders" such as horses wear when pulling carriages in city traffic.  They are deprived of observing any activities going on around them on the streets.  In order for we humans to witness that which is going on not only around us, but within us, we must remove our veils and blinders.  We will need to use "other eyes".  Our Spiritual Eyes, our Astral Eyes!  These are the eyes that see EVERYTHING!
I have learned and am still learning, that by closing our eyes or viewing ONLY that which we choose to "see", causes us to miss out on so much more that is going on within our world of existence.  This dreamlike state that we live in from day to day prevents so many magnificent adventures! 
This also brings up the subject of "judging".  Being judgemental about people and things.  If only I could take away the times I have been both JUDGE AND JURY.  I do feel as I have developed that it can also be one of the cruelest acts we perform.  In spite of these things, I have ALWAYS been against the act of Capital Punishment.  No matter how horrible the crime the punishment of execution has always made my heart break into a million parts.  Besides my emotions, I have always questioned, HOW CAN YOU DESTROY THE MOST MAGNIFICENT ENTITY ON THE PLANET AND CONTINUE TO LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT "YOU" DID NOT CREATE IT??? I have always had the feeling that this act of execution was destroying the property of an entity that was far superior to anything or anybody as we know of....... and yet, taking this momentous act of revenge is unspeakable.  I have often wondered to myself, what would be the response to the question when asked by the creator of the property, WHY DID YOU TAKE IT UPON YOURSELF TO DESTROY MY PROPERTY?  Especially since one might find ones' self at a lost for an explanation knowing that our way of thinking is not the same as the one that created us!  
Most of us have decided that truly believe that what we cannot SEE, TOUCH of FEEL does not exist.  It become a choice.  And we have the free will to choose.  Many of us have been trained during most of our lifetime, both by teachers, parents, relatives, etc. to only believe and "see" that which they have decided is traditional and acceptable.  And these thoughts have become cycles!  The Ripple Effect of generations of physical beings.  So many do not have any concept that we travel in human vehicle's.  So many do not stop to realize that our physical vehicles of travel are not the "real us!"
This fact gave me a better understanding of my OBES.  Having the abilities to travel outside of my physical vehicle has given me the factual information, that WE ARE MUCH MORE THAN WE THINK WE ARE IN THIS UNIVERSE!
More later.......

Love and Light!

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