
Tuesday, May 21, 2013


"The shifting of our planet is continuing to happen.  Where is the LOVE???  The shifting has created severe changes in our global weather, seismic and volcanic activities.  Many of us know very well the devastating catastrophic events that are not only happening here at home in The USA, but all over the world.  This is not due to global warming.... This is happening due to so many of us not realizing that our main purpose for our spiritual selves traveling here in these physical bodies have possibly lost touch with our true purposes of coming here....To love one another!"
Marshall Hill  2013

To all those who continue to follow my blogs, I wish to take this opportunity to inform you that I am preparing to present to you the recent, various "messages" I have been given about what's to come for we who live here in the great country AMERICA!
Through my recent Out of Body Experiences and my deep meditations much has been revealed to me.  And as always, I have become very much aware that any and all "messages" given to me are not just for my personal use, but for sharing with all those who wish to listen.  By the way, I do not consider myself some great psychic/seer.  I am only sharing with other that which both myself and others have discovered when comparing experiences. 

Much has been given in reference to our present and future government in Washington.  What is going on in "real time" and that which is to come shortly. 
Also, there will be information given about THE ANTI-CHRIST!  I wish to note here, that any Atheist would not find this of interest, so therefore, you are advised by me now....... Do not waste your time reading it:)
There is much to say folks....... BUT, I will not close for now leaving you with "doom and gloom".  I will tell you that you know and I know very well, that we are all spiritual beings and no matter what might happen, Good or Bad........ WE are standing always in THE LIGHT, we are close in the presence of and protected by THE UNIVERSAL MIND!:)  More later...

Love and Light!

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