
Thursday, December 8, 2016


I have not forgotten you all and I will not......I always told you that I would never present to you anything that I had "made up" to continue presenting you with my non-physical experiences...Therefore, I would not update you with nonsense, lol:)  Fear not, I will have much to tell you soon........

For now my days and nights have been troublesome. More so than ever, due to the "physical world as we have known it, (especially those residing in my physical birthplace, The USA)
It is clear to me that we will all (including those on other parts of the planet).  We must always remember that we are all Spiritual Beings that have chosen to come to this "school/planet" in order to evolve.  Of course all questions we have will not be answered via this particular trip, BUT, many will be and we will be accomplishing that which we originally decided to come here when so many of our mentors in another dimension attempting to inform us of the difficulties of this journey would be....... Our salvation is that God/The Universal Mind is watching over us and supporting us with our decided choices made to come here to The Earth School. 
For me, the past 8 years have been, traveling in my physical vehicle, rather catastrophic.......Unlike any of the previous, fond memories of those before..... It remains to be "seen" what the coming years hold for us.... We must not try to guess, but discern them by attempting to be in touch with our higher selves.  Our TRUE selves!  Our REAL selves!
We must be brave and strong and know that during these present times, we will "recognize" and come to know those that journeyed here from that higher place of existence and promised to that they/we would become very much "aware" with tremendous clarity when the time arrived to do so......THE TIME IS NOW!:)
I am hoping at this time that I become very focused, in spite of any despair that I might be facing, in doing that which I have always done throughout my chosen journey here .....TO ACCEPT AND FACE , THE PROJECTION OF MY ASTRAL BODY!

Love and Light to you,

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