Five years ago, myself and several other businessmen (Primarily I am an Artist, but owning one's own business, one becomes, a so called, "businessman". Yikes!!!)
In any case, 5 years ago, we gathered together and decided it was time to bring a lawsuit for the sum of $80 Million Dollars against THE CORPORATIONS! WOW, what an ordeal. Having had to mingle with Attorneys, Judges, etc. and attend Civil Courts and now The Supreme Court has been an incredible journey. Is the system fair and good for all concerned? NOT REALLY, Aahahahah, I have acquired the opinion that guilty or innocent, whomever has the most toys (MONEY) to play with will have an advantage. How sad. Does anyone really believe that MONEY DOES NOT TALK???
How many innocent people have gone to prison or even been executed in prisons due to the fact that they did not have enough MONEY to prove themselves innocent!
In The Bible it is stated that one must not worship anyone over ME (GOD). Well, do you believe this has or is happening in this world??? Cesar questioned The Christ and said, "LOOK AT THIS MONEY. WHO OWNS IT?" The Christ replies, "YOUR PICTURE IS ON IT!"
We should always remember something: IDOLTRY, is the worshiping of anything!
We are practicing it when you "over indulge" in anything! (Ex. Sex, Gambling, Drinking, etc.)
In this world, The Corporations are in charge. We little guys are like Ants working hard to bring down the corporation in our favor. Believe me when I say that its not really about the "truth" but who can "twist" the truth by use of the most money.
I referred to us as Ants because we have stuck together for 5 years and in spite of the fact that by pooling our resources, it is a tremendous battle to go up against THE BIG GUYS WHO HAVE THE MOST MONEY. But, we fight and fight and keep at it and I have seen things that the money guys can do with that which they worship the most, MONEY! Oh, they have tons of it and they just go on and on.... It is a question of not proving themselves innocent (due to the fact that they are not) but to use their MONEY to do everything they can to cover their guilt.
During one of my OBES I was able to "see" the final outcome of this tremendous lawsuit against the corporation. But as much as both myself and the others involved wanted this to come to a closure, it has so much more to it than just the idea of who was to WIN in the end. I discovered how much learning was involved here in this tremendous "class of study". I call it a class of study due to the fact that what eventually began to evolve during the time spent living this most difficult part of my journey was inevitable as a part of my development on this planet. (This situation that I find myself involved in at the moment was absolutely, NO ACCIDENT.
It was no longer a question of money for me, but an awakening into what I was being shown both about myself and others in this situation and around me. It was far more complexed than I had ever imagined.
Learning about the court systems and researching and learning so much about things that never interested me before (such as LAW AND IT'S PROCEDURES) was astounding. Why did I find all of this so astounding? Because I became "interested" in how myself, the other men involved in my group, the attorneys, the corporations, those that made up the corporations, etc. were functioning as human spirits.
It has taken me on a journey to discover how so many other people in this world live from day to day without being involved in this situation or even a situation similar, but how so many spirits/souls are running across this planet with agendas that were ALL major to them, and might have seemed small to me in the past.
I knew before, that so many of us live each day without seeing anything or anybody that was not in front of them..... How so many of us are not "touched" by the sufferings and struggles of those all around us. My awareness opened even wider and I have become more and more touched by the people that are walking and running in the shadows of our everyday lives. I could see that there were so many who pretended to show concern for those less fortunate than themselves, BUT, displayed these concerns due to the fact that they could "afford to do so" without jeopardizing their own welfare. The world is much more complexed than imagined and also, the world is not existing and functioning as so many of us believe it is..... It is much, much more complexed.......BUT, AT THE SAME TIME, VERY, VERY "SIMPLE". This World/Universe was "designed". Everything was designed. I remember an old saying many, many, many years ago: SIMPLICITY IS THE ESSENCE OF DESIGN! My belief that "the way of the world" is much more simple than we make it, is being strengthened more and more as I develop my abilities to "see" beyond physical reality.
More later on this subject,
Love and Light!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
Recently, there have been many Physicians and Scientists interested in finding "proof" of The Near Death Experience and OBES. I would like to point out here that it is my belief that it would be a very good possibility of getting proof and lots of information on the OBES, but I was given "messages" that "proving the fact of NDES are just highly unlikely. Here I will tell you what information I was given during these interesting messages I received.
There is a form of mind travel called, REMOTE VIEWING. There are hundreds of books on the subject if you are interested in checking this subject out. It enables the human being to achieve the ability to travel non-physically and actually "veiw" other places, and also to gather information and bring it back to the physical. This method of travel was adopted by governments throughout the world. You know very well what I am about to relay to you now. AAAahahahahhahaha! The governments could "spy" on one another and find out what their plans were for WAR!
Yup. And with much time. It failed. To this day there are still those who believe that it is still a successful method of spying. From my experiences with OBES and psychic messages given me, I was under the impression that invading on one's privacy was NOT going to be permitted. By the way, even when I am having OBES I have found one thing really, really difficult to do, and that was to READ? Always it seemed that papers, books, street signs, numbers etc. became so jumbled??? (I believe I discussed this earlier, but I will also be giving you more information on that also at a later time.)
Today, Physicians, Scientists, etc. have unanimously decided on placing TARGETS on ceilings of operating rooms in the hope that they would be able to investigate and get proof when a patient returned from an NDE during surgery. Thus far, out of 100% of the patients that have had NDES during surgery, NONE have come back and reported having viewed the TARGETS that can only be seen from being above on the ceiling.
Recently while listening to a radio talk show about the paranormal, there was a "call-in" on the phone to state this fact that I have just given to you. The guest who was a Cardiologist and Oncologist who was presently doing a study on this particular subject of using TARGETS during NDES, responded to the call-ins' statement about there having been at present 100% reports by patients of never having seen them during their NDES...The Doctor responsed by saying that they were continuing to attempt to obtain this information in the future.
Okay, here is my take on this......Imagine yourself having life-threatening surgery and suddenly without warning or without any interest whatsoever in Life After Death, you suddenly realized you were DEAD! Would you start looking for TARGETS??? Aahahahahhahah! Even during my OBES and when discussing them with others I associate with who also experience OBES, we are so astounded by the unusual experience of finding ourselves outside of our physical bodies that we are rarely ever thinking about the fact of "proving" to anyone anything about the mind-blowing experience at the time. It is so awesome and spiritual and overwhelming to us that we are immediately in the process of taking it all in and finding out what magnificent adventure does this experience hold before us!!!
We are without knowing what to expect on this journey, that we are going into a state of being that will give us some of the answers to so many of our questions about, WHO ARE WE? WHY ARE WE HERE? WHERE ARE WE GOING???
More later,
Love and Light!
There is a form of mind travel called, REMOTE VIEWING. There are hundreds of books on the subject if you are interested in checking this subject out. It enables the human being to achieve the ability to travel non-physically and actually "veiw" other places, and also to gather information and bring it back to the physical. This method of travel was adopted by governments throughout the world. You know very well what I am about to relay to you now. AAAahahahahhahaha! The governments could "spy" on one another and find out what their plans were for WAR!
Yup. And with much time. It failed. To this day there are still those who believe that it is still a successful method of spying. From my experiences with OBES and psychic messages given me, I was under the impression that invading on one's privacy was NOT going to be permitted. By the way, even when I am having OBES I have found one thing really, really difficult to do, and that was to READ? Always it seemed that papers, books, street signs, numbers etc. became so jumbled??? (I believe I discussed this earlier, but I will also be giving you more information on that also at a later time.)
Today, Physicians, Scientists, etc. have unanimously decided on placing TARGETS on ceilings of operating rooms in the hope that they would be able to investigate and get proof when a patient returned from an NDE during surgery. Thus far, out of 100% of the patients that have had NDES during surgery, NONE have come back and reported having viewed the TARGETS that can only be seen from being above on the ceiling.
Recently while listening to a radio talk show about the paranormal, there was a "call-in" on the phone to state this fact that I have just given to you. The guest who was a Cardiologist and Oncologist who was presently doing a study on this particular subject of using TARGETS during NDES, responded to the call-ins' statement about there having been at present 100% reports by patients of never having seen them during their NDES...The Doctor responsed by saying that they were continuing to attempt to obtain this information in the future.
Okay, here is my take on this......Imagine yourself having life-threatening surgery and suddenly without warning or without any interest whatsoever in Life After Death, you suddenly realized you were DEAD! Would you start looking for TARGETS??? Aahahahahhahah! Even during my OBES and when discussing them with others I associate with who also experience OBES, we are so astounded by the unusual experience of finding ourselves outside of our physical bodies that we are rarely ever thinking about the fact of "proving" to anyone anything about the mind-blowing experience at the time. It is so awesome and spiritual and overwhelming to us that we are immediately in the process of taking it all in and finding out what magnificent adventure does this experience hold before us!!!
We are without knowing what to expect on this journey, that we are going into a state of being that will give us some of the answers to so many of our questions about, WHO ARE WE? WHY ARE WE HERE? WHERE ARE WE GOING???
More later,
Love and Light!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I, after living to this time in my life have discovered something during my OBES and Spiritual Visions. ( Actually, not only in reference to myself, but several of those close to me). It has been brought to my attention that the strong feelings that are so confusing and sad are only natural feelings of "homesickness!" Some of us are experiencing what many medical professionals have labeled as "depression" and "detachment", nothing more than unexplainable feelings of being away from our natural and comforting place called HOME.
So many believe that the right person or the right husband or wife or lover or companion would make us whole. Yet the divorce rate is so tremendous. There is a song, BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO, but inspite of that termination of a relationship, so many still "insist" on the separation in the hopes that there is someone or something else that will give us what we feel is lacking at a certain point in our life. When I sometimes see my close friends so depressed and sad and I ask the question, WHY? I am told.......I DON'T KNOW? I JUST CANNOT FIND MYSELF. I KEEP SEARCHING AND WONDERING WHERE AM I GOING? WHAT AM I SEARCHING FOR THAT WILL MAKE ME COMPLETE AND WITHOUT THESE EMPTY AND PAINFUL FEELING DEEP INSIDE ME???
I truly believe that so many of the medications given to some are so useless in giving these persons real and lasting comfort. They usually only alter one's state of being.
I myself remember times when I asked my physician to please assist me with my constant feelings of depression and feelings of isolation. I recall the time I was given my first prescription for a anti-depressant. I was excited to believe that upon taking these pills that I would be suddenly a whole new person. No longer depressed or sad. To my surprise.......I WAS MORE DEPRESSED THAN EVER! I remember laughing to myself at that moment and hearing my voice inside my head say, THIS IS REDICULOUS! I FEEL WORST??? Immediately, I stopped taking the drugs and decided to look elsewhere for relief. This was one of my major breakthroughs into venturing on my metaphysical path of studies. The problems were not "outside" of myself, but "within" myself. I had to go within to find out the truth about why I had these uncomfortable feelings. What I discovered surprised me. I found out that I was definitely HOMESICK! I was away from home on a long journey and was beginning to have very strong feelings about missing being in my natural place of existence. I seemed to soon wake up and realize that my true place of existence was that of another dimension.
I believe I have said this earlier. This is not always the best for one to experience. This is due to the fact that once we have this amazing awakening, WE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN.
Everything you ever believed and thought was a reality will be suddenly pulled from under your feet like a rug. You will loose your balance and waiver back and forth. You will attempt to not accept these discoveries as being "stable". In other words, as the saying goes, IT WILL ROCK YOUR you "thought" you knew it.
It becomes a very delicate way to balance your day to day life from that moment on. You will have to be willing to make tremendous changes in your life as you once knew it. The difficulty will be based on your dedication to your new discoveries and the decisions you choose to make these life changes.
There will be many people around you who will become "different" in your eyes when you begain to observe their actions towards you. Most will offend you and cause you to find yourself isolating them from your circle of associates. Most are given the impression that it would be easier to just attempt to keep all things the way they are familiar.
Those that take on this very difficult task of action will find that the deeper one ventures into this journey, the more difficult it is to turn backwards. It is usually very difficult to turn back and try to return to where we felt "safe." Why? Because we will suddenly realize that we were not safe. We were "asleep" and now at this point, we have suddenly woke up! And what do we SEE? WE SEE THAT WE ARE NOT AT HOME. WE ARE HOMESICK!
More later........................
Love and Light!
So many believe that the right person or the right husband or wife or lover or companion would make us whole. Yet the divorce rate is so tremendous. There is a song, BREAKING UP IS HARD TO DO, but inspite of that termination of a relationship, so many still "insist" on the separation in the hopes that there is someone or something else that will give us what we feel is lacking at a certain point in our life. When I sometimes see my close friends so depressed and sad and I ask the question, WHY? I am told.......I DON'T KNOW? I JUST CANNOT FIND MYSELF. I KEEP SEARCHING AND WONDERING WHERE AM I GOING? WHAT AM I SEARCHING FOR THAT WILL MAKE ME COMPLETE AND WITHOUT THESE EMPTY AND PAINFUL FEELING DEEP INSIDE ME???
I truly believe that so many of the medications given to some are so useless in giving these persons real and lasting comfort. They usually only alter one's state of being.
I myself remember times when I asked my physician to please assist me with my constant feelings of depression and feelings of isolation. I recall the time I was given my first prescription for a anti-depressant. I was excited to believe that upon taking these pills that I would be suddenly a whole new person. No longer depressed or sad. To my surprise.......I WAS MORE DEPRESSED THAN EVER! I remember laughing to myself at that moment and hearing my voice inside my head say, THIS IS REDICULOUS! I FEEL WORST??? Immediately, I stopped taking the drugs and decided to look elsewhere for relief. This was one of my major breakthroughs into venturing on my metaphysical path of studies. The problems were not "outside" of myself, but "within" myself. I had to go within to find out the truth about why I had these uncomfortable feelings. What I discovered surprised me. I found out that I was definitely HOMESICK! I was away from home on a long journey and was beginning to have very strong feelings about missing being in my natural place of existence. I seemed to soon wake up and realize that my true place of existence was that of another dimension.
I believe I have said this earlier. This is not always the best for one to experience. This is due to the fact that once we have this amazing awakening, WE WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN.
Everything you ever believed and thought was a reality will be suddenly pulled from under your feet like a rug. You will loose your balance and waiver back and forth. You will attempt to not accept these discoveries as being "stable". In other words, as the saying goes, IT WILL ROCK YOUR you "thought" you knew it.
It becomes a very delicate way to balance your day to day life from that moment on. You will have to be willing to make tremendous changes in your life as you once knew it. The difficulty will be based on your dedication to your new discoveries and the decisions you choose to make these life changes.
There will be many people around you who will become "different" in your eyes when you begain to observe their actions towards you. Most will offend you and cause you to find yourself isolating them from your circle of associates. Most are given the impression that it would be easier to just attempt to keep all things the way they are familiar.
Those that take on this very difficult task of action will find that the deeper one ventures into this journey, the more difficult it is to turn backwards. It is usually very difficult to turn back and try to return to where we felt "safe." Why? Because we will suddenly realize that we were not safe. We were "asleep" and now at this point, we have suddenly woke up! And what do we SEE? WE SEE THAT WE ARE NOT AT HOME. WE ARE HOMESICK!
More later........................
Love and Light!
Monday, April 5, 2010
Yesterday while driving slowly down a semi-busy street I came to a stop and even though I had the right of way, I cautiously waited while a young woman crossing with
two children passed. As they passed and were totally oblivious to the oncoming traffic, I sat and waited. Suddenly, the young woman realized as if coming out of a "trance" that my car was standing still and waiting for her and her two children to pass. BUT.....she seemed to be in shock! She yelled loud and clearly, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU DUMB BITCH!!! YOU BETTER WATCH IT!" Ordinarily I would have laughed at her for being so insulting. Instead, a terrible feeling came over me that was both painful and shocking! I looked speechless into her face and saw the eyes of what appeared an insane person. Anger and hate pouring out of her face! I was somewhat stunned. I did not feel the urgency to yell back at her and engage in a confrontation telling her she was wrong. Instead I just felt great shock and feelings of sadness knowing that someone could be so ugly. I could "see" and "feel" how much she hated her life. How she had two small children with no husband and struggling to survive due to a very low income. This woman hated her life at the present time and she was striking out at those around her with so much fury. At this moment I happened to be her victim to attack. I could feel the vibrations pouring out of her soul and the terrible dissatisfaction with her situation in life.
This soul had no consideration whatsoever for the words spewing out of her mouth in the presence of her two young and innocent children. Did she realize the impact that these harrowing feelings and words would have upon her children in their development? Did she care???
I still remember her piercing eyes and her twisted facial expressions. To me, I was witnessing the words and actions of an outraged demon! She was releasing her tremendous and hateful energies into the world.
How do I know this? Was it only because of MY reactions or feelings to this woman?
Nope. I will tell you how I knew this was happening........ Because at that moment I could see MANY of the others crossing the street in front of her and behind her and how they were frozen in their tracks. The expressions on their faces were that of shock and fear. They too were wounded by this negative energy and these: WORDS!
More later...........
Love and Light!
two children passed. As they passed and were totally oblivious to the oncoming traffic, I sat and waited. Suddenly, the young woman realized as if coming out of a "trance" that my car was standing still and waiting for her and her two children to pass. BUT.....she seemed to be in shock! She yelled loud and clearly, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, YOU DUMB BITCH!!! YOU BETTER WATCH IT!" Ordinarily I would have laughed at her for being so insulting. Instead, a terrible feeling came over me that was both painful and shocking! I looked speechless into her face and saw the eyes of what appeared an insane person. Anger and hate pouring out of her face! I was somewhat stunned. I did not feel the urgency to yell back at her and engage in a confrontation telling her she was wrong. Instead I just felt great shock and feelings of sadness knowing that someone could be so ugly. I could "see" and "feel" how much she hated her life. How she had two small children with no husband and struggling to survive due to a very low income. This woman hated her life at the present time and she was striking out at those around her with so much fury. At this moment I happened to be her victim to attack. I could feel the vibrations pouring out of her soul and the terrible dissatisfaction with her situation in life.
This soul had no consideration whatsoever for the words spewing out of her mouth in the presence of her two young and innocent children. Did she realize the impact that these harrowing feelings and words would have upon her children in their development? Did she care???
I still remember her piercing eyes and her twisted facial expressions. To me, I was witnessing the words and actions of an outraged demon! She was releasing her tremendous and hateful energies into the world.
How do I know this? Was it only because of MY reactions or feelings to this woman?
Nope. I will tell you how I knew this was happening........ Because at that moment I could see MANY of the others crossing the street in front of her and behind her and how they were frozen in their tracks. The expressions on their faces were that of shock and fear. They too were wounded by this negative energy and these: WORDS!
More later...........
Love and Light!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
During the past year since I have re-located to a different place to live, I have had many more "visions" than OBES? This morning was a very interesting surprise, in that I had a "conscious projection" that surprised me as I was just about to physically get up from my bed.
Without warning, I was slowly beginning to open my physical eyes, when the electrical vibrations began to over take my body. I was surprised and pleased. This was the onset of an OBE for me. I went with the flow..... I did not open my eyes, instead, relaxed and permitted the vibrations to become stronger and stronger. As they did so, I requested to experience my astral body to exit my physical body. I took it slow and carefully. Within what seemed like seconds, I was able to rise up in my usual sitting position on the edge of the bed with my feet slowly lowering themselves to the floor.
I was very pleased with myself. Suddenly, I realized that I was beginning to mistake my present bedroom with the bedroom I had resided in before moving here..... I quickly caught my thoughts and in my mind I said, HEY, YOU ARE NOT IN THE OLD BEDROOM. YOU ARE IN "THIS" BEDROOM NOW. I adjusted my thoughts, which were important since I would be standing up and making a decision as to where I would Begin my adventure of travel.
I became calm and stood up on my two feet and turned to exit my bedroom door.
I quickly remembered that I did not have to "open" that door now, I could simply walk right through it. And I did so without hesitation. I had no planned idea where I would venture, but as I walked or glided through the bedroom door to my surprise, I found myself standing outdoors in front of the place I had lived in for more than 8 years in the past. I felt myself smile as the thought ran through my mind, YOU GOT CONFUSED AND YOU MANIFESTED YOURSELF BACK TO YOUR OLD HOUSE! I felt as if I laughed out loud. I accepted it.
I slowly looked around the tree lined street to observe things. Then I began to move slowly up the street looking at familiar brownstones and doors and gates. No one was outside. Maybe due to the early hour on Easter Sunday. I started to think to myself, WELL, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO NOW? Without more thought, I found myself turn to go back down the street in the opposite direction and suddenly seemed to rise upwards at one particular brownstone to its' front steps. Standing at the top or the stairs..... 4 guys laughing and talking. They were standing at counterpoint with one seeming to be the main feature. These guys were very, very energized and extremely healthy looking. They all seemed to ignite an air or pure "clarity and assurance".
I found myself directly in front of the one closest to me in the front. I seemed to know him in an instant! (He was my close and now departed friend, Wayne Fischer). I looked directly into his face and said, CAN YOU SEE ME??? They all laughed when he looked at me with a beautiful grin and said, OF COURSE I CAN SEE YOU!
Within less than seconds, I was back in my bed. I opened my physical eyes and sat up in bed and thought to myself, WOW! WHAT ON EARTH??? THAT WAS WAYNE!!!!!!
Possibly I will give you more information on this incident at a later time. Because sometimes it takes meditations and thought to actually comprehend the significance of some of my experiences. Encountering my friend Wayne was a very, very big surprise for me?
Love and Light!
Without warning, I was slowly beginning to open my physical eyes, when the electrical vibrations began to over take my body. I was surprised and pleased. This was the onset of an OBE for me. I went with the flow..... I did not open my eyes, instead, relaxed and permitted the vibrations to become stronger and stronger. As they did so, I requested to experience my astral body to exit my physical body. I took it slow and carefully. Within what seemed like seconds, I was able to rise up in my usual sitting position on the edge of the bed with my feet slowly lowering themselves to the floor.
I was very pleased with myself. Suddenly, I realized that I was beginning to mistake my present bedroom with the bedroom I had resided in before moving here..... I quickly caught my thoughts and in my mind I said, HEY, YOU ARE NOT IN THE OLD BEDROOM. YOU ARE IN "THIS" BEDROOM NOW. I adjusted my thoughts, which were important since I would be standing up and making a decision as to where I would Begin my adventure of travel.
I became calm and stood up on my two feet and turned to exit my bedroom door.
I quickly remembered that I did not have to "open" that door now, I could simply walk right through it. And I did so without hesitation. I had no planned idea where I would venture, but as I walked or glided through the bedroom door to my surprise, I found myself standing outdoors in front of the place I had lived in for more than 8 years in the past. I felt myself smile as the thought ran through my mind, YOU GOT CONFUSED AND YOU MANIFESTED YOURSELF BACK TO YOUR OLD HOUSE! I felt as if I laughed out loud. I accepted it.
I slowly looked around the tree lined street to observe things. Then I began to move slowly up the street looking at familiar brownstones and doors and gates. No one was outside. Maybe due to the early hour on Easter Sunday. I started to think to myself, WELL, WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO NOW? Without more thought, I found myself turn to go back down the street in the opposite direction and suddenly seemed to rise upwards at one particular brownstone to its' front steps. Standing at the top or the stairs..... 4 guys laughing and talking. They were standing at counterpoint with one seeming to be the main feature. These guys were very, very energized and extremely healthy looking. They all seemed to ignite an air or pure "clarity and assurance".
I found myself directly in front of the one closest to me in the front. I seemed to know him in an instant! (He was my close and now departed friend, Wayne Fischer). I looked directly into his face and said, CAN YOU SEE ME??? They all laughed when he looked at me with a beautiful grin and said, OF COURSE I CAN SEE YOU!
Within less than seconds, I was back in my bed. I opened my physical eyes and sat up in bed and thought to myself, WOW! WHAT ON EARTH??? THAT WAS WAYNE!!!!!!
Possibly I will give you more information on this incident at a later time. Because sometimes it takes meditations and thought to actually comprehend the significance of some of my experiences. Encountering my friend Wayne was a very, very big surprise for me?
Love and Light!
Friday, April 2, 2010
During my years of OBES, I have viewed so many times, events or situations, related to THE PAST, PRESENT and THE FUTURE!
When having conversations with those people I associate with who have had experiences such as myself, we often "compare notes". When they are similar or sometimes exact information as I myself have received, they become most "disturbing", "unsettling" when they are "negative" in content. When comparing notes, it always seems to be very, very rare that we have something "positive" to report about our world of existence. So far, no one has given a reason for these messages.
People have asked my opinion about 2012. The predictions, the controversy, etc.
My answer is always the same, ALL EVENTS ARE ALREADY HAPPENING LEADING UP TO 2012. Nothing will dramatically happen during one eventful year (2012). It has already begun and we all will need to make changes, decisions, etc. by the year 2012.
Recently, one of my OBES, found me running through the streets of the city (I do not know the particular city?) I was running and desperately attempting to avoid the people attempting to capture me. I felt I was in great danger. As I ran through the city trying to escape these people I had the feeling that this city was now a very "lawless city" full of anger and desperate individuals. I needed to escape them to find safety. They had dogs. Very vicious and snarling dogs running with them towards me. This city was in great turmoil. Everyone was a potential victim of crime!
I suddenly escaped. How? I had instantly returned to my physical body in the bed. I was safe. FOR NOW.
During my recent meditations and contemplations about life today as it happens, I have began to remember how long I have been on this earth and in this wonderful country that I was so fortunate to be born in, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
I had many, many sad times in this country as a minority , but the feelings of prejudices and hatred that I experienced long ago were not equal to the feelings I sometimes feel as a citizen of this country presently. Born and raised here had its most difficult times. BUT, I really do not believe I have ever felt the hatred, the jealousies, etc. of the people in this world both at home and in other countries towards we Americans. Recently, I could feel how "self-hating" so many Americans had become around me.
For me, it has become heartbreaking to speak to people who have entered this country and when asked by myself and others, IF YOU HATE US SO MUCH, WHY DID YOU COME HERE??? And then to hear their reply: FOR THE MONEY! THE FREEDOM!
Wow! They are sooooooo lucky. They did not have to endure the painful experiences of my ancestors, BLACKS AND THE AMERICAN INDIANS to live in this great country and fight for democracy. No riding on the backs of buses, no drinking from water fountains for NEGROES ONLY, no picking cotton, no segregation in the school system and housing, no rejections from public health care centers and hospitals, etc. etc. etc. Wow. Just handed to them all on a silver platter. Nice! Take the money and run. I think its all wonderful for them all and to GET IT ALL......... No fighting for it or anything too difficult. We have done all of the hard, blood, sweat and tears! BUT, WHY HAVE SO MUCH HATRED FOR THE PEOPLE ...THE AMERICAN?
Well, this is a part of the big talk of 2012. There is a change happening now and COMING!
What will and has caused this to happen? THE LACK OF "LOVE!" During the OBES, think negative thoughts, hating thoughts, angry thoughts and you will manifest negative images and situations promptly! I have "seen" it and "experienced" it, repeatedly during my OBES.
Humans existing in our world have finally manifested their most overpowering thoughts of anger and hatred into the world.......As a group, the thoughts have finally built up the energy to begin to create in this world we live in, the most devastating and catastrophic events known to us existing presently. The earthquakes and floods, the hurricanes, the fires all created by our thoughts!
This planet will not be destroyed. A Higher Being will not permit it. We cannot destroy that which we did not create. And we will soon find out. The world will be cleansed and purified .......refreshed and will again continue to exist, BUT, without negative energy. Without negative people. Without hatred and greed. BUT, with the LOVE that so many on this planet are hoping for to come to the rescue!
How do I know these things? Via a method I believe we ALL can learn and receive astounding and life changing messages: MEDITAIONS AND THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY!
Many of us will "cross over" and many will remain here to salvage the earth.
More later.........
Love and Light!
When having conversations with those people I associate with who have had experiences such as myself, we often "compare notes". When they are similar or sometimes exact information as I myself have received, they become most "disturbing", "unsettling" when they are "negative" in content. When comparing notes, it always seems to be very, very rare that we have something "positive" to report about our world of existence. So far, no one has given a reason for these messages.
People have asked my opinion about 2012. The predictions, the controversy, etc.
My answer is always the same, ALL EVENTS ARE ALREADY HAPPENING LEADING UP TO 2012. Nothing will dramatically happen during one eventful year (2012). It has already begun and we all will need to make changes, decisions, etc. by the year 2012.
Recently, one of my OBES, found me running through the streets of the city (I do not know the particular city?) I was running and desperately attempting to avoid the people attempting to capture me. I felt I was in great danger. As I ran through the city trying to escape these people I had the feeling that this city was now a very "lawless city" full of anger and desperate individuals. I needed to escape them to find safety. They had dogs. Very vicious and snarling dogs running with them towards me. This city was in great turmoil. Everyone was a potential victim of crime!
I suddenly escaped. How? I had instantly returned to my physical body in the bed. I was safe. FOR NOW.
During my recent meditations and contemplations about life today as it happens, I have began to remember how long I have been on this earth and in this wonderful country that I was so fortunate to be born in, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!
I had many, many sad times in this country as a minority , but the feelings of prejudices and hatred that I experienced long ago were not equal to the feelings I sometimes feel as a citizen of this country presently. Born and raised here had its most difficult times. BUT, I really do not believe I have ever felt the hatred, the jealousies, etc. of the people in this world both at home and in other countries towards we Americans. Recently, I could feel how "self-hating" so many Americans had become around me.
For me, it has become heartbreaking to speak to people who have entered this country and when asked by myself and others, IF YOU HATE US SO MUCH, WHY DID YOU COME HERE??? And then to hear their reply: FOR THE MONEY! THE FREEDOM!
Wow! They are sooooooo lucky. They did not have to endure the painful experiences of my ancestors, BLACKS AND THE AMERICAN INDIANS to live in this great country and fight for democracy. No riding on the backs of buses, no drinking from water fountains for NEGROES ONLY, no picking cotton, no segregation in the school system and housing, no rejections from public health care centers and hospitals, etc. etc. etc. Wow. Just handed to them all on a silver platter. Nice! Take the money and run. I think its all wonderful for them all and to GET IT ALL......... No fighting for it or anything too difficult. We have done all of the hard, blood, sweat and tears! BUT, WHY HAVE SO MUCH HATRED FOR THE PEOPLE ...THE AMERICAN?
Well, this is a part of the big talk of 2012. There is a change happening now and COMING!
What will and has caused this to happen? THE LACK OF "LOVE!" During the OBES, think negative thoughts, hating thoughts, angry thoughts and you will manifest negative images and situations promptly! I have "seen" it and "experienced" it, repeatedly during my OBES.
Humans existing in our world have finally manifested their most overpowering thoughts of anger and hatred into the world.......As a group, the thoughts have finally built up the energy to begin to create in this world we live in, the most devastating and catastrophic events known to us existing presently. The earthquakes and floods, the hurricanes, the fires all created by our thoughts!
This planet will not be destroyed. A Higher Being will not permit it. We cannot destroy that which we did not create. And we will soon find out. The world will be cleansed and purified .......refreshed and will again continue to exist, BUT, without negative energy. Without negative people. Without hatred and greed. BUT, with the LOVE that so many on this planet are hoping for to come to the rescue!
How do I know these things? Via a method I believe we ALL can learn and receive astounding and life changing messages: MEDITAIONS AND THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY!
Many of us will "cross over" and many will remain here to salvage the earth.
More later.........
Love and Light!
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