
Tuesday, April 16, 2013


               Consider the time and the moment.  The Tenth Guru Gobind Singh

The boy in the picture above died during the bombing that happened at The Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. Martin Richard.  He was 8 years old.  His sister who was 6 years old sustained severe injuries to her legs.... one was amputated due to the blast!
Those who wish may check back to the blogs I have written in the past about children such as he and his sister, that I truly believe are The Children of The New Millennium!
As I have stated before, these children are coming here in an at-
tempt to "save us all from ourselves!"  Fear not... in no way, in spite of that which so many believe, will we destroy this planet/earth in any way, BUT, we continue to be our own worst enemy in heading towards destroying ourselves.
Hopefully, you will join me in sending out our "Love and Light" to these children and their families.                            More later...........

Love and Light!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sad :/. Hope you are doing fine Marshall/Max