Anyway, on The Internet, on the radio, on the television, etc. presently there is so much about a person, a Minister, who is being accused of sexually abusing young boys in his congregation. Every time information such as this comes out to the public, it seems to me, lots of public figures come out and reveal that they too were abused. (Is this for publicity to further their careers, or what???)
Here is my take on this subject as related to the OBES I have encountered. Like most I have read or heard about, we reveal this information as adults or only to the most intimate friends as a young person.
Earlier in my writings, I believe I mentioned that after many, many years, as a full grown adult, I once "asked" during an OBE to reveal to me, the "why" I had always carried this "sadness" deep inside my soul and could not really put my finger on or was pretending that other things were causing these feelings.
I was both sexually and mentally abused by male members of my immediate family as a very young boy......around 6 or 7 years old. Unfortunately, I was so traumatized by the events that I suppressed deep in my soul those horrible feelings. As I developed into adulthood, I carried very sad and melancholy feelings. Most of the times I chose to live in a fantasy world that made me very happy and not really realizing that I was continuing to suppress these horrible feelings.
During my OBES I was always caught up with the Adventures of Astral Travels without really thinking about anything that troubled my soul in my past. By the way, I have also discovered as an adult when revealing my experiences with abuse recently, there are many others around me who have presented me with their "secrets" that were similar. It's was a little surprising to hear my dear friend say to me the other day during the onset of the conversation on the subject when she blurted out to me, very sarcastically, WHO HASN'T BEEN ABUSED AS A SMALL CHILD???
Having gathered so much information on this subject now and having given so much thought, prayer and meditations to it. I believe I have recieved "messages" about the situations that have happened both to myself and others and my intuition or psychical thoughts have brought me some clarity. Contemplating these messages have made me come to realize some surprising if not disturbing news! But... as always, I know it is just another part of understanding the reasons for these "lessons" during this course we are experiencing on this particular dimension, EARTH.
Next......I will be presenting to you the information I have recieved. There will be those who will suddenly "wake up" just as I did, to the facts that everything in our lifes have a "season" and a "reason" . Of course there will be those of you that will be furious by the information I will reveal to you! Why? Because we have been asleep and living in a dreamlike state that gave different "rules" and "regulations" that were only misguided. I have presented to you in all of the things that I tell you...... These are "answers" that have been given to me and I am only wanting to "share" them with those of you who are interested in viewing them with a very, very open mind. If only for a few moments while reading these revalations that I wish to share with you, you will put aside all other thoughts and beliefs and open your mind/spirit wide and view them without any prejudices, you will at lease have some, FOOD FOR THOUGHT! Sometimes, all might be more simple than we have made things out to be.....As in the song Peggy Lee wrote years ago, " that all there is? is that all there is? If that's all there is, then let's keep dancing!"
More later......
Love and Light!
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