
Sunday, July 3, 2016


After decades of having numerous Out of Body Experiences, I have become very much a reclusive individual that has even progressed to becoming somewhat of a so called, SHUT-IN.
As you might have noticed, my ongoing blogs have sometimes become scarce, both due to the fact that I will not write anything if NOTHING HAS HAPPENED and also because my desire to astral travel sometimes becomes..... undesirable?
As some might know that follow my blogs and those that I interact with in person, I refuse to "make up" elaborate stories or exaggerate on that which has actually happened in order to appear as some kind of "all knowing" human being.  In my own opinion of myself, I continue to consider myself knowing, VERY LITTLE???

I also wish to take this time to THANK all of those that have contacted me and told me how much they appreciated my sharing my experiences with you via my ongoing blogs:):):)

I have come to realize that the older and more matured we human beings get, DEATH becomes more of an interest than ever in the past! LOL:)  Personally, I find that the idea of philosophizing and fantasizing about our "crossing over to the other side" becomes of very little interest to me.......I WANT TO KNOW FACTUAL INFORMATION!
By the way, this is one of the biggest lessons I have learned thus far during my journey in life...... The longer we live, the more FACTS OF LIFE we acquire, the more information we have to base our astral travels on........  We come to no longer base our information on our biased or vague intuitions, BUT, on EXPERIENCE and FACTUAL information.
By the way, some of the best actors and actresses studied a method of acting called, The Stanislavsky Method of Acting.  When attending a special performing arts high school myself, we were taught to use this method.  Basically, the student relates his or her acting of a scene, etc. to personal experiences we encountered in our own lives....... (Some refer to it as living the role).

What have I personally SEEN about the after-life of any or all of the individuals that I have lost in physical life to death?  I will tell you......
First of all, always keep in mind what I have said previously about having the ability to "see" beyond this physical dimension.....It is my strong belief, THAT EVERYBODY CAN DO SO WITH "DESIRE" to do so!  There is no need for you to leave your "comfort zones" of your own hometown (Sylvan Muldoon, whom some considered the premier astral traveler, never left his hometown here in The USA) .  During my travels to most all countries in the world, it never once entered my mind to seek such information.....I was too busy experiencing the adventures of earthbound realities!:)  Yes, I do believe that some, such as myself and others that I have encountered, are able to "see" and "discern" MORE than others might be able to do, BUT, I have come to the conclusion that this is due to a reason I discovered more recently....It can be so, due to a NEED TO KNOW BASIS!  More or less is permitted due to the discretion of a HIGHER POWER.  This is one of the main reasons I believe that so many attempt to use any knowledge given for various reasons, such as financial gain, EGO, control of others, etc.  These human beings primarily have great limitations due to this and therefore in order to establish and continue to give themselves prestige, will exaggerate, lie, in plain English=  SPEW OUT BULL CRAP!!! AHAHAHahahahah:):):)
I promptly became highly offended by such human beings when I was able to acquire so much information during my travels in another dimension and having been given the ability to "open wide my astral eyes" and discern primarily that which is truth/real and that which is fabrications of exaggerated or creative minds:)

Always keep in mind, that every individual will observe and express that which THEY personally discover and not that which becomes written in stone for others to accept.
That which I am about to present to you is=  WHAT, I, MARSHALL HILL, HAVE EXPERIENCED DURING MY OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES IN REFERENCE TO, LIFE AFTER DEATH!                                                                                 More later.................

Love and Light!

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