
Friday, July 15, 2016


"Until this experience I had just hoped that we survived death.  Since then I have had no fear of death-  quite the contrary.  All seemed very natural.  It was as if some part of me had always known it would be like that-  Something like a merger with a Higher Self."  Mrs. Gertrude Snow Palmer/1960 describing her OBE to Dr. Robert Crookall in his book, THE STUDY AND PRACTICE OF ASTRAL PROJECTION.

All of those that I mention in these blogs that have crossed-over are REAL human beings, either friends or relatives.  Some of them I have changed their names for privacy purposes.

As I have mentioned before, Josh was somewhat of an Atheist as far as religion was concerned, even though he was born into a Jewish family.  AND, he and his family enjoyed sharing many of the festivities during the religious holidays.  There always seemed to be a feast of some special order and speaking for myself....I LOVED THE KOSHER/JEWISH dishes prepared and the wonderful company gathered at each occasion.

This brings me to the information I will now touch on about RELIGION when having been in the presence of that which we would consider dead people during my OBES.
Thus far, I have NEVER in all of my OBES, seen or gotten the impression of any kinds of so called, RELIGION?  I myself besides considering myself a Metaphysician/Spritualist  with strong roots to my Christianity and its' beliefs, have never really witnessed anything symbols or signs, etc. in relationship to my own religious beliefs?
I must say that there has always been one thing that has been present during my OBES in relationship to biblical studies and that is, LIGHT!  I have either reflected an incredible LIGHT that seemed to come from my own being, or I have on occasion "seen" other beings lit up from within displaying LIGHT unlike anything I have ever seen when in the physical.......... I have gotten reports from others that I have met whom have had NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES that have all unanimously reported to me about a LIGHT THAT APPEARED AS A LIVING ENTITY.......(The NDES are another subject that I will not go into here since I have never had one, as I know of, and am relaying information to you about my OBES.)
I believe I have learned based on my OBES and the confirmations of others that have had such experiences, that it is very common for those that continue to grieve so much and for so long, prevents our making "contact" with those that have crossed-over to the other side.
I believe due to my unexpected situation to actually have another person that was which I will describe as being, "in partnership with our search/experiences" helped to give me tremendous clarity on that which was happening to us both.  
It is called, LETTING GO!  I was informed that the main reasons for my not being able to make a more clear and powerful contact with my son was due to the fact that every
time he attempted to come close to me and make contact, my grief would become so intense that he was immediately repelled by the weight of my emotions...... My son's friend gave me a very simple and straight forward answer to my question when I would be told by him that he had encountered him during his OBE........My question was, WHY HAS HE NOT MADE HIMSELF CLEAR TO ME....HE PROMISED HE WOULD BEFORE HE DIED???
His friend looked me straight in the eyes.......MARSHALL, I ASKED HIM THAT QUESTION.  HIS ANSWER WAS THAT HE COULD NOT GET CLOSE ENOUGH TO YOU, BECAUSE EVERY TIME HE DID SO.....YOU WOULD BE OVER COME WITH GRIEF AND IT WOULD PUSH HIM AWAY.......I was informed that "they" could not bring themselves "down" to levels that low.......That it was a dark and low existing energy that he had not become informed about how to do so?  
It seems that they resided on a much higher frequency than we do in the physical dimension......
It is somewhat difficult to explain here, but I am presenting this to you who are reading this as well as I can with human thoughts.
I have since that time realized that in the past whenever I was without grief and distracted by either meditation or music, that I would very casually find my son standing right next to me or behind me while doing so and without concern, simply direct a telepathic thought to him such as......PLEASE, STOP BEING SILLY I AM TRYING TO MEDITATE......or.... YOU KNOW, I MISS YOUR HELPING ME WITH THE ARTWORK VERY MUCH when he would suddenly appear next to me while I was alone and deep in thought while working at my layout board.
Most of the times that this happened, I would find myself laughing out loud due to the fact that it was all so CASUAL and NATURAL.......:)
Another interesting discovery was NOT RECOGNIZING the person being "seen" immediately, due to their "change in appearance?"                     More later.....................


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