
Saturday, December 21, 2013


"God is busy building a race of men who know how to LOVE.  I believe that the fate of the earth itself depends on the progress we make- and that the time now is very short.  As for what we'll find in the next world, here too I believe that what wel''ll discover there depends on how well we get on with the business of loving, here and now."  George G. Ritchie

As a boy I was always running and jumping and laughing and looking for adventure!  Most considered me to be a major "Daydreamer".  Constantly residing in my own special world of dreams.  My imagination was always in top gear, attempting to find things that others could not "see" with human eyes!
Starting at the ages of 7 and 8 taking off at night in bed to amazing places was a normal experience for me.  Every night was a new adventure!  BUT, unfortunately, so many of them became altered by nightmarish incidents that caused me to become a very nervous and fearful child.
Soon I was able to discern with repetition that sleeping on my back was not a good idea.  Usually, in order to prevent the horrifying journeys it was very important that I make sure I was safely on my stomach before falling asleep.  For some strange reason that always seemed to prevent me from having any of the terrifying experiences of finding myself standing in the bedroom in the middle of the night, all alone and hearing various unknown sounds and unable to turn any of the lights on no matter how hard I tried to do so......... My fingers would always go right through the light switches without any success of making those damn light come on???
The doors and windows would never open, no matter how hard I tried to open them with my hands.  Many, many times the various objects in the room would turn into grotesques monsters and cause me to try and scream out for help...... yet the sounds of my voice seemed only to remain within my head and had no physical audible noises?
It took me many decades to one day realize that I was having Out of Body Experiences and that most of mine were due to past traumatic experiences so therefore they were not the most pleasant ones.
This all brings me to the many questions that I have been asked through the years by so many that have asked about how to have these experiences.  Since that time I have acquired so much personal and researched information that I have, as you know, by my writing these blogs have become most dedicated to the mysteries of The Out of Body Experience!
There are so many that have attempted to have conscious and controlled astral projections without success.  Unfortunately, I continue to believe that it is all due primarily due to the idea that it is a complexed and painstaking workout in order to do so.  I continue to tell all those who ask me any information on the subject, that it is not that difficult.  In reality, it is very simple!  Too many have made it a major task to undertake due to the material gains one can achieve by producing various materials, such as books, films, videos, recordings, etc.  
Rather than go into much details here in this particular blog about the HOW TO...... It occurred to me the other day how so many over-look the simple things about achieving their goals when attempting to go out of body.  
Before moving on to other blogs, I just wanted to remind those who are interested in the subject and work so hard at it, to remember a few simple indications you might not have realized?
As we all know by now, EVERYBODY has an out of body experience just about every night even though they might not realize it:)
It is always important to remember to keep your journals (one for DREAMS and one for your OBEs)  That way always knowing they are not the same in any way!
(Some speak of Lucid Dreams.  They are not Out of Body Experiences as such.... do not be confused.(
We are all living here on this planet in our physical vehicles and sometimes forget that we have become somewhat "stuck" in them!!!  Therefore, we do not always realize how the astral body operates most of the times.  Our "thoughts" become very obvious  as to how amazingly powerful they are when in the astral body.  We need only use them to perform in our astral bodies.  
Unfortunately, sometimes......... We misuse them during our out of body experiences!
YES!  And, by doing so, we distort or disguise our adventures when traveling in our non-physical bodies.
Here are a few very simple clues/hints=
When you think you are flying in your dreams, you are out of body, when you believe you are in the most magnificent roller coaster ride, you are probably out of body, when you are running faster than any human being known to mankind, you are usually out of body, when you jump from the highest building you have ever been in and you land safely and gently on the ground, you are out of body, when the car you are driving is speeding down the road and you are laughing and suddenly realize you are not even having to guide it with your hands, you are out of body....... When you find yourself outside, instead of inside an airplane looking in, you are out of body, when you fly down the stairs rather than walk down the stairs in what you believe is a dream, you are probably out of body.  That bike ride you took one night in an exciting dream was an out of body experience......... Being above the clouds, instead of below them in the sky was an out of body experience!
I am sure you can think of many more similar experiences that you have had when you thought you were dreaming that will surprise you........ Those thoughts will also hopefully give you unrealized surprises, that all of the work you have been doing to achieve the out of body experience is paying off.
As with so many things in this physical life there are those that we have "forgotten" and with time as you practice, those forgotten memories/skills will come back to you.
And always remember, those loved ones, friends and family members that join us and speak to us in that which we believe are our dreams, are our out of body experiences. Many of them help/assist us in exiting our physical bodies during our sleep periods to join them in that which we call, The Spirit World.  
And most of all, always try never to forget and let go of the part of us that found using our imagination and whimsical thoughts, created some of our most beautiful and happiest moments...........  Yes, it is most difficult in the physical world.  Some call it "hard times".  Why?  Because it is.... it is "physical with hard matter!"  Why are the children laughing and laughing sooooooooo much???  Actually, the answer is very simple:  Because they are using fully their non-physical minds.  Their imaginations!
And with those imaginations/thoughts, we manifest them into physical realities!
                                                                                                                            More later.................
Love and Light!

Monday, November 18, 2013


"Attempting to have an OBE is not a game or some foolish belief that one will have a simple, whimsical experience of flying through the air and laughing and joking at the fact that one has discovered that one can achieve this feat and should be considered special by others ..... But the most major experience a living human being can have while residing on this planet called, Earth.  I sincerely believe, with all of my heart, that it  occurs on a possible called, "A NEED TO DO OR A NEED TO EXPERIENCE" basis.   Marshall Hill

As I have said to all of those reading that which I wrote previously...... I believe that I have been given or discerned information as reasons for many of us having full blown out of body experiences and the reasons why so many cannot do so.
When reading so many of the books of those professing to give detailed and successful methods of having them, I was able to be made aware of the nonsense and reasons for so many of those books being published..... FINANCIAL/MATERIAL GAIN!
There have been just too many individuals making tiresome attempts to follow the many various instruction given with limited or no success.  Of course I have checked out many of them and most of them all have the same "profile".
Most have had the preliminary experiences and then from there the "inflated imagination" goes into action, attempting to present the existence of various higher planes of existence that are readily accessible once you are out of the physical body.  I have read and heard the journeys into alien nations, realms of hell, etc.
Primarily, negative messages given and future disasters to come........ (Where is the LOVE?:)
Has it ever occurred to these individuals how important it is for we spiritual beings traveling in these earthbound bodies cannot and will not be able to spend more time in our astral bodies than our physical ones???
This is the main reason for our coming to this planet.  We came to learn, and evolve by traveling for a period of time in these physical vehicles.  We will always reside as spiritual non-physical entities, but our physical ones are only temporary!
As Dr. Caroline Myss said.... We are fulfilling sacred contracts here and until we complete them, we will not really fully return to that which might be called, a non-physical place of existence.
Some of us have full blown out of body experiences for very specific reasons.  It is also a part of our journey to become very much aware of the fact that we are not physical beings during these times.  I have come to believe it is on a need to know and be basis.  Therefore, all of the books and instructions made available by so many human beings are not really going to actually send us off onto major journeys in the astral world.
There are some that are very specifically designated to become aware of this ability for various reasons and they are all for spiritual ones!
                                                                                                        More later..........

Love and Light!

Sunday, November 17, 2013


"You grow old when you cease to dream, and when you lose interest in life.  You grow old if you are irritable, crotchety, petulant, and cantankerous.  Fill your mind with the truths of God and radiate the sunshine of His love- this is youth.  Dr. Joseph Murphy, D.R.S., Ph.D., D.D., LL.D

I wish to begin by apologizing to those who continue to request, so called, Psychic Readings from me, by informing you here that I cannot at this time honor any of your requests due to the personal time I need for myself at this time to move forward with my search for the information as to more reasons for my major skills of being gifted enough to have so many on-going projections of the astral body.
It takes much time and dedication and meditations to actually even come close to finding answers that I wish very much to discover.
As we all should know by now the present times are very eventful and spellbinding!
Recently, I have discovered the amount of those who have began to want very much to know WHO ARE WE?  WHAT ARE WE? WHY ARE WE HERE ON THIS PLANET???
I am preparing to gather my thoughts in the coming blogs that I present to you to inform you that which I believe my names, "The Whisperers" are informing me about information pertaining to we human beings having OBEs and why so many I have come in contact with recently seem almost, desperately attempting to acquire this ability as quickly as possible.
During the coming blogs I present to you, I will have much to reveal to you that I have discovered.
Now that I have given you my present situation, I am requesting that all refrain from writing to me and insisting on my psychic readings at this time.  (I have a tremendous backlog even now.)
In the meantime, I am hoping very much that in the coming blogs that I wish to share with you...... there will also be many of the answers to the questions you harbor about various subjects in reference to not only THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY, but also your individual queries.                                                       More later............

Love and Light!

Friday, November 15, 2013


Whenever a person asks me the question... "How do I have an Out of Body Experience???"  My first reaction to them is to answer them with a question, WHY DO YOU WANT TO HAVE OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES? 
Most of the times the answers given to me were for physical/material gains that they had found difficult or impossible...... Number one answer, for a sexual connection with someone that had not been made possible in the physical.
Here I wish to share the information that SYLVAN MULDOON presented in his book, THE PROJECTION OF THE ASTRAL BODY.

"The actual sexual desire is a negative factor.  Knowing how sexual desire becomes active during sleep, it might be thought that this would be a strong activating factor, and that it would assist the body to project;  yet this is a 'stress' which works against itself, so far as projection of the astral body is concerned;  the blood in the physical body would begin to circulate more rapidly, and 'incapacity' of the physical body would not be present;  consequently the astral body would not project;  in fact it would be drawn more closely into the physical body instead of moving outwards from the zone of quietude.
The subject would be physically restless.  The subconscious mind does not conceive of appeasing such a desire otherwise than in the physical body;  for it has been accustomed to this and to the body being, at such times, in a reclining position;  so, suggestion, in this case, when coming to the surface of the subconscious mind by night, would pull the astral body into, rather than away from, the physical body."
(This is considering only the copulative desire.  'Affection" is discuss elsewhere in his writings.)                                                                                         More later......

Love and Light!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


"I want to know God's thoughts...  the rest are details."    Albert Einstein

"The Guides now began their discussion of the 21st century by writing:  "Shortly after the Antichrist is put to death, the one who will become the Christ will be born into physical being.  Again He will come as a babe, but because the Earth will be so changed geographically at the time, we are unable to say where His birth will occur.  He is an already perfected soul who would not need to return to Schoolhouse Earth, but will volunteer to do so in order to usher in the millennium and advance the spiritual grace of all humankind.
This time H will be recognized by many as the recipient of the Christ spirit, which may enter Him in late childhood, and His goodness will be apparent to all.  Remember that the times will be different then, and most of the evil ones will already have perished in Earthly form.  Goodness will prevail, and those who then inhabit the Earth will have earned the right to sustain their bodies or to return there from the space sojourn that we have described.
Ruth, we are telling you truth, not fiction.  This why no one should fear the coming Shift.  It is but a pimple on the sands of time.  That stirring event will open human minds as never before to the potential for the conquering of all space;  not just the galaxy in which they live, but all space and all time with as much ease as they now do in space.  It is a marvelous time ahead, so be of good cheer, all you Earthlings, for it is all in God's plan and will come to pass much sooner than anyone in Earthly body can now conceive.
It is the enlightened beings who will be coming into human bodies after the Shift who will bring in that knowledge. 
As we have previously noted, men's minds will be opened to mental communication with those at a distance, to many in the spirit plane.  Space travel by mental process, as we have described, will obviate the necessity for lunar and other space vessels, just as mental communication will antiquate the telephone systems of today."

I wanted to share these passages Ruth Montgomery wished to share with the world, with all of those reading my blogs..... I have and will continue to do so, meditate on these words, these thoughts, these messages.  Hopefully, you too will take much time to discern these passages in your own methods.  
                                                                                                             More later.......
Love and Light!


"During my tremendous amounts of Out of Body Experiences during my life, I continue to believe in GOD and THE CHRIST.  (Even more so:)  The only thing that has changed about my being rigorously pushed to go to Churches and Bible Study Classes, Camps and Retreats, etc. by my parents, are my beliefs about RELIGION.  I came to the conclusion within my own self, that God has absolutely nothing to do with "Religion!"    Marshall Hill

I know that I have been absent from you all sharing my OBEs.... BUT, many that know me personally, know very well, that "if I do not have any noteworthy experiences, I will not make-up nonsense, of that which did not happen, just to impress those that are interested in the out of body experiences.
Recently, I had an OBE and I was urgently attempting to request information of what exactly was our world headed towards in the future, due to the tremendous turmoil that has been recently happening to all of us here on this magnificent planet named EARTH???
As soon as the question was asked, just as in the past once before, when asking a very serious and difficult question, I found my astral body gliding up a steep hill as I could both hear and feel the gentle breeze flowing past me.
At the top, in front of me, on that which appeared like a smooth mound of stone, there was a book with pages being turned slowly by the breeze.  I was still and looked at them, and saw words, hundreds of words printed, but I could read nothing?
On my return to my physical body I gave my experience much thought... Maybe, just maybe, the printed material was being embedded into my mind???
A few days passed and a book I have in my possession continued to catch my eyes!

For those of you who did not read my past blogs about this amazing woman, I will take the time here to give information about her career.  After a career as a top White House correspondent, covering every administration from Roosevelt through Johnson.  Ruth Montgomery became the bestselling author of fifteen books on paranormal and psychic topics. 
Her major "gift" became the ability to perform Automatic Writing via Spiritual Entities.
                                                                                                                   More later....

Love and Light!

Sunday, September 15, 2013


I do celebrate her being a major Mentor during my journey on this planet!
                                                                               More later...

Love and Light!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


                                                                                 More later........
Love and Light!

Friday, September 6, 2013


"It is not enough to want or to intend or to meditate.  You must pray.  You must talk to the Universe.  You must ask.  You must believe.  That is partnership."  Gary Zukav

                                                                      .........More later:)


Wednesday, July 17, 2013


"Recently when I attempt to meditate and ask "questions" about the devastions and unsettling events that are happening to our country and the world as a whole, I am shown "pictures" and given "reminders".  Here are a few...........

                                                                       More later..........
Love and Light!

Thursday, July 4, 2013


More later...
Love and Light!


Sunday, June 30, 2013


Now is the time for us all to move closer to The Light!  The entire world is becoming aware of the fact that we can no longer continue to reside in The Dark!                                        Much more later..........

Love and Light!

Saturday, May 25, 2013


He was from Manchester, England.  He was 25 years old and he leaves behind a 2 year old son and wife.
Lee Rigby was innocently walking on the street of London, on his way to back to work at a military facility, when he was suddenly attacked and literally, hacked to death by "another follower" of The Anti-Christ!
Is there really an "Anti-Christ???" I have discuss this subject once before..... Please remember, as I have said in the past, "There are 3 of Them".  You may refrain from thinking about this entity as a religious related one if you wish....BUT, try to also know that "it is an ENERGY!  A VERY DARK/NEGATIVE ENERGY THAT IS REPULSED BY THE LIGHT!  By the way.... have you ever noticed how so many human beings that perform horrible acts against other human beings... When they complete their task, they run quickly/fast to hide in dark places to avoid being "seen!"  They fear THE LIGHT AND THEY FEAR VERY MUCH LIGHT BEINGS! 
When traveling as an astral being, I am most in awe by THE LIGHT surrounding so many entities.  Not only does it surround them, they are as light bulbs, lit up from within and always with huge smiles on their faces!  I can only speak to you of those I have actually "seen" and those are always the ones that have "crossed over" from here where we presently reside!
Having been given the various opportunities to experience such during my travels..... it has "opened" my spiritual eyes wider than ever, enabling me "see" so much more when I return to the physical.
This is something I believe that is very important for us all to acquire in order to RECOGNIZE NEGATIVE HUMAN BEINGS/DARK ENERGIES RESIDING HERE ON OUR PLANET!
Just as I have previously reported to you about how the entire planet is in turmoil with catastrophic events of various earth change
before, so will there be more and more acts of violence against human beings!  These acts will continue to be tremendously heart-
breaking acts towards humanity.  They are being carried out by vile, evil spirits that are so lowly evolved and determined that their acts will shatter so many of our spirits!
As difficult as it is for we humans traveling in these physical bodies to accept and endure.  We must try to do so and be strong and always attempt to move as close as possible into THE LIGHT!  There and only there will we continue to realize that God/The Universal Mind is with us and has a plan that only he knows and sees clearly and that we spiritual beings are a part of that plan.  As difficult as we all find it to be at this time, we must hold on to our faith and have unwavering trust.  This that we "see" only with "physical eyes" is not that which is actually occurring in "spiritual reality!"
We must continue to know that our real selves are not physical.  I can only relay to you that all that I have "seen" in relationship to this life we live with my "astral eyes" is very different.
So many of us both here at home and around the world have much anger and disgust for how our governments seem to attempt to push us into showing so much tolerance towards those that are continuing to abuse us all in order to take control of our souls.  BUT
we will soon be made aware of the fact that there are very evil spiritual entities sitting in our governments also.  AND, they too are orchestrating a very negative and dark scenario to be played out on this planet.
Here at home so many of us cry out in anguish as to WHY? we con-tinue to permit those that are attempting to bring us into the dark  using so many devious methods/debates to rationalize such horrid behavior???  BUT......... Thomas Mann once said, "Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil".                             More later...
Love and Light!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


"The shifting of our planet is continuing to happen.  Where is the LOVE???  The shifting has created severe changes in our global weather, seismic and volcanic activities.  Many of us know very well the devastating catastrophic events that are not only happening here at home in The USA, but all over the world.  This is not due to global warming.... This is happening due to so many of us not realizing that our main purpose for our spiritual selves traveling here in these physical bodies have possibly lost touch with our true purposes of coming here....To love one another!"
Marshall Hill  2013

To all those who continue to follow my blogs, I wish to take this opportunity to inform you that I am preparing to present to you the recent, various "messages" I have been given about what's to come for we who live here in the great country AMERICA!
Through my recent Out of Body Experiences and my deep meditations much has been revealed to me.  And as always, I have become very much aware that any and all "messages" given to me are not just for my personal use, but for sharing with all those who wish to listen.  By the way, I do not consider myself some great psychic/seer.  I am only sharing with other that which both myself and others have discovered when comparing experiences. 

Much has been given in reference to our present and future government in Washington.  What is going on in "real time" and that which is to come shortly. 
Also, there will be information given about THE ANTI-CHRIST!  I wish to note here, that any Atheist would not find this of interest, so therefore, you are advised by me now....... Do not waste your time reading it:)
There is much to say folks....... BUT, I will not close for now leaving you with "doom and gloom".  I will tell you that you know and I know very well, that we are all spiritual beings and no matter what might happen, Good or Bad........ WE are standing always in THE LIGHT, we are close in the presence of and protected by THE UNIVERSAL MIND!:)  More later...

Love and Light!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


I hope to be brief with my presentation on that which many of us have discovered about ABORTION during both THE NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE AND OBES.
As we all know, today the subject is major.  As for my personal opinions about the issue, I will simply state them to the point:  I do not believe an ABORTION is the correct move for a human being to make, BUT, I also believe that all women have a "personal right" to do or have done to her own body that which she chooses during her journey on this planet.  The other opinion I have about physical life is this:  I do not believe in CAPITAL PUNISHMENT.  Human beings have absolutely no rights to destroy that which they did not create and spiritually, do not own!
Having said that, I wish to present to you what I have discovered about the act of Abortion.
Here I will use as an example the experience of those having had a NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE.  (The experience of dying and being declared medically by physicians, dead!)  What happens that continues to be investigated and studied is when the patient is re-
resuscitated on many occasions worldwide.... They report having experienced the "exact same" episodes while considered dead?  I have listed many references to you in previous blogs in case you wish to check these experiences for yourself.... Ex.  HEADING TOWARDS THE OMEGA/DR. KENNETH RING, LIFE AFTER DEATH/DR. RAYMOND MOODY, etc.)
During the out of body experiences and the near death experiences, there seems to never be feelings of uncontrollable emotions and bleeding hearts that we express in the physical.  The feelings are always, happy, exhilarating moments!  Everything and anything be- comes available to us.  ALL QUESTIONS ABOUT PHYSICAL LIFE ARE AND CAN BE ANSWERED!  Our minds seem to expand beyond comprehension.  So does our becomes panoramic!  We are enabled to "see" everything at once.  I personally have never "seen" Angels with wings, BUT, instead, "Beings" that are without a doubt "highly evolved" and full of LIGHT!  Whiter, brighter LIGHT than anything seen here in physical earth time.  Also, I want to say this.....Most of us cannot no matter how we try, explain with clarity that which we "see?"  I can only say this, that which we are able to see and experience is NOTHING like anything here in physical reality!  (But you can find out more about those things in my other blogs....)
I would like to address the subject here of something interesting in references to ABORTION.  When being in a non-physical environ-
ment, myself and every person who has achieved these experiences have confirmed.....YOU CANNOT STOP GRINNING, LOL:)  It feels as if your lips are glued from side to side and you cannot take that grin off of your face!  The feelings of excitement and happiness is beyond belief as we know on this earth.  Never have I ever spoken to or read about or experienced any kinds of negativity.  All entities which speak or assist in revealing information about anything good or what we might call, bad, is done with LOVE and a gently smile.
NOW.  My point:  THE ONLY TIME I HAVE BEEN INFORMED ABOUT A STATE OF SADNESS AND DEPRESSION WAS THAT OF A SPIRIT WHO CHOSE TO COME TO THIS DIMENSION AFTER HAVING "CHOSEN" THEIR PARENTS OR PARENT, WAS WHEN THEY HAD ARRIVED IN THE WOMB AND WAS "ABORTED!"  The information given to me was that the spirit immediately departed and returned to its' place of departure, feeling sad and rejected.  The spirits next plan would be to recover from its' feelings of sadness and prepare to seek another accepting physical being on the planet.
In conclusion on the subject, here I have given you a very simplistic description of that which I know, but I also know that it is far more complicated than presented..... because there are many deep issues that involved each physical individual that is a part of this situation.  I have also learned about the so called, RIPPLE EFFECT that occurs with all negative acts as well as positive ones!  I will only say here that the act of Abortion does cause this RIPPLE EFFECT and EVERYBODY INVOLVED BECOMES A PART OF IT!
                                                                                           More later........
Love and Light!

Saturday, April 27, 2013


  I truly believe that which the amazing Louise Hay says about our parents.  It is one of the few things in my life that I proudly have been able to know about my own self.  I have never blamed my beloved parents for any of my difficult issues during my journey here on the planet. 
 "I agree with the theory that we choose our parents.  The lessons that we learn seem perfectly matched to the "weaknesses" of the parents we have.
     I believe we are all on an endless journey through eternity.  We come to this planet to learn particular lessons that are necessary for our spiritual evolution.  We choose our sex, our color, our country, and then we look around for the perfect set of parents who will "mirror" our patterns. 
     Our visits to this planet are like going to school.  If you want to become a beautician, you go to beauty school.  If you want to become a mechanic, you go to mechanics school.  If you want to become a lawyer, you go to law school.  The parents you picked this time around are the perfect couple who are "experts" in what you have chosen to learn.
     When we grow up, we have a tendency to point our fingers accusingly at our parents and say, "You did it to me!"  But I believe we chose them."
                                                            More later......
Love and Light!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


               Consider the time and the moment.  The Tenth Guru Gobind Singh

The boy in the picture above died during the bombing that happened at The Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. Martin Richard.  He was 8 years old.  His sister who was 6 years old sustained severe injuries to her legs.... one was amputated due to the blast!
Those who wish may check back to the blogs I have written in the past about children such as he and his sister, that I truly believe are The Children of The New Millennium!
As I have stated before, these children are coming here in an at-
tempt to "save us all from ourselves!"  Fear not... in no way, in spite of that which so many believe, will we destroy this planet/earth in any way, BUT, we continue to be our own worst enemy in heading towards destroying ourselves.
Hopefully, you will join me in sending out our "Love and Light" to these children and their families.                            More later...........

Love and Light!


Monday, April 8, 2013


                                      1925 - 2013
"She is the best man in England"    RONALD REAGAN-1983

                                                                                      More later.........

Love and Light!

Friday, March 29, 2013


                     (Inspection and discovery during the aftermath of 9/11)

"Do not assume that the Universe operates like humankind, because it does not."       Gary Zukav  THE SEAT OF THE SOUL

                                                                                         More later........

Love and Light!

Friday, March 22, 2013


"What is the composition of the conscious mind?  Where does it exist?  Where is the conscious mind, when it is not conscious?  These are questions which cannot be answered by the most sagacious of occult philosophers, and they no doubt always will remain but material for speculation.  We know not even the bounds, the nature or the locality of the conscious mind."  Sylvan Muldoon

Supposedly, according to metaphysical thoughts, we are always to attempt keeping on our chosen paths, in spite of the fact that we might not always be sure of that so called, "chosen path?"
Recently, I have found myself disturbed by feelings of both defeat and fragility's whenever contemplating these things.  Each day, becoming more and more aware of how dismal and negative the world as a whole seems to appear.  Beginning to believe more and more that the planet is "shifting" and preparing for its' major change due to the dark path so much of our world seems to be headed down. 
We need only look around and notice that, no longer are there major problems and difficulties across the globe, but our very own country of America is not that which we remember.  The turmoil has become very evident not only with the citizens of The USA, but also with the unrest with our very own government. 
Recently, in the early evening both my mind and my body felt tired and dismal and I decided to seek shelter in going to bed and hope- fully escaping from physical realities with sleep!
Soon, I felt myself doze off into a light sleep and then a very strange yet familiar unconsciousness.  I could feel the vibrations begin to move over my physical body as the sound of my heartbeat and blood pounding through my veins became as loud as kettle drums playing in a symphony orchestra...... The cataleptic state of being 
had arrived and what seemed within less than seconds, my astral body moved swiftly and gently and smoothly out of my physical body as I sat up on the side of the bed and had all the sensations of being very much energized!
In front of me, deep, deep, dark, black, velvet darkness!  I felt as if I could actually "touch" the texture of the blackness and within moments, it began to become softer and thinner and lighter...... BUT, I could not see in front of me..... My astral eyes seemed to be open, but without clarity.... As always, I suddenly could "hear" my mind demand, CLARITY NOW!  And the excitement over-took my senses when my room became as clear, if not clearer than when my physical eyes were viewing it.  Everything in the room became vibrant and very much alive!  The colors, the shapes, all with a hue of gold around them......
I had no thoughts of the fears and problems left behind me in my physical world of existence.  I did not think of the "way of the world".  This was a whole "new" world of existence and the peace and warmth and excitement of this new environment was awesome to say the least! 
So many thoughts running through my mind...... What shall I do?  Where do I want to go?  What do I want to see?  I knew very well from the experiences of my hundreds of other OBEs that all I need do is ASK!  Then my every wish would be granted....... I suddenly became exactly as the old saying goes, "as a child in a candy store!"
BUT........ without warning, I felt as if a huge thunder bolt had slammed into my body...... Something had attacked my physical body and within less than seconds......I WAS BACK IN MY PHYSICAL in my bed...... opening my eyes and pushing HARRY away from me, who had awakened from a sleep I suppose and was disturbed by my sleeping body and unknowingly snapped me out of my state of projection!  Aahahahahahahha...... Oh well, that was the end of that out of body experience!!!                            More later........
Love and Light!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

ED KOCH 1924-2013

            He that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast.     Proverbs 15:15(KJV) 

I would just like to take this time to pay my respects to, in my opinion, a real "Spiritual Warrior" who seems to have completed his journey here with all of us!
During his time on this planet, I remember briefly meeting him in person, twice.  If there was one person in my lifetime that I was truly in awe of, it was Mayor Ed Koch.
I am sure he will be truly missed by all of we New Yorkers who 
came to love Mayor Koch as much as we loved New York City.
I chose to post this particular photograph of him, because when I instantly saw it, I "felt" as if I were in his presence again.  
Whenever walking down a city street and he suddenly appeared both while "in office" and after he was "no longer in office" he would have that wonderful expression on his face as he was walking in your direction and promptly saying loud and clear, HELLO, NICE TO SEE YOU!
I wish you all the blessings in the world Mayor and I bet there are a ton of those where you are now, thrilled to be in your presence!
                                                                                         More later..

Love and Light!

Sunday, January 20, 2013


"To a man who has, before he dies physically, already acquainted himself with the real conditions of life on the astral plane, one of the most pleasant characteristics of that life is its restfulness and complete freedom from those imperious necessities, such as eating and drinking, which burden physical life.  On the astral plane a man is really free, free to do whatever he likes, and to spend his time as he chooses."  A.E. POWELL  The Astral Body  AND OTHER ASTRAL PHENOMENA

This morning my physical eyes opened and then slowly closed without warning and permitted my astral eyes to open slowly and gently, without notice as my astral body moved upwards towards the ceiling and then glide quickly back to within what seemed like inches of my physical body, but not yet coincide within it.
I remained still without movement and gazed with my astral eyes at my surroundings on my bed.  Harry still comfortably curled up to the lower right of my legs sleeping without movement.
Just as a telescope my eyes investigated my room without moving to venture into it, I simply relaxed and permitted my thoughts to flow unto me.
I decided immediately that I take my time in familiarizing myself with having OBEs in this apartment that would not be that which I would consider "old hat" since, I had not had hardly as many experiences of such since I moved here 3 years ago.
I remained still, without movement whatsoever.  This is the begin-
nings of a new episode of the unfolding of much that I had ques-
tioned for several years now about my present life of the "reasons" for my life having brought itself to this place, both in time and space.
Within that which seemed like seconds, I was fully back into my physical body.  I raised my head to see if Harry had moved  (Be-
I knew very well from habit..... that if I moved even an inch he would lift his head and look in my direction)  He was still curled up at the foot of the bed sleeping peacefully.
As I have noted earlier in my blogs, having experienced these out of body episodes for many decades now, I have become aware of various situations causing my projections without having taken to the many elaborate exercises and manipulations to provoke such ....... They have always been a part of my life in progress du-
ring my journey here on the earth in my present physical vehicle.
Today, when meditating and giving time to listening to The Whisperers, I was made aware that it was now once again time for me to do some more "visiting" with the assistance of those "un-
seen" companions who were guiding me through more of the pro-
cess of my development .
Hopefully, I will continue to share as much as possible with all those who have so faithfully shared that which I am experiencing and with all of my heart and soul, I wish even more that all that I am blessed with in knowledge of the details of my journey, will help and give much, much hope and strength and courage to all those that have and wish to continue to travel in spirit along with me..... More later.

Love and Light!