
Tuesday, July 12, 2016


"Just relax and be patient... Eventually everything that is not clear to you now, will eventually clarify itself with time."  Virginia O'Brien Hill  (My beloved Mother)

All of those that I have "seen" after they physically died, both Human Beings and Animals (my pets) have been at various times after they physically departed from this dimension as we physically know it.
There are those I have "seen" during my OBES within days, months and some within years.  I have also seemed to have been in their presence at various places of existence..... It seems that all was made clear to me via "demonstrations" or their actions..... Never words spoken, but by "thought transfers" or visuals.

Whenever I would ask a particular question, they would seem to "show me" with visual images that would appear next to them....  
My astral body seemed to float smoothly into presence very smoothly and without concern...... Several of them had similar surroundings, which seemed to be according to how they had died physically.
Those close to me that had died very painful, uncomfortable deaths due to illnesses I would always find in what seemed like a "resting place".  They would either be sleeping or appeared to be "waiting" as if they knew I was coming?
I remember very well a very, very close friend that had suffered tremendously before dying and when I seemed to arrive in his presence, he was asleep and calm on a bed in a shadowy place...... Standing next to him watching him gently was his Brother.  I knew his Brother and was aware that he was very much ALIVE within our physical dimension.
My friend Josh, that was his name, was a wonderful and loving human being while alive and a great educator to children in the school system.  He was very dedicated to his work and political affairs.  He was only 35 years old when his sudden death occurred.  
I later remembered that  he did not believe in "life after death" .  The scene I witnessed when out of my physical body happened within weeks of his physical death.  BUT, it was several months later that I again one early morning had an out of body experience and was surprised to "see" him laughing and fully whole and healthy in appearance while appearing to leave a small building with several children both in front of him and following him from behind.
In physical life, I had never visited him at any of the schools that he had taught in, but here at this moment, I seemed to be standing directly behind him as he turned and looked at me with a huge smile on his face and then I found myself within less than a second back in my bed at home.  I immediately got the feelings of joy and happiness having "seen" him so full of life and seemingly doing that which he always loved in physical life!:)
It seems that even after Josh's passing, I did not see much of him during my OBES, even though most of his entire family and myself remained closely in touch with each other on a regular basis.
I suppose as in physical life, he was a very active, busy soul.  Always on the go and always with many new adventures at hand.
I do remember making notes in my OBE JOURNALS about having one more contact with him that seemed to just happen unexpectedly....... During one early morning, I woke up and then immediately went back into the hypnogagic state and found myself in the most peculiar place where I lived at the time.
I was suddenly in flight in mid-air a few hundred feet up the street from my bedroom windows..... above one of the townhouses and in front of me appeared without warning, Josh, and two other people.  One I did not recognize, but the other I knew very well and he also was within our circle of friends when Josh was physically alive.
He was from Chile and had months before Josh died gone to live in Brasil.  (That was the country where Josh and myself became friends with him while traveling on a holiday vacation with a group of other friends......) He kept very tight contact with me until  he reported to me that he had suddenly been taken ill by Cancer.
I was given the impression by him that he was doing well and had recovered and was leading a very normal and full life..........We had all  met each other later during a visit by him to New York City and then when he returned to South America, he kept contact on a regular basis.  BUT, then suddenly out of the blue......Silence???
During this OBE, he was standing next to Josh in free space above the roof of the townhouse with another male figure that I did not recognize?
Josh and my other friend were laughing out loud and seemed to be teasing me somewhat as they said,  MARSHALL, WHAT'S GOING ON WITH YOU?:)
Since that time, which happened several  years ago now...... There has been no word or contact from either of the two.  But, I feel confident that they are BOTH very much alive and happy!                                                                               More later...............


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