
Monday, November 18, 2013


"Attempting to have an OBE is not a game or some foolish belief that one will have a simple, whimsical experience of flying through the air and laughing and joking at the fact that one has discovered that one can achieve this feat and should be considered special by others ..... But the most major experience a living human being can have while residing on this planet called, Earth.  I sincerely believe, with all of my heart, that it  occurs on a possible called, "A NEED TO DO OR A NEED TO EXPERIENCE" basis.   Marshall Hill

As I have said to all of those reading that which I wrote previously...... I believe that I have been given or discerned information as reasons for many of us having full blown out of body experiences and the reasons why so many cannot do so.
When reading so many of the books of those professing to give detailed and successful methods of having them, I was able to be made aware of the nonsense and reasons for so many of those books being published..... FINANCIAL/MATERIAL GAIN!
There have been just too many individuals making tiresome attempts to follow the many various instruction given with limited or no success.  Of course I have checked out many of them and most of them all have the same "profile".
Most have had the preliminary experiences and then from there the "inflated imagination" goes into action, attempting to present the existence of various higher planes of existence that are readily accessible once you are out of the physical body.  I have read and heard the journeys into alien nations, realms of hell, etc.
Primarily, negative messages given and future disasters to come........ (Where is the LOVE?:)
Has it ever occurred to these individuals how important it is for we spiritual beings traveling in these earthbound bodies cannot and will not be able to spend more time in our astral bodies than our physical ones???
This is the main reason for our coming to this planet.  We came to learn, and evolve by traveling for a period of time in these physical vehicles.  We will always reside as spiritual non-physical entities, but our physical ones are only temporary!
As Dr. Caroline Myss said.... We are fulfilling sacred contracts here and until we complete them, we will not really fully return to that which might be called, a non-physical place of existence.
Some of us have full blown out of body experiences for very specific reasons.  It is also a part of our journey to become very much aware of the fact that we are not physical beings during these times.  I have come to believe it is on a need to know and be basis.  Therefore, all of the books and instructions made available by so many human beings are not really going to actually send us off onto major journeys in the astral world.
There are some that are very specifically designated to become aware of this ability for various reasons and they are all for spiritual ones!
                                                                                                        More later..........

Love and Light!

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